Quy Nhon - Quy Nhon

Quy Nhơn ustida tong otishi

Quy Nhơn- Markaziy Vetnam qirg'og'idagi Bính Dính viloyatining poytaxti, uzoq vaqtdan beri vetnamliklar va chet ellik sayohatchilar tomonidan qadimgi dunyo arxitekturasi o'rtasida yarim kechada qulay tunash to'xtagani kabi ishdan bo'shatilgan shahar. Hội An va gullab-yashnayotgan kurortlar Nha Trang. Ammo biladiganlar uchun bu mensimaslik Quy Nhnni eng noyob toshlarga aylantiradi: plyaj shahri Janubi-sharqiy Osiyo ommaviy turizm vayronalari tomonidan buzilmagan. Tirbandligi kam, xalqaro zanjirlar yo'q va har kuni tushdan keyin ko'pchilik korxonalar bir necha soat yopilishini ko'radigan siesta vaqti bilan, 457,000 kishidan iborat bu shahar (2019) uyqusirab, kichik shaharlarning jozibasiga ega bo'lib, u tijorat va rivojlanishdan keskin farq qiladi. boshqa Vetnam shaharlari.


Shaharning hali ham ko'p sabablari bor xalqaro sayohatchilar radaridan uzoqda. Markazdagi plyajdagi qum - quyuq sariq rangning yoqimsiz soyasi. Okean unchalik yaxshi emas: bu qorong'u rang eng yaxshi loyqa yashil rang deb tasniflanadi. Xalqaro taomlar deyarli yo'q. Tungi hayot yo'q. Ingliz tilida gaplashadiganlar kam. Mehmonxonalar eskirgan, hatto yangilari ham o'rtacha sifatli. Qadimgi arxeologik joylarning aksariyatini topish qiyin, yaxshi saqlanmagan va ingliz tilida ma'lumot yo'q. Va mintaqa Vetnamdagi xalqaro sayyohlar tashrif buyuradigan asosiy qaynoq nuqtalardan yuzlab kilometr uzoqlikda joylashgan.

Shaharga etib borganlar buni topishadi ingliz tilidagi ma'lumotlar kam va mavjud bo'lgan narsa ko'pincha noto'g'ri. Quy Nhunni tasvirlaydigan bir nechta sayohatchilarning barchasi bir xil noto'g'ri manbalardan foydalanadilar va noto'g'ri ma'lumotlar - ko'pincha kulgili ravishda noto'g'ri ma'lumotlar - yillar davomida takrorlanib, hech qachon tuzatilmaydi. Tarixiy ma'lumotlarga kelsak, mintaqa tarixi haqida ingliz tilida juda kam nashr etilgan, shuning uchun xalqaro tashrif buyuruvchilar ko'rgan narsalarini tushunish uchun kontekstga ega emaslar. Hukumat katta yordam bermaydi: sayyohlar bilan tushuntirish ishlari umuman mavjud emas. Hatto 2016 yilga kelib Google Xaritalar ham bir nechta korxonalar va saytlar uchun noto'g'ri joylashuvlarga ega.

Ammo Quy Nhơn-ga ikkinchi qarashni bering, shunda kashf etasiz ko'z oldida yashiringan ajoyib manzil. Tumanli masofaga cho'zilgan tog'larning qatlamlari bilan ikki tomondan ham chegaralangan Quyon Non qirg'og'ining tabiiy go'zalligi asrlar davomida shoirlarga ilhom bag'ishlab kelgan va bugungi kunda ham uning diqqatga sazovor joyidir. Shaharning 5 km uzunlikdagi plyaji bo'ylab yorqin yangi sayrgoh harakat qiladi. Sayohatdan tashqarida, o'nlab ochiq osmon ostidagi restoranlarda 180 daraja okean manzarasi bilan panjara, bug 'va stew dengiz maxsulotlari mahalliy baliqchilar tomonidan atigi bir necha soat oldin tutilib, maysalar va daraxtlar orasida tartibsiz ravishda o'rnatilgan mayda plastik stullarda o'tirgan mijozlarga xizmat qilishadi. Plyajda suv sporti, samolyot chang'isi, qarg'a yo'q; qirg'oqning aksariyat qismi rivojlanmagan, foydalanilmagan va sokin, hatto eng markaziy joylarda ham siz topadigan eng katta aqldan ozish - bu voleybol o'ynaydigan mahalliy aholi va suvga tez-tez to'liq kiyingan vetnamlik sayyohlar.

Markazdan tashqarida siz o'nlab baliq ovchilari qishloqlari va qirg'oq bo'yidagi koylarni, Vetnamdagi eng qulay va eng yaxshi saqlanib qolgan 11-asrdagi Champa xarobalarini, qirg'oq qoyalaridan balandlikda kesilgan tog 'yo'llarining panoramali manzaralarini va toza bo'lmagan plyajlarni topasiz. 10 km masofada jon.

Quyi Nhơnning hamma joylarida odamlar sizni maftun etadi. Deyarli hech kim ingliz tilidagi bir necha so'zdan ko'proq gapirmaydi, lekin chet ellik kam sonli mehmonlardan biri sifatida sizni doimo to'xtatishadi, kattalar va bolalar sizni bitta iborasi bilan salomlashib: "Salom, nima deb nomlaysiz!". Ularning eshiklari har doim ochiq - majoziy ma'noda va tom ma'noda - agar siz biroz aylanib o'tsangiz, oxir-oqibat qorningizga sig'magandan ko'ra ko'proq kofe va ovqatlarga taklif qilinasiz.


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Quy Nhon shahar xaritasi 3008px 01.png

Quyi Nhơnning markazi kichik yarimorolda joylashgan bo'lib, u materikdan Janubiy Xitoy dengiziga ajdarho boshi singari chiqib ketadi. Trần Hưng Díạo ko'chasi sharqdan g'arbga qarab eng qulay yo'l bo'lib, shaharning sharqiy chekkasidan shahar markazidan o'tib, 1A avtomagistrali va shimoli-g'arbdagi temir yo'l stantsiyasi, aeroport va Bính Dính qishloqlariga ulanadi. Sayyohlarni qiziqtiradigan joylarning aksariyati Trần Hưng Đạo janubida joylashgan; shimolda aholi turar joylari, baliq ovlash bilan bog'liq sanoat va sanoat port zonalari joylashgan.

Quy Nhơn shimolidan janubga, keng xiyobonga qarab yugurish Nguyen Tất Thanh shaharni sharqdan g'arbiy qismga ajratadi. Sharqiy tomoni yanada rivojlangan, ko'proq restoranlar va qiziqadigan joylar mavjud; g'arbiy tomonda, Nguyễn Tất Thành-dan uzoqlashgan sari shahar kam rivojlangan bo'ladi. Uzoq g'arbda joylashgan tog 'etagida shaharning janubiy uchida avtovokzal, ulgurji do'kon va bir nechta fabrikalar hukmronlik qiladi, shimoliy uchi Phm Ngũ Lão ko'chasidan g'arbga qurol kengligi iflos labirintiga olib boradi. tirnoqli va panjara tashqarisidagi yog'och uylarni kesib o'tuvchi nomlarsiz chiziqlar; kunduzi yurish uchun ajoyib joy, ammo kechasi qochish kerak: bu xavfli emas, lekin adashishingizga kafolat beriladi.

Shahar plyaji Quy Nhơnning janubi-janubi-sharqiy qismida joylashgan. Mahalliy aholi, sayyohlar egri qirg'oq geografiyasini tushunmagani uchun aylanada yurishadi, deb hazillashadilar, shuning uchun ehtiyot bo'ling: agar janubda bo'lsangiz, plyaj sharqda, agar g'arbda bo'lsangiz, u janubda. Sohil bo'yidagi asosiy yo'l sharq tomonda Xuan Diệu va janubda An Dương Vương deb nomlanadi. Shaharning eng janubida plyaj yo'li Tay Sơn ko'chasidagi avtostantsiya yaqinidagi 1D avtomagistraliga ulanadi.

Quy Nhơn shahar chegaralari (Quy Nhơn mintaqasi xaritasida kadet ko'k bilan belgilangan) shahar markazidan ancha uzoqqa cho'zilib, qirg'oqdagi qishloqlarni, bo'sh plyajlarni va yam-yashil qishloqlarni qamrab oladi. Shimoli-g'arbda, XI asrda Champa imperiyasi va 1960-yillarda Amerika va Janubiy Koreyaning harbiy bazalari joylashgan guruch paxtalari va tekis tekisliklar orasida aeroport va asosiy temir yo'l stantsiyasi joylashgan.

Shahar markazining janubidagi qirg'oqda bir nechta chiroyli koylar va qishloqlar, jumladan, Bay Xép, xalqaro sayyohlar orasida mashhur baliq ovining kichik qishlog'i bor. Shaharning shimoli-sharqida, Phuong Mai yarim oroli, asosan, bepusht erlarning bepoyon sohiliga ega kengligi; u hali ancha rivojlanmagan, ammo tezda sanoat va hashamatli turistik zonaga aylanmoqda.


Quy Nhơn tropik savanna iqlimi deb tasniflanadi, chunki sentyabr oyining o'rtalaridan dekabr oyining o'rtalariga qadar bo'lgan mussonli yog'ingarchiliklar, qolgan to'qqiz oy ichida engil va kam yog'adigan yomg'irlar va deyarli hech qachon 19 ° C (66 ° F) dan past bo'lmagan harorat. yilning vaqti.

Quy Nhon
Iqlim jadvali (tushuntirish)
O'rtacha maksimal va min. harorat ° C da
Yog'ingarchilikQor jami mm
2006 yildan 2015 yilgacha o'rtacha 10 yil. Manba: Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish bo'yicha milliy markazlar.
Imperial konversiya
O'rtacha maksimal va min. harorati ° F
Yog'ingarchilikQor jami dyuym

Bu aprel oyidan sentyabr oyining o'rtalariga qadar eng yuqori turistik mavsumda issiq va yopishqoq, ammo yozga qaraganda ancha yumshoqroq Saygon mamlakatning uzoq janubida yoki hatto Nha Trang 220 km (135 milya) janubda. Quyi Nhơndagi harorat 37 ° C (99 ° F) gacha ko'tarilishi mumkin, ammo yoz kunlarining aksariyati odatda 32 ° C (90 ° F) atrofida bo'ladi va plyaj zonasi okeanning salgina salqin shamollaridan soviydi. Kechqurunlar iliq va yoqimli, odatda harorat 27 ° C atrofida (81 ° F) va hech qachon 25 ° C (77 ° F) dan pastga tushmaydi.

The musson mavsumi sentyabr oyining o'rtalaridan dekabr oyining o'rtalariga qadar ko'p kun va tunlarda yomg'irning kuchli portlashlarini ko'radi. Shahardagi aksariyat korxonalar ta'sirlanmaydilar va ochiq qoladilar, ammo ochiq plyajdagi restoranlarning jadvallari ancha xilma-xil: ba'zilari yomg'ir paytida yopiladi, ba'zilari stollarini oshxona binolariga ko'chirishadi va ozgina jasur ruhlar elementlarga jasur ko'lmaklar orasida vaqtincha boshpana ostida tashqarida ovqatlanish. Quyi Nhơndagi narxlar Vetnamning boshqa plyaj shaharlaridagi kabi mavsumiy tebranishlarga ega emas, ammo musson davrida mehmonxonalar narxi biroz pasayadi.

Dekabr oyining o'rtalaridan fevral oyining o'rtalariga qadar eng sovuq davr. Kunduzgi harorat 25 ° C (77 ° F) atrofida yumshoq. Ammo kechalar sovuq bo'lib qoladi - hech bo'lmaganda Markaziy Vetnam qirg'og'ida sovuq kabi. Kechki harorat odatda 21 ° C (70 ° F) gacha pasayadi va isitish tizimidan foydalanadigan uylar yoki restoranlar juda kam bo'lganligi sababli, mahalliy aholi qishki sviter va sharflarini echib, bug 'chiqayotgan issiq ovqatlarda bir-biriga yaqinlashishadi. Ushbu oylarda Saygon va Vetnamning uzoq janubida juda quruq qish ob-havosidan farqli o'laroq, Quy Nhơnda vaqti-vaqti bilan yomg'ir yog'moqda, ammo yengil va osmondan tushmasdan haftalar ko'p. Tết ta'tilidan tashqarida, bu mavsumda sayyohlar kam.

Fevral oyining o'rtalaridan aprel oyining o'rtalariga qadar Quy Nxenning yoqimli bahor mavsumi. Harorat kunduzi 28 ° C (kechasi 82 ​​° F) ga, kechasi esa 24 ° C (75 ° F) ga ko'tariladi, yomg'ir kamdan-kam uchraydi.


Mahalliy va xorijiy sayyohlar tomonidan tez-tez e'tibordan chetda qoladigan kichik mintaqa uchun Quy Nhơn va uning atrofidagi Bính Dính qishloqlari Vetnam tarixining uchta asosiy davrida hayratlanarli darajada muhim rol o'ynadi: Champa, Tay Sinning isyoni, va Vetnam-Amerika urushi.


Quy Nxun birinchi marta XI asrda mashhur bo'lgan Chams poytaxti, hozirgi Markaziy Vetnam ustidan hukmronlik qilgan mahalliy aholi. 8-9 asrlarda Bính Định hududi uzoq Champa imperiyasining rivojlanmagan orqa suvi bo'lgan; markaz Indrapura poytaxtida, zamonaviy Da Nang (Đà Nẵng) tashqarisida joylashgan. Ammo shimolda Vietlarga qarshi o'nlab yillar davom etgan urushlar Champa imperiyasiga katta bosim o'tkazdi va taxminan 1000 yilga kelib, ularning poytaxti ishdan bo'shatilganda, shohi o'ldirildi, oltinlari o'g'irlandi va ayollari shafqatsiz reydda qul sifatida olib ketildi. Vietlar tomonidan Cham etarli deb qaror qildi va janubga ommaviy ravishda ko'chib o'tdi.

Oxir-oqibat ular sohil bo'ylab 300 km uzoqlikda, hozirgi Binxon viloyatida joylashgan. Hosildor erlari, yaxshi himoyalangan porti va transport uchun ideal bo'lgan katta daryosi bilan bu hudud kengayib borayotgan Cham imperiyasini va uning tobora rivojlanib borayotgan iqtisodiyotini va atrofdagi tog'larni hamda Vietzdan qo'shimcha yuzlab kilometr masofani qo'llab-quvvatlashga qodir edi. - zarur bo'lgan qo'shimcha xavfsizlik choralarini ta'minladi. Cham hozirgi Quyonda savdo markazi va port qurdi va qirg'oqdan xavfsiz tarzda 50 km uzoqlikda tekislikda yangi poytaxt Viajayani tashkil etdi.

Quyi Nxun tashqarisidagi Champa joylaridan topilgan hindu ikonalari Shiva va makara ajdarlari. XI-XIII asrlarda o'yilgan haykallar Frantsiyaning Parij shahri, Gyometa muzeyida saqlanadi.

Keyingi bir necha asrlar davomida Vijaya Cham xalqining madaniy va ma'muriy poytaxti bo'lib, zamonaviy Quy Nxondagi port-shahar uning iqtisodiy dvigatelidir. Cham Markaziy Vetnamda va Janubiy Xitoy dengizining savdo yo'llarida hukmronlik qildi va g'arbda asosiy raqiblari Kxmerga va shimolda Vietzlarga qarshi ketma-ket urush to'lqinlarida ular hozirgi sharqiy Kambodja va Laosning katta qismlarini bosib oldilar.

Ammo Xam podshohlari XV asrda Vetnamga qarshi kurashda xitoyliklarni qo'llab-quvvatlamoqchi bo'lganlarida, haddan tashqari qadam tashladilar. Qasos sifatida Vietzlar Vijayaga yuz minglab askarlardan iborat katta dengiz floti bilan bostirib kirishdi. Vietzlar poytaxtni va uning atrofidagi qishloqlarni yoqib yuborishdi, 60 ming Cham odamini o'ldirishdi, 30 ming qulni olib ketishdi va tirik qolgan dehqonlarni Vetnam madaniyati va tilini qabul qilishga majbur qilishdi. O'tgan asrlarda, qolganlari Cham tsivilizatsiyasi yo'q qilindi Vetnamlashtirishning rasmiy siyosatida parcha-parcha. Chamlarning hindu ibodatxonalari buzib tashlandi va ularning o'rniga Buddist ibodatxonalari qurildi, qabrlar qishloq xo'jaligi erlari bilan qurildi va Chamlar asosan Vetnam tarixiy kitoblaridan yozilgan.

Hozirgi kunda ham Cham Vetnamda ozchiliklarning huquqlari, hukumat tsenzurasi va hattoki xalqaro munosabatlarga tegishlidir. Hali Bính Địnhda bo'lgan bir necha ming Cham tuzatilgan sifatsiz yashash sharoitlari, elektr energiyasiz, suvsiz, ta'limsiz yoki erga bo'lgan huquqlarsiz va ularning ko'pgina diniy urf-odatlari bilan shug'ullanishlari taqiqlanadi. Quy Nhơn ko'chalarida tilanchilar kam, lekin agar ko'rsangiz, ular ushbu atrofdagi qishloqlardan Cham ekanligi ehtimoli katta. 2013 yilda inson huquqlarini himoya qilish tashkilotlari tomonidan hujjatlashtirilgan Cham qishlog'ini bosib olish, zo'rlash va hatto o'ldirish sudga tortilmagan. Hukumat Cham muammolarini juda kam ommaviy muhokama qilishga imkon beradi va 2016 yilga kelib Internetdagi vetnam tilidagi ma'lumotlarning aksariyati tsenzuralar tomonidan bloklangan.

Va g'alati kinoya bilan, Vetnamning Janubiy Xitoy dengizi hududi bo'yicha Xitoy bilan bo'lgan qattiq tortishuvidagi eng kuchli tarixiy dalillaridan biri, Chamga qarshi inson huquqlari buzilganligi sababli ishlatilmayapti. Asrlar davomida Cham Xitoyning hozirgi elektr energiyasini tortib olish markazida joylashgan ko'plab savdo yo'llari va orollarida hukmronlik qilgan, bu hujjatlashtirilgan xitoyliklarning da'volaridan ancha oldin. Ammo o'tmishdagi va hozirgi inson huquqlari buzilganligi sababli Vetnam hukumati Chamsning tarixiy da'volarini ko'tarishdan nafratlanmoqda.

Bính Đ innh sayohatchisi sifatida, Champa o'tmishining eng ko'zga ko'ringan qismi arxeologik joylarni, asosan Quyonda va uning atrofidagi qishloqlarda tarqalgan minoralarni ko'rasiz. Garchi ko'plab saytlar vayron qilingan bo'lsa-da, bu hudud mamlakatdagi eng boy Cham minoralari to'plamiga ega. Shahardagi Thap Đôi minoralari eng qulay hisoblanadi. Qishloqdagi saytlar kattaroq va to'liqroq, ammo ularga kirish qiyinroq, tarixiy ma'lumot bermaydi va g'alati e'tibordan chetda. Agar siz tarixiy kashfiyotga moyil bo'lgan g'ayratli Indiana Jons bo'lsangiz, Quy Nhundan arxeologik kunlik sayohat juda qiziqarli.

Tay Sin

Quyi Nhơn va atrofidagi Bính Dính qishloqlari uchun navbatdagi milliy shuhrat cho'tkasi Tay Sinning isyoni, 18-asrda shimol va janubda hukmron feodal hukmdorlarini mag'lub etgan dehqonlar qo'zg'oloni, xitoy bosqinchilarini mag'lubiyatga uchratdi va birlashgan va mustaqil Vetnamni yaratdi. Harakatni boshqargan Binh Dyandan uch aka-uka, Vetnam bo'ylab va diasporada harbiy g'alabalari va oddiy xalqni Robin Gud singari qo'llab-quvvatlagani uchun mashhur bo'lgan milliy qahramonlardir.

Nguyon Xu, mahalliy bola yaxshi ish qildi

18-asrda Markaziy Vetnamda hayot qiyin bo'lgan. Kuchli feodallarning ikki oilasi - shimolda Trnh va janubda Nguyen o'rtasida yashab turgan dehqonlar Markaziy Vetnamda doimiy bosqinlardan, ekinlari uchun juda katta soliqlardan va Xmer va Siamga qarshi urushlarda majburiy ravishda harbiy xizmatga chaqirilishdan aziyat chekishgan.

Tay Sonning kichik Bính Dính qishlog'idan uch aka-uka zulmkor feodal boshqaruviga qarshi mahalliy dehqonlarni uyushtirdi. Uchta birodarning o'rtasi Nguyon Xuening hiyla-nayrangli harbiy taktikasidan so'ng, dehqonlar, dehqonlar va mahalliy tepaliklarning ragtag guruhi 1770 yillarning boshlarida kuchliroq kuchlarga qarshi qator g'alabalarga erishdi. 1773 yilda Quy Nxan portini qo'lga kiritgandan so'ng, ular janubga haydab, 1776 yilda Nguyon klanini ag'darib tashladilar. Nguyon Xu keyin o'z qo'shinlarini shimolga qarab yurib, 1786 yilgacha Trinh lordlarini mag'lub etdi.

Xitoydagi Tsin imperiyasi, dehqonlar qo'zg'olonini ostonasida bostirishga intilib, Trenni qo'llab-quvvatladi va Vetnamga bostirib kirdi. Ammo Nguyon Xu juda aqlli edi. Bugun Vetnam tarixidagi eng buyuk janglardan biri sifatida nishonlangan jangda 100 ming Tay Son könüllü askarlari 1789 yil Oyning yangi yilida Xitoy qo'shinlariga qarshi kutilmaganda hujum uyushtirishdi (bu strategiya deyarli ikki asr o'tgach, kam muvaffaqiyat bilan bo'lsa ham ko'chirilgan, Shimoliy Vetnam tomonidan Janubiy Vetnam va AQShga qarshi urushda). Tayyorgarliksiz va ichkilikbozlikda ushlangan Xitoy qo'shinlari besh kun ichida ezilib, yana Xitoyga qochib ketishdi.

Nguyon Xu butun mamlakat bo'ylab a birlashgan va mustaqil Vetnamva u ushbu nom ostida Vetnam imperatori deb e'lon qilindi Imperator Quang Trung. Ammo uning hukmronligi uzoqqa cho'zilmadi: u faqat uch yil o'tib, 40 yoshida vafot etdi. Tang Son xalq harakati tartibsizlikka uchrab, tez orada Frantsiyani qo'llab-quvvatlagan Nguyen feodal sulolasi tomonidan mamlakatni keyingi 143 yil davomida boshqargan. . Ko'p siyosiy vetnamliklarning aksariyati Vyetnamliklar Quang Trungning qisqa hukmronligini yo'qolgan imkoniyat deb bilishadi, agar u uzoqroq yashagan bo'lsa, mamlakat boshqa yo'lga tushgan bo'lar edi: tashqi ta'sirga qarshi turishga qodir va zamonaviylashtirishni, oddiy odamlarning huquqlarini qat'iyan ta'kidlagan. va tinch ichki munosabatlar.

Tuy Son shahridagi Quy Nhundan 44 km (27 milya) shimoli-sharqda joylashgan Quang Trung muzeyi, Nguyon Xu va Tay Sonning isyonini sharaflaydi. Muzey va uning atrofidagi hudud milliy siyosatda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi, chunki 1978 yil qurilganidan buyon mamlakatning barcha mintaqalaridan kelgan ko'plab o'tmish va hozirgi rahbarlar tashrif buyurishdi.

Vetnam-Amerika urushi

Amerikalik askarlar Vyet Kongni Quy Nxen qishlog'idagi uydan qidirmoqdalar, 1966 yil. "Tinchlantirish" operatsiyalari 130 mingdan ziyod mahalliy aholining qochqinlar lagerlariga boshpana topish uchun qochishiga olib keldi.

O'zining strategik mavqei bilan port shahri va avtomagistral transport aloqasi sifatida Quy Nxan va uning atrofidagi Binh Dính qishloqlari 1960-70 yillarda Vetnam-Amerika urushida katta rol o'ynagan.

1960-yillarning boshlarida Quy Nxen baliqchilar va dehqonlarning rivojlanmagan kichik shahri bo'lib, mamlakatda keskinlik oshgani sayin sog'lig'i yomonlashib borardi. Bin Zhindagi Yangi Zelandiya shifokorlarining so'zlariga ko'ra, mahalliy aholi "to'yib ovqatlanmagan va ibtidoiy", "iflos uylarda yashagan", "odamning najasi har qanday joyda va hamma joyda topilgan" va plyaj "ulkan hojatxona sifatida" ishlatilgan. Sil kasalligi keng tarqaldi. Kanalizatsiya va oqava suv shahar uchun etarli emas edi va qishloq joylarida yo'q edi. Bính Dhhhning oltita fuqarolik shifokori bor edi: beshtasi Quy Nxunda va bittasi shahar tashqarisidagi 100 km (60 milya) viloyatning million aholisiga xizmat ko'rsatish uchun. Mahalliy aholi G'arb tibbiyotiga ishonishmagan va o'z xastaliklarini xitoy o'simliklari bilan davolash, akupunktur bilan oltin ignalar va singan shisha bilan davolashgan (stakan terini kesib, shifo topishiga ishongan chandiqlar hosil qilish uchun ishlatilgan).

Hudud nominal ravishda Janubiy Vetnam hukumati nazorati ostida edi. Ammo Binh viloyatining aksariyat qismi urush boshlanishidan qariyb yigirma yil davomida kommunistik faoliyat uchun qaynoq joy bo'lgan. Guruch dalalari, zich tropik o'rmonlar va tor tog 'dovonlari Vetnam Kongo qo'shinlari uchun ham, Shimoliy Vetnamning 3-diviziyasi uchun ("Sariq yulduzlar") uchun ideal pozitsiyalarni yaratdi va 1960 yillarning boshlarida Quy Nhun atrofidagi qishloqlar kommunistik kuchlar uchun operatsiyalar markazi.

1963 yilda AQShning bosimi ostida Yangi Zelandiya tibbiyot guruhini Bin Xanga yuborganidan so'ng, chet eldan jalb qilish jiddiy boshlandi. Ko'ngillilarni yollash qiyin kechdi - kivilar mashhur plyajlari uchun Nha Trangni juda yaxshi ko'rdilar, ammo amerikalik shifokorlar buni allaqachon da'vo qilishgan edi. ammo oxir-oqibat, Yangi Zelandiyaning bir nechta fuqarolik tibbiy guruhlari Quy Nhunga etib kelishdi va 1975 yilgacha doimiy ravishda tinch aholining qurbonlarini davolash uchun qolishdi. Vellington shahridan harbiy tibbiy guruh 1967 yilda ularga qo'shildi.

Yo'lbarslar va taekvondo: Quyi Nxondagi koreys askarlari

Quy Nxen Janubiy Koreyaning piyodalar bo'linmasi "Yo'lbarslar" ning bazasi edi. 1965 yildan 1973 yilgacha bo'lgan jami 300 ming askar bilan Koreya qo'shinlari Bingh Dhnh qishloqlarining tog'larida va tekisliklarida Vetnam Kong askarlarini olib chiqish vazifasini bajargan. Amerika va Koreya harbiy rahbariyati o'rtasidagi sinov munosabatlariga qaramay, Quy Nxondagi yo'lbarslar AQSh qo'shinlari bilan kelishilgan va Koreyaning piyoda kashfiyot missiyalari yirik Vetnam Kong g'orlari tarmog'ini - atrofdagi jarlik va qishloqlarning aksariyatini buzib yuborgan Amerikaning harbiy kemalari hujumlari uchun ma'lumot berdi. Quy Nhơn janubidan 15 km (9 milya) janubda.

Koreyalik askarlar Quy Nxun tashqarisidagi mahalliy aholiga taekvondoni o'rgatmoqdalar. 1965 yil.

Quyi Nxondagi koreyslar taekvondo bilan mashhur edilar. Har bir askar kuniga ikki marta jang san'atlari bo'yicha intensiv mashg'ulotlarni olib bordi. Dalada, yo'lbarslar jangovar charchoqni kiyib yurishgan, ammo bazada ular oq jang san'atini kiyishgan dobok bir xil. Taekvondo shou uchun mo'ljallanmagan edi: koreyslar tez-tez kichik kommunistlar bunkerlariga bostirib kirib, Vetnam Kongi partizanlarini qo'l jangi bilan mag'lub qilar edilar. Bunday voqealardan birida yo'lbarslar tomonidan sodir etilgan qirg'inni tasvirlab berar ekan, AQSh askari shunday dedi: "Men umrimda bunchalik bo'yin va singan qovurg'alarni ko'rmaganman. Qolganlarni tozalashga yordam berdik".

Koreya qo'shinlari Bình DĐhh qishloq aholisiga koreys tilida yozilgan Vetnam Kongining zerikarli tuzoqlari jadvalini namoyish etishmoqda. 1968 yil.

Koreyslar uchun til doimiy muammo edi, lekin ular o'zlarining xabarlarini Binh Dhnh aholisiga etkazish uchun so'zsiz echim o'ylab topdilar: g'isht sindirish uchun qo'llarini yalang'och ishlatadigan askarlarning ommaviy ko'rgazmalari - bu yo'lbarslar qilayotgan ishlarni qishloq aholisiga juda nozik namoyish. dalada kommunistlar va ularning hamdardlari umurtqalariga.

Okinavadan suzib ketayotgan AQSh dengiz piyodalari birinchi marta 1965 yil iyul oyida Quy Nxenga kelib tushishdi. Dushmanning otishiga tayyorlanib, sohilda ularni kutib olgan yuzlab ayollar va bolalarni topib hayron bo'lishdi. Amerikaliklar darhol Bính Dính tabiati bilan bog'liq muammolarga duch kelishdi - hasharotlar, zaharli ilonlar, barakdan oziq-ovqat o'g'irlaydigan maymunlar, sirli qizil-jigarrang maymunlar baland vovullayotgan ovozlar va tropik sharoitlarni yaxshi bilmagan asabiy askarlar Quy Nhơn aholisi orasida qahqaha qo'zg'ashdi. kirib kelgan hayvonlarni otib tashlang. Ammo mahalliy aholining ko'magi bilan AQSh askarlari barcha yo'llar bo'ylab tikanli simlardan o'tib, har kuni kechqurun quyosh botishidan to quyosh chiqquniga qadar har kuni komendantlik soati o'rnatdilar va shaharda tezda to'siq qo'yilgan garnizonlarni qurdilar.

Mahalliy aholi yuz minglab askarlarning kelishi bilan taqdim etilgan iqtisodiy imkoniyatdan foydalangan va hozirgi Quy Nhơnning katta qismi qurilgan urush yillarida. Do'konlar va restoranlar Amerika taomlarini sotishdi, askarlar uchun arzon ichimliklar taklif qilish uchun barlar ochildi va shahar hokimini AQSh zobitlari uchun maxsus fohishaxonaga aylantirganida merning o'zi ozgina boylik orttirdi.

Amerikalik hujum samolyotlari Quy Nhunga 1965 yilda etib kelgan. Uchuvchilar mavjud aeroport va uning markazidagi (hozirgi Kupmart yaqinidagi) kichik uchish-qo'nish yo'lagining yomon qurilishi haqida qattiq shikoyat qilgandan so'ng, Amerika va Koreya qo'shinlari Phù Cát shahridagi aviabaza Quy Nhơndan 30 km shimoli-g'arbda. 100 dan ziyod samolyot va jami yuz minglab xodimlar joylashgan Phù Cat urush paytida eng yirik aviabazalardan biriga aylandi va AQSh askarlari uchun xizmat ko'rsatadigan ko'ngil ochuvchilarning sevimli to'xtash joyiga aylandi, Bob Xope, Rakkel Uelch va boshqa 1960-yillarning amerikalik mashhur yulduzlarini qabul qildi. Ann-Margret. 1960-yillarning oxirlarida Bin Chinh viloyatining asosiy fuqarolik aeroporti bo'lib xizmat qilgan Phù Cat aviabazasi napalm va defoliatsiya-bombardimon ishlari Janubiy Vetnam o'rmonlari va tog'laridagi Vietnam Kong yashirin joylarini yo'q qilishga qaratilgan.

AQSh va Janubiy Vetnam askarlari Bingh Dính qishloqlarini Vetnam Kongini qidirib topishda hindiston yong'og'ini sindirishmoqda. 1967 yil iyun.

Qishloq joylarni "tinchlantirish"- kommunistik qo'shinlarni yashirin bazalaridan chiqarib yuborish - Quy Nhunda joylashgan AQSh, Janubiy Koreya va Janubiy Vetnam kuchlarining asosiy maqsadi edi. Janubiy Vetnam bo'ylab olib borilgan havo operatsiyalari bazasi rolidan tashqari, bu hududning o'zi 1965 yildan 1968 yilgacha Quyi Nxundan 19-avtomagistralda 80 km (50 mil) shimoliy g'arbiy qismida joylashgan An Xe kabi qishloqlarda er usti janglarning asosiy joyi bo'lgan. , Phù Mỹ, Quy Nhơn qirg'og'idan 50 km (30 mil) shimoliy va Quy Nhơndan 80 km (50 mil) shimoliy qirg'oqda Bồng Sn.

Qishloq bo'ylab janglar avj olganligi sababli, Binh Dhnh qishloq aholisi o'z uylaridan majburan chiqib ketishdi va qochqinlar lagerlari shishib ketdi 1966 yil oxiriga qadar 130 mingdan ziyod odamni qabul qilish. Eng katta lager Quy Nxen shahrida bo'lib, taxminan 30 ming kishi plyajdagi vaqtincha boshpanalarda yashaydi yoki oddiygina qum ustida uxlaydi.

Quy Nhun ozgina janglarni ko'rdi, ammo Tet hujumidan uch hafta oldin, 1968 yil yanvar oyida Shimoliy Vetnam va Vetnam Kong kuchlari shaharga zarba berishdi. Shiddatli janglar bir necha kun davom etdi, temir yo'l vokzali atrofida, ikkala tomondan ham granata otilib, hududning katta qismini vayron qildi. Shahardagi AQSh askarlari va qishloqdagi Janubiy Koreya qo'shinlari bir necha kundan keyin kommunistik kuchlarni haydab chiqarishdi va shahar urushning qolgan qismi uchun asosan jangsiz qoldi.

AQSh, Janubiy Koreya va Janubiy Vetnamdan kelgan qo'shinlar 1969 yilga kelib Vyet Kongning aksariyat qismini Quyi Nxen atrofidagi aholi punktlaridan haydab chiqarishdi, ammo Kommunistik kuchlar Binh Dxnh qishloq joylarida chuqur joylashib olishdi. AQShning mintaqaga bo'lgan sadoqati susaygani sayin, kommunistik kuchlar soni ko'payib bordi va 1971 yilga kelib Vetnam Kong yana Quyin va Phu Kat tashqarisidagi Binh Dhnhning aksariyat qismida hukmronlikni o'rnatdi.

G'orlar va kimyoviy moddalar

Bính Địnhdagi erdagi janglar g'orlardan foydalanish bilan ajralib turardi. Dehqonlar Quy Nhơn tashqarisidagi dalalarda ekinlar va materiallarni saqlash uchun yuzlab g'orlarni qurishgan va urushdan oldin ham, urush paytida ham bu g'orlar dahshatga tushgan qishloq aholisi uchun panoh va kommunistik qo'shinlar va qurol-yarog 'uchun ideal yashirinishga aylangan.

1965 yilda AQSh zobiti gazni ishlatishga qarshi o'sha paytdagi rasmiy siyosatni buzib yuborganida, bu g'orlar urush paytida juda katta rol o'ynadi. ichkarida yashiringan yuzlab Vetnam askarlarini va mahalliy tinch aholini majburlash uchun shahar markazidan. AQSh harbiy kuchlari xalqaro tanqidlar hujumiga tayyorlanishdi, ammo urushga hali qarshi bo'lmagan favqulodda jurnalistlarning ko'magi Nyu-York Tayms hatto Quy Nhơn ko'z yoshartuvchi gaz foydasiga "har qanday boshqa samarali harakatlar turidan ko'ra ko'proq insonparvarroq" deb nomlangan tahririyat maqolasini chop etdi) AQSh prezidenti Lindon Jonson o'z generallariga kimyoviy qurollardan foydalanishni taqiqlashni bekor qilishni buyurdi.

"Vetnamlashtirish" strategiyasi doirasida Quyi Nxondagi Amerika va Koreya kuchlari 1970 yildan boshlab doimiy ravishda qisqartirilib, 1973 yilgacha butunlay olib chiqib ketilib, barcha shahar va qishloq garnizonlarini, shuningdek Phù Cattdagi ulkan aviabazani kurashayotganlar qo'liga topshirdilar. Janubiy Vetnam kuchlari.

Xalq armiyasining kuchi 1974 yil davomida o'sib bordi va 1975 yil boshlarida Markaziy Tog'lardagi g'alabalar Xanoyga Binh Dhnhga hujum qilish va Janubiy Vetnamni ajratish uchun zarur operatsiyalar bazasini berdi. Xalq armiyasi 1975 yil mart oyi boshida 19-avtomagistralga va Phu Kat aviabazasiga hujum qila boshladi. Mart oyining oxiriga kelib katta yo'qotishlarga duch kelgan Janubiy Vetnam hukumati mintaqani tark etish to'g'risida buyruq berdi. Viloyatda betartiblik avj oldi. Qo'shinlar va qishloq aholisi iloji boricha ilgarilab borayotgan xalq armiyasining hujumidan qutulishga harakat qildilar; asosiy avtomagistraldan foydalanishga to'sqinlik qilib, ular Quy Nhơn-ga etib borishga harakat qilib, "ko'z yoshlar ustunida" o'rmon o'rmonlari va guruch maydonlari bo'ylab yurishdi. Kuchli bombardimon ostida Janubiy Vetnam uchuvchilari shoshilinch ravishda Phù Kat aeroportidan yuzlab harbiylarni olib ketayotgan 32 ta samolyotni uchib chiqishdi, ammo yana 58 ta samolyotni uchish-qo'nish yo'lagiga tashlab qo'yishdi. Qolgan 7000 dan ortiq Janubiy Vetnam qo'shinlari Quy Nhơn portiga shoshilishdi va shoshilinch ravishda janubga qochayotgan kemalarga o'tirdilar. Boshqa qarshiliksiz, Xalq armiyasi tezda oldinga yurdi va Phù Cát aviabazasi va Quy Nxen shahrini egallab oldi 1975 yil 31 martda. Ushbu sana har yili viloyat ozodligi kuni sifatida nishonlanadi.

AQSh shifokori Phù Cát aviabazasidan 10 km g'arbdagi qishloqdagi mahalliy aholini emlaydi. 1970 yil yanvar.

Urush tugaganidan beri, tuproqni tozalash Bình Định-da asosiy e'tiborga ega. Vetnamda AQShni kimyoviy bombardimon qilishning asosiy bazalaridan biri sifatida Phù Kat va Quy Nh aroundn atrofida 3,5 million litrdan ortiq Agent Orange saqlandi. Kimyoviy moddalar atrof muhitga tarqaldi va tuproq o'nlab yillar davomida katta darajada ifloslangan bo'lib, dioksin bilan bog'liq tug'ma nuqsonlar va saraton avlodlarini keltirib chiqardi. Da Nang (Đà Nẵng) va Biên Hòa aviabazalari bilan birgalikda Phù Cát 2010 yilda AQSh va Vetnam qo'shma tergovi natijasida mamlakatning eng ifloslangan punktlaridan biri sifatida tasniflangan va tozalash ishlari 60 million dollardan oshiqroq bo'lishi kerak. . Binh Dhonda AQSh tomonidan ajratilgan atigi 2 million dollar mablag'ni sarflab, aeroport yaqinidagi ozgina tuproq qatlamini xavfsiz axlatxonaga ko'chirgandan so'ng, hukumatlar 2012 yilda mintaqani ifloslantiruvchi moddalardan xoli deb e'lon qilish uchun katta marosim o'tkazdilar. Ammo bu munozarali qaror edi, chunki mustaqil olimlarning ta'kidlashicha, 2016 yilga kelib tuproq hali ham dioksinlarning qabul qilinadigan darajasidan 400 baravar ko'p. Sayohatchilar uchun asosiy qabul: aeroport yaqinidagi axloqsizlik bilan o'ynamang.

Urush yillari belgilarining aksariyati o'chib ketdi, ammo ba'zi izlari hanuzgacha saqlanib kelmoqda, ayniqsa qishloq joylarida. Phng May yarimorolidagi ulkan rasmiy yodgorlik 1975 yilda Benh Dxnhning ozod qilinishini eslaydi. Shahar markazidagi Bính Dính muzeyida Xalq armiyasi tomonidan qo'lga kiritilgan ko'plab Amerika va Janubiy Vetnam qurollari, jumladan, tank va gubitsa artilleriya qurollari namoyish etilgan. Quy Nhơn hali ham urush yillarida ishlab chiqarilgan ko'plab harbiy bazalarni, asosan aeroport hududida va shahar tashqarisidagi qishloqlarda joylashgan, ammo bir nechtasi shahar markazida plyajga yaqin bo'lgan hayratlanarli darajada eng yaxshi joylarda joylashgan. Va shahar tashqarisida rivojlanmagan qishloq joylarida kichik miqdordagi harbiy texnikani topish odatiy holdir; 2012 yilda Vetnam-Amerika qo'shma jamoasi hattoki samolyot qulagan joyni va 1966 yilda otib tashlangan yo'qolgan AQSh uchuvchisining qoldiqlarini topdi.



Phù Cát aeroporti
  • 1 Phù Cát aeroporti (UIH IATA). Bugungi kunda Quy Nhơn va Bính Dính mintaqasida xizmat ko'rsatadigan asosiy fuqarolik aeroporti 1966–67 yillarda AQSh harbiy havo kuchlari tomonidan Koreya qo'shinlari yordamida qurilgan. 100 dan ortiq samolyotlar va o'n minglab askarlar bilan Ph Ph Kat AQSh va Janubiy Vetnam havo kuchlari uchun urush paytida asosiy bazalardan biri bo'lgan. 1975 yil mart oyida, Saygondagi Janubiy Vetnam hukumati o'z qo'shinlariga hududni tark etib, janubga qochib ketishga buyruq berganidan so'ng, aeroportni Vetnam xalq armiyasi egallab oldi va Vetnam havo kuchlari uchun harbiy aerodrom sifatida shu kungacha foydalanishda davom etmoqda. Iqtisodiyot 1980-yillarda va 1990-yillarning boshlarida o'sishi bilan fuqarolik terminali qurildi va sobiq harbiy baza mintaqaning savdo aeroportiga aylantirildi. Phu Cat aeroporti (Q193408) Wikidata-da Phu Cat aeroporti Vikipediyada

2016 yil bahoridan boshlab Phù Cátga Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air va JetStar / JetStar Pacific aviakompaniyalari xizmat qiladi. Saygon va ikkitasi bilan Xanoy. Ikkala shahardan bir tomonga chipta odatda byudjet tashuvchilarida 60-90 AQSh dollari va Vietnam Airlines-da 80-110 AQSh dollari turadi. Bir haftadan ko'proq vaqtni oldindan rejalashtirish bilan siz ko'pincha byudjet tashuvchilaridan 50 AQSh dollarigacha bo'lgan chiptalarni topishingiz mumkin.

Har bir reysdan keyin bir necha taksi aeroport oldida kutib turadi. Agar sizga taksining kerakligini bilsangiz, oldindan qo'ng'iroq qilish eng xavfsizdir va sizning kelishingizdan birini kutib turing. Phù Cát aeroportidan Quy Nhơngacha taksi bilan 30 daqiqa davom etadi va shahar ichidagi so'nggi manzilga qarab, 350-40000 dong turadi.

A xizmat avtobusi har bir parvozdan so'ng aeroportdan shahar markaziga yuguradi. Tickets are purchased on the bus and cost 50,000 dong per person. The shuttle bus waits just outside the airport on the right-hand side when you exit the terminal. There's only one shuttle bus per flight; it's small and fills up quickly after passengers collect their luggage from the tiny baggage carousel, so to be guaranteed a spot, head outside immediately after landing and claim a seat before the crowd arrives. Bags are allowed at no extra fee, although your luggage might get messy as all the suitcases are stacked inside the shuttle bus and passengers often use them as extra seats or footrests. The shuttle bus passes for about 45 minutes through the lush green fields of the countryside, dropping people off in the small villages along the way, and ends in the city centre at the parking lot in front of the airline building at 1 Nguyễn Tất Thành street (the address is misleading; the building is at the corner of Phạm Hùng and Mai Xuân Thưởng). There's a pleasant outdoor cafe two steps from the shuttle drop-off spot where you can wait. Taxis and motorbike taxis (xe um) are occasionally available when the shuttle arrives, but you definitely can't count on it; if you'll need onward transportation, just ask a friendly passenger in the bus for help to call a taxi and the cab will wait for you at the drop-off spot at no additional charge.

By car or motorcycle

As the biggest city between Hội An and Nha Trang, Quy Nhơn is often used by Vietnamese and local travellers as a convenient overnight stop for coastal trips.

The scenic Highway 1D connects Quy Nhơn to Nha Trang 220 km (135 mi) to the south, offering stunning views of the coast and beaches as it wraps around mountain passes. Traffic is light, and you can easily average at least 40 km (25 mi) per hour throughout the whole journey.

Hội An lies 290 km (180 mi) to the north of Quy Nhơn on Highway 1. The road is well-maintained in most areas, but in comparison to Highway 1D heading south, traffic is heavier and the views are less impressive. The road winds on and off the coast and often passes through small villages where locals use the highway to dry seeds, which can significantly reduce the space available for driving and make the journey slow and potentially hair-raising. Most drivers won't average more than 30 km (20 mi) per hour.


Diêu Trì train station

Quy Nhơn is served by the Diêu Trì train station on the main Vietnamese north-south reunification line.

The station lies 13 km (8 mi) to the northwest of the city. A taxi between the city centre and Diêu Trì station costs 120,000–175,000 dong. A local bus runs between the station and the city centre once per hour and costs 3,000 dong per ticket.

In addition to the main Diêu Trì station, there is also a much smaller station in the city centre just off Lý Thường Kiệt street near the Quang Trung roundabout. The small train between Diêu Trì and the central station takes 25 minutes and costs 30,000 dong. Not all north-south trains from Diêu Trì have connections to the station in central Quy Nhơn, but if your train does, it's a cheap and convenient alternative to a taxi.

Seats on the main north-south national train routes can usually be purchased on the day of travel at Diêu Trì station, but beds, particularly the soft beds in the four-person berths, sell out frequently; at high times, it's best to book a week or more in advance.

Approximate prices and trip length:

  • Da Nang (Đà Nẵng): 6 hours. Hard seat 150,000 dong. Soft seat 200,000. Hard bed 250,000.
  • Nha Trang: 4 hours. Hard seat 110,000 dong. Soft seat 145,000. Hard bed 175,000. Soft bed 210,000.
  • Saigon: 13 hours. Hard seat 300,000–555,000 dong. Soft seat 350,000–700,000. Hard bed 550,000–735,000. Soft bed 650,000–1,000,000.


The main bus station is at the base of the mountains on the southwest edge of the city. The entrance is on the west side of Tây Sơn street between Cần Vương and Vô Liêu streets. The location is convenient for buses, providing direct access to the main highway, but it's a sparsely-inhabited industrial area of town. If it's your first glimpse of Quy Nhơn, don't worry: the city is ko'p nicer than what you see when you arrive.

Tickets can be purchased in advance or on the day of travel from the several bus company offices in the covered area of the ramshackle station. In the week before and several weeks after the Tết holiday, advance bookings are essential, and even then buses might be fully sold out or cancelled. But at most other times, tickets are almost always available for next-day travel and quite often for same-day travel. Tickets purchased in Quy Nhơn tend to cost slightly less than the reverse route purchased in a bigger city.

Quy Nhơn's small-town fairness extends to bus tickets. In contrast to other Vietnamese cities, you won't be charged more because you're a foreigner: as long as you buy directly from the bus company ticket window in the Quy Nhơn bus station, you'll pay the same price as locals.

Quy Nhơn is hundreds of kilometres from other major cities, and bus companies offer many different options for covering the distance: the price, length of journey, quality of bus, and number of stops vary considerably between different buses. In general, direct buses from Quy Nhơn are 25,000–75,000 dong more expensive and can be a few hours faster than those which make local stops. Overnight trips tend to be faster and more reliable in their estimated arrival times than daytime journeys. As in other cities in Vietnam, bus companies in Quy Nhơn are notorious for driving at breakneck speeds through the countryside. But they still invariably end up arriving later than the very optimistic time estimates they give you. Be prepared that your bus ride might end up taking at least an hour or two longer than promised... and maybe a lot more.

As a rough guide, the trip length and typical prices for one-way tickets from Quy Nhơn are:

Atrofga boring


Quy Nhơn is a pleasant city for driving your own motorbike. Traffic is slow and light, particularly when compared to bigger cities such as Saigon, Da Nang or even Nha Trang. Cars are much less common than in the bigger Vietnamese cities, which also helps make motorbike driving smooth and safe. Most streets don't have—or need—traffic lights. Nowhere within the city is more than 15 minutes away by motorbike. And parking is free everywhere.

For exploring the surrounding areas, a motorbike is even more ideal. The kilometres of empty beaches north and south of the centre, the mountains on both sides of the bay, and the surrounding countryside and archaeological sites can all be reached very easily in day trips from the city.

Siz .. qila olasiz; siz ... mumkin rent motorbikes from all hotels in the city. Many hotels rent the bikes out, and those which don't always have connections with a bike renter. You have the choice of automatic transmission or semi-automatic (left-foot gear shift, but no clutch needed). The price should be at most 100,000 dong per day; anything more means that the hotel—or the hotel staffer helping you—is getting a nice commission from your payment.


Taxis are generally ordered by phone. The taxi call-centre operators speak no English and probably won't understand your pronunciation of the street names when you request pick-up, so the most effective strategy is to ask a Vietnamese-speaker to make the call on your behalf.

Taxis can also be hailed on the street, but there aren't many empty cabs driving around. Standing on the street and waving in vain at full taxis does tend to attract locals, though, who might kindly call a cab for you.

A typical short ride within the city costs 15,000–30,000 dong. From the far east side to the west costs about 60,000.

  • Sun Taxi, 84 56 368 6868. Largest taxi service in Quy Nhơn. Fare: 5,000 dong for the first 500 metres, 11,300 for each additional kilometre up to 30.5 km, 9,300 for each kilometre after 30.5 km.


Quy Nhơn is pleasant for bicycling as the city is fairly flat and traffic is light.

The main promenade runs directly next to the beach, and with views of the ocean and mountains, a perfectly flat road and very little traffic, it makes for a delightful little jaunt. Bicycles are also great for day trips to explore beaches and archaeological sites in the surrounding area which are too far for walking.

Bicycles can be rented at a few hotels, but bike rentals aren't common and most hotels won't be able to help you. Cafe Ô Mê Ly, a slightly shady karaoke club on the west side of the Coopmart shopping complex on Lê Duẩn street, has a small street-side business offering a few bicycles for rent, including tandem (two-person) bicycles. Prices are negotiable; locals pay 20,000 dong for an hour and 100,000 for a day.


On the one hand, Quy Nhơn is a wonderful city for walking. Traffic is very light, and crossing the street isn't the life-threatening hazard that it is in the bigger Vietnamese cities. People are friendly and constantly greet foreigners with "Hello". And many of the lanes are very picturesque: old wooden houses, street vendors on every block, peeks of local family life visible through the always-open doors, and sidewalks lined with trees and Vietnamese flags. Additionally, the well-maintained beach promenade is beautiful for a stroll and quite often nearly empty of other people.

And if you're just going for an ocean holiday and will stay at a hotel close to the beach, you can definitely get by on foot and with the occasional taxi.

On the other hand, although it's not a huge city, Quy Nhơn is quite spread out, and winding streets can make walking times slightly longer than what you'd expect given the as-the-crow-flies distances. Even at a brisk pace, it could be 20–30 minutes to walk from the central areas to the beach, while a walk from the far southwest end all the way to the eastern tip takes about 90 minutes. And the beaches and archaeological sites in the surrounding countryside are definitely too far for any walking trips.

U yerda public transport of any type that is useful for getting around within the city.

Bottom line: if you want to explore the city and don't fancy walking for hours, plan on taxis or your own motorbike. But if strolling for hours as you explore quaint streets sounds like fun, then it's a fabulous walking city.

Siklo bo'yicha

Quy Nhơn cyclo driver and passenger

Cyclos have fallen out of favour, but there are still more than 100 full-time cyclo drivers in the city.

In contrast to bigger cities where the cyclos are often marketed to foreigners, cyclos in Quy Nhơn are mainly used by locals. Customers are often either older residents who don't drive or street vendors transporting food and goods cheaply. The drivers are all men and are usually older than 45.

Because of their local customer base, the cyclo drivers generally wait for customers in the main streets of the city rather than at the beach. They often congregate near local markets; for example, there are usually a handful waiting at the southern end of the central market at Tôn Đức Thắng and Trường Chinh streets.

Drivers speak no English, but they're expert in the geography of the city, so to get started, just point on the map to your destination or show them its address. Narxlar bo'yicha kelishib olinadi. A short ride of 1–1.5 km costs locals about 7,000 dong. Most cyclo drivers in Quy Nhơn aren't used to foreign customers. They might initially request higher prices from you than they offer to locals, but in contrast to other Vietnamese cities, they're not mercenary: a smile and a little friendly bargaining will quickly get them down to local levels.

By motorbike taxi

Ozgina xe um (motorbike taxi) drivers exist, but in contrast to cities such as Saigon, motorbike taxis are fairly rare and cannot be relied on as a normal mode of transport.

Although full-time xe um drivers can be quite difficult to find, enterprising locals will often offer foreigners a quick ride for a fee or even for free.

You negotiate xe um fares in advance before starting the ride. The price should be a slight discount to what a taxi would cost for the same route, but drivers often initially ask foreigners high prices for small trips, e.g. 60,000–100,000 dong for a trip that should cost 20,000.


Lar bor no local bus routes of any real use serving the streets of the central city.

For trips to the bays and coast south of the city centre, there is a bus between Quy Nhơn and Chí Thanh which stops in Bãi Xép, the tiny fishing village which has become popular among Western tourists. From Bãi Xép to the city, the bus route passes along the coast and north over the mountain into Quy Nhơn, heads past the main bus station and makes several stops along the beach promenade before ending on the west side of the Coopmart shopping complex. It runs hourly from 05:30 to 17:30.



  • Bãi Xép beach and village. With deserted beaches, hilly islands close to shore, and round wooden fishing boats bobbing in the water, the tiny village of Bãi Xép 10 km (6 mi) south of the city centre has become a popular destination for international tourists looking for seaside tranquililty. It's part of the city, but the little hamlet is a world of development away from even sleepy Quy Nhơn's decided lack of buzz and feels more like a remote island than a suburb. The access road to the village is a tiny lane running down the hill from Highway 1D. At the bottom, the lane splits into two one-metre wide passages between the villagers' houses: the left leads to the cove used by the fishermen, while the right takes you to a secluded beach and two guesthouses run by and for foreigners. At the south end of the Bãi Xép cove past a fence is the only luxury hotel in the region, the Avani Beach Resort; it shares the same tranquil waters and postcard view of the nearby islands, but its end of the beach is private and off-limits to non-guests.
    Running over the mountains and high above the shore, the road between Quy Nhơn and Bãi Xép has jaw-dropping views, and there are many points along the highway where you can stop to take panoramic pictures of the city and the coast. North and south of Bãi Xép are many bays below the highway. The most popular are the bucolic hamlets of Bãi Bàng and Bãi Bầu, 5 km (3 mi) south of Bãi Xép, but there are dozens of little coves which you can explore between the jagged rocks along the entire stretch of coast.
  • Beach promenade and city beach.
    Quy Nhơn beach promenade
    The nicely-maintained beach promenade stretches almost without interruption for 5 km (3 mi) along the southeast coast of Quy Nhơn city. Bordered on both sides by layers of mountains receding into the hazy distance, the natural beauty of the city's waterfront setting has inspired poets for centuries. The contrast to more developed beach resorts such as Nha Trang is stark. Much of the Quy Nhơn beach is unused and empty even in peak tourist season. There are no commercial watersports, boat rides, surfing or tours. In the more central areas 1 km on either side of Nguyễn Tất Thành street, locals play football (soccer) and volleyball on the beach, Vietnamese tourists run (often fully clothed) into the water, and families enjoy picnics. The few vendors scattered along the promenade selling food and drinks to local tourists are low-key and don't aggressively tout their wares. In the central beach area, a few hotels and private individuals offer lounge chairs in the summer months. A tiny semi-permanent amusement park in a grassy area next to the beach offers carousel rides primarily for kids.
    With grainy sand a dark shade of yellow, slightly murky water, no international food options, no nightlife, a sleepy atmosphere, and a notable lack of tourist infrastructure in general, Quy Nhơn is far from a typical beach paradise... which is precisely the draw of this beautiful setting for those looking to escape the mass tourism of big resorts.
Bãi Kỳ Co on Phương Mai peninsula

Sandy solitude

Since 2005, provincial authorities have promoted the barren Phương Mai Peninsula as an economic development zone. They completed the longest sea bridge in Vietnam, constructed a highway down the spine of the 20 km (12 mi) long peninsula, built infrastructure, and even meticulously planted thousands of trees and bushes. Happy with their work, they marketed it to investors as a site for oil refineries, industrial factories, and tourist resorts, but nature had other ideas. It turns out there's too much sand... and it never stops coming. High winds from ocean storms push the sand over the land, covering the roads, the vegetation, the factories and any people caught out in the gusty weather. A decade after completion of the bridge, much of the peninsula is still undeveloped, many investment projects were cancelled or delayed, and the factories constructed must frequently clean out the invading sand. The province tried to fight back—workers shovel the deserted highway clean, and projects have been designed to better withstand the sand onslaught—but development has been slow and the empty peninsula has the eerie feeling of a "build it and they will come" scheme gone bad.

Sand, sand, sand

What's tough news for the economic development zone is good news for travellers. The beach on the east side is enormous and much of the northern half is empty of people or development. It's hard to find such a vast stretch of undeveloped and desolate beach so close to a city anywhere in Southeast Asia. It's a fortunate mix of just enough development to make it easy to reach but not enough to blemish the pristine coast. That situation won't last long—as of 2016, development of luxury tourism sites, oil refineries, bottling plants and lumber factories is underway—so take advantage while you can: hop on a motorbike, take a drive over the bridge, and enjoy in solitude the never-ending piles of sand.

  • Phương Mai peninsula. The Phương Mai peninsula (see sidebar) is the easiest—and probably only—place in Vietnam to enjoy kilometres of beach in utter solitude. The beach on the northeast side of the peninsula is almost completely empty for over 10 km. Just leave your motorbike anywhere you like on the side of the highway and scramble over the 300-metre wide sand dunes to reach the coast. Take off your shoes and enjoy: in dry season, the pale-yellow to crystal-white sand squeaks pleasantly underfoot. Small sand hills line the coast; those who manage to scale their slippery heights are rewarded with views of the mountains in the north and of the never-ending coast stretching off to the horizon in the south. There are no stores and no shade, so be sure to take water and lots of sunscreen.
    In contrast to the rolling sand dunes of the northern part of the peninsula, the shore at Bãi Kỳ Co in the south-central area is sharply framed by rocky boulders and stunning cliffs. Jump from the 10-metre (30-foot) cliffs into the clear blue ocean, play in pools of fresh water trapped amongst the inland boulders, swim in salt water lakes connected by underwater passageways to the ocean, hop in a wooden boat for a one-hour jaunt with fishermen to explore the islands just off the coast, or scramble up the jagged cliffs closest to the shore for perfect photo opportunities of the ocean and coast. If you're really adventurous, hike the trail through the mountain forests: the three-hour trek from the top down to the beach takes you through spectacular boulder passes and mountain creeks. And anywhere you are, you can't miss the largest Buddha statue in Vietnam, the 30-metre (100-foot) golden statue constructed in 2014 of Avalokiteśvara, the embodiment of infinite compassion of all Buddhas, looking out over the water.
    Ammo Bãi Kỳ Co is changing rapidly: after years of plans deferred and broken, luxury development began at the end of 2015. An 18-hole golf course drafted by Jack Nicklaus's design company had a partial opening in February 2016 and is the anchor of Hanoi-based FLC Group's drive to build Vietnam's first seven-star luxury resort in the area around Eo Gió beach. So enjoy the area while it's still in its natural state... and still open to the public.
    The mountains on the mainland just to the north of the peninsula have several attractions which are popular with local Bình Định tourists. One kilometre north on Highway 640 past the junction with Highway 19 is the Buddhist Temple Chùa Ông Núi. Founded in 1702, the temple sits on the mountain to the west of the highway and has stunning views of the coast and the ocean. Near the temple closer to the shore is a massive stone and metal sculpture which commemorates the capture of Bình Định by People's Army's forces in March, 1975. Behind the cafe on the road opposite the sculpture, a steep boulder walkway carries an odd mix of selfie-shooting locals and gruff fishermen down to a picturesque cove crammed with round wooden trawlers sandwiched between the water and the cliffs.
    The easiest way to explore the peninsula from Quy Nhơn is to rent a motorbike and drive over via the Thị Nại bridge. From the city centre, take Nguyễn Tất Thành to Trần Hưng Đạo. At the large intersection, head north on Võ Nguyên Giáp. You'll cross four small bridges as you pass through industrial parks and agricultural fields on all sides. After 3 km, the road bends east and you'll see the 2.5-kilometre long Thị Nại bridge stretching forlornly across the sea. At least, hopefully you'll see it: the crossing is notorious for being covered in fog and strong winds even when the city is sunny, so take care when on the bridge not to get blown over by the gusts of air, water and sand. After reaching the peninsula and passing a petrol station on the right, you'll reach a confusing series of roundabouts; most head to factories and the not-yet developed areas, so be careful to follow the signs for Highway 19B. Once you're on Highway 19B, it's a straight line north for 20 km (12 mi) to the top of the peninsula.

Cham towers

  • Tháp Bánh Ít (Banh It Cham Towers, Silver Towers), Đại Lộc village, Tuy Phước district (halfway between Quy Nhơn and Phù Cát airport). Daily 07:00–11:00 and 13:30–17:00. Lardan biri best large sites of Cham ruins still surviving, and certainly the most accessible and best restored in the countryside, Tháp Bánh Ít (Banh It Cham Towers) is a cluster of four towers built in the 10th–11th centuries on a hilltop overlooking the river 17 km (10 mi) northwest of Quy Nhơn. The Cham constructed the Bánh Ít site to fit in harmony with the environment, and while not as enormous as ancient sites in Angkor yoki Borobudur, the site even today is a beautiful medley of rolling countryside hills, river and towers. Although the site had nothing to do with silver, early French colonialists named Champa sites after minerals, and their name of "Silver Towers" stuck and is still used today by many foreign sources. The most common name used for the towers by the Vietnamese, Bánh Ít, is also the name of the local sweet cake specialty.
    Approaching from the east, the first tower is the 13-metre (42-foot) gate. Up the hill from the gate are the three larger towers. The biggest is 20 metres (65 feet) high, with intricate carvings of humans, birds, flowers, and the elephant god Ganesa and the monkey god Viyu in dancing pose. The architectural style is unique among Cham ruins for the vertical columns and grooved tiles, the use of sandstone for the roof edges, and false doors topped by soaring arches in the shape of spears. The site held many statues, but sadly, most of them were shipped off to Europe by French colonialists in the late 19th century. The most impressive of the artworks, an intricately-carved 11th-century statue of a three-eyed Shiva seated on a lotus, is held in the Musée Guimet in Parij, while copper statues of Genesha, Uma, and Brahma vanished into private French collectors' hands in the early 20th century.
    If you're feeling particularly adventurous, the undeveloped countryside around the main towers is full of small centuries-old ruins. Although only the four complete towers survive, the area had many more buildings, and poorly-funded archaeological surveys haven't had the resources to completely investigate the grounds. Small fragments are hidden in many places in the undergrowth, and, with luck, you can even find complete corner pieces of several buildings overgrown by trees, particularly to the east of the main site. But don't disturb anything: you're allowed to explore the ruins, but it's illegal to take, sell, export, or damage any historical relics in Vietnam.
    The Bánh Ít site is just east of the junction between Highway 1A and Highway 19. Halfway between Quy Nhơn and Phù Cát airport, you can easily combine a visit with a trip to or from the airport. As with all sites outside the city centre, driving your own car or motorbike is the most convenient transportation option as it gives you the flexibility to explore the surrounding countryside. A taxi from the city takes 15–30 minutes to the towers and costs about 100,000 dong from the north centre of the city and up to 200,000 dong if coming from the southwest beach side. Two bus routes, T4 and T6, run infrequently from stops in the city at the Quang Trung roundabout and Tháp Đôi Towers, leaving you a 20-minute walk from the towers at the junction of Highway 1A and Highway 19. The bus costs 10,000 dong, but if you're tight on time, stick to a taxi: the bus schedule is infrequent and even the scheduled buses often fail to appear.
    Another transportation option is the airport shuttle bus which services arriving and departing flights. From the airport, the shuttle bus travels south down Highway 1A. If you stand on the west side of the road, you can hail the bus. Tickets normally cost 50,000 dong from the airport, but if there's space in the shuttle, the driver will pick you up and take you to the city for 25,000 dong from the towers.
    Entry to the towers is 10,000 dong and parking 5,000 dong, but the site is little visited and it's possible you might enter and never see anyone or be asked for money.
  • Tháp Dương Long (Duong Long Cham Towers) (50 km (30 mi) northwest from Quy Nhơn). Daily 07:00–11:00 and 13:30–17:00. Three Cham towers built in the late 12th century, about 50 km (30 mi) outside Quy Nhơn. These impressive towers are the tallest Cham structures still remaining in Vietnam: the centre tower is 24 m (78 ft) high, while the two outside towers each measure 22 m (72 ft). The bodies of the towers are made from bricks, while the bases are built from massive carved boulders. Patterns carved into the bases show a glimpse of ancient Cham culture: flowers, gods, elephants, large human breasts, dragons. The towers were in the middle of a civic area, which now can only be seen in the ruins and artefacts strewn about on the surrounding grounds. The site feels abandoned and wild. Money for preservation and restoration was cut in the late 2000s, and except for the occasional presence of a caretaker, the site is utterly empty and you'll probably be alone as you explore the area. There is no information at the site.
    Renting your own motorbike is the cheapest and most convenient transportation option. A taxi from the city costs 500,000–600,000 dong one-way. There is no bus. The towers can be combined with a day trip to the Quang Trung museum 10 km to the west.
    Entry ticket—when the caretaker is present and awake—costs 3,000 dong.
Tháp Đôi Cham Towers
  • Tháp Đôi Cham Towers (Thap Doi Cham Towers, "The Twin Towers"), Trần Hưng Đạo (between Đặng Xuân Phong and Tháp Đôi). Daily 08:00–11:00 and 13:00–18:00. 2 km from the city centre, the Tháp Đôi are the most accessible Cham towers in the country. The Hindu Cham people started construction on the two 20-metre (65 ft) towers in the 11th century after establishing Vijaya as the capital of their empire and the port city of Quy Nhơn as its economic engine. Three towers were planned, but for unknown reasons, only two exist, and the site became known to the Vietnamese as Tháp Đôi ("The Twin Towers"). Unusually for Cham architecture, the Twin Towers eschew the traditional multi-storey square construction in favour of a large rectangular base topped by a carved pyramid structure. The towers were built from brick in the typical Cham style in which pieces were tiled closely together and then baked into a solid block, with the unusual addition of crushed stone for support. The outer structure and external sculptures were made from sandstone. The art and architecture share many characteristics with Angkor sites in present-day Cambodia thanks to the frequent exchange—in both peace and war—between Champa and the Khmer kingdom. This later Cham period is particularly characterized by the intricate and ornate animal statues and carvings which the Cham adopted after moving their capital to Bình Định. The holy bird Garuda rests on top of the vegetation-covered roofs, protecting the towers from evil forces, while below are detailed carvings of giant lotus bases, elephants, lions, monkeys and humans dancing. The towers were restored in the 1980s and 1990s with help from a Polish archaeological team, and the area around them has been developed into a small park, with trees and grass surrounding the archaeological site and shielding it from the traffic outside (ironically, one of the only noisy stretches of road anywhere in the city is Trần Hưng Đạo street directly in front of the towers). The neighbourhood just to the north of the towers is a pleasant and quiet residential area on the banks of the river, with a few local cafes and restaurants. Entry ticket costs 20,000 dong per person as of 2019. Unlike the Cham towers in the countryside, ticket collectors at Tháp Đôi are always present and awake, so you'll definitely be asked to pay.

Buddhist temples

  • Chùa Hiển Nam, 3 Trần Thị Kỷ (between Diên Hồng and Hàm Nghi), 84 56 352 0888. Medium-sized Buddhist temple a four-minute walk from Coopmart just west of Nguyễn Tất Thành Street. Several of the buildings and statues are under re-construction in 2016, but the grounds and temple are open to visitors daily from morning to evening.
  • Chùa Long Khánh, 141 Trần Cao Vân (main entrance between Tăng Bạt Hổ and Phan Bội Châu). Large and very important Buddhist temple in Quy Nhơn city and Bình Định province. The temple was first constructed in the early 1700s, but nothing of the original structure remains. The current main building was erected in 1956, and the Buddha statue and lotus pond were completed in 1972. The 1.7 m (5.6 ft) high, 700 kg (1,500 lb) bell was believed to have been cast in 1805. Inside is a statue of Avalokiteśvara, the embodiment of infinite compassion of all Buddhas, who uses his thousand arms to reach out to help the suffering masses. To the side of the temple is a 17 m (56 ft) bluestone statue of Amitābha (Vietnamese: A-di-đà), the celestial Buddha, resting upon a 5 m (16 ft) lotus base. Entrance is free every day from early morning until late evening.
Chùa Minh Tịnh
  • Chùa Minh Tịnh, 35 Hàm Nghi (between Võ Lai and Ngô Mây). Large and active Mahayana Buddhist pagoda complex in the city centre a 10-minute walk west from Coopmart. Founded in 1917 outside the city, it was moved in the 1960s to its current location in order to make room for the expansion of the airport during the Vietnam-American war. The well-maintained temple, which is surrounded by a spacious and peaceful grounds with many colourful statues, is an active and working centre of spiritual studies, community outreach, charity activities. Visitors welcome daily from morning to evening.
Chùa Phổ Minh on the riverbank in the north of the city
  • Chùa Phổ Minh, Lê Thanh Nghị (northern side of riverside quay, 50 m (160 ft) east of the bridge). Impressive and little-visited Buddhist temple of 800 m² (8,600 ft²) set on tranquil riverside grounds of 1,800 m² (19,000 ft²). Work began on the site in 2011. Soon after, five workers were gravely injured in a major accident when the concrete and steel of the third floor collapsed. Construction was suspended, but with the prayers of the monks and the enthusiastic support of the injured workers, the community overcame its grief and the temple was finished in 2013.
  • Chùa Tâm Ấn Tự, 58 Ngô Quyền (entrance at southwest corner with Tăng Bạt Hổ). Active Mahayana Buddist temple on a tranquil 2,000 m² (21,000 ft²) site. A small hut on the grounds began serving as a spiritual home for monks in the 1920s, but was destroyed during war activities in the 1940s. The temple was restarted under new spiritual advisers in 1955, and the structure was built out very, very slowly. After 40 years of glacial progress, construction on the current temple picked up pace in the 1990s and was finished in 1995. The well-maintained temple boasts a 150-kg (330-lb) bell. Open to visitors daily from morning to evening.
Tượng Phật đôi, the tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam, towers over the coast on the Phương Mai Peninsula.
  • Chùa Tịnh xá Ngọc Nhơn, 999 Trần Hưng Đạo (100 m (330 ft) west of busy intersection with Đống Đa). Buddhist temple in the northwest of the city. Nestled amidst the trees and set back against the mountain, the temple's 2,500 m² (27,000 ft²) grounds are a surprisingly peaceful contrast to the bustle of the heavily-trafficked street outside. It was built in 1959, and was restored from 1995 to 1999. Open to visitors daily from morning to evening.
  • Chùa Trúc Lâm, 512 Trần Hưng Đạo (at corner of Đoàn Thị Điểm), 84 56 381-2577. Well-maintained six-storey Buddhist temple in the northern end of the city centre. Open to visitors daily from morning to evening.
  • Tượng Phật đôi, Eo Gió, Nhơn Lý (from Quy Nhơn city centre, follow directions to Phương Mai Peninsula; once on the peninsula, the statue is off Highway 19B at Bãi Kỳ Co cove on the south-central east coast). Towering above the ocean on the Phương Mai Peninsula, this 30-m (100-ft) golden Avalokiteśvara, the embodiment of infinite compassion of all Buddhas, is the tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam. Constructed in 2014, the base is designed to hold the ashes of 8,000 local families.

Christian churches

  • Giáo xứ Hòa Ninh, 128 Nguyễn Huế (near intersection with Phạm Ngọc Thạch).
  • Ghềnh Ráng Church, 21 Tây Sơn (near intersection with Mai Hắc Đế).
  • Quy Nhơn Cathedral (Nhà thờ chính tòa Quy Nhơn), 122 Trần Hưng Đạo (near junction with Lê Thánh Tông), 84 56 382 3017. First built as a local parish in 1892, the church underwent a massive expansion in the 1930s when it became the seat of the regional Catholic Diocese. The 47-m (155-ft) spire houses a 1,800-kg (2-ton) bell donated in 1962 in Catholic outreach efforts by the predominantly Polish congregation of St. Pancratius Church of Chicago. During the war years in the 1960s, the Quy Nhơn Cathedral served as a refuge for displaced locals, and as a place of worship for American soldiers.
  • Quy Nhơn Evangelical Church (Chi Hội Quy Nhơn), 71 Hai Bà Trưng (10 m (33 ft) west of intersection with Lê Lợi), 84 56 382 4791.

Museums and buildings

  • Bình Định Museum (Bảo Tàng Bình Định), 26 Nguyễn Huế (between Lê Lợi and Lê Thánh Tông). Tu–Sa 07:00–11:30 and 13:30–17:00. Located in the east of the centre near the Municipal People's Administrative buildings, this small building has a large collection of Cham artefacts making it more interesting than you'd expect for a small provincial museum. The museum's Cham collection has grown significantly over the last two decades as new expeditions jointly conducted with Belgian and Japanese archaeological teams and Polish restoration experts have excavated and preserved new pieces in the province. The museum, founded in 1980, also houses several American weapons, including a tank and howitzer artillery guns, which were captured in the province by the Vietnamese government in 1975. Oddly, the weapons are haphazardly interspersed amidst Cham artefacts, both inside the museum and in the surrounding outdoor gardens. An additional highlight of the museum, the currency collection, is continuing to expand as scholars work with Chinese experts to survey the artefacts. But unfortunately, the museum itself is underfunded, poorly maintained, and has very little useful information in English. Entry ticket 5,000 dong.
  • Municipal People's Government Offices, 30 Nguyễn Huệ (at corner of Lê Lợi). Imposing and stern complex of several multi-storey buildings housing the city-government offices built in classic communist architectural style. The largest of the buildings towers over the surrounding neighbourhood and is visible from the beach. Its stern architecture is the butt of many popular jokes among the less reverent locals. The complex is lit bright at night with white and red lights. No organized tours are available, but the office workers are happy, albeit surprised, to give a tour from bottom to top if you ask.
  • Quang Trung Museum (Bảo tàng Quang Trung), Phú Phong, Tây Sơn District (44 km (27 mi) northeast of Quy Nhơn on Highway 19/19B). Daily 07:00–11:00 and 13:30–17:00. Emperor Quang Trung, also known as Nguyễn Huệ, is the most celebrated of the Tây Sơn brothers, rebels who led a peasant uprising in the 18th century which conquered feudal houses in the north and south and created a unified and independent Vietnam. He's a revered national hero who was—and still is— celebrated throughout Vietnam and the diaspora for his military victories and support of the common people. Quang Trung and his two brothers were born in Tây Sơn village, and the town's museum honoring him and his family is very important in national politics, with many past and present leaders having visited since its 1978 construction to pay their respects publicly. For Vietnamese—in Vietnam and in the diaspora—who spent their childhood learning his legends, the museum can be very interesting. But for foreigners who have never heard of him, it's less exciting. Bu majmuada janglar davomida saqlangan buyumlar, shuningdek Tay Tin davridagi rasmlar, liboslar va asl hujjatlar saqlanadi. Ammo kollektsiya juda yaxshi namoyish etilmaydi, ingliz tilida ma'lumot kam va bu shahar markazidan etarlicha uzoqdir, agar siz allaqachon Quang Trung bilan qiziqsangiz, bu o'z-o'zidan foydalidir. Agar siz allaqachon Cham xarobalarini o'rganayotgan bo'lsangiz yoki Quy Nxen va Pleiku o'rtasida sayohat qilsangiz, bu er juda yoqimli va har oy bir nechta jang san'atlari namoyishlari mavjud. Maxsus tadbirlar har yili 5 yanvarda, 1789 yildagi Nguk Xi jangining yilligida, Quang Trung dehqon qo'shinlariga "sochlarimizni uzun tutish uchun kurash, tishimizni qora qilish uchun kurash" deb iltimos qilganidan keyin bosqinchi xitoylik qo'shinlarni mag'lubiyatga uchraganida o'tkaziladi.
    O'zingizning mototsiklingizni ijaraga olish muzeyga etib borishning eng arzon va eng qulay usuli. Shahardan keladigan taksi bir tomonga 400000–500000 dong turadi. Avtobus yo'q. Muzeyni sharqdan 10 km uzoqlikda joylashgan Dong Long Cham minoralariga bir kunlik sayohat bilan birlashtirish mumkin.
    Kirish chiptasi 10000 dong.

Bính Địnhdagi jang san'atlari: tug'ilish, o'lim va qayta tug'ilish

Plyajdagi sayohatda jang san'atlari haykali

Bình Định bo'ldi Vetnamdagi jang san'atlari yuragi XV asrdan beri. Mahalliy afsonalarga ko'ra, bu usullar birinchi navbatda tanho va qonunsiz mintaqada bosqinlar, o'g'rilar va quturgan tog 'hayvonlaridan o'zini himoya qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan dehqonlar tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. Jangovar mahoratlar takomillashtirilib, avlodlarga o'tib bordi va 300 yil o'tib Binh Dhnh jang san'atkorlari XVIII asrda mahalliy qahramon Nguyon Xu mamlakatni birlashtirganda oldingi safdoshlar bo'lishdi. Minnatdorchilik sifatida, imperator bo'lganidan keyin u maktablar, musobaqalar, sertifikatlar va rasmiy harbiy rollar bilan davlat tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan tizimni tashkil etdi.

Ammo bu ulug'vor kunlar qisqa umr ko'rdi. 1792 yilda Nguyon Xu vafot etganidan so'ng, yangi feodal sulolasi Binh Dxinning jang san'atlarining barcha izlarini yo'q qildi. Maktablar yopildi va musobaqalar taqiqlandi o'n yillardan keyin har bir ketma-ket hukmron kuch - imperator Nguyon sulolasi, frantsuz mustamlakachilari, Janubiy Vetnam, Shimoliy Vetnam - barchasi Binx Dyonning jang san'ati jangchilarining afsonaviy kuchidan qo'rqishgan. Ammo jangchilar mashg'ulotlarni davom ettirdilar, kerak bo'lganda Buddist ibodatxonalarida yashirincha yashirinib oldilar va keyingi 200 yil ichida o'z an'analarini qoldirdilar. 20-asrning oxiriga kelib, Vetnamning madaniy an'analariga nisbatan rasmiy munosabatlarning iliqlashishi bilan (va jang san'ati jangchilari, ehtimol, milliy mudofaaga tahdid soluvchi deb qaraldi), Bình Định jang san'atlari soyadan chiqdi. Maktablar va musobaqalar qayta boshlandi va mahalliy jangchilarning xalqaro muvaffaqiyati mashhurlikning qayta tiklanishiga olib keldi. 2012 yilga kelib, vaqt shunchalik o'zgarib ketdiki, viloyat hukumati yana bir bor jang san'atlarini mahalliy aholi uchun va sayyohlarni jalb qilish uchun qo'llab-quvvatlashni boshladi.

Bugungi kunda jang san'atlari sahnasi jadal rivojlanmoqda. Quy Nhơn atrofidagi qishloqlarda o'nlab kichik maktablar ochildi, ularning har biri ikki asosiy Bính Định uslublaridan birini, xodimlarning jangini va "bo'sh qo'llar" jangini o'zlariga taklif qiladi. Nguen Xu sharafiga bag'ishlangan Quang Trung muzeyi har yili Vetnamning xitoylik bosqinchilarni mag'lub etishining 1789 yilligi munosabati bilan jang san'atlari gala-galasini o'tkazadi. 2006 yilda boshlangan har ikki yilda bir martalik jang san'ati festivali va musobaqasi Vetnam bo'ylab va chet eldan kelgan minglab jangchilarni birlashtiradi (xususan, Rossiya Bính Định maktabining bir nechta yuqori sifatli jangchilarini ishlab chiqardi). Bir martalik ko'rgazmalar har yili shaharning markaziy maydonida bir necha marta o'tkaziladi. Binh Dhonhning o'tmishidan taniqli jang san'ati jangchilarining haykallari plyaj bo'ylab sayr qilar edi. Va 2015-yilda Quy Nh schoolsn maktablari jangdan tashqari jang san'atlari darslarini o'tkazishni boshlaganlarida, kutilganidan ko'p marta minglab talabalar paydo bo'lishdi. Boshqa jang san'atlari an'analaridan farqli o'laroq, Bính Định janglarida qizlar tarixiy ahamiyatga ega edi (taniqli an'anaviy qo'shiq butun mamlakat bo'ylab turmushga chiqmagan yosh yigitlarga "Boshiga Bính Định, kuchli jang san'atlarini namoyish etadigan go'zal qizlarni topish uchun" deb maslahat berdi) va asrlar o'tib, bu an'ana, shuningdek, qizlar - rasmiy nishonsiz deyarli yarmini ifodalagan paytda qayta tiklandi. yangi talabalar. Zo'rlik bilan taqiqlangan va er osti haydab chiqarilganidan bir necha asr o'tgach, jang san'atlari aylanaga aylandi va yana Bính Định madaniy hayotining ustuni bo'ldi.



  • Beach Promenade o'yin-parki (An Dương Vương va Ngô May ko'chalari kesishgan markaziy plazadan 100 m (330 fut) janubidagi plyajdagi sayilgohda.). Kichkina attraktsion parki plyaj bo'yidagi daraxtlar orasida siqilib qoldi. Yarim doimiy sayrlarga kichik karusel va mayda-chuyda avtoulovlar kiradi. Squatting sotuvchilari Vetnam taomlari va bolalar uchun bo'yalgan sovg'alarni taklif qilishadi. Plyajda va okeanda chiroyli ko'rinishga ega juda past atmosfera, garchi kichik mavsum yuqori mavsumda mahalliy bolalar bilan to'lib toshishi mumkin. Attraksionlarda 2 yoshdan 92 yoshgacha bo'lgan barcha bolalar ishtirok etishlari mumkin, lekin, ehtimol, 4 yoshdan 9 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar ularga eng yoqadi. 10000–20.000 dong yuradi.
  • Bolalar olami, 48 Nguyon Công Trứ (Lương Định Của burchagi), 84 56 382-6343. Yorqin va quvnoq ikki qavatli bolalar uchun ajoyib joy. O'yinlar va qiziqarli. 2 yoshdan 7 yoshgacha bo'lgan yosh bolalarga qaratilgan.


  • CGV kinoteatrlari, Kim Cúc Plaza (Quốc Lộ 1D, P. Ghềnh Ráng). Shahardagi yagona yirik kinoteatr bo'lgan CGV shaharning janubi-g'arbiy qismida joylashgan Big C majmuasida joylashgan.

Sport va mashg'ulotlar

  • Gilam futboli (futbol) va gandbol (Lê Lai va Diên Xồng burchagi). Pikap va uyushtirilgan o'yinlar. Jamoalar norasmiydir va yangi kelganlarni qo'shilishga xush kelibsiz.
  • Bilyard muborak, 34 Thon Thu Thng (May Xuan Thng va Nguyon Dng o'rtasida), 84 93 521 0186. Yopiq va ochiq billiard klubi tungi klub musiqasi ulkan karnaylarda portlatilmoqda.
  • Hà Huy Tập sport maydonchalari, 31 Hà Huy Tập (Trần Nguyen Dán va Chu Văn Anda).
  • Ikkita yaxshi ta'mirlangan tennis kortlari. Ko'pincha foydalanilmaydi. Bir soat davomida 100000 dong, garchi sizga tez-tez bepul kirish va o'ynashga ruxsat beriladi.
  • Ikki voleybol maydonchasi (bittasi ko'chaning narigi tomonida). Kunning ikkinchi yarmida va kechqurun qabul qilish o'yinlari. Past-o'rta darajadagi mahorat darajasi. Tashrif buyuruvchilar o'ynashga xush kelibsiz.
  • Nguyễn Tất Thành Tennis (Nguyễn Thai Học va Nguyễn Tất Thànhning burchagi). Ikkita chiroyli parvarishlangan qattiq sirtli sud. Sudlar ko'p ish kunlari ertalab va tushdan keyin foydalanilmaydi. Rasmiy narxi bir soat davomida 100000 dongni tashkil qiladi, lekin siz odatda bepul o'ynashingiz va o'ynashingiz mumkin. Kechqurun 17: 00dan 20: 00gacha, o'rta darajadagi 25 nafar erkak ofis ishchilaridan iborat guruh qisqa juftlik o'yinlarini o'tkazadi. Agar sizda o'z raketkangiz bo'lsa, unda qo'shilishingiz va ular bilan bepul o'ynashingiz mumkin. Sudlar Nguyon Tất Thanh ko'chasidan ko'rinadi, lekin asosiy kirish joyi Phạm Hùng va Mai Xuán Thưởng burchagidagi aeroport ofis binosi orqasidagi avtoturargohdan).]
  • Temir yo'l tennisi, 2 Phó Đức Chính, 84 56 629-2979. Shaharning shimoliy markazida ikkita chiroyli va qizil-yashil tennis kortlari. Dam olish kunlari bilan birga ko'pchilik ertalab va tushdan keyin mavjud. To'lov soatiga 100000 dongni tashkil qiladi, lekin siz odatda bepul kirib, o'ynashingiz mumkin.
  • Sport majmuasi Tennis (Tăng Bạt Hổ va Lê Hồng Phongning shimoli-sharqiy burchagi). Sport majmuasining kirish qismida foydalanish uchun ikkita chiroyli va qattiq yashil tennis kortlari. Aksariyat ertalab va tushdan keyin mavjud, lekin odatda kechqurun yaqin atrofdagi ofis xodimlari tomonidan buyurtma qilinadi. Soatiga 100000 dong.
  • Victory Club va Châu Thanh Billiards (Võ Xan va Nguyễn Dangning burchagi). Bargli yuqori sinf mahallasida bir-birining qarshisida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ikkita katta billiard klubi.
  • Watpo yoga markazi, 105F Hai Bà Trưng, 84 56 350-9333. Toza va zamonaviy yoga markazi va sog'lomlashtirish kurorti.

Sotib oling

Quy Nhơn bu xarid qilish jannat emas.

Markazda Coopmart supermarketi, uzoq janubi-g'arbda esa o'zlashtirilmagan hududda Big C gipermarketi va Metro do'konlari joylashgan. Bu katta do'konlar uchun.

Buning tashqarisida Quy Nhơnda Vetnamning yirik shaharlarida joylashgan do'konlarning deyarli hech biri yo'q. Family Mart yoki Shop & Go kabi qulaylik do'konlari yo'q. Do'kon yo'q. Va bu shahar Vetnamda Gap, Nike va Mango kabi operatsiyalari bilan shug'ullanadigan xalqaro chakana sotuvchilarning radar ekranidan uzoqda.

Shahar do'konlarining aksariyati - kafe va restoran va mehmonxonalar oilaviy uylarda ishlaydi. Kiyim-kechak, telefonlar, mototsikl dubulg'alari, ichimliklar, sport anjomlari ... nima sotib olsangiz ham, uni sizga sotayotgan oila do'konning yuqorisidagi qavatlarida yashashi mumkin.

Siesta vaqti

The tushdan keyin siesta Vetnamning aksariyat shaharlarida yo'qolib ketgan, ammo u baribir uyqusiragan Quy Nhunda hukmronlik qilmoqda. Aksariyat korxonalar - barcha banklar, aksariyat ofislar va chakana savdo do'konlari, juda ko'p miqdordagi kafelar - tushdan keyin bir necha soatga yopiladi. Aniq soatlar biznesga qarab farq qiladi va boshqa ko'pgina joylarda har qanday holatda ham belgilangan soatlar yo'q, ammo qo'pol ko'rsatma shuki, ertalab soat 08:00 atrofida, uzoq tushlik tanaffusiga soat 11: 00da yaqin. yoki soat 11: 30dan 14: 00–15: 00 gacha, tushdan keyin esa soat 20: 00gacha qayta oching.


Quyi Nhơndagi aksariyat mahalliy korxonalar Faqat naqd pulga. Yuqori byudjetli mehmonxonalar kredit kartalarini qabul qiladi, ammo deyarli barcha past va o'rta byudjetli mehmonxonalar faqat naqd pulga ega. Juda oz sonli do'kon, kafe yoki restoran kredit yoki debet kartalarini qabul qiladi.

Shahar bo'ylab bankomatlar mavjud. Ko'pchilik chet el bankkartalarini muammosiz qabul qiladi. Pul olishning maksimal chegarasi bankka qarab o'zgarib turadi, har bir pul olish uchun 2 000 000 dan 3 500 000 donggacha.

Bankomatlarning eng katta kontsentratsiyasi Coopmart shimolidan Trần Thị Kỷda Nguyễn Tất Thành va Lê Duẩn ko'chalari o'rtasida joylashgan. Oltita bank bir-biridan qisqa masofada bankomatlar taklif etadi: Techcom, VietinBank, Agribank, Dong A Bank, ACB, Dengizchilik banki.

AQSh dollarini butun shahar bo'ylab ko'plab bank ofislarida almashtirish mumkin. Xarajatlar ancha yangi va yaxshi holatda bo'lishi kerak; biroz eskirgan yoki 10 yoshdan katta bo'lgan veksellar ko'pincha rad etiladi. Pasport talab qilinmaydi.

Ba'zi bank filiallari evro, ingliz funtlari va avstraliyalik dollarni almashtirishga qodir bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bu biroz imkoniyat, va yangi AQSh dollari yaxshi holatda bo'lsa, sizga kamroq muammo tug'diradi.

Markazdagi bir nechta tilla va zargarlik do'konlari ham dollarni tez va tez-tez banklarga qaraganda bir oz yaxshiroq narxlarda almashtirmoqda. Bundan tashqari, ular pastroq narxlarda bo'lsa ham, eskirgan yoki eskirgan veksellarni qabul qilishga tayyor.


  • Phú Thhh Plaza (Trần Hýng Díạo va Pan Bưi Chau o'rtasidagi Trần Quý Cápning butun bloki). Shaharning sharqida joylashgan ko'p qavatli savdo markazi. Mahalliy va import qilingan (asosan Xitoydan) kiyim-kechak, sumka, uy-ro'zg'or buyumlarini taklif qiluvchi kam byudjetli yarim doimiy do'konlar. Ba'zi elektronika.
  • Katta C, Kim Cúc Plaza, Quốc Lộ 1D, P. Ghềnh Ráng (Metroning shimolida, Tay Son va Chương Dương ko'chalari chorrahasi qarshisida). Tailandning Big C gipermarketining Quy Nhơn filiali 1D magistral yo'lidan, Metro savdo do'koniga va avtovokzalga yaqin bo'lib, tog'lar etagida aholi kam bo'lgan joyda joylashgan. Uy anjomlari, kiyim-kechak va quruq ovqatlarni taklif etadi. 2014 yilda maydonda birinchi bo'lib yashil texnologiyasi bilan katta shov-shuvlarga ochilgan ulkan bino shisha va oq alyuminiydan ulkan QR shtrix-kodiga o'xshash tarzda ishlab chiqilgan.
  • 1 Kupmart, 7 Le Duan (Nguyon Tất Thàhning Trần Th between K Ng va Vũ Bão ko'chalari orasidagi asosiy kirish joyi). Har kuni soat 08: 00-20: 00 gacha, tushlik tanaffusisiz. 2003 yilda ochilgan Coopmart yagona supermarket shaharda. Uy anjomlari, kiyim-kechak va yangi va qadoqlangan ovqatlarni taklif etadi. Vyetnamning yirik shaharlaridagi Coopmart do'konlari bilan taqqoslaganda, Quy Nhơn filiali yangi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini sezilarli darajada kamroq va chiqish liniyalarini ancha sekinlashtirgan. Do'kon butun kvadrat blokni o'z ichiga olgan mahalliy uslubdagi savdo markazining flagmani bo'lib xizmat qiladi va unda smartfonlar do'koni, mahalliy kiyim sotuvchilar, KFC, Bánh Mì Đ sandt sendvich do'koni va kichik ko'ngilochar park va ko'ngilochar markaz mavjud. Suvli kema safari ortidagi ko'ngilochar markazning orqa qismida jamoat tualetlari foydalanish uchun 2000 dongdan foydalanishlari mumkin.
  • [o'lik havola]Kitti uyi, 84 93 760-7888. Hello Kitty jannat: bolalar va kattalar uchun kiyim va poyabzal, shlyapalar, sumkalar, ruchkalar va boshqalar.
  • 318b Nguyun Thai Hic.
  • 55 Ly Thường Kiệt.
  • Metro Cash & Carry, Quốc lộ 1D, P. Ghềnh Ráng (Katta S dan janubda, Tay Sơn va Chương Dương chorrahasi qarshisida). Germaniyada tug'ilgan va Tailandga qarashli o'z-o'ziga xizmat ko'rsatuvchi ulgurji ulgurji metro Quyi Nhơn filiali shaharning eng janubidagi tog 'etagidagi kam sonli aholi punktida 1D magistral yo'lidan uzoqda joylashgan. Sariq-ko'k rangdagi Metro belgisi kilometrlardan ko'rinib turibdi va ushbu hududdagi haydovchilar uchun ma'lumotnoma bo'lib xizmat qiladi.
  • Tan Phat, 2a Ly Thường Kiệt, 84 91 412-3133. Import qilingan Hennessy va Belvedere sotiladigan kichik do'kon.
  • Thể Duc Thể Thao, 124 Lê Hồng Phong. Bir blokli maydonda joylashgan bir nechta jismoniy mashqlar va fitness do'konlaridan biri. Sport anjomlari, sport kiyimlari, tennis raketkalari. Lê Hồng Phong-ning ushbu bloki bir necha yuz kilometr masofadagi maxsus sport anjomlarini topish uchun eng qulay va yagona joy.
  • Văn Hưng, 158 Ngô May, 84 56 352-3802. Import qilingan spirtli ichimliklarni sotadigan zamonaviy kichik do'kon, asosan Jek Deniels va Jonni Uoker kabi viskilar.
  • Vĩn Thụy, 99 Ly Thường Kiệt (Ph Phứ Chinh va Trần Phú ko'chalari o'rtasida), 84 56 381-1220. Mahalliy va import qilingan spirtli ichimliklarning katta tanlovini taklif qiladigan yagona mahalliy do'konlardan biri.


  • Markaziy bozor, Tôn ThĐng ko'chasi (Nguyễn Công Trứ va Tr Chng Chinh ko'chalari o'rtasida [Trang Chinh ko'chasining nomi Thon ThĐng Thangning aylanma burchagida Tăng Bạt Hổ deb o'zgartirilgan]). Markazda katta bozor. Thon ThĐng va Lương Dính Của ko'chalari orasidagi bo'shliqda qisman brezentlar bilan qoplangan katta maydon, shuningdek sotuvchilar - asosan ayollar - yopiq bozor maydonidan Thon Thu Thng ko'chasining ikki tomoniga yangi meva va sabzavotlarni sotadigan choyshablar tarqalmoqda. . Mango, ajdar mevasi, ananas, cherimoya, pomello, kokos yong'og'i va boshqalar Sovutilmagan sigir go'shti, cho'chqa go'shti, baliq, qisqichbaqalar. Yangi gullar. Tonglar eng qizg'in payt, ammo ba'zi sotuvchilar kun bo'yi ishlaydi.
  • Chợ Đầm yopiq bozori, Hoàng Hoa Thám ko'chasi (Nguyan Chán va Hoàng Quốc Vít ko'chalari o'rtasida). Quy Nhơndagi eng katta va xilma-xil tashqi bozorlardan biri. Shaharning shimoliy markazida. Meva va sabzavotlar, yangi uzilgan (va sovutilmagan) mol go'shti va tovuq go'shti. Qisqichbaqasimon baliqlar. Tirik tovuqlar va baliqlar. Fireworks mahsulotlari. Tutatqi. Atrofdagi ko'cha-ko'yda sotiladigan ko'plab sotuvchilar ovqat pishiradilar bánh xèo ko'chma ko'mir panjaralarida. Erta tongdan kechgacha ochiq.
  • Baliq bozori, Phm Ngọc Thch (Tô Vhn Diện va Nguyon Huế o'rtasida [ko'cha nomi Phu Ng Ng Thchch-dan Nguyn Huếning burchagidagi Phan Dng Lyuga o'zgargan]). Ochiq baliq bozori. Sotuvchilar - asosan ayollar - ko'chaning ikkala tomoniga yoyilgan adyollardan yangi tutilgan baliq, qisqichbaqasimon mollyuskalar, salyangozlar, qisqichbaqalar, lobsterlar va istiridyalarni sotadigan pastak plastik stullarda o'tirishadi. Odatda, erta tongda va tushdan keyin ochiladi, lekin sotuvchilar o'zlarining soatlarini belgilaydilar va baliq etkazib berish asosida kelib-ketadilar.
  • Ichki / tashqi bozor, Nguyn Thị Minh Khai va Vũ Bao atrofida joylashgan. Quyi Nhơn markazidagi eng katta yopiq oziq-ovqat bozori. Min Tịnh ibodatxonasi yonida va Coopmartdan g'arbga 10 daqiqalik piyoda. Bozor Nguyn Thị Minh Khai, Võ Lai, Hàm Nghi va Vũ Bao bilan chegaralangan hududdagi tegishli binoda joylashgan kavernoz yopiq joyni, shuningdek Nguyn Thị Minh Khai va sotuvchilar adyoldan sotiladigan yaqin ko'chalarni o'z ichiga oladi. asfaltga yotqizilgan. Meva, sabzavot, sovutilmagan go'sht va baliq, tofu, loviya. Bozorda odatdagi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlaridan tashqari, pishirilmagan makaron sotadigan sotuvchilarning katta qismi, shu qatorda viloyat va torli makaron va ikkilamchi makaron mutaxassisliklari mavjud.


Ko'chada nonushta

Yuzlab baliqchilar har kuni ertalab kunduzgi ovlarini va kilometrlik ochiq plyaj restoranlarini tashish bilan, Quy Nhơn - yangi dengiz maxsulotlari uchun ajoyib shahar. Yil bo'yi peskatarian jannat sifatida yaxshi tanilgan shon-sharafidan tashqari, u avantyur sayohatchiga Bính Đ .nh viloyatidan tashqarida kam ma'lum bo'lgan mutaxassisliklarni sinab ko'rish imkoniyatini beradi. Kichkina shahar uchun Quy Nhơn hayratlanarli darajada maqtana oladi vegetarian restoranlarining katta tanlovi.

Vetnamning boshqa shaharlari bilan taqqoslaganda, restoranlar norasmiy va arzon. Mijozlar odatda to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ko'chada yoki restoran egasining ko'p ishlatiladigan yashash xonasida o'tirishadi. Eng qimmat joylardan va o'rtacha byudjetdan tashqari bir nechta joylarda stol va stullar arzon va plastik va alyuminiydan yasalgan va tez-tez buziladigan qarama-qarshiliklardir. Hatto yoqimli joylar odatda odatdagi yopiq restoran sifatida tasavvur qilganingizdan ko'ra, yarim ochiq bog 'ichida joylashgan. Quyi Nhơndagi har qanday taomning narxi katta shaharlarga qaraganda ancha arzon - butun dengiz mollyuskalari Saygonda bitta qobiqdan kam turadi - va siz ko'pgina restoranlarda bir necha dollarga osongina o'zingizni to'ldirishingiz mumkin. vegetarian joylari.

Hali ham xalqaro sayohatchilar sxemasidan uzoqda joylashgan restoranlar nafaqat mahalliy aholi va Vetnamlik sayyohlarning didiga javob beradi. Xalqaro mehmonlarga sotiladigan juda kam joylardan uzoqroq tursangiz, siz har doim qaerga borsangiz ham, faqat bug'langan guruch pishiriqlari, guava bargli cho'chqa go'shti rulonlari, baliq pirojnoe makaronlari, qisqichbaqasimon idishlarni topsangiz, yagona chet ellik bo'lasiz. limonli sho'rvada qaynab turgan, ochiq olovda yerfıstığı va chili sousi bilan qovurilgan qobiqdagi taroqlar, tupurilgan qovurilgan dana, echki shishlari, o'tlar va hindiston yong'og'i sutida pishirilgan salyangozlar va vegetarian taomlari.

Bu er osti oziq-ovqat fantaziyalari: xalqaro zanjirlar tomonidan buzilmagan va hali ham ommaviy turizm tomonidan aniqlanmagan, mahalliy miqyosda tutilgan va yangi tayyorlangan oziq-ovqat tanlovining keng doirasiga ega bo'lgan qirg'oq shahri. Mahalliy restoran sahnasiga tushib, Vetnamning boshqa joyidan topa olmagan tomonini boshdan kechirasiz.

Mahalliy mutaxassisliklar

Bánh bèo chén
  • Bánh bèo chén ("Waterfern cake cup") - bu stakanda pishirilgan guruchli pirojnoe ustiga qovurilgan piyoz va quritilgan qisqichbaqalar solib, sousga soling. Bình Định viloyatida juda keng tarqalgan. Talabalar va ishchilar kubokdan keyin stakanni iste'mol qilishadi - odatdagidek odam boshiga 10 stakandan iborat - Quyon shahridagi ko'cha yonidagi kichik stollarda o'tirish. Tushdan keyin va kechqurun ko'plab sotuvchilar ko'cha-ko'yda tashkil etishdi. Bir stakan uchun 1000 dong.
  • The shirin pirojnoe bánh ít lá gai ("Kichik pirojnoe bilan gai barg ") pyuresi bilan o'ralgan yopishqoq guruch, shakar, mung loviya, zanjabil va (ba'zan) hindiston yong'og'idan tayyorlanadi. gai barg va keyin barchasi banan bargiga o'ralgan. The gai barg - inglizcha umumiy ism: pinnate barglari; botanika nomi: Boehmeria nivea var. tenasissima- taniqli emas yoki Vetnamdan tashqarida tez-tez ishlatiladi. Pishirilgan va bug'langan holda, u yashil-qora rangga aylanadi va boshqa ingredientlarning aromatik shirinligiga ozgina achchiq va chaynash kontrastini qo'shadi. Bán ít do'konlarda va ko'cha sotuvchilari tomonidan sotiladi, masalan. markaziy bozorning tashqarisida Tong Thang va Trường Chinh ko'chalarining shimoliy-sharqiy burchagida. Banan bargi bilan o'ralgan muomala stollarda to'plangan ko'plab restoranlarda ham taqdim etiladi; siz shunchaki xohlaganingizcha olasiz va bir dona uchun haq olinadi. Bir tort uchun 3000 don.
Bán hỏi cho'chqa go'shti va piyoz bilan
  • Bán hỏi kichik paketlarga to'qilgan guruch vermikelining iplari, cho'chqa go'shti va qovurilgan piyoz bilan yoki yog 'va piyoz bilan xizmat qiladi. Ularni restoranlarda ovqatlanish uchun yoki ko'cha sotuvchilari olib ketish uchun tayyor holda topishingiz mumkin. Eng taniqli ko'cha sotuvchilari ertalabdan kechgacha Trun Phu va Nguyon Công Trứ ko'chalarining burchagida sotadilar. Qabul qilish tartibi bánh hỏi banan bargiga yog 'va chivin bilan o'ralganligi 10 000 dongni tashkil etadi, zudlik bilan iste'mol qilish uchun pishirilgan cho'chqa go'shti va piyoz bilan xizmat qilingan piyola 20000 dong turadi.
  • Nem chợ huyện ("Huyện market roll") - bu yerfıstığı sousi, chili va o'tlar bilan cho'chqa go'shti go'shti. Phng Mai yarim orolining o'ziga xos xususiyati sifatida tanilgan rulon sho'r, shirin, nordon va achchiq qadoqlarni bitta kichik luqma bilan to'ldiradi. Uni shakar, tuz va cho'chqa terisi bilan ko'mir ustiga panjara qilingan yangi cho'chqa go'shti bilan yoki achchiq o'tkir lazzat berish uchun guava bargiga uch kun o'ralgan va keyin banan bargi bilan yopilgan fermentlangan cho'chqa go'shti bilan tayyorlash mumkin. xizmat qilish. Bitta rulonni tez gazak sifatida iste'mol qilish mumkin, yoki ko'plari to'liq ovqat sifatida birga iste'mol qilishadi. Roliklarni Quyon Xon shahridagi ko'plab mahalliy restoranlarda va ko'cha sotuvchilarida topishingiz mumkin. Yoki ularning tug'ilgan joyiga, Tuy Phc qishlog'ining kichik Phước Lộc tumanida joylashgan, Xan Cham minoralaridan 2 km (1 milya) uzoqlikda va Quy Nh ofndan 18 km (11 milya) shimoliy g'arbga boring, bu erda magistral yo'ldan narida 17 do'kon bor. 1A 100 yildan ortiq vaqt davomida har kuni minglab rulonlarni chiqarib yubordi. Har biri 3000 dong.

Plyajdagi dengiz maxsulotlari restoranlari

Lemongrass bulonida qaynatilgan mayda mollyuskalar (con nghêu hấp) plyajning qarshisidagi maysada xizmat qilgan

Sohil bo'yidagi sayrgohning qarama-qarshi tomonida yangi va mahalliy baliq ovlashga ixtisoslashgan o'nlab ochiq osmon ostidagi restoranlar mavjud: salyangozlar, istiridyalar, istiridye, qisqichbaqalar, midiya, qisqichbaqalar, meduzalar va ko'plab baliq turlari.

Ko'pgina restoranlarni Trần Dakning tor ko'chasida joylashgan restoranlarning yuqorida yoki orqasida yashaydigan oilalar boshqaradi. Ovqat ko'chada va hamma joyda to'kiladigan ochiq olovda va ko'mir panjaralarida pishiriladi. Ofitsiantlar mototsikllardan, chuqurlardan qochishda, mushuk va itlarda sayr qilishda va vaqti-vaqti bilan boshqarib bo'lmaydigan yong'inlarda qochish paytida yo'l bo'ylab u yoqdan bu yoqqa yurishadi. Mijozlar plyajda, ko'rfazda va tog'larda 180 graduslik manzarani tomosha qilib, Xuan Di onu va Trần Tsz ko'chalari orasidagi maysazorda va keng o'rta chiziqli daraxtlar o'rtasida tartibsiz ravishda o'rnatilgan past plastik stol va stullarda ovqatlanishadi.

Plyajdagi restoranlarning aksariyati narx, sifat va tanlov jihatidan juda o'xshash, ammo ba'zilari lobster (yil bo'yi) va King crab (bahor mavsumi) kabi g'ayrioddiy yoki qimmatroq tanlovlarni taklif qilishadi. Dengiz maxsulotlari mahalliy darajada ovlanadi, shuning uchun narxlar mavsumga va baliq ovlash sharoitlariga qarab o'zgarib turadi, ammo qo'pol qo'llanma: istiridye, taroq, salyangoz, mollyuskalar, midiya yoki xo'rozlar plitasi: 30,000-45,000 dong; ustritsalar plitasi: 40,000–60,000 dong; panjara qisqichbaqasi plitasi: 60,000 dong; panjara kalamar: 60,000-80,000 dong; panjara baliqlari: 50,000–120,000 dong; issiq qozon (2-4 kishiga mo'ljallangan): 200 000 dong. Sohildan bir blok narida narxlar 30-50% arzonroq, ammo g'aroyib okean manzaralari yo'q.

Restoranlar qirg'oq bo'yidagi ko'plab joylarda joylashgan, ammo joylarning eng yuqori kontsentratsiyasi - Tran Dakning ikkala tomonida, Phan Dng Lyu ko'chasida, 11 ta restoran yonma-yon joylashgan. Lê Lợi ko'chasining g'arbiy qismida yana bir oz arzonroq joylardan iborat yana bir katta klaster mavjud.


  • By Quan, 47 May Xuan Thng (Tr Phn Phu burchagi). Qovuradigan biftek va tuxumlarga ixtisoslashgan ikki qavatli restoran (bò neé). Talabalar va mahalliy ishchilar orasida juda mashhur. Kombinatsiyalangan biftek va tuxum, salat, alkogolsiz ichimlik va 30000 dongga mo'ljallangan non.
  • Bê Thui Cầu Mng, 249 Nguyon Thay Học (Võ Mười va Vũ Bão o'rtasida). Buzoq go'shti bilan taniqli Quảng Nam ixtisoslashgan kichik restoran. Yoshligida va 30-35 kg (66-77 funt) vaznda ehtiyotkorlik bilan tanlangan buzoq juda katta va unchalik katta bo'lmasligi uchun uzun tayoqchada ochiq ko'cha yonidagi olov ustiga qovuriladi. yonayotgan ko'mir. Keyin qoraygan terini qirib tashlaydi va pushti go'shtni ingichka qilib qirqib tashlaydi va sho'rlangan hamsi, guruch qog'ozi, chili, sarimsoq, baliq yog'iga botirilgan sous, yashil banan bo'laklari va o'tlar bilan xizmat qiladi. 150,000 dong.
  • Bốn Quang Tuấn, 85 Lê Lợi (Tăng Bạt Hổ burchagi), 84 93 408-3715. Markazda juda yaxshi qiymatga ega bo'lgan barbekyu / qaynoq restoran. Faqat oltita stol bilan oilaviy operatsiya. Talabalar orasida arzon narxlardagi mol go'shti va cho'chqa go'shti barbekyu bilan mashhur. Achchiq sousda 30 000 dongli yirtqichlardan. Issiq idish 60,000.
  • Xay Tay, 351 Trần Hưng Đạo (Nguyn Văn Bé va Dào Duy Từ ko'chalari o'rtasida), 84 56 625-2489. Shahar markazida echki go'shtiga ixtisoslashgan kavernoz yopiq va ochiq restoran. Taklif qilinadigan echkining barcha qismlari: oshqozon, ichaklar va boshqalar. Bir vaqtning o'zida panjara qilinadigan ko'plab echkilarning hidi juda yoqimli bo'lishi mumkin. Asosiy restoran makonidan tashqarida joylashgan xususiy ovqatlanish xonalari. Echki go'shti tayoqchada har biri 27000 dong. Echki ovqatlari 90,000–200,000 dong.
  • Hương Việt kafesi, 35 Nguyễn Lương Bằng (Tông Thứng burchagi), 84 91 473-7673. Nguyen Tất Thành sharqida va markaziy bozorning shimolida, markazda katta yuqori darajadagi kafe va restoran. Yog'och ko'priklar bilan bog'langan va topiariy va bonzay daraxtlari bilan o'ralgan pagoda inshootlari ichida xaridorlar o'tirgan go'zal va atmosfera muhiti, hammasi Evropadan ham, Vetnamdan ham klassik musiqa sadolari ostida. Ham mahalliy aholi, ham Vetnamlik sayyohlarning yuqori sinflari orasida mashhur. Vetnamlik standart ovqat va ichimliklar taklif etiladi. Qahva 20000 dong. Choy (bir nechta navlar taklif etiladi) 20,000–25,000. Boshqa Quy Nhơn joylarida oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari narxlari shu narxdan taxminan 50% yuqori.
  • Mià Hàng 07, 7 Trần Phu (Hà Huy Tập chorrahasining janubi-g'arbiy qismida), 84 56 3821-607. Shaharning janubi-g'arbiy qismida xaroba yo'lda avtoturargohda yarim yopiq qalay tomi ostida joylashgan yirik dengiz maxsulotlari restorani. Sohildan besh daqiqalik piyoda. Yarim obro'siz ko'rinishga qaramay (restoran ham, mijozlar ham) Vetnam tarixining so'nggi mingyilligi haqida kechayu kunduz yarim mast va to'liq mashq qilingan bahslarda keksa ziyolilarning sodiq mahalliy olomonini jalb qilmoqda. Vetnam tilini bilish, shubhasiz, munozarali bahslarning burilish va burilishlarini kuzatib borish uchun foydalidir, ammo 1960-yillarda amerikalik askarlar bilan aloqada bo'lganligi sababli, bir necha keksa erkaklar bir necha panjara qilingan ahtapot va pivolardan keyin xursand bo'lishlari mumkin. Restoran plyajdagi sayrgohdagi restoranlarning bir xil qisqichbaqasimonlar va dengiz mahsulotlari variantlarini taxminan 20-40% arzon narxlarda taklif etadi.
Sizning kechki ovqatingiz tayyorlanmoqda.
  • Bc Biển, 21 Trần Cao Van (Nguyan Tray va Nguyon Xu o'rtasida), 84 164 624-7898. Shaharning janubi-sharqida plyajdan ikki blok shimolda, Xalq munitsipalitet binosiga yaqin joyda joylashgan kichik mollyuskalar-restoran. Kundalik sakkiz turdagi chig'anoqlar: panjara ustritsalari, yerfıstığı va piyoz bilan qovurilgan taroqlar, salyangozlar, mollyuskalar, midiya. Mahalliy aholi o'z narxlari bilan yaqin atrofdagi plyajdagi sayohatchilarning yarmi bilan mashhur. Chig'anoqlarning har bir plitasiga 15000–20000 dong.
  • Phượng Tèo Bún Chả Cá, 211 Nguyon Xu. Baliq pirojnoe noodle sho'rva uchun katta va juda mashhur past byudjetli restoran. Bir piyola uchun 25000 dong.
  • Quán An Cô Bốn Bún Thịt Nướng, 232 Trần Hưng Đạo (Ngô Thi Nhiệm'dan 20 m (70 fut) sharqda). Vetnamning standart oshxonasi. Cho'chqa go'shti, tovuq, guruch yoki makaron bilan mol go'shti. Bu ayniqsa yaxshi ham, yomon ham emas: shahar bo'ylab o'nlab bir xil joylar mavjud. Biroq, ushbu restoran, G'arbiy sayyohlar orasida Quy Nhơn-ga bir chet ellik mijozning egasi San-Frantsisko va Oklendda besh yillik turar joyi tufayli egasi ingliz tilida juda yaxshi gaplashishini aniqlaganidan keyin kultga aylandi. Chet elliklarning birinchi tekshiruvidan bir necha yil o'tgach, ushbu kichik oshxona shaharning har qanday restoranining ingliz tilidagi eng ko'p sharhlarini, ehtimol, egasi va bundan xabardor bo'lgan oz sonli mahalliy aholini hayratga soladigan darajada baholab bordi. Bir piyola guruch yoki turli xil go'shtli taomlar bilan tayyorlangan makaron uchun 20000 dong.
  • Quán Dê19, 19 Nguyon Công Trứ (Bà Triêu burchagida), 84 56 90 555-1178. Echki go'shti shahar markazidagi kichik burchak-restoranda. Echkining barcha qismlari tayyorlandi. Kattaroq echki restoranlaridan arzonroq. Echki ovqatlari 30000-100000 dong.
  • Quán Dê35, 121-123 Hoa Lư (Thap Dai ko'chasidan 50 m (160 fut) sharqda, daryo bo'yining janubiy tomonida), 84 98 881-4479. Shimoliy daryo bo'yidagi tomi yopiq, ochiq osmon ostidagi restoranda echki go'shti. Suv bo'ylab daryo, ko'prik va ma'badga qarashlar. Echkining barcha qismlari tayyorlandi. Echki ovqatlari 50,000-150,000 dong.
  • Trần Quang Diệu Shell restorani (May Xuan Thng va Trun Quang Diuuning shimoli-sharqiy burchagi). Qisqichbaqasimon idishlarning qiymati juda yaxshi. Yangi tutilgan chig'anoqlarning har kuni uch xil spetsifikatsiyasini taklif qiladi: ziravorlar, sarimsoq, limon o'tlari va hindiston yong'og'i suti bilan pishirilgan, kichkina appetizator kattaligidagi piyozlarda pishirilgan istiridye, salyangoz, panjara ustritsa, midiya, taroq va boshqalar. Mijozlar kichkina makon ichida yopiq joylarda yoki ko'cha burchagida branda bilan qoplangan joyda o'tirishadi. Tushlik paytida talabalar va mahalliy ofis ishchilari orasida tez va foydali gazak sifatida juda mashhur. Chig'anoqlarning har bir plastinkasi 10 ming dong turadi.

Bán xèo

Bán xèo Quy Nhơn-da juda mashhur oziq-ovqat bo'lib, u turli xil joylarda sotiladi, shu jumladan ixtisoslashgan restoranlar, yarim doimiy savdo rastalari va uylar oldidagi vaqtinchalik stendlar.

Mahalliy aholi ulardan faxrlanishadi bánh xèo, bir nechta asosiy oshxona farqlari ularning versiyasini yaratishini chin dildan e'lon qildi hozirgacha Vetnamning eng yaxshisi. Janubiy Vetnamning taniqli uslubidan farqli o'laroq, bánh xèo Quyida Nhơn temirsiz pishiriladi va mayda va ingichka bo'ladi. Guruch uni va suvdan tayyorlangan krep, g'ichirlagan yog'da skovorodkada loviya o'simtalari bilan qovuriladi. Xaridor asosiy tarkibni tanlaydi; variantlar sotuvchidan sotuvchiga farq qiladi, lekin qisqichbaqa, cho'chqa go'shti, mol go'shti, tovuq, kalmar va bedana tuxumlarini o'z ichiga olishi mumkin (trứng cút). Tayyorlangan pancake buklanadi va xaridorga beriladi, u yangi bodring, yalpiz, shilantro va marul bilan bir qatorda egiluvchanlik berish uchun etarli darajada suvga botirilgan yarim qattiq guruch qog'oziga o'raladi. xiralashganligini yo'qotish. Keyin rulon taniqli mahalliy sousga, qovurilgan yerfıstığı, fermentlangan soya loviya va palma shakaridan tayyorlangan shirin jigarrang pishiriqqa botiriladi.

Shaharning ayrim mahallalari rivojlanib ketgan bánh xèo ixtisoslik yo'nalishlari, restoranlar yoki ko'cha yonidagi sotuvchilar bir-biri bilan do'stona raqobatlashadigan joyda to'planishadi. Atmosfera, muhit va narxlar mahalliy aholi orasida juda xilma-xil, ammo - ammo har bir joyda shunday deb qasam ichadigan muxlislari bor ularning joy - bu eng yaxshi narsa - ovqat va tayyorlanish shaharning hamma joylarida o'xshashdir. Eng mashhur hudud - shaharning markazida joylashgan Lê Duên janubidagi Diêng Xong ko'chasida joylashgan bo'lib, u erda to'rtta qo'shni restoran har kuni tushdan keyin va kechqurungacha xaridorlarning katta oqimlari uchun soatiga yuzlab krep ishlab chiqaradi. Shimoliy qirg'oqdagi Dng Da va uning atrofidagi yon ko'chalarda, xususan Chợ Dầm yopiq bozori yaqinida joylashgan dunyo shaharning yuragi hisoblanadi. bánh xèo an'ana; ikkita to'liq restoran va ko'plab ko'cha-ko'yda sotuvchilar, Diên Hồngga qaraganda kamroq g'alati va kamroq sayyohlik sharoitida taomning o'z variantlarini taklif qilishadi. Ngô Văn Sở va Nguyon Hu va Nguyon Lạc o'rtasidagi xiyobonlarda, plyajdagi sayrdan tashqarida joylashgan tungi oziq-ovqat bozorida bir nechta kichik va o'rta sotuvchilar tayyorlanmoqda. bánh xèo har oqshom.

  • Gia Vỹ. Eng mashhur bánh xèo Quyi Xondagi restoran ikkita filialdan iborat. Eng yirik va, albatta, eng turistik bánh xèo shahardagi joylar - Gia Vỹ 2, u Diên Xồng ko'chasida yonma-yon raqobatdosh to'rtta restoran guruhining shimoliy qismida joylashgan. Factory-like in its efficiency and size, circus-like in the bustle of the cooks, waiters, and boys running around trying to corral passing motorcyclists inside, the restaurant offers indoor and outdoor (across the street) seating. The original Gia Vỹ, on Đống Đa in the northern end of the city, is much smaller, more local and massively more tranquil than the second branch. Prices are the same at both branches: 25,000 dong per plate of two pancakes.
  • Bánh Xèo Tôm Nhảy Gia Vỹ, 118 Đống Đa (on north side of Đống Đa street west of intersection with Hoàng Hoa Thám).
  • Bánh Xèo Tôm Nhảy Gia Vy 2. 14 Diên Hồng (one block east of Nguyễn Tất Thành at the corner of Lê Duẩn; three-minute walk from the airport shuttle-bus drop-off spot).
Roving bánh xèo vendor cooking on hot coals on the street
  • Cô Hai bánh xèo, 48 Lý Thái Tổ, 84 98 318-2127. Family-style restaurant offering delicious bánh xèo. Good quality at budget price. A 10-minute walk from the beach on a pleasant, tree-lined street in the southwest of city. 4,000 dong per pancake.
  • Quán An, Ngô Văn Sở (northwest corner of Trần Đột). The largest of several small street-side bánh xèo restaurants in the little night-food area just off the beach promenade on Ngô Văn Sở and surrounding alleys between Nguyễn Huế and Nguyễn Lạc. The bánh xèo is the same at all the restaurants in the small area. Price is highly variable at Quán An; it's one of the very few restaurants in Quy Nhơn which sometimes charge foreigners different prices than locals pay. A plate of four pancakes costs locals 15,000–20,000 dong; tourists are typically charged 25,000–30,000 dong.
  • Breakfast bánh xèo, Trần Quang Diệu (between Nguyễn Công Trứ and Tăng Bạt Hổ). Several vendors offer bánh xèo for breakfast in front of their homes on the small, tree-lined street of Trần Quang Diệu between Nguyễn Công Trứ and Tăng Bạt Hổ. They cook daily on most mornings from 07:00 to 10:00, or until they run out of ingredients. 3,000 dong per pancake.
  • Bánh xèo market vendors, Covered market Chợ Đầm (at Hoàng Hoa Thám and Hoàng Quốc Việt streets). Ko'p sonli bánh xèo vendors rove the streets around the local market Chợ Đầm in the northern end of the city near the riverside. Very local. 1,000–2,000 dong per pancake.

Bánh mì

As everywhere in Vietnam, there are hundreds of bánh mì (baguette sandwiches) stands scattered throughout the city. Prices are 6,000–10,000 dong for most standard sandwiches, and 12,000–15,000 dong for fancier ingredients.

  • Bánh Mì Đất. Local chain of three sandwich shops. Fixed-location stores but no seating. Offers more variety of options than the typical specialized street-side sandwich stall, as well as choice of warming the baguette. One sandwich 10,000–15,000 dong.
  • 8 Ngô Mây (near beach at the corner of Diên Hồng).
  • Coopmart shopping complex (Nguyễn Tất Thành).
  • 307 Lê Hồng Phong (southwest side of the Quang Trung roundabout at intersection with Lý Thường Kiệt street).

Hot pot

Hot pot (lẩu) is by far the most popular food in Quy Nhơn for groups of family or friends eating out. O'nlab bor hot-pot specialty restaurants throughout the city. Additionally, even restaurants that don't specialize in it quite often still offer some form of hot pot.

Quy Nhơn hot pot is similar to other regions throughout Vietnam. Beef or pork is typically the main protein, although some venues—including almost all along the beach promenade and nearby side streets—also offer seafood. The cooking style varies between places: most offer a pot of stock simmering on a bucket of coals, while some places give diners a semi-circular metal tray for grilling the food in butter or oil.

  • Oishi Quán, 105D Hai Bà Trưng (between Lê Hồng Phong and Trần Cao Vân), 84 120 654-6774. Hot pot restaurant popular at night with university students. Seating both indoors and at stylish wooden tables on the street. Hot pot 110,000–150,000 dong.
  • Quyết Thắng, 282 Diên Hồng (near corner of Lê Lai). One of many hot-pot restaurants in a small area near the corner of Diên Hồng and Lê Lai. Offers the option of either grilling your food or the traditional style of boiling it in a pot of simmering stock. Hot pot 200,000 dong.


  • Buratino, 380D Nguyễn Thái Học (15 m (50 ft) south of Ngô Mây), 84 090 555-1383. Daily until 23:00. One of the only restaurants in Quy Nhơn—if not The only restaurant—specializing in Western-style food such as pizza and pasta. The restaurant is often recommended by the bigger hotels to Western tourists looking for comfort food similar to home. But it's a small restaurant and Quy Nhơn is not an international city, so the food is suited to local tastes and ends up being more Vietnamese-style than Westerners expect. Dishes from 50,000–100,000 dong, combo meals 200,000–270,000 dong.
  • Jollibee, Nguyễn Thiêp (corner of Nguyễn Huệ), 84 56 381-4066. The Philippine fast-food chain.
  • KFC, 7 Nguyễn Tất Thành (entrance on Nguyễn Tất Thành between Trần Thị Kỷ and Vũ Bão streets). The only Western fast-food chain restaurant in the city, in the southeast corner of the Coopmart shopping centre.
  • NamSushi, 334A Diên Hồng (30 m (100 ft) north from the roundabout with An Dương Vương and Ngô Mây), 84 56 352-2979. Daily 10:00–14:00, 17:00–22:00. Large and elaborate sushi restaurant. Two storeys: the lower floor seating is at normal tables, while the upper floor has views towards the sea and seating on pillows and a no-shoes-allowed shiny hardwood floor. The quality of the food might not be at the standards of sushi in Tokyo (or Beijing, Moscow or Los Angeles), but it's the best and most modern sushi in the not-so-international-yet Quy Nhơn. It's a two-minute walk from the central beach and a five-minute walk southwest from Coopmart. Tuna maki 40,000 dong, sushi 30,000–80,000 for two pieces, temaki salmon hand roll 45,000. Basic combo sushi sets 125,000 dong for 14 pieces, 345,000 for more elaborate 25 pieces. Sake 150 mL 85,000 dong, 250 mL 145,000, 1.8 L 250,000.
  • Pizza H-P, 68 Trần Cao Vân (between Tăng Bạt Hổ and Hai Bà Trưng streets). Small pizza restaurant in the city centre with the English-language motto "Be Different". Offers hot pot and Western pizzas done Vietnamese style. Pizza: small 50,000 dong, large 100,000.
  • Pop Gelato, 118B Nguyễn Thái Học, 84 09 065-8090. Modern gelatto shop in west of city. Popular with young people.


Lar bor dozens of vegetarian restaurants in Quy Nhơn.

The majority of the restaurants are very small family-homes within a block or two of a Buddhist temple; look for signs saying "Chay" (vegetarian) in front of houses and small alleyways. The meals offered can be quirky—in a good way—and are often quite pleasant discoveries after the monotony of the standard vegetarian fare in Vietnam. And the setting—eating with every generation of the owner's family smack-dab in the middle of their house at their living room table—makes the experience feel very much like a homestay. However, the opening hours of these little family operations are completely random; on full moon days, they're usually open from morning to early evening, but at other times, it's hit or miss.

The larger vegetarian restaurants offer the advantage of more predictable and regular hours. But they generally have (slightly) higher prices and the food selection is the more typical vegetarian fare in which the meat and fish in the standard Vietnamese noodle and rice dishes are simply swapped out for meat-substitutes like seitan and tofu. Buddhist monks are frequent diners at the vegetarian restaurants; a few of the more gregarious ones speak some English and often chat up any foreigners to learn about life abroad.

  • An Bình, 141 Trần Cao Vân (directly north of main entrance to the temple, between Tăng Bạt Hổ and Phan Bội Châu). Mid-sized vegetarian just north of the temple. Slightly more upscale setting than most vegetarian restaurants in the city, with tablecloths and flowers on each table. Open hours officially 07:00–21:00, although often closes for long breaks. One of several vegetarian restaurants near the Long Khánh Buddhist temple. Vegetarian bánh xèo 10,000 dong. Plate of daily vegetable dishes with rice 18,000 dong.
  • Hiển Nam, 3a Trần Thị Kỷ, 84 56 221-1148. Medium-large vegetarian attached to the Hiển Nam temple just west of Nguyễn Tất Thành street. A four-minute walk from Coopmart. Picturesque views of the temple through the open back gate of the restaurant. Daily lunch of rice with several vegetable dishes plus soup: 15,000.
  • Kim Ngọc Bánh Mì, 108 Ngô Mây (at corner of Biên Cương). A permanent street stall one block south of Minh Tịnh temple selling vegetarian baguette sandwiches (bánh mì). One sandwich 8,000 dong.
  • Minh Hoa, 115 Nguyễn Du (at corner of Ngô Quyền). Standard mid-size vegetarian restaurant. Plate of vegetable dishes with rice plus soup 15,000 dong.
  • Nhà hàng, 114 Tăng Bạt Hổ (between Lê Hồng Phong and Trần Cao Vân), 84 56 382-1100. Very large vegetarian restaurant on the south side of Long Khánh Buddhist temple. Dependably open long hours from morning until night, including holidays. Slightly more expensive than the many smaller, family-run vegetarian restaurants in the area. Noodle and rice dishes 25,000–50,000 dong.
  • Pháp Duyên, 55 Nguyễn Lữ (between Võ Lai and Ngô Mây), 84 98 381-2344. Mid-sized vegetarian one block southeast of the Minh Tịnh temple. A five-minute walk from either the central plaza on the beach or from the Coopmart. Mixed vegetables, rice, soup: 17,000 dong.
  • Sáu Thu, 79 Hai Bà Trưng (between Ngô Quyền and Lê Lợi). Mid-size vegetarian restaurant next to the Quy Nhơn Evangelical Church in the eastern end of the central city. Both the setting and the food are a slight step above similar vegetarian venues. One plate of assorted vegetable dishes plus rice 30,000 dong.
  • Thanh Minh, 151 Phan Bội Châu (between Mai Xuân Thưởng and Trần Cao Vân). Small family-run vegetarian restaurant on the north side of Long Khánh Buddhist temple. Generally offers several vegetable-based dishes, as opposed to the meat-substitute dishes found at typical Vietnamese vegetarian restaurants. Mixed vegetable dishes, rice and soup: 20,000 dong.
  • Thanh Tấm, 41 Ngô Mây, 84 56 625-0309. Mid-sized vegetarian restaurant one block south of the Minh Tịnh temple. Daily lunch of mixed vegetables including rice and soup for 15,000 dong.
  • Thanh Vân, 161 Trần Cao Vân (between Tăng Bạt Hổ and Phan Bội Châu). Very tiny vegetarian restaurant in a family-home in a small alley off the main street. One of several vegetarian restaurants near the Long Khánh Buddhist temple.
  • Tịnh Tâm, 149 Trần Cao Vân (between Tăng Bạt Hổ and Phan Bội Châu), 84 56 38-2773. Small family-run vegetarian just north of the Long Khánh temple. One of several vegetarian restaurants near the temple. Extremely kind family owners often invites foreigners to explore their home and culture.
  • An Lạc, 6 Nguyễn Lữ (just off Ngô Mây). Small family-run restaurant serving cơm (rice with assorted toppings): 20,000 dong. Very kind and friendly owners who will appreciate if you can say even a few words of Vietnamese.


  • Bánh Kem Ngọc Nga, 319-323B-325 Lê Hồng Phong, 84 56 382-3750. The largest, most elaborate—and commensurately most expensive—bakery in Quy Nhơn. Intricately designed and decorated cakes, for example shaped as animals (frogs, dogs, bunnies, dragons) and human figures (Buddha, princesses). Cake flavors include green tea (matcha), tiramisu, and standard cream cakes. Also offers vegan (pure-veg) baked products. The bakery spans three adjacent stores, with one specializing in cakes, the second in cookies, sweet breads and chocolates, and the third in general baked products. Unusually for Quy Nhơn, the bakery has a website, and the site is even available in English. Mid-size cakes 60,000–200,000 dong, larger and more elaborate cakes 200,000–400,000. Cookies and chocolates 5,000–15,000.
  • Đúc Tỏ Baguette Bakers, 83 Đống Đa (100 m (260 ft) to the northeast from the busy intersection with Trần Hưng Đạo), 84 56 381-3802. Long-standing family operation that bakes the baguettes used for bánh mì sandwiches. Reputed among locals to be the highest quality baguettes in the city. 1,300 dong for one hot baguette fresh out of the oven, 15,000 for 12.
  • Hoàng Yến Bakery, 211 Tăng Bạt Hổ (close to corner of Trần Cao Vân), 84 93 343-4908. Small bakery offering big cakes. Cakes 100,000–250,000 dong. Chocolate lollipops 10,000.
  • Phương Ngá Bakery, 46 Trường Chinh (corner of Lê Duẩn), 84 90 385-8812. Small bakery offering cakes and chocolate pieces. Offers all the standard cakes and decorations, with a specialty in tiramisu cakes and fruit-jelly cakes (including passion-fruit cake). Unusually for Quy Nhơn, sells pieces of cakes in single servings, rather than entire cakes. Whole cakes 50,000–150,000 dong. Single-serving piece of cake 10,000–20,000. Chocolate letters (for spelling out words with chocolate) 2,000 each.
  • Tamba Bakery, 335A-B Nguyễn Thái Học (at Vũ Bão Võ Lai street), 84 56 362-9549. Spacious and clean bakery in the southwest of city with the English motto "Good Food—Good Life." Cakes, cupcakes, cream buns, pork floss buns. Prices around 20–40% less than most Quy Nhơn bakeries. Cupcakes 10,000 dong, cakes 30,000–150,000.
  • Tinh Hoa Bakery, 105 Trần Cao Vân (corner of Hai Bà Trưng), 84 56 382-3717. Corner bakery very popular among locals for birthdays, holidays, and family meals. Cakes 50,000–200,000 dong. Cupcakes 15,000. Chocolate hearts 5,000. Squares of coconut and sticky rice in powdered sugar 3,000.


Cafes are the centre of social life in Quy Nhơn. They come in all sizes: huge and impressive, small and quaint, tiny and jammed between parked motorbikes in a family's living room. They're in every style: knee-high tables on street corners, outdoor gardens with wooden verandas, hipster joints infused with attitude, cubbyholes serving milk tea to teenagers on bamboo floors, tables set amidst bonsai forests. And with over 1,000 cafes for a city of only 300,000 people, you find them everywhere: on the beach, in the city centre, on the sides of the mountains, on median strips in the middle of streets.

Cafe hours can be tricky to predict. Most cafes are open in the prime hours in the late afternoon and evening, and many are also open in the early morning. But the exact hours vary a lot from place to place. Even at one cafe, the hours will vary from day to day based on customer flows, the weather, and the owner's schedule. Lunchtime is also hit-or-miss: some cafes always take a siesta break, some always work through lunchtime, and many just open or close based on the whims of the day. As a general reference, a typical schedule might be to open at 07:00 or 08:00 in the morning, close for a break from 11:00 to 15:00, then serve until 21:00 or so.

As for nightlife.... the answer is "no". Quy Nhơn has no real nightlife to speak of. There's one slightly dodgy neon-and-smoke-machine nightclub. Most restaurants open at night have beer—or will find some for you—and many cafes serve cocktails, but there's nothing like a bar scene where people mingle over drinks. The majority of places close by 22:00, and by midnight the city is almost deserted. So kick back in an open-air cafe or restaurant, lap up the sea views and ocean breezes, and enjoy the city's sleepy small-town vibe.


  • Bookafe, 86 Lê Duẩn (corner of Vũ Bão), 84 1900 1757. Very large higher-end cafe with both outdoor and indoor seating. Three minutes by foot southwest from the Coopmart. Extensive lighting in the evening makes it a popular spot for couples at night. Gelatto ice cream available. Somewhat confusingly, the cafe's name is spelled "Bookafe" on internet sites and Facebook, but the logo is designed as "Bookkafe", where the middle "k" is stylized to be both the "k" of "book" and the "K" of "Kafe". Lassi 50,000 dong, coffee 35,000, yoghurt smoothies 50,000.
  • Búp Cafe, 37 Ngô Mây (at south side of intersection with Biên Cương), 84 56 374-7968. Small and cute cafe in the city centre a 10-minute walk northwest from the beach or seven minutes west from Coopmart. Beloved by teenage girls for its cute drinks, caramel popcorn, and Western pop music. The friendy owner Búp, one of the very few cafe owners in the city completely fluent in English, converted his parents' small clothing store into the eponymous cafe in the summer of 2015 after graduating from graphic design studies in Saigon. The cafe shows off some of his design skills. Milk tea 17,000 dong plus 3,000 for toppings.
  • Đất Việt Cafe, 11 Trần Lương (50 m (160 ft) from intersection with Lý Thái Tổ), 84 589-0056. Charming cafe built underneath—and hidden amongst—towering trees on a quiet lane a 7-minute walk west from the beach in the southwest of the city. Coffee 15,000 dong.
  • Du Mục Cafe, 18 Bùi Thị Xuân (near corner of Nguyễn Công Trứ). Pleasant indoor cafe decorated with many tropical plants on the walls and bamboo-mat hanging from the ceilings. It's in the city centre on an idyllic, narrow street packed with bonsai trees, flags and children playing.
  • G.Life Cafe, 1 Phó Đức Chính (corner of Nguyễn Thái Học). Hipster-esque cafe in the northern end of the city. White-brick wall interior. Offers ice coffee blended with tiramisu, cookies or banana. Coffee 10,000 dong, latte 21,000, cappuccino 21,000. Blended ice coffee 25,000. Smoothies 25,000. Cookies and cream 25,000.
  • Helen Cafe, 490 Trần Hưng Đạo (between Đoàn Thị Điểm and Hoàng Hoa Thám), 84 90 563-3652. Cute little cafe near Chùa Trúc Lâm temple. Popular among local teenage girls for its milk tea, bubble tea, iced coffee, and cookies drinks. Seating on pillows on the floor. Walls decorated with bright pink drawings, hipster black-and-white photos, and enormous paintings of Japan and Europe. Milk tea 20,000 dong plus 3,000 for each topping.
  • Hello Kitty Cafe, 69 Tháp Đôi, 84 56 379-1336. All the Hello Kitty drinks, cakes and sweets you could want in a cafe with all the Hello Kitty decorations you could squeeze into a small space. Ignore the trademark violations (shhhh...) and enjoy.
  • Inn Cafe, 22 Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm (between Tôn Đức Thắng and Nguyễn Trần). Peaceful indoor cafe with picturesque European-style window boxes and white window frames. A two-minute walk south of the central market on Tôn Đức Thắng street. Coffee 12,000 dong.
  • Jolly, 121 Lê Lợi (corner of Phan Bội Châu), 84 56 382-1907. Cafe with a young and modern style in the east of the city. With fishbowl windows facing on the street corner giving lots of natural light, white brick walls, gelato bar, and an extensive menu of cookie drinks, frappuccinos, smoothies, and tea with jam, Jolly has attracted a steady crowd of young people since its 2015 opening. Adorning the walls are chalk-scribbled translations of Vietnamese humor such as "Woman are less dangerous when they have gelato". Chekish taqiqlangan. Coffee and smoothie drink mixes 20,000–30,000 dong.
  • Like Cafe, 52 Trường Chinh (on south side of three-way intersection with Tôn Đức Thắng and Tăng Bạt Hổ). City centre cafe near the central food market. The modern decor and creative drinks makes it popular with Quy Nhơn's (very small) young and fashionable crowd. Large outdoor seating area, plus indoor tables. One of the nicer public bathroom in Quy Nhơn (damning with faint praise, but modern clean toilets aren't one of Quy Nhơn's specialties). Coffee 20,000-25,000 dong, cacao with yogurt cubes 40,000, smoothies 35,000-45,000.
  • Marina Cafe, 5 Trần Quý Cáp (corner of Phan Bội Châu). Mid-market, modern-style cafe in the southwest corner of the An Phú Thịnh Plaza building. Coffee 25,000 dong. Smoothies 40,000.
  • Osaka Cafe, 96a Mai Xuân Thưởng (corner of Lương Định Của). Multi-storey cafe in the centre. A two-minute walk east from the airport shuttle bus drop-off. Typical large mid-budget Vietnamese style cafe/restaurant. Nothing to do with Japan other than the name and a painting of Mt. Fuji. Large indoor water-pond display with dozens of small porcelain Buddhas playing under plastic cherry blossoms. Karaoke on upper floors. Big open windows on street. Old but clean toilets. Coffee 15,000 dong, cacao 16,000, yogurt 18,000.
  • p.u.q. Kafe, 51 Hoàng Diệu (corner of Lê Xuân Tú). Hip little cafe in the centre. The decor is a mix between urban industrial and Asian kitsch. Stylish smoothies served in an edible glass made of sweet jelly. Espresso 13,000 dong, Cappucino 18,000, Smoothies 20,000.
  • Queen Cafe, 110 Ngô Mây (at corner of Biên Cương). Pleasant two-storey treehouse-cafe a 10-minute walk northwest from the beach. Coffee 15,000 dong.
  • Reform Cafe, 83 Trần Cao Vân (10 m (30 ft) south of Hai Bà Trưng). Industrial-style hipster-esque coffee shop. Complete with intricate latte art and baristas wielding tough attitudes, Reform cafe could (almost) be at home in London, Paris or Brooklyn. Small indoor and outdoor space. Smokey. Offers more varieties of coffee drinks than most cafes in Quy Nhơn. Espresso 15,000 dong, Irish cafe 20,000, latte 25,000, mocha 28,000, cappuccino 25,000.
  • Sam Cafe (corner of Tôn Đức Thắng and Nguyễn Thái Học), 84 93 482 3 482. Very large outdoor cafe set rather unusually amidst dozens of bonsai trees which are for sale. At the entrance waits a human-sized statue of a fisher goddess to greet you. Coffee 15,000 dong.
  • Tien Loi Coffee, 323 Trần Hưng Đạo (northwest corner of Trần Cao Vân). Tiny and sweet cafe a block north of the Long Khánh temple in the northeast of the city centre. Small outdoor seating. Milk tea and coffee served in artsy jars tied off with burlap rope designs. Specialty drink of red and green Thai sweet tea. The upstairs has a no-shoes pillow-seating area surrounded by massive posters illustrating Vietnamese fantasy stories.
  • Violet Cafe, 1 Tôn Đức Thắng (in front of small tree/grass roundabout at intersection with Hà Huy Tập and Chu Văn An). Very pleasant, modern cafe. Wood tables and chairs. Has a glass-enclosed non-smoking room with pillow-seating on a sparkling-clean hardwood floor. Drinks only, no food. Coffee 15,000 dong, cacao 18,000, yogurt smoothie 18,000-23,000.

Bars and clubs

  • Style Pub & Bar, 10 Đô Đốc Bảo (across the street from Coopmart), 84 93 256-8089. The biggest nightclub in Quy Nhơn. The only one, as well. Lots of blue and green neon lights. Lots of smoke, both from cigarettes and from smoke machines. Mainly Vietnamese music, loud and with the bass cranked up, but some Western pop mixed in.


Quy Nhơn city

Despite the hopes of local officials to turn Quy Nhơn into a mega beach resort similar to Nha Trang, with 10-storey chain hotels packing international travellers into every nook of the beach promenade and smaller hotels stretching the tourist zone several blocks back from the coast, accommodation is still very low-key. As of 2016, only a few hotels of more than five floors are scattered over the kilometres of prime beach-front streets, and many blocks in front of the ocean are either completely devoid of buildings or have only a patchwork of small residential houses and gardens.

Ushbu qo'llanmada standart uchun quyidagi narx oralig'idan foydalaniladi ikki baravar xona:
ByudjetUnder 300,000 dong
O'rta masofa300,000–600,000 dong
SplurgeOver 600,000 dong

Almost all visitors to Quy Nhơn are local Vietnamese tourists, and the accommodation options cater to them in terms of hotel styles, food, and service. And with very few international travellers, English language knowledge is almost zero: plan on lots of hand movements for communicating in all but the handful of higher-end places. On the plus side, though, you'll find prices that are significantly cheaper than in other beach cities in the country, no scams or higher rates for foreigners, and a personal friendliness that overcomes all language difficulties (well, many of them, at least).

Online reservations are available through the standard international booking websites for all the more expensive hotels and a few enterprising budget inns, so if you like, you can guarantee yourself a room before you arrive. But you won't find the majority of low- and mid-budget places on the internet: either have a Vietnamese-speaker call by phone to reserve for you, or just show up and ask when you arrive. Hotel growth hasn't been massive, but it definitely has outpaced tourist numbers in the last decade, and even in the Tết holiday period or peak summer months, you'll never have a problem finding a room for the night if you just ask around a bit.


  • Anh Khoa Hotel, 34 Trường Chinh, 84 56 625-0255. Clean, low-budget hotel in centre of city. The building's four-storey outside features a prominent green and yellow art-deco motif which contrasts with the wood or solid colour patterns more typical of buildings in the area. Only basic English spoken. Double room: 200,000 dong.
  • Anh Vy Hotel, 8 An Dương Vương, 84 56 384-7763. Straddling the border between the low- and mid-budget categories, this hotel directly across the street from the beach in the southwest of the city offers rooms which are clean but small and dark. Near Seagull hotel. One of several hotels on the block which cooperate in offering to foreigners semi-scammy tourist services such as plane tickets, car rental, tours, etc. Some English spoken. Double room: 250,000–300,000 dong.
  • Ao Co Mini Hotel, 24 An Dương Vương, 84 98 319-0389. Small low-budget hotel across the road from the city's central waterfront area. Exterior designed like a very narrow German castle. Quirky room decor features lots of floral patterns and garish colours. Rooms not very clean, but adequate for the price. Across the street from Hoàng Yến hotel and a three-minute walk from the up-market Seagull Hotel. Double room: 200,000 dong.
  • Bình Hà Motel, 03/1 Dương 31 Tháng 3, 84 56 382-6198. Budget family-run guesthouse set back in a small alley between the Saigon Quy Nhơn hotel and the shopping centre Plaza An Phú Thịnh. A 3-minute walk to beach. Small, dark, slightly moldy rooms, but offset by the low price and convenient location. No English spoken or understood. Double room: 150,000 dong.
  • Hải Yến Tourist Guest House, 104 Hai Bà Trưng, 84 56 382-2480. Budget hotel offering reasonable value for price. Old, but well-maintained and clean. Friendly, but almost no English spoken. Double room: with window 230,000 dong; smaller windowless rooms: 180,000 dong.
  • Nhon Hai Beach Hostel, Nhon Hai Village (end of the beach), 84 981588826.
  • Phương Mai Hotel, 254 Nguyễn Thị Định (near intersection with Chương Dương). Low-budget guesthouse in the southwest of city offering good quality for the price. Quiet nondescript neighbourhood, with a 4-minute walk to beach. 25 minutes by foot to Coopmart. Owner manages several hotels, speaks good English after living five years in San Francisco and very good Japanese after studying medicine in Tokyo for 10 years. Double room: 150,000–200,000 dong.
  • Quy Hotel, 37 Lê Xuân Tú, 84 56 382-9999. Low-budget hotel on pleasant tree-lined street in centre just off main Nguyễn Tất Thành Street promenade. By foot, the beach is 8 minutes away, the Coopmart 4 minutes. Rooms are dark, old, slightly moldy, and need reform, but adequate for a budget stay for a night. On the top floor is a massage room. The friendly hotel owner lived in Germany 30 years before and still speaks surprisingly decent German and basic English. Double room: with window 150,000 dong, without window 120,000 dong.
  • Thiên Các Hotel, 8 Nguyên Tư (10 m (30 ft) north of Vũ Bão), 84 56 389-2921. Most low-budget of three adjacent hotels directly behind (due west) of the Coopmart complex in centre. A 3-minute walk to beach. Reasonably clean. Typical family-operated guesthouse style. Double room: 200,000 dong.

O'rta masofa

  • Đông Tây Hotel, 26 Nguyễn Lạc, 84 56 382-4877. Mid-budget hotel opened at the end of 2015. Directly opposite the beach and offering many rooms with sea views, it's still close to the city centre. The hotel entrance is flanked by open-air seafood restaurants, and a small night-food market is steps away. The Coopmart is a 5-minute walk to the north. Clean, modern rooms with air conditioning, TV, Wi-Fi. Elevator. Basic English understood. Double room: 300,000 dong at normal times, 500,000 during holidays and high season.
  • Eden Hotel, 60 Mai Xuân Thưởng (between Bùi Thị Xuân and Lê Hồng Phong, just around the corner from the Công Viên Quang Trung roundabout), 84 56 625-2233. The only mid-budget hotel in the northeast centre of the city. Rooms are small, but comfortable and clean. Six storeys. Elevator. Karaoke in basement, restaurant on top floor. 15-minute walk to Coopmart or the beach. 3-minute walk from the airport shuttle bus drop-off. Street-facing rooms on top floors have impressive panoramic views over the city, sea and mountains. Only basic English spoken. Double room with breakfast included: 400,000 dong.
  • Hoàng Sơn Hotel, 3 Ngô Mây (30 m (100 ft) northwest of roundabout with Diên Hồng and An Dương Vương), 84 56 384-6916. Standard mid-budget Vietnamese-style family-run hotel. Rooms dark, but clean enough in the southern end of the city centre, a 3-minute walk to the beach and 5 minutes to Coopmart. Double room: 300,000–350,000 dong.
  • Sunflowers Hotel, 13-17 Nguyễn Huệ, 84 56 389-1279. Large Vietnamese-style hotel on a small street 20 m (65 ft) off the beach boulevard at the far eastern end of the city. With its 10 storeys towering over the sparsely populated area at the tip of the peninsula, many of the rooms offer unobstructed views in all directions over the bay, the ocean, the city and the mountains. Oddiy nonushta kiritilgan. Elevator. Double room: 400,000 without view, 450,000 with view. Management is noteworthy for wanting to fill unoccupied rooms, so when the hotel isn't full, walk-in rates can be much cheaper than online booking.
  • Thái Bảo Hotel, 12 Nguyên Tư (20 m (70 ft) north of Vũ Bão street), 84 56 352-0816. Multi-storey mid-market hotel. Most upmarket of three adjacent hotels directly behind (due west) of the Coopmart complex in centre. A 3-minute walk to beach. Outdated Vietnamese-style decor, small rooms. Double rooms: 500,000–600,000 dong.


  • [o'lik havola]Hoàng Yến Hotel, 5 An Dương Vương, 84 56 347-4690. Large 3-star hotel directly on the beach in the southwest of the city. Outdated decor, Vietnamese upper-mid business-class style. Two intact, African elephant tusks are displayed proudly in the lobby. Nine-storey building with impressive views of the sea, the mountains and the city from top-floor rooms. Outdoor swimming pool, indoor and outdoor restaurants offering both Vietnamese and Western food, large conference rooms, sauna. Elevator. Good English spoken at the reception desk. Walk-in rates for double room including breakfast buffet: 990,000 dong (city view), 1,150,000 (sea view). Online booking often 20% cheaper than walk-in.
  • Saigon Quy Nhơn, 24 Nguyễn Huệ (corner of 31 Tháng 3). Multi-storey four-star hotel across from beach. Soaring lobby. Outdated, impersonal decor. Higher—and more expensive—rooms have wonderful city and beach views. Elevator. Swimming pool, spa, and small gym on top floor. English understood. Walk-in rates starting at 1,200,000–1,500,000 for a double room. Walk-in rates often slightly cheaper than online bookings.
  • Seagull Hotel, 489 An Dương Vương, 84 56 384-6377, . Multi-storey hotel on the beach in the southwest of the city. 170 rooms. Dated decor, small rooms, but it's the only four-star hotel in this section of the beach. Many of the rooms offer sea views with balconies. Several restaurants offering both Vietnamese and Western food, rooftop bar, swimming pool, spa, tiny fitness centre, gift shop, travel agency. Inglizcha gapirish. Website offered in Russian, although no staff speak the language. Double room including breakfast: 1,100,000 dong (city view), 1,300,000 (sea view). Online booking price and walk-in rate generally the same.
  • FLC Luxury Hotel Quy Nhon, Eo Gio, Nhon Ly, Quy Nhon. Along the beach, 900 rooms.
  • FLC Luxury Resort Quy Nhon, Eo Gio, Nhon Ly, Quy Nhon. Along the beach, 96 villas.

Bãi Xép fishing village

The bay of Bãi Xép, a hamlet of Quy Nhơn 10 km (6 miles) south of the city centre, has a total population of a few hundred people, dogs, cats and chickens. There is one lane, a handful of wooden homes, a few people selling rice crackers and gum from their creaking verandas, and a hand-pumped water well which doubles as a rather touch-and-go mini electrical station.

But this tiny fishing village has become an unlikely focus of international tourism in the region. With deserted beaches, hilly islands close to shore, and round wooden fishing boats bobbing in the water, it's an ideal destination to stay if you're looking to get away from it all and enjoy a peaceful seaside holiday. The good and the bad of staying here are the same: there's nothing to do except lounge on the beach in utter tranquility.

In an odd twist of fate, the small beach and one-metre wide lane of Bãi Xép is the only place in the entire province where you're guaranteed to find lots of foreigners, and the tiny hamlet is still adjusting to the effects this tourism is causing. Despite some effort by the hotels to minimize their negative influence, it's impossible for 100 rooms designed for relatively-rich foreign tourists not to have a big impact on the environment and the village culture in such a tiny place. And although the hotel managers plead with their guests to respect traditional village ways, tourists shower gifts and money on the local children, which leads the kids—and their families— to lose interest in the fishing life. It's a complicated issue underway right now and it's not at all resolved: there are lots of conflicting opinions from locals, tourists, hotels, and provincial authorities regarding what, if anything, should be done about the situation.

In contrast to Quy Nhơn proper, the hotels in Bãi Xép are all geared towards foreigners. Most of the staff speak fluent English, and many of the managers and workers are foreigners themselves. Online booking is advisable at all times... and an absolute necessity in the peak season. The contrast with the city is also clear in the higher prices: even the low-budget dorm beds in Bãi Xép generally cost as much as—or more than—private double rooms in the city, and at the high end, the tiny fisherman's cove can boast of having the only luxury resort in the province.


  • 1 [o'lik havola]Big Tree Backpackers and Bistro, Khu vực 1, Bãi Xếp, 84 1 635 990 207. Foreign-run backpackers hostel on the beach in the tiny fishing village of Bãi Xép. Offers three simple but clean dorm rooms: one female-only room with private bathroom and two mixed-gender rooms with shared toilets. Shared shower cubicles are open to the sky. Same management as Haven Guesthouse. Single dorm bed from US$8.

O'rta masofa

  • Haven Guesthouse, Tổ 2, Khu vực 1, Bãi Xếp, 84 1 635 990 207. Foreign-run guesthouse on the beach in the tiny fishing village of Bãi Xép. Offers four double rooms and one family room. Restaurant (open to non-guests as well) serves traveller-favourite Western fare and some Vietnamese specialities. Shares the same beach with Life's A Beach Guesthouse, which sits on the opposite side of the one-metre wide alleyway. The luxury Avani Resort lies on the same cove and beach about 100 m (330 ft) to the south, although its end of the beach is private and off-limits to non-guests. Rooms at Haven: 700,000–1,000,000, minimum stay two nights.
  • 2 Life's a Beach Guesthouse, Khu vực 1, Bãi Xếp, 84 1 62 993-3117. Guesthouse on the beach in the tiny fishing village of Bãi Xép. Run by two Englishmen. Offers bamboo beach houses, beach-view bungalow, treehouse and dorm beds. Shares the same beach with Haven Guesthouse, which is just on the opposite side of the one-metre wide road. Avani Resort is on the same cove and beach about 100 m (330 ft) to the south, although its end of the beach is private and off-limits to non-guests. Private house at Life's a Beach for two people: from US$30. Single dorm bed: $7 (budget) and $10 (luxury room with air conditioning).


  • 3 Avani Quy Nhơn Resort & Spa, Ghenh Rang, Bai Dai Beach, 84 56 3840 132. Luxury resort on the private Bai Dai Beach run by the Avani Hotel Group of Thailand. Previously known as Life Resort, the Avani is the most luxurious hotel in the Quy Nhơn area. 63 rooms and suites. Restaurants with Western and Vietnamese fare, open-air bar, swimming pool, spa offering massage and facial treatments, yoga pavilion, billiards. Entrance to Avani is on the main road 400 m (0.25 mi) south of the turn-off to Bãi Xép village. Avani shares the same cove and beach as Haven Guesthouse and Life's a Beach Guesthouse 100 m (330 ft) to the north, but the beach is divided and Avani's side is private and off-limits to non-guests. Standard suite from $180, deluxe suite offering closet and sofa from $230.



Covered in a haze of cigarette smoke and usually jammed in the middle of a family's living room and kitchen, hundreds of houses on almost every street of the city have desktop computers you can use for high-speed internet access at low prices. Their customers are almost exclusively local teenage boys playing video games day and night, but you're welcome to use the computers for web browsing. Kompyuterlarning hammasida eski va noqonuniy, ammo ishlaydigan Windows operatsion tizimlari, veb-brauzerlar va video qo'ng'iroqlar uchun minigarnituralar mavjud. Ko'pchilikda hatto Photoshop (yana, noqonuniy nusxalar), Microsoft Office va boshqa dasturlar o'rnatilgan. Bir soatlik foydalanish 3000 dong.

Agar sizda o'zingizning noutbukingiz yoki smartfoningiz bo'lsa, siz hech qachon ulanishdan bir necha daqiqadan ko'proq masofani bosib o'tolmaysiz, chunki shahardagi deyarli har bir kafe va restoran mijozlar uchun bepul Wi-Fi tarmog'ini taqdim etadi. Ulanish tezligi bir xil darajada juda tez va yuklab olish chegaralari yo'q.


Quy Nhơn quruqlik liniyalarining hudud kodi - 056. Vetnam tashqarisidan qo'ng'iroq qilish uchun mamlakat kodini qo'shing va 0: 84 56 XXX-XXXX raqamini qo'ying.

Barcha yirik uyali aloqa tarmoqlari mahalliy va xalqaro aloqalarni mukammal qamrab oladi. Siz SIM-kartalarni istalgan telefon do'konidan yoki ko'chadagi kichik kioskadan sotib olishingiz mumkin. Tashuvchilar o'rtasidagi raqobat narxlarni Vetnamning yirik shaharlaridan ham pastroq ushlab turadi. Maxsus takliflar har hafta keladi va ketadi, lekin oldindan bir oylik odatdagi shartnoma - 10 000 gb internet uchun 50 000 dong, qo'ng'iroqlar va SMSlar uchun 75 000 dong qo'shilgan kredit. Hech qanday hujjat talab qilinmaydi va barcha kartalar oldindan faollashtiriladi.

Shaharda jamoat telefonlari mavjud emas.


Da Nang (Đà Nẵng) - Vetnamning beshinchi yirik shahri. Sayyohlar uchun plyajlari, dastlabki Champa tarixi va Xi An va Mỹ Sonni o'rganish uchun qulaylik sifatida mashhur. Quy Nhơn shimolidan 300 km (185 milya).

Hội An - chet ellik sayyohlar orasida mashhur bo'lgan va 1999 yilda YuNESKO tomonidan Jahon merosi ro'yxatiga sazovor bo'lgan XV-19-asr savdo porti. Quy Nxundan 290 km (180 mil) shimolda.

O'g'lim - 4-14 asrlarga oid Cham xarobalari. YuNESKOning Butunjahon merosi ro'yxati Hindistonda eng uzoq yashaydigan arxeologik yodgorlik hisoblanadi. Quy Nhơn-dan 300 km (185 milya) shimoli-g'arbda.

Nha Trang - xalqaro sayyohlar orasida mashhur plyaj kurorti. Quy Nhơn janubidan 220 km (135 mil).

Pleyku - strategik joylashuvi uchun Vetnam-Amerika urushi paytida ikkala tomon uchun ham juda muhim bo'lgan Markaziy tog'li kichik shahar. Quy Nhơn shahridan 160 km (100 mil) sharqda.

Ushbu shahar sayohati uchun qo'llanma Quy Nhon bor qo'llanma holat. Bu mehmonxonalar, restoranlar, diqqatga sazovor joylar va sayohat tafsilotlarini o'z ichiga olgan turli xil yaxshi va sifatli ma'lumotlarga ega. Iltimos, o'z hissangizni qo'shing va buni amalga oshirishda bizga yordam bering Yulduz !