Bratislava - Bratislava

Bratislava (Pozsoni venger tilida, Pressburg nemis tilida), poytaxti va eng katta shahri Slovakiya. U deyarli 415 ming aholiga ega va mamlakatning ma'muriy, madaniy va iqtisodiy markazi hisoblanadi. 1919 yilgacha, u sifatida tanilgan Prespporok slovak tilida.


Iqlim jadvali (tushuntirish)
O'rtacha maksimal va min. harorat ° C da
Yog'ingarchilikQor jami mm
Imperial konversiya
O'rtacha maksimal va min. harorati ° F
Yog'ingarchilikQor jami dyuym
Bratislavaning panoramasi
Qal'adan qadimiy shahar

Bratislava juda yoqimli o'rta asr ichki shahariga ega, tor, burilishli ko'chalari, Tuna daryosi yonidagi tepalikdagi qal'a va ko'plab tarixiy cherkovlar va binolarni ziyorat qilish kerak. Qadimgi shahar ikki maydonda joylashgan: Xlavne nomestie (asosiy maydon) va Hviezdoslavovo namestie (taniqli slovak shoiri nomi bilan atalgan Hviezdoslav maydoni). Shaharning zamonaviy qismlarida topilgan ba'zi kommunistik davrdagi binolar ancha boshqacha me'moriy xususiyatga ega; eng yorqin misol - Petrzalka uy-joyi, bu kommunistlar davridagi eng yirik beton blokli uy-joy majmuasi Markaziy Evropadaryo bo'yida cheksiz cho'zilgan. Sharqqa qarab harakatlaning va o'rganish uchun ko'plab qishloq joylari mavjud. Bratislavadan shimolga va sharqqa 50 km masofada fermer xo'jaliklari, uzumzorlar, qishloq xo'jaligi erlari va kichik qishloqlar mavjud.

Bratislava va uning atrofi Markaziy va Sharqiy Evropadagi eng obod ikkinchi mintaqani tashkil etadi, aholi jon boshiga YaIM Evropa Ittifoqi-27 o'rtacha 167% ni tashkil etadi. Bratislava Evropa Ittifoqining eng boy oltinchi mintaqasi bo'lib, aholi jon boshiga YaIM boshqa Slovakiya mintaqalariga qaraganda uch baravar yuqori


Hviezdoslav maydoni

Buyuk Moraviya imperiyasi qulagandan so'ng, Slovakiya Qirolligining tarkibiga kirdi Vengriya X asrdan boshlab (keyinchalik. bilan birga kiritilgan Avstriya-Vengriya imperiyasi) Birinchi Jahon urushi oxirigacha. Shahar poytaxt (1536-1784), toj kiyinish shahri (1563-1830) va uch asr davomida Vengriya Qirolligining Diet (1536-1848) o'rni bo'lgan. Ushbu davrda Vengriya qirollari va qirolichalari Avliyo Martin soborida toj kiyib oldilar. O'sha paytda shahar nemis tilida Preßburg va venger tilida Pozsoni deb nomlangan va aniq nemis (42%) va venger (40%) etnik ko'pchilik (1910 yilgi aholini ro'yxatga olish) bo'lgan. 1919 yilda Trianon shartnomasi Chexoslovakiyani yaratdi va Bratislava yangi tashkil etilgan davlatga qo'shildi. O'sha yili Bratislava nomi birinchi marta rasmiy ravishda qabul qilindi.

1939-1944 yillarda Slovakiya fashistlarning qo'g'irchoq davlati edi. 1941–1942 va 1944–1945 yillarda ushbu hukumat Bratislavaning taxminan 15000 yahudiylarining aksariyatini o'ldirilgan kontsentratsion lagerlarga deportatsiya qilishda hamkorlik qildi. 1944 yilda Bratislava nemis qo'shinlari tomonidan ishg'ol qilindi va oxir-oqibat 1945 yil 4 aprelda Slovakiya partizanlarining muvaffaqiyatsiz qo'zg'olonidan so'ng Sovet Qizil Armiyasi tomonidan qabul qilindi. Slovenské národné povstanie, yoki "Slovakiya milliy qo'zg'oloni".

1948 yil fevral oyida Kommunistik partiya Chexoslovakiyada hokimiyatni qo'lga kiritgandan so'ng, shahar chuqur demografik va shahar o'zgarishiga guvoh bo'ldi. 1969 yilda u Slovakiya Sotsialistik Respublikasining poytaxtiga aylandi, bu federal Chexoslovakiyaning ikki tarkibiy qismlaridan biri edi.

Bratislava dissidentlari Kommunizmning qulashini 1988 yilda Bratislava shamining namoyishi bilan kutishgan va shahar 1989 yilda antikommunistik "baxmal inqilob" ning eng yirik markazlaridan biriga aylangan. 1993 yilda shahar yangi tashkil etilgan Slovakiya Respublikasining poytaxtiga aylangan. "baxmal ajrashish" dan keyin.

Temir parda qulaganidan beri va ayniqsa Slovakiyaning Evropa Ittifoqiga qo'shilishi bilan (2004 yil may) va keyinchalik Shengen zonasida, Bratislava ko'pincha ularning yaqinligi sababli Vena bilan birgalikda "egizak shaharlar" sifatida sotilmoqda. Ular Evropaning bir-birlariga eng yaqin masofada joylashgan ikkita poytaxti va Bratislava bilan zerikishingiz kerak bo'lsa, Vena, albatta, qiziqarli kunlik sayohatdir. O'rtacha jismoniy holatingiz bo'lsa, hatto bir kunda velosipedda 60 km masofani bosib o'tishingiz mumkin.


Bratislava aeroporti


Bratislava Milan Rastislav Stefanik aeroporti

1 Bratislava aeroporti (BTS IATA). Slovakiya Respublikasidagi eng katta aeroport Wikidata-da M. R. Stefanik aeroporti (Q828379) Vikipediyada Bratislava aeroporti

Quyidagi aviakompaniyalar Bratislava shahriga muntazam, mavsumiy va mavsumiy charter reyslarini amalga oshirmoqdalar:

  • Ryanair: Algero, Afina, Bouais, Bergamo, Birmingem, Bolonya, Sharlerua, Dublin, Eyndhoven, Jirona, Kiyev-Boryspil, London – Stansted, Maltada, "Manchester", Nish, Pafos, Rim – Ciampino, Saloniki Mavsumiy: Burgas, Korfu, Eylat, Lids / Bredford, Malaga, Palma de Mallorca
  • Smartwings: Mavsumiy: Antaliya, Burgas, Kataniya, Korfu, Iraklion, Kos, Lameziya Terme, Larnaka, Palma de Mallorca, Rodos
  • Wizz Air: Kiyev-Juliany, LondonLuton, Lvov, Odessa, Sankt-Peterburg, Skopye, Sofiya

Agar siz Ryanair bilan uchayotgan bo'lsangiz va ro'yxatdan o'tish yukingiz bo'lsa, aeroportning kichik o'lchamlari sizni aldashiga yo'l qo'ymang. Parvozingizdan oldin aeroportga etib boring, chunki navbat juda uzoqlashishi mumkin.

Maxsus aeroport xizmatlari mavjud emas, ammo aeroport shahar avtobuslari tarmog'ining bir qismi sifatida xizmat qiladi. Avtobusdan foydalaning Yo'q, 61 ga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulanish uchun (yoki kechasi N61) Markaziy poezd stantsiyasi (Hlavná stanica). Yoki shahar markaziga borish uchun Trnavské myto tramvayiga o'ting (tramvay bekatiga etib borish uchun yer osti yo'lidan va "Centrum" belgisi bilan chiqing (shahar markazi) va markazga qarab istalgan tramvay bilan boring. avtobus haydovchisidan chipta sotib olmang (quyida "Atrofga qarang" ni ko'ring), shuning uchun chiptalarni oldindan sotib olishingiz kerak. Bekatlardagi savdo avtomatlaridan foydalaning, ammo savdo avtomatlari eslatmalarni olib o'tmagani uchun sizga evro tanga kerak bo'ladi (u erda Shuningdek, terminal binosida banknotlar va kredit kartalarini qabul qiladigan ikkita katta qizil chipta mashinalari mavjud) .Bundan tashqari siz terminaldagi sayyohlik va valyuta ayirboshlash shoxobchalarida chipta sotib olishingiz mumkin, ammo ularning ish vaqti cheklangan. Xarajatlarni tangaga almashtirish haqida gap ketganda aeroportdagi do'konlar va kiosklar foydali emas .. Kirish zalidagi ekranda navbatdagi jamoat transporti avtobuslari va avtobuslarining Venaga ketish vaqtlari aks ettirilgan. Jamoat transporti avtobuslari arzon - shahar markaziga bir martalik chipta (chiptani avtobusda markalash mashinasida tasdiqlang; tasdiqlangan paytdan boshlab 60 daqiqa davomida amal qiladi; boshqa jamoat transporti yo'nalishlariga o'tkazishga ruxsat beriladi) har qanday almashish sonini o'z ichiga olgan holda 1,20 evro turadi. . Chiptangizni qoldirib ketish qimmatga tushishi mumkin, ammo tungi va past sayohat paytida 30 daqiqalik (0,90 evro) chipta aeroport va avtovokzal o'rtasida sayohat qilish uchun etarli bo'lishi mumkin (yoki aksincha). Kechasi temir yo'l stantsiyasiga (u erda vagonlarsiz) sayohat 31 minutni tashkil qiladi, shuning uchun siz 60 daqiqalik chiptadan yaxshiroqsiz.

To'g'ridan-to'g'ri aeroportdan olib ketilgan taksilar qimmat (shahar markaziga 15 daqiqalik yo'l uchun 30 evrodan ortiq) va undan ham yomoni, taksi haydovchilari siz ular bilan oldindan kelishib olgan narxni hurmat qilishmaydi. Agar sizga taksilar yoqsa, ulardan biriga qo'ng'iroq qiling yoki Uber, Bolt, Hopin yoki Liftago dasturlaridan foydalaning: ular ishonchli tarzda Bratislavada ishlaydi.

Taxminan bir soatlik intervalda ishlaydigan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri avtobus xizmatlari aeroportni birlashtiradi Vena xalqaro aeroporti (VIE IATA) va shahar Vena (Venaga sayohat vaqti taxminan 80-90 minut).

Vena xalqaro aeroporti

Vena xalqaro aeroporti

Vena xalqaro aeroporti/ Flughafen Wien (VIE IATA) Bratislava shahridan Shvexat shahriga yaqin 45 km (28 milya) masofada joylashgan Avstriya. Aeroport bayroq tashuvchining uy bazasi hisoblanadi Avstriyalik. Ko'pgina Evropa aviakompaniyalari va bir nechta xalqaro aviakompaniyalar o'zlarining markazlaridan Vena bilan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri aloqalarga ega.

Vena va Vena xalqaro aeroporti va Bratislava o'rtasida avtobus xizmati ko'rsatadigan uchta kompaniya mavjud, ularning har biri soatiga ishlaydi. Bratislavada barcha avtobuslar to'xtaydi Eynshteynova (Petržalka) va Ko'pgina SNP (NUJ ko'prigi ostida) va / yoki murabbiylar terminali (Autobusová stanica (Mlynské Nivy), sifatida qisqartirilgan jadvallarda Bratislava AS). RegioJet avtobuslaridan boshqa hamma Bratislava aeroporti tomon har ikki soatda davom etadi.

Transport variantlarining qisqa xulosasi (jadvallar va narxlar 2018 yil iyun holatiga ko'ra):

  • Slovakiya chiziqlari (avtobus). Hammasi bo'lib, soat 06: 30-22: 30 va 24:00 gacha har ikki yo'nalishda kamida 20 ta xizmat mavjud. Avtobuslar kamida har soatda Vena markaziy poezd stantsiyasi o'rtasida harakatlanadi (Wien Hauptbahnhof; Avtobus terminali yonida joylashgan Südtiroler Platz / Wiedner Gürtel) va Vena aeroporti va Bratislava murabbiylar terminali (Bratislava AS). Har ikki soatda ular Bratislava aeroportiga cho'ziladi. Barcha avtobuslar Xaynburg, Volfshtal (Avstriya) va Eynshteynova (Petrjalka) da to'xtaydi. Iltimos, tekshiring jadval . Bir kishi uchun ikki dona bagajni har bir dona uchun 1 evrodan tashishingiz mumkin. Bagaj yorliqlarini chipta oynasidan yoki haydovchidan sotib olish mumkin. Narx 1 evro (onlayn, oldindan), 5 evro (Bratislava markazi), 9,50 evro (Bratislava aeroporti), 15 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar 1 evro; qaytish chiptalari, 26 yoshgacha bo'lgan yoshlar va 63 yoshdan kattalar uchun chegirmalar.Siz bron qilishingiz mumkin onlayn bu erda.
  • Flixbus (avtobus). Hammasi bo'lib har ikkala yo'nalishda soat 06: 50-23: 50 va 01:05 gacha (aeroportdan chiqish vaqti) 21 ta xizmat mavjud. Avtobuslar orasida kamida har soat ishlaydi Vena U3 Erdberg VIB (Vena xalqaro Busterminal) va Vena aeroporti va Bratislava. Bratislavadagi avtobus bekatlari: Eynshteynova (Petržalka), Yangi ko'prik (Ko'pgina SNP) va murabbiylar terminali (Bratislava AS). Har ikki soatda avtobuslar Bratislava aeroportiga yo'l oladi. Aeroportga mo'ljallanmagan avtobuslar Terminal Terminaliga va toxtama Most SNP-da. 4,99 evrodan (oldindan Internetda) 9,99 evrogacha; bolalar 3,90 evro - 4,99 evro.Siz bron qilishingiz mumkin onlayn bu erda.
  • RegioJet (avtobus). Hammasi bo'lib soat 7:00 va 09: 00-23: 00 (har ikki yo'nalishda ham aeroportdan uchish vaqti) da 16 ta xizmat mavjud. Avtobuslar Vena markaziy poezd stantsiyasi o'rtasida har soatda harakatlanadi (Wien Hauptbahnhof, Avtovokzal yaqin joylashgan Südtiroler Platz / Wiedner Gürtel) va Vena aeroporti va Bratislava murabbiylar terminali (Bratislava AS), Eynshteynovada (Petržalkadagi Inchebaga yaqin) va SNP (NUJ ko'prigi) da to'xtaydi. RegioJet avtobuslari Bratislava aeroporti tomon yo'l olishmaydi. Internet orqali buyurtma berganingizga ishonch hosil qiling. Narxi 5 evro, agar juda erta buyurtma qilingan bo'lsa, 1 evroga teng; bolalar 4,50 evro.Siz bron qilishingiz mumkin onlayn bu erda.
  • Poezd. Vena-Bratislava yo'nalishidagi poezdlar turli yo'nalishlarda harakat qilgani uchun Vena aeroporti yonidan o'tmaydi. Shu bilan birga, Vena aeroportidan Avstriya chegarasidagi Volfsthalga (S7 yoki R) poezdda borish mumkin edi (45 daqiqa, oddiy chipta narxi 9,90 evro) va Slovakiya boshqaradigan joyga o'tish mumkin edi. mintaqaviy avtobus 901 bu sizni 12 daqiqada Bratislava shahar markaziga olib boradi (26 yoshgacha bo'lgan yoshlar uchun 1,50 evro, 0,75 evro, 6 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar bepul sayohat qilishadi). Avtobuslar soat 55 daqiqada jo'nab ketishadi, lekin avtobusning jo'nash / tushishi har doim ham poyezdlar bilan mos kelmasligini unutmang, shuning uchun chegaradan 5 km uzoqlikdagi kichik qishloqda ikki soatgacha kutish xavfi tug'iladi. . Bu erdan Bratislavaga yurish bir soat davom etadi va Tuna daryosi yaqinida yo'l borligiga qaramay tavsiya etilmaydi. Umuman olganda, bu Bratislavaga borishning afzal usuli emas, lekin jadvallar tekshirilgan bo'lsa yoki sizda sayohat yoki taksini tashkil qilishning zaxira rejasi bo'lsa foydali bo'lishi mumkin (agar buni qilmasangiz tushuntirish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin " t Wolfsthal-dan slovak yoki nemis tillarida gaplashing).
  • Taksi. Taksichi narxi belgilanmagan, kirishdan oldin rozi bo'ling.
  • Vena – Bratislava transferi. Vena va Bratislava o'rtasida o'tkazmalar uchun bir tekis stavka 75 evro.

Shu bilan bir qatorda

Brno Aeroportda boradigan takliflarning juda kichik tanlovi mavjud. Budapesht va Praga aeroportlari taxminan 4-5 soatlik sayohatni tashkil etadi, ammo qit'alararo sayohatlarda, ayniqsa, yo'nalishda katta tejashni anglatishi mumkin Nyu-York shahri yoki Pekin.


Aksariyat xalqaro poezdlar to'xtaydi 2 Bratislava asosiy stantsiyasi (Bratislava hlavná stanica). U jamoat transporti bilan yaxshi aloqalarga ega. Shahar markaziga borish uchun siz 1-raqamli tramvayda borishingiz va "Nám. SNP" dan tushishingiz mumkin ("Námestie Slovenského národného povstania" qisqartmasi) (xarita), ammo bu baribir 20-25 daqiqalik yurish qiyin - bekat ichidagi turizm bo'yicha ma'lumot stolidan bepul xarita va yo'nalishlarni so'rash kifoya. Avtobus 80 (yo'nalish: Kollárovo námestie) vokzal binosining tashqarisidan chiqib ketadi yoki vokzal zali ostidagi o'tish joyidan foydalanadi, keyin yo'lning qarama-qarshi tomonidan chiqib ketadigan har qanday avtobusga sakraydi. 91 va 191 avtobuslar (yo'nalish: Eng ko'p), 93 va 94 (yo'nalish: Hlavná stanica va Vazovova barchasi to'g'ri shahar markaziga boradi. Vikidatadagi Bratislava hlavná stanica (Q899662) Vikipediyada Bratislava hlavná stanica

  • 3 Bratislava-Petržalka. Boshqa asosiy stantsiya - Bratislava-Petržalka, Dunay daryosining janubida, turar-joy tumanida joylashgan. Stantsiya Venadan kelgan ba'zi poezdlar uchun terminus bo'lib xizmat qiladi.
  • Vena: 1 soat. Ikkita mintaqaviy ekspress xizmatlari mavjud Wien Hauptbahnhof (Vena markaziy poezd stantsiyasi) Bratislavadagi ikki xil stantsiyaga: biri Bratislava Hlavná stanica (Bratislava Central Train Station) ga Marchegg orqali, ikkinchisi Kittsee orqali Bratislava Petržalka stantsiyasigacha - har biri soatlik intervalda ishlaydi, birinchi kundalik xizmat soat 05 atrofida qoldiriladi: 00 va oxirgi poezd 22:30 atrofida, Petržalka tomon soat 23:15 da jo'naydi. Turli yo'nalishlar uchun oddiy chiptalar narxi bir xil emas. Ammo foydali qaytib kelish chiptasi bilan EvrejioBratislava-chipta Venada sotib olingan 16 evro turadi (15 yoshgacha bo'lgan bolalar: 8 evro), siz har qanday yo'nalishda bemalol istalgan poezddan foydalanishingiz mumkin. U 4 kun davomida amal qiladi, ammo sayohat amal qilishning birinchi kunida boshlanishi kerak. Birinchi kuni u Bratislava shahridagi barcha jamoat transportlari uchun shahar transportidan soat 01: 00gacha bepul foydalanish huquqini beruvchi kunlik xizmat vazifasini o'taydi. Kittsee orqali faqat Bratislava-Petržalka tomon boradigan bo'lsangiz, bu qaytish chiptasidan foyda ko'rasiz, chunki bu oddiy bir tomonlama chiptadan arzonroq! Shuningdek, poyezdda bitta velosipedni tashish bepul. Siz uni chiptaxonalardan va barcha ÖBB chiptalarni sotadigan mashinalardan olishingiz mumkin, lekin maqsadga kirmasdan, pastki qismida "Qo'shimcha mahsulotlar" ni, so'ngra "Qo'shni mamlakatlar uchun chiptalarni" tanlash orqali.
  • Praga: Chexiyaning DD (České drahy) temir yo'l kompaniyasi boshqaradigan har 2 soatda 4 soat, EC poezdlari. Onlayn chiptalar bekatida sotib olingan chiptalarga qaraganda ancha arzon, ammo siz ularni kamida 3 kun oldin sotib olishingiz kerak. Euronight poezdida shpalli vagonga o'tirish mumkin EN 477 "Metropol"ammo, sayohat atigi 6 soat davom etadi, ya'ni ko'p uxlamaysiz.
Chexiyaning xususiy arzon narxdagi RegioJet aviatashuvchisi uchta to'g'ridan-to'g'ri aloqani ta'minlaydi (jadval) Bratislavaga. Sayohat vaqti atigi 4 soatdan kam. RegioJet-da Pragada chiptalar hisoblagichlari mavjud bo'lsa-da, eng yaxshi usul - bu chiptalarni onlayn bron qilish (Bu yerga) eng yaxshi narxdagi chiptalarni olish uchun oldindan.
  • Budapesht: 2½ soat, kunduzi sakkiz EC poezd, jo'nab ketish Budapesht Nyugati stantsiyasi; va bitta EN poezdidan Budapesht Keleti stantsiyasi ketish va kechqurun kelish. Poyezdlar har ikki soatda ikki yo'nalishda harakatlanadi. Budapeshtdan, EC-ning tsikli ikki soatlik jadvali soat 05: 41–17: 41 gacha, bitta qo'shimcha poezd bilan soat 08:41; EN poezdi soat 20:25 da jo'naydi (EN 476 "Metropol"). Bratislavadan birinchi poyezd soat 05:54 da boshlanadi (tartibsizlik, EN 477 "Metropol"), keyin EC poezdlari soat ikki soatlik haqiqiy jadval bo'yicha soat 07: 53-19: 53 gacha, qo'shimcha soat 16:53 da qatnaydi. 2018 yil iyun oyida Budapesht - Bratislava chiptasi 17,50 yevroni tashkil etdi (bu bir oy ichida qaytish safarini o'z ichiga oladi, agar siz Budapeshtga qaytib kelsangiz, eng yaxshi imkoniyatga ega bo'lasiz). Qaytish-ketish chiptasi uchun bir xil narx va shartlar Bratislava – Budapesht Slovakiyaning ZSSK temir yo'l kompaniyasidan sotib olingan.
  • Berlin: 8½ soat, har ikki soatda besh kunlik EC poezd aloqasi. Bitta to'g'ridan-to'g'ri poezddan tashqari (EC 173 "Vengriya"), boshqa barcha poezdlar o'zgarishni talab qiladi Praga. To'g'ridan-to'g'ri shpal xizmati yo'q, lekin Pragada kunning oqilona vaqtida faqat bitta o'zgarish. To'g'ridan-to'g'ri jo'nab ketishdan oldin yoki poezdda sotib olingan chiptalar, oldindan sotib olish narxlaridan ancha oldinroq (jo'nab ketishidan 90 kun oldin emas), iloji boricha erta sotib olinganda (29 evrodan boshlab) juda arzon bo'lishi mumkin. E'tibor bering, peshtaxtadan sotib olingan chiptalar uchun 2 evro qo'shimcha haq olinadi, ammo siz peshtaxtadan ma'lumot olishingiz va keyinchalik mashinadan baribir sotib olishingiz mumkin, qo'shimcha to'lovisiz. Shuningdek, chiptalarni onlayn ravishda Deutsche Bahn's do'konidan sotib olish mumkin ajoyib veb-sayt.
  • Varshava: 7 soat, har kuni bitta to'g'ridan-to'g'ri poezd (IC 131 "Varsoviya") va Beclavda o'zgarish bilan ikkita ulanish; Tungi poezdda 10¾ soat EN 407 "Shopin" Beclavdagi o'zgarish bilan. Cheklangan taklif mavjud (SparDay kunduzgi poezdlar uchun, SparNight Bratislava orqali Budapeshtga chegirmali chiptalar), ular oddiy Bratislava chiptalariga qaraganda ancha arzon.
  • Belgrad: Jami 12¾ soat, boshlab INT / D 344 "Avala" Budapesht tomon, u erda Keleti-dan Nyugati temir yo'l stantsiyasiga o'tish EC 270 "Metropolitan" da Bratislavaga davom etish uchun. Serbiyadan keladigan poezdlar ko'pincha kechiktiriladi, ammo Budapeshtda sizda 2 soatlik bo'shliq bor. Shu bilan bir qatorda: 11½ soat bilan INT 342 "Ivo Andrić" Budapeshtga, u erda EN 476 "Metropol" ga qarab o'zgaradi, o'sha temiryo'l stantsiyasida 20 daqiqani tashkil etadi. (Endi to'g'ridan-to'g'ri poezd yo'q).
  • Kiyev: Kecha poezdidan boshlab, faqat bitta o'zgarish bilan 23 soat, eng kam sayohat vaqti D 40749 "Hortobagiya" Budapeshtga Keleti-dan Nyugati temir yo'l stantsiyasiga o'tish (1 soat 40 min. oraliq) va EC 278 "Metropolitan" poezdida davom etish.
  • Rijeka kechasi orqali Lyublyana va Csorna, davom etmoqda Beclav, Brno, Pardubits va Praga. Bu tomonidan boshqariladi Regiojet, muhim buyurtma.


Sankt-Elisabet cherkovi

Murabbiylar liniyalari Bratislavani hamma bilan bog'laydi Slovakiya, Chexiya shaharlarining ko'pligi va Evropa Ittifoqining bir qator yo'nalishlari, shu jumladan London, Parij. Bratislava va Budapesht o'rtasida kunlik aloqalar mavjud, masalan, Flixbus avtobus xizmati taxminan har ikki soatda.

Germaniyaning janubidan ham bir nechta aloqalar mavjud. Yangi paydo bo'layotgan ichki bozor, shuningdek xalqaro yo'nalishlar bo'yicha ba'zi ma'lumotlar (asosan bir xil kompaniyalar tomonidan boshqariladi) Germaniyada uzoq masofali avtobus sayohati

Xalqaro murabbiylarning eng tez-tez aloqasi bu VenaVena va Vena xalqaro aeroporti va Bratislava o'rtasida avtobus qatnovini ta'minlovchi uchta kompaniya bor - Postbus / Slovakiya liniyalari, Flixbus va RegioJet - ularning har biri Vena ichkarisidagi uchish punktlaridan soatlik intervalda. Bratislavada barcha avtobuslar to'xtaydi Eynshteynova (Petržalka) va Ko'pgina SNP (NUJ ko'prigi ostida) va / yoki murabbiylar terminali (Autobusová stanica (Mlynské Nivy), sifatida qisqartirilgan jadvallarda Bratislava AS). RegioJet avtobuslaridan boshqa hamma Bratislava aeroporti tomon har ikki soatda davom etadi. Vena / dan sayohat taxminan 1½ soat davom etadi.

Bratislavaga borish narxi bir xil, sayohat Venada yoki Vena aeroportida boshlanishidan qat'iy nazar. Bratislava aeroportiga tarif Flixbus bilan bir xil yoki undan yuqori bo'lishi mumkin, Postbus / Slovakiya liniyalari odatda yuqori narxni talab qiladi.

Venadan soatlik jo'nab ketish (jadvallar va narxlar 2018 yil iyun holatiga ko'ra):

  • Slovakiya qatorlari: Vena markaziy poezd stantsiyasidan (Wien Hauptbahnhof; Avtovokzal yonma-yon joylashgan Südtiroler Platz / Wiedner Gürtel) 06: 00–22: 00, 23.30; Bratislava aeroportiga har 2 soatda 06: 00-14: 00 va 15: 00-19: 00 gacha. Siz bron qilishingiz mumkin onlayn bu erda.
  • Flixbus: dan Vena U3 Erdberg VIB (Vena xalqaro Busterminal) 06: 30–23: 30, 0:45; Bratislava aeroportiga har 2 soatda 07: 30-21: 30 gacha. Bratislava markaziga Vena markaziy poezd stantsiyasidan Polski Bus tomonidan Flixbus soyaboni ostida boshqariladigan ikkita qo'shimcha avtobus bor. Siz bron qilishingiz mumkin onlayn bu erda.
  • RegioJet: Vena markaziy poezd stantsiyasidan (Wien Hauptbahnhof; Avtovokzal yonma-yon joylashgan Südtiroler Platz / Wiedner Gürtel) 06:25, 08:25–22:25. Siz bron qilishingiz mumkin onlayn bu erda.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun qarang Vena xalqaro aeroporti / Flughafen Wien.

4 Avtobus bekati (Autobusová stanica), Mlynské nivy. Shahar markazining sharqiy chegarasida, bu juda katta qurilish maydonchasi bo'lib, u erda ko'plab yangi rivojlanish sodir bo'lmoqda. Avtovokzal vaqtinchalik avtovokzalga ko'chirildi. Asosiy temir yo'l stantsiyasiga (Hlavná stanica) etib borish uchun № 210 trolleybusga o'ting. Agar shahar markaziga etib borish kerak bo'lsa, № 205 yoki 202 (shahar markazi terminali MY Tesco univermagining orqasida joylashgan) trolleybusga o'ting. Kamenné námestie) yoki 50-sonli avtobuslar (Dunay daryosi bo'yiga yaqin bo'lgan Safarikoovo nesti-da tushish / tushish) yoki 70 (Yangi ko'prik, Novy mostda tushish).
Avtovokzalda chap bagaj idorasi mavjud, u erda siz kuniga bitta buyum uchun summalarni taxminan 1 evroga saqlashingiz mumkin. Shuningdek, yuqori qavatda novvoyxona, bar / oshxona, gazeta kioskasi va bir nechta do'kon mavjud.
Agar siz shaharlararo avtobusda kelganingizdan so'ng jamoat transportidan foydalanishni rejalashtirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, yo'nalishni so'rang. Yaqin atrofda "Autobusova stanica" deb belgilangan bir nechta avtobus bekatlari mavjud va siz o'zingizni kerakli ulanish orqali xizmat ko'rsatmaydigan bekatda topishingiz mumkin.


Twin City layneri Bratislavani Avstriya poytaxti Vena bilan bog'laydi

Dunayda muntazam sayyohlik qayiq liniyalari bahordan kuzgacha Venadan yo'nalishlarda ishlaydi. Siz marshrutlar va jadvallarni topishingiz mumkin Bu yerga.

A yuqori tezlikda parom kemasi boshqa transport vositalariga qaraganda yuqori narxda Venaga sayohat qiladi. Twin City Liner tomonidan Venadan Bratislavaga bir tomonlama chiptaning narxi taxminan 25-30 evroni tashkil etadi (qaytish uchun poezd chiptasi esa 15 evrodan kam). Egizak shahar laynerining qayiqlari 60 km / s tezlikda harakatlanadi va sayohat Venadan Bratislavaga 1 soat 15 daqiqa va Bratislavadan Venaga taxminan 1 soat 30 daqiqa davom etadi (deyarli poezdga teng). Markazdan uzoqda joylashgan stantsiyalarda (taxminan 2-3 km) to'xtab turadigan poyezddan farqli o'laroq, qayiq to'xtash joylari Vena (Shvedplatz) va Bratislava (Novy Most) markazlarida joylashgan.

Baydarka va kanoeda

Dunay daryosi ko'p kunlik sayohatlar uchun juda mashhur. Ba'zi odamlar o'zlarining eshkak eshishlarini Germaniyadan Qora dengizgacha (2516 km / 1563 mildan ko'proq), TID deb ham atashadi. Bratislava eshkak eshish uchun yaxshi rivojlangan. "Karloveske rameno" da bir nechta eshkak eshish klublari mavjud, ularning yashash joylari mumkin Paddler klubi daryo bo'yida 1872 km, "Stary most" yonida rkm 1868 da. Daryo bo'yida bepul lager qilish mumkin; yaxshi joylar 1872 km atrofida, 1864-60 chapda.


Bratislava yana ikki mamlakat chegarasida joylashgan va nisbatan yaxshi yo'l tizimiga ega. Shaharga Slovakiya va Polsha, Chexiya, Vengriya hamda Avstriyadan avtomagistrallar (ya'ni cheklangan kirish yo'li) kirish mumkin. Natijada, siz shaharni avtoyo'ldan umuman chiqmasdan o'tishingiz mumkin. Markaziy Evropaning aksariyat davlatlari singari, siz ham avtomobil yo'llaridan foydalanish uchun to'lashingiz kerak. Vengriyaga o'xshab, to'lov ham elektron tarzda amalga oshiriladi (shuning uchun old oynada stiker bo'lishi shart emas) va uni sotib olish mumkin onlayn, ko'pgina yoqilg'i quyish shoxobchalarida va chegaradagi kioskada. Bratislava shahri chegarasidagi avtomobil yo'llaridan bepul foydalanish mumkin.

Shaharga kirgandan so'ng, sizni keyingi bepul to'xtash joyiga olib boradigan mashinalar haqida ma'lumot tizimi mavjud. Shahar markazida siz pulli er osti garajlaridan birini ishlatishingiz yoki sariq jiletli sotuvchilardan mashinalar kartasini sotib olishingiz va ko'chalarda bo'sh joy topishga harakat qilishingiz mumkin. Birinchisi, dam olish kunlari tavsiya etiladi, chunki bitta yo'lda to'xtash joyini topish haqiqiy bosh jumboqqa aylanishi mumkin. Agar ko'chada joy topsangiz va ish kuni soat 08:00 dan 16:00 gacha bo'lsa, siz mashinalar uchun pul to'lashingiz kerak. Avtoturarlarning hisoblagichlari odatda burchaklarda joylashgan bo'lib, ularga ko'k va sariq belgi qo'yilgan va faqat tanga olib qo'yilgan.

Avtoulovni yonida qoldirish yaxshi fikr bo'lishi mumkin Aupark to'xtash joyi shuningdek, sayyohlar uchun "Park and Walk" ob'ekti bo'lib xizmat qiladi (yopiq to'xtash joylari, shuningdek ochiq to'xtash joyining qismlari 24: 00-06: 00 gacha yopiq, qolgan to'xtash joyidan foydalanish bepul. 24/7). Siz mashinangizni bu erda qoldirib, park orqali va Dunay bo'ylab shahar markaziga, ya'ni 10 daqiqali sayrga borishingiz yoki shunchaki jamoat transportidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Pullik to'xtash joyidan qochish uchun mashinani shahar markazidan tashqaridagi turar-joy joylarida qoldirish tavsiya etilmaydi, chunki chet el avtomobillari avtomobil o'g'rilarini jalb qilishi mumkin.

Avtomobilni ijaraga olish, ayniqsa, Bratislava tashqarisidagi yo'nalishlarga tashrif buyurgan bo'lsangiz ham, tanlovdir. Barcha yirik ijara kompaniyalarining aeroportda savdo rastasi bor, lekin aksariyati shaharning ofisiga ham ega, shuningdek, mahalliy avtoulovlarni ijaraga beruvchi kompaniyalar juda ko'p, ba'zilari hatto mashinani sizning mehmonxonangizga / kvartirangizga etkazib berishadi. Ishonchli narsani tanlash uchun aql-idrokdan foydalaning.


Bratislava velosipedda harakatlanish uchun yaxshi atrof-muhitga ega va Dunay daryosining janubiy qirg'og'i bo'ylab xalqaro velosiped yo'li (Donauradweg yoki EuroVelo 6). Avstriyadan Bratislava orqali Vengriyaga boradigan yo'l yaxshi belgilangan va piyoda sayr qilish uchun ham qulaydir. Velosiped marshrutida motorli transport taqiqlanadi.

Biroq shaharchada velosiped marshrutlari unchalik ko'p emas va ularga asosan avtomobil haydovchilari e'tibor bermaydilar. Buning millionlab usullari mavjud Karpat tepaliklarida va Dunay va Morava daryolari bo'ylab velosiped. Yana bir nechtasini quyida "Do" da o'qing.

Atrofga boring

48 ° 8′55 ″ N 17 ° 6′48 ″ E
Bratislava xaritasi

Odatda, Bratislava yuradigan shahar. Markaz juda kichkina va shinam bo'lib, bir necha daqiqada bir tomondan ikkinchi tomonga bemalol yurishingiz mumkin. Shahar markazi piyodalar uchun mo'ljallangan maydon, lekin velosipedchilar va vaqti-vaqti bilan yuradigan odamlar va piyoda odamlar va tashqi kafelar o'rtasida tez harakatlanadigan avtoulovlardan xabardor bo'ling.

Jamoat transporti

Bratislavada Škoda 30 T tramvay
Dunay bo'ylab SNPning ko'p qismi.
Bratislavada odatdagi qizil avtobus.

Agar siz markazdan tashqarida sayohat qilishni xohlasangiz, tezda bir nuqtadan ikkinchisiga etib borishingiz kerak bo'lsa, tramvay yoki trolleybuslardan foydalaning. Bratislavada juda yaxshi narsa bor jamoat transporti tizimi asosan shahar transport kompaniyasi tomonidan boshqariladi DPB(veb-sayt faqat slovak tilida) ularning ko'plab transport vositalari eskirgan bo'lsa-da. Avtobuslar eng sekin transport vositasi bo'lishga moyil. To'xtaydi tramvaylardan tashqari, odatda so'ralishi kerak. Avtobus / trolleybusga kirish uchun avtobus bekatida ko'rinadigan turish kerak. Chiqish uchun yaqin atrofdagi tugmachani bosish kerak, haydovchi keyingi to'xtash joylarida to'xtaydi. Avtobus eshiklari yo'lovchilar tomonidan ochilishi kerak (eng qadimgi avtobuslardan tashqari), faqat eshik yoki eshik yonidagi tugmachani bosing.

Bir martalik chiptaning narxi 0,70 yevroni tashkil qiladi, faqat 15 daqiqa davomida amal qiladi. 0,90 evroga (30 daqiqa davomida amal qiladi) uzoqroq amal qilish chiptasi mavjud. Belgilangan muddat ichida barcha chiptalardan istalgan sayohat uchun foydalanish mumkin. Agar siz ta'tilda qolmoqchi bo'lsangiz, 1, 3 va 7 kunlik (tasdiqlashdan boshlab 24, 72 va 168 soat), 3,50, 8 va 11,40 evroga teng bo'lgan uzoqroq muddatli chiptalarni sotib olishni o'ylab ko'ring. navbati bilan. Chiptalar haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun IDS BK (Integrated Transport System) veb-sayti. Eslatma siz ham sotib olishingiz kerak alohida chipta chamadoningiz yoki boshqa katta yuklaringiz uchun; 0,35 evroga 15 daqiqaga arzonlashtirilgan chipta sotib oling va bu sizning yukingizni qoplaydi.

Siz majbursiz; siz ... kerak chiptangizni tasdiqlang avtobus / tramvaydagi tasdiqlash mashinalarida o'tirgandan so'ng darhol (istalgan eshik orqali). Sizning chiptangizda ko'rsatilgan vaqtdan oshmaganligingizni isbotlash haqida gap ketganda (masalan, 15 daqiqalik chiptada 15 daqiqa), rasmiy jadval vaqtlari hal qiluvchi hisoblanadi - haqiqiy sayohat vaqtlari emas (chiptalarni talab qiladigan do'stona tekshiruvchilarga berilmang) aksincha). Belgilangan sayohat vaqtlarini jadvalning eng chap ustunida, to'xtash joyining chap qismida yoki Internet orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin (pastga qarang).

Bratislavada avtobus va tramvay haydovchilari bunday qilma chiptalarni soting, shuning uchun siz avtobusga yoki tramvayga kirishdan oldin chipta olishingiz kerak. Lar bor chipta shahardagi ko'p to'xtash joylarida avtomatlar. Sariq mashinalarda faqat tangalar va kontaktsiz kredit kartalardan foydalanish mumkin (agar siz uzoqroq chiptani sotib olishingiz kerak bo'lsa, bu sizni asabiylashtirishi mumkin), ammo katta to'xtash joylarida chiptalarning barcha turlarini sotadigan va qabul qiladigan yangi katta qizil mashinalar ham mavjud. barcha kartalar va hatto banknotalar. SMS chiptalar ham mavjud, ammo faqat siz Slovakiya SIM-kartasi bilan uyali telefondan matnli xabar yuborsangiz, bu barcha qisqa muddatli chet ellik sayyohlarni istisno qiladi. SMS-chiptalarni S-poezdlarida ishlatish mumkin emas.

Agar siz Venada "Eurgion Bratislava-Ticket" qaytish chiptasini sotib olgan bo'lsangiz, u shuningdek, barcha jamoat transportlari uchun chiptada ko'rsatilgan sanada o'tish joyi bo'lib xizmat qiladi va Bratislava jamoat transportida tasdiqlanishi shart emas.

Savdo avtomatlaridan tashqari, chiptalar ko'plab yangiliklar stendlarida va poezdda kelganlar uchun juda qulay, kechqurun yoki dam olish kunlari - temir yo'l stantsiyalarida chiptaxonalarda (asosiy temir yo'l stantsiyasidagi 16-chi kassa) sotiladi. Bundan tashqari, har birida jamoat transporti uchun chiptalarni sotib olishingiz mumkin turistik axborot byurosi[o'lik havola]. So'rab ko'ring Bratislava shahar kartasi[o'lik havola] 1 dan 3 kunlik chiptani har xil chegirmalar bilan birlashtirgan va axborot byurosida mavjud, ammo shahar kartasi faqat jamoat transporti chiptalariga qaraganda ancha qimmatroq ekanligini unutmang, shuning uchun uning siz uchun eng yaxshi variant ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling!

Shuningdek, chiptalarni uchun dastur yordamida sotib olish mumkin Android yoki iOS.

3 bor asosiy almashish nuqtalari deyarli boshqa joyga avtobus yoki tramvay olib boradigan yaqin shahar markazida:

  • Hodžovo námestie (Prezident saroyi) shimoli-g'arbiy va sharqiy yo'nalishdagi avtobus aloqalari uchun
  • Tramvaylar uchun Námestie SNP / Kamenné námestie (markazning shimoliy chekkasida, Hodžovo namestie ostidagi piyodalar maydonidan pastga)
  • Tramvaylar va g'arbiy yo'nalishdagi avtobuslar, shuningdek Petržalka avtobuslari uchun SNP (Avliyo Martin soboriga va Dunay daryosiga yaqin).

Asosiy tramvay, avtobus va trolleybus yo'nalishlari soat 04:30 dan taxminan 23:30 gacha ishlaydi. Agar kerak bo'lsa tunda avtobusda sayohat qilish, asosiy tungi yo'lni almashtirish punkti bo'lgan asosiy temir yo'l stantsiyasiga boring yoki Prezident saroyidagi avtobus bekatlaridan foydalaning (Hodzovo námestie). Barcha tungi liniyalar asosiy temir yo'l stantsiyasidan soat 23: 30da, keyin har 60 daqiqada har bir yo'nalish va chiqish yo'nalishi bo'yicha soat 03: 30gacha umumiy uchish vaqtiga ega. Yarim tunda ba'zi yo'nalishlarda qo'shimcha chiqish yo'nalishi mavjud. Kechasi safarlarida sizga 1,40 evro evaziga tungi chipta kerak bo'ladi. Tungi yo'nalishlarda sayohat qilishda har bir bekat so'ralishi kerak. Ayniqsa, juma va shanba kunlari yarim tunda, yoshlar klublardan qaytganlarida avtobuslar ba'zi yo'nalishlarda juda ko'p bo'ladi.

Jamoat transporti marshrutlari ba'zida o'zgarib turadi, ayniqsa treklar va yangilanishlar tufayli. Masalan, 2019 yil iyun oyida tramvay yo'nalishlari butunlay o'zgartirildi. Agar sizda eski xarita, eski sayyohlar uchun qo'llanma va boshqalar bo'lsa, ehtimol transport liniyalari (raqamlar, yo'nalishlar, transfer punktlari) yaroqsiz bo'ladi. Rasmiylardan birini onlayn tekshiring IDS BK sayt yoki norasmiy iMHD xaritalari kengroq bo'lgan sayt, to'xtash joylaridagi ma'lumotlar (ingliz tilida mavjud) yoki ishonchingiz komil bo'lmagan yo'lovchilaringizdan so'rang.

Agar kerak bo'lsa, buni qilish ham mumkin Petrzalka stantsiyasiga piyoda boring shahardan (taxminan 25 daqiqa). Hozir yo'l aniq belgilab qo'yilgan, ammo Petržalka Markaziy Evropadagi eng katta ko'p qavatli uylardan bir oz ko'proq ekanligini unutmang. Uning tepasida uchadigan likopchaga o'xshab ko'rinadigan minora bilan ko'prikka boring (Ko'pchilik SNP yoki "Nový most" nomi bilan ham tanilgan). Ko'prikka etib borganingizdan so'ng, uning pastki qismida piyodalar uchun yurish yo'lagi borligini sezasiz. Dunay daryosining narigi tomonida, ko'prikning o'ng tomoniga qizil asfaltlangan yo'lak bilan boring. Bu sizni stantsiyaga olib boradi. Shu bilan bir qatorda, Bratislavaning Sad Janka Krána deb nomlangan Markaziy bog'iga teng keladigan sayr qilish va parkdagi Aupark Savdo majmuasiga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin. Once exiting Aupark on the other side, turn right and follow the street to get to the pavement mentioned above. The route is very safe during the day, but for typically western-looking tourists, it might be dangerous at night (although not more than in any other European "panelák" (see above) housing estate). Take a guide, if needed. If you want to walk from the station to the city, turn right outside of the station building and follow the path described above in reverse direction.


Do not take taxis waiting outside of major transfer points and tourist areas, such as main railway station, airport, bus station, Petrzalka train station, in front of Alizee nightbar at the northern corner of the city centre, etc. as they will rip you off. Taxis are cheaper in Bratislava when called in advance than when hailed on street. As a tourist, your best bet is to use one of the apps - Uber va Bolt are both present in Bratislava, although sometimes with longer waiting times compared to other cities. Other reliable taxi apps are Liftago va Hopin, they support both payment by card or cash to the driver if you do not want to enter your card details (payment method has to be selected before ordering the taxi).


Bratislava Castle

Bratislava Castle

  • 1 Bratislava Castle (Bratislavský hrad), 421 2 54411444. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. The castle has reopened after reconstruction and hosts exhibitions. There is also a restaurant at the castle open till after the actual castle tours into the night. Adult €10. Vikidatadagi Bratislava qal'asi (Q593311) Vikipediyada Bratislava qal'asi

Muzeylar va galereyalar

St. Martin's cathedral
Franciscan church, interior

For museum-goers, Bratislava is the place to go, with some bigger and loads of small museums around town. Every year in the weekend around 24 April Bratislava celebrates a festival called "Bratislava for All", giving locals and visitors the possibility to visit most of the facilities governed by the city for free or a reduced fee, this including most of the museums and galleries. In May, the city's museums and galleries keep their gates open to visitors until late at night, this being called the "Night of Museums and Galleries".

  • 2 Pharmacological Museum (Farmaceutické múzeum).
  • 3 Slovak National Gallery (SNG). For a taste of visual arts, pay a visit to the National Gallery at the embankment between Starý most and Nový most with permanent collections of Slovak and European medieval art pieces, although the temporary exhibitions tend to be far more interesting.
  • Bratislava City Gallery (GMB). Bratislava City Gallery is also a good pick to see displays of historical fine arts, paintings and sculptures along with interesting temporary exhibitions.
  • Danubiana Art Museum. If you like modern art better, pay a visit to the Danubiana Art Museum on the southern edge of Bratislava but be aware that it is too far for a stroll, with little to no public transport connections, and is best reached by car or taxi.
  • Milan Dobes Museum. This small museum features modernist Op-art. It lies in the city center and is recommended to all interested in the development of modern art.
  • 4 National Museum, Žižkova 14 (At the foot of Castle Hill), 421 2 59207273. Permanent archaelogical collections.
  • 5 Bratislava City Museum.
  • 6 Natural Science Museum, Vajanského nábrežie 2, 421 2 59349122. Echoing the communist era, the natural science exhibitions have an interesting collection of artifacts and is slowly being transformed into a modern era exhibition.
  • Gerulata, Gerulatska ul.. This is an ancient Roman military camp with archeological findings on display. If you're into all things Roman, you should also consider a visit to the nearby Carnuntum which has a large archeological site and is a few minutes by car from Bratislava.
  • Museum of Transport, Šancová 1/a, 421 2 52444163. With a display of historical vehicles in the first railway station in the city, very close to the current Main Railway Station.
  • Museum of Trade, Linzbothova 16, 421 2 45243167. This museum has some remarking pieces of historic advertising plates and other artifacts.
  • Jewish Community Museum, Heydukova 11-13, 421 2 5441 6949. Rare Jewish ritual tools, gold-embroidered mantles protecting the holy biblical scrolls, unique photographs of students who had attended the famed Bratislava rabbi school that reveal even to this day the atrocities of the Holocaust. It is situated in the Heydukova Street Synagogue, which is the only synagogue in Bratislava. Constructed in 1923-1926, it is a Cubist building designed by the Bratislava-based Jewish architect Artur Szalatnai-Slatinský and is listed as a national cultural monument. Orthodox in orientation, the synagogue still serves as an active Jewish house of worship. The Jewish Community Museum with a permanent exhibition “The Jews of Bratislava and Their Heritage” is installed upstairs and during the summer season is open to the public up till September, every Friday 13:00 till 16:00 and every Sunday 10:00-13:00.
  • 7 Museum of City History (in the old town hall), 421 2 59205130. Tu-F 10:00–17:00, Sa Su 11:00–18:00. Including the museums of history and music as well as the city dungeon and the exhibition on medieval justice. €5.


  • 8 St. Martin's Cathedral (Dóm sv. Martina). Nov-Mar: M-Sa 09:00-11:30, 13:00-16:00, Su 13:30-16:00; Apr-Oct: Mon-Sa 09:00-11:30, 13:00-18:00, Su 13:30-16:00. The largest and one of the oldest churches in Bratislava, situated below Bratislava Castle. The Gothic cathedral, formerly the coronation-church of several Hungarian kings, begun in 1204, and reconsecrated in 1445, was restored in 1861-80. The tower is surmounted by a pyramid bearing a gilded Hungarian royal crown. Entrance €2.
  • St. Clare's Church (Kostol sv. Kláry). A Gothic church on Klariská street, in the historical center; now used as a concert hall.
  • 9 Church of the Annunciation (Kostol Zvestovania / Františkáni / Františkánsky kostol).
  • Church of the Holy Savior (Kostol Najsvätejšieho Spasitel'a).
  • Church of St. Elisabeth (Kostol svätej Alžbety) (Located on Bezručova street). Nicknamed the Blue Church (Modrý kostolík), this is a beautiful Jugendstil church finished in 1913.
  • Trinitarian Church of Bratislava (Kostol trinitárov) (On the Župné námestie square in the old town). ozod.

Other prominent buildings

The historic building of the Slovak National Theatre
  • Primate's Palace (Primaciálny palác). Now the seat of the Mayor of Bratislava.
  • 10 Old Town Hall (Stará radnica), Primaciálne square 3 (next to Primate's Palace). The Old Town Hall is open to the public as a museum.
  • 11 Grassalkovich Palace and gardens (Grassalkovičov palác). Or the Presidential Palace (Prezidentský palác) - a Rococo/late Baroque summer palace with a French garden, used as a seat of the President of Slovakia. In one of the garden's alleys you will see a row of trees planted by famous people such as Juan Carlos I (King of Spain). In front of the Palace you will see the Slovak National Guard.
  • Mirbach Palace (Mirbachov palác).
  • Palffy Palace (Pálffyho palác).
  • Academia Istropolitana. The oldest historic university in the area, which is now occupied by the state of Slovakia, from the 13th century.
  • Slovak National Theatre (Slovenské národné divadlo), Hviezdoslavovo square. The historic building of the Slovak National Theatre, built in 1886.
  • Slovak Radio Building (Slovenský rozhlas). Its main building is a peculiar 60-m-high reversed pyramid from the communist era and a landmark in sharp contrast with the building of the Slovak National Bank just across the street.


Michael's Gate
  • 12 Slavín monument. On the top of the hill behind the castle, overlooking the entire city. This is a monument in memory of Soviet casualties in the liberation battle of Bratislava in World War II. It is the highest place in the city, and thus the best place for viewing the city. Slavin is a cemetery and thus rather quiet. On warm nights it's a very romantic place, allowing you to sit in the shadows of the monument and look at the traffic below. To get there, take trolleybus no. 203 from Hodžovo námestie (in front of the Presidential Palace) in the direction Búdková and get off in 9 minutes at the last stop, then walk 500 m along Stará vinárska and then Pažického streets. Slavin is near an embassy district.
  • 13 Roland Fountain (Rolandova fontána). Built by stone cutter Andreas Luttringer and commissioned by Hungarian king Maximilian in 1527, this was the first fountain in Bratislava.
  • 14 Michael's Gate with Tower (Michalská brána). This 51-m-high tower above the gate with its green copper roof is one of the best known and the oldest buildings in Bratislava. It was built in the 14th century as one of the four gates to the city.
  • Laurin's Gate (Laurinská brána).
  • Chatam Sofer Mausoleum.
  • Jewish Cemetery, Jewish Community Museum and Bratislava Synagogue, Heydukova. The only synagogue in Bratislava.

Other sights

  • 15 SNP Bridge (Most Slovenského národného povstania, called Nový most from 1993 to 2012). A bridge over the Danube river, with its flying saucer-shaped structure housing a restaurant called "UFO". There is an observation deck on its roof, open from 10:00-23:00 daily, offering great views of the old town, as well as the apartment blocks in Petržalka. Entrance €6.50, but is free of charge if you eat in the restaurant.
  • 16 Main Indoor Market (Tržnica at Trnavské mýto).


Main Square during the New Year's Eve celebration, 2006

Take a stroll through the centre of the town. Bratislava has one of the smallest historical centers of any European capital but the charm is more concentrated. The streets have been completely renovated over the last ten years, bringing life back here. Since then a multitude of cafes, bars and restaurants of all kinds have opened here, accompanied by a few souvenir shops and fashion stores. On warm days almost every cafe has an outdoor seating section in the street, bustling with life and giving the city a unique cozy feeling.

When it comes to sightseeing, Bratislava Castle generally is a must and is already opened after the reconstruction. You can visit also Slavin memorial for some really astounding views of the city. It's a calm and romantic spot but beware, it can get really windy up there. The City Museum located in the Old Town Hall offers visitors climbing up the steep stairwells of the clock tower or seeing the town's historical dungeons, an exhibition that was quite outdated but still scary in 2008.

In summer, you can also visit Bratislava Zoo, providing a nice walk between the animal enclosures, the latest addition being some rare white tigers. The facilities of the zoo are slowly being renovated to attract more visitors and the zoo is a favourite for families on sunny days. You can also go to the Botanical Gardens of Comenius University (Botanická 3, take tram X6 to stop Botanická záhrada) for quiet and peaceful strolls in this green space. There are also several lakes opened for bathing. The biggest and probably the most famous lake is called Zlaté piesky (Golden Lakes) or Vajnorské jazerá, known as Bager lake (the later is used for bating only unofficially).

For a relaxed afternoon in the park, head either to Sad Janka Kráľa park (on the right bank of the river Danube and next to Aupark shopping centre), the oldest public park in central Europe, relax at the embankments on both sides of the river or head to Horský park (Forest Park) north off Slavin memorial for a civilized stroll through the forest. There's a small café here as well as a pub, the latter mostly populated by students from the nearby campus. For a more outdoorsy experience, hop on bus No 203/213 to Koliba and walk up to Kamzík (takes about 30 minutes uphill) or try the newly renovated facilities of Partizánska lúka and Snežienka, all with extensive picknicking areas and loads of fireplaces for grilling. The area is several kilometers long and you can either walk here from the terminal station of bus No 212 (Vojenska nemocnica) or take a bus to Patronka and use bus No 43 driving up the area and back every 15–30 minutes (depending on time of day/year as well as weather). Only cars with a permit can enter the area but there is a parking lot at the entrance, close to a bus stop. Snezienka's grass fields and the top of Kamzik hill are connected with a chairlift, operating Thursdays through Sundays and on holidays, the price for one ride being approx. €3.

In December, be sure to indulge in the scents and flavours of the traditional Christmas Market in front of Old Town Hall and on the Hlavne namestie (main square). The market - compared to the ones in Prague and Vienna - is smaller, but has a much friendlier, almost family-like atmosphere and feels much more traditional and less overtly commercialized than others in the region. The people of Bratislava love to meet here for a drink and a bite to eat; try the 'varene vino' (mulled wine).


Bratislava is the home of the world famous Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra so if you love classical music, you should consider attending one of the concerts in the historic Reduta building. For more cultural indulgence, the Slovak National Theatre offers a wide selection on ballet, opera and theatre performances. Although most of the activities have been moved to a city-district-in-the-making on the banks of the Danube, some performances are still being held in the historical theatre building, which gives them a unique feeling but a higher price tag as well. The old theatre building is right in the middle of the city at Hviezdoslavovo namestie. The new theatre is accessible by bus No 88 from the Coach Terminal at Mlynske nivy (get off at Landererova) or by buses No 50, 70 and 78 (stop is called Wüstenrot). None of these stop directly at the theatre though, so you should count on a 5-10 minute walk from the bus stop to the theatre. You cannot miss the building as it is of unmistakably communist megalomaniac design covered in white marble. The entrance is facing the Danube so you need to walk around the building to get in.


  • Futbolni tomosha qiling ie soccer at SK Slovan Bratislava, who play in Slovak Super Liga, the country's top tier of football. Their home ground is Pasiensky, capacity 11,600, 2 km northeast of the old city centre.
  • Ice hockey is the national sport of Slovakia. The local hockey team, HC Slovan Bratislava, plays games frequently throughout each year beginning in September and concluding in the spring of the following year. Since this team plays in KHL league, even more Slovaks started visiting its matches. Home games are played at Ondrej Nepela Arena stadium, Odbojárov 9. Many Slovaks are passionate about both watching and playing ice hockey. The stadium can be reached easily by public transport.
  • Adventure sports:Bungee jumping from the Lafranconi bridge has become very popular among Slovaks as well as tourists in the last couple of years. Another popular activity among locals and tourists especially during a stag party is target shooting in Bratislava and its near vicinity. For some extreme adventure in the pure nature Slovaks and visitors can try to sail the river Small Danube in a canoe. Water sports in general are among the most beloved sports activities with many successful sportsmen such as the Hochschorner brothers.

Meet people

Over the last two decades, many foreigners have been moving to Bratislava to study and work at the many international companies that created new jobs. After work, many expatriates and their Slovak friends hang out at casual events where everybody speaks English and enjoys the evening together. For travelers to Bratislava, joining these usually free events is an excellent and fun opportunity to meet local people and learn from them about what one should see or do in Bratislava next day.

A few recommendations are:

Bratislava Language Exchange Meeting, where people from different countries get together at tables and teach each other a foreign language.

Toastmasters Club Bratislava, a speech club where people practice their public speaking skills.

Bratislava Expat Meetup va International Meetings for the more business-oriented crowd that seeks to expand their network while having a glass of Martini in a stylish sky bar.

International Students Parties, where the foreign exchange students dance the night away and knock out their brains.

Upcoming events can be found in this calendar of events[o'lik havola].


Slovakia is a member of the European Union, therefore, any citizen of a European Union, European Economic Area country or Switzerland can work and live there without restrictions.

Qualified third nationals can get a work permit. This system still uses bribes.

For more information on working in the Slovak Republic, see Slovakia#Work.

Sotib oling

Tourists seeking duty-free goods should be warned to make their purchases before returning to the airport as duty-free goods available in the departure lounge are roughly double the cost of identical goods purchased in local supermarkets.

Shop in the large and expanding shopping centers:


The Paparazzo statue which stood in the Old Town until 2013 has been moved to Restaurant UFO.

Bryndzové halušky (small, spaetzle-like dumplings with sheep's cheese and topped with pieces of meat) is the national dish of Slovakia and recommended to try. Potent garlic soup (but perhaps not on a date) and Slovak white wine (due to its cooler climate, Slovakia's reds pale in comparison with some of Europe's other offerings), schnitzels, goulashes and other typically Central European foods. Fresh vegetables are more common here thanks to the large amount of land given over to agriculture.

In December, don't miss the Christmas market in front of the Old Town Hall. The traditional foods of the Christmas market are roasted pork or chicken sandwich burgers ("ciganska pecienka") with mustard and onions, potato pancakes ("loksa") with various fillings ranging traditionally from plain ones with goose fat, with garlic or goose liver to poppy seed, nut or chocolate. Bread with pork fat and onions is also popular. Also there are a few stands which offer specialities from other European countries. You can wash down the food with a cup of red or white mulled wine or a small cup of honey wine, also tea with or without rum is available, as well as grog or other "hot mixed drinks" like the Červený medveď (red bear).

There are a large number of restaurants in the center of Bratislava in all price ranges so there are plenty to choose from.


Of course, junk food can be found in Bratislava, too. Try Bratislava's special form of junk food - a richman which is a big bread roll filled with cabbage and cheese and/or meat with mayonnaise. Richman stands can be found on Kamenné námestie, in front of the Tesco building, and in Safarikovo square. You can also try a sub sandwich from one of the many cafeterias in the city. Another excellent cafeteria is on Zelená Ulica between Ventúrska Ulica and Hlavné námestie. A big sandwich, a bageta (from the French baguette) with cheese, ham and eggs would cost you about €1.50.

Another specialty in Bratislava (but also available in other regions of Slovakia) is treska. It is a cold salad made of codfish with mayonnaise. There are vegetables like onions and carrots in the salad too. It has a very distinct taste, somewhere between sour and bitter - you should try it! You can buy it fresh in most "Lahôdky" shops, which means something like "delicacies", but generally stands for old-fashioned fast food shops - they sell salads, soups, etc. instead of hamburgers or French fries. Treska tastes very good with rolls. If you like the taste of Treska, you can also buy it packed to take home.

If you want to self-cater, the largest supermarket near the centre is Tesco on Kamenné námestie (at the junction of Štúrova and Špitálska). You could easily have lunch consisting of a couple of bread rolls, ham, cheese, fruit and maybe a cake or two, for €3-4. New American-type shopping malls with big cinemas and of course food courts within reach of the center are Aupark on the right bank of the Danube (next to Sad Janka Kráľa park, some 10 minutes from St. Martins's Cathedral), Eurovea (next to the old bridge on the old town bank of river, close to the bus station), Polus City Center on Vajnorská Street to the north of the city (some 10–15 minutes from the city by tram) and Bory Mall on the north-western edge of town.

  • 1 Divný Janko Reštaurácia, Jozefská 2991/2, 421 2 442 515 58. M-Th 11:00-23:00, F-Sa 11:00-00:00, Su 11:00-23:00. Slovak and international dishes in a nice, retro ambience, the only downside is that the staff can be rude.
  • 2 Govinda, Obchodná 518/30, 421 2 5296 2366, 421 911 947 108 (cell.). M-F 10:30-16:00. Hare Krishna-operated restaurant popular with vegans and very affordable.
  • 3 KGB, Obchodná 530/52, 421 2 527 312 79. M-W 11:00-00:00, Th 11:00-01:00, F 11:00-02:00, Sa 16:00-02:00. Communism-themed pub with high-quality beers and affordable prices.


Interestingly, it is rather hard to find a Slovak restaurant among all the Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Indian and other eateries.

  • 4 Pizza Mizza, Tobrucká 82/5. Try Pizza Mizza for the biggest pizza in town. Six restaurants around Bratislava, the two central locations are at Tobrucká and in the Eurovea mall (see Buy).
  • 5 Slovak Pub, Obchodná 62, 421 2 52926367, . For good and reasonably priced halušky, the unique Slovak national meal, visit the Slovak Pub on Obchodna. This is a traditional eatery with a nice ambience.
  • 6 San Marten, Panská 172/33. San Marten is an Italian restaurant with great food and excellent service at affordable prices.
  • 7 Prešburg restaurant, Michalská 382/4. A newer addition to the set of restaurants serving traditional Slovak food.


  • 11 UFO. You can get a nice view and can meet some local celebrities at the übercool and very expensive UFO restaurant and disco on top of Nový most bridge.
  • 12 Slovenská reštaurácia u Prasiatka, 9, Rybárska brána 780/7. Fancy and expensive Slovak restaurant in Hviezdoslavovo square.


Hlavné námestie (Main Square), Bratislava Old Town

Try Kofola, a Slovak and Czech soft drink with a similar colour to Coca-Cola, but lower in sugar and caffeine (and carbonation). Some places serve "draft Kofola" which indeed is draft from a barrel in a way similar to beer (it used to be co-produced by a Bratislava brewery). Some Slovaks say draft Kofola is even better than the bottled version and that it is best enjoyed outside in the sun, for example after a hike or a bike or rollerblade ride. Kofola is a popular alternative to beer if you want to hang out but don't want to drink alcohol. Vinea is another genuine Slovak soft drink made from grapes, offered both in "white" (green grapes) and "red" varieties (red grapes) and even in a rather sweet and maybe not-so-tasty "soft" version without carbon dioxide.

There are quite a few Slovak beer brands, e.g. Zlatý Bažant, Šariš, Smädný Mních and Topvar. Stein beer is a local Bratislava variety which used to be brewed practically in the city centre. There are three micro-breweries offering beer in Bratislava, Mestiansky Pivovar, Richtar Jakub and Patronka.

If spirits are more your thing, perhaps you will enjoy Slivovica, a fruit-plums brandy of high quality that is associated with Slovakia.


The best pubs offering Slovak beers can be found in the Old Town: Kristian in Michalska street, Bar Parada in Hviezdoslavovo square, or AeroPressoDepresso in Venturska street. All of them are quite cheap (about €1 per half-liter glass of beer).

  • [o'lik havola]Bakchus Vinaren, Hlboka 5, 421 2 3218 6666, . A must place for every Bratislava visitor. The best local and Indian dishes in town, purely Slovak wines and historical setting of a traditional wine cellar.
  • 1 BeAbout, Presernova 4 (Vajanskeho nabrezie 10, near Safarikovo namestie), 421 948-050107. Su-Th 10:00-00:00, F Sa 10:00-05:00. Music club near the riverside popular with younger crowd. Good selection of beers including Belgian specialty beers.
  • 2 Casa del Havana, Michalská 26, 421 910 797 222, . 11:00-02:00 mostly. A Cuban-style restaurant and bar near the centre of the Bratislava Old Town. Not very spacious, but has a comfortable terrace. Particularly famous for the mojito, which has been considered the best in Bratislava, if not in all Slovakia. Mojito €6.49.
  • GMT Bar. Very nice cocktail menu with waitress service if you can find a table. Ensure you wear a shirt at the weekends!
  • UFO. If you want to go for extraordinary, visit UFO. It looks like a cliché flying saucer and it's a high on the SNP Bridge (the member of, and you have to use a lift to go there. There is a good restaurant and lounge bar and observation deck. The view is incomparable.


Larger clubs in Bratislava include Loft, KC Dunaj, Duplex va SubClub, the latter a former nuclear bunker located under Bratislava Castle. There are many smaller bars with dancefloors closer to the centre, such as Radost on Obchodná Street, next to the Slovak Pub.

Gay and lesbian

Although some cafes are considered gay inclusive, there are at least two bars dedicated to the gay and lesbian crowd in Bratislava, all of them in the city center, close to the Presidential Palace:

  • B-Club, Vysoka 14 (at the crossing behind Tatra Banka and Volksbank).


Danube River in Bratislava

Accommodation prices usually do not include city tax. For 2012 the city tax was €1.65/person/night. Students up to age 26 and youths up to 18 do not need to pay city tax.


  • Patio Hostel, Špitálska 35, 421 2 529 257 97. Very popular, in the center, close to the train & bus stations, easily reachable from the airport. Dorms and privates, free Internet, parking lot, laundry. From €11 plus tax (low season).
  • Downtown Backpackers Hostel, Panenská 31, 421 2 5464 1191. Dorms from €12 per night per person, double rooms from €21.90 per night per person (plus tax). 18 minutes walk from the central station.
  • Hostel Blues, 421 905 20 40 40. Špitálska 2, central location and dorm beds from €12.90 (plus tax).
  • Hotel Junior, Drieňova 14, 421 2 4333 8000. Double rooms from €64 per room per night.
  • Hostel Chors, Obchodná 43 (middle of the centre of Old City), 421 910 127 878, .
  • Hotel Turist Bratislava, Ondavska 5 (near the Zimny Stadion ice rink), 421 2 5557 2789, 421 2 5541 0509, faks: 421 2 5557 3180, . Double rooms at €40, triple rooms at €45.
  • Hostel Juraj, Karpatska 28, 421 902 305711. A small cozy hostel really close to train station and less than a 15-minute walk from the city center. Juraj, the owner, is a friendly man who speaks amazing English and will pick you up from the train station, offer to do your laundry, and provide a great atmosphere. Bed €16.5 in private room (included tax), dorm bed €12.5; €10 for students.
  • Hostel Possonium, 421 2 2072 0007. Šancová 20. Stylish hostel in the centre. Only 3 minutes by walk from main railway station. Free breakfast, Wi-Fi, internet, free laundry, cozy bar, great chill out in garden. Dorm bed from €17, double from €48.
  • Wild Elephants Hostel, Františkánske námestie 413/8, 811 01 Staré Mesto, 421 908 821 174, . 10-bed en suite from €10, 8-bed from €11, 4 -bed from €12.


  • Hotel Arcus, 421 2 5557 2522, faks: 421 2 5557 6750, . Nice family hotel, big rooms and bathrooms, fresh cooked breakfast, 10 min walk from the old town. Moskovská 5, Rooms from €54/night/include breakfast.
  • Aston Business Hotel.
  • Hotel Bratislava.
  • Hotel Echo, Prešovská 39, 421 2 55569170.
  • Hotel Holiday Inn.
  • Hotel Ibis, Zamocka 38. Double rooms from €48, in central location, just a short walk from the Old town.
  • Mercure Bratislava Centrum Hotel, Zabotova 2 (Hlavná stanica 400 m). Belgilanish: 14:00, tekshirib ko'rmoq: 12:00. Mid-scale business hotel (with aggressively modern decorations), a short walk from the main railway station. About 15–20 minutes’ walk from the old town, with frequent trams and buses available. Rate includes wired and wireless Internet access. From €55.
  • 1 Botel Marina, Nábrežie armádneho generála Ludvíka Svobodu, 421 2 5464 1804.




When making international calls, you need to dial 00, then the country code of the country you are calling. The international code of Bratislava is 421 2, the national one is 02. You don't need to use any of these when making local calls. There mostly are cardphones in phone booths, coin phones are located e.g. in front of the telecoms office (T-Centrum) on Namestie SNP (Dunaj department store) or at Kolarska ulica. You can purchase phone cards at most newspaper kiosks and in any of the T-Centers.

Phone numbers beginning with 090, 091, 094 or 095 are mostly mobile numbers. All of Bratislava is covered with a 3G and 4G network, the operators being Orange, T-Mobile va O2. In parts of Bratislava (mostly up on the hills), mobile phones sometimes switch to Hungarian or Austrian providers, so it is better to check the network name before dialing.


You can use internet for free at the information bureau in the old town.

There are several internet cafes in the city, most of them hidden. You can try to get to one of the internet access portals in the T-Centrum on Namestie SNP or in Aupark Shopping Center.

If you have a notebook computer, you can use multiple wireless hotspots throughout the city. Some of them are paid and you need to obtain a user name and password in order to use them. Some hotels, cafes and restaurants provide free Wi-Fi to their customers. Besides that, the heart of the city center (Hlavné námestie, Františkánske námestie, Primaciálne námestie) is covered by a small public wireless network provided by the city council and this is free to use. There are also other places with free Wi-Fi throughout the city. Free Wi-Fi is also available in most of the new trams, buses and trolleybuses. A full list of these can be found on the website of the Slovak Telecoms Office.

Xavfsiz bo'ling

Bratislava is generally very safe by Western standards. It is quite small and the crime rate is low. There is a significant police presence in the city, especially the historical parts, and it is generally not a problem to walk around the city at night. The centre especially is under camera surveillance.

There is very little violent crime in Bratislava. Walking alone after midnight outside of the historical centre is not recommended on Fridays, since you could have an unpleasant encounter with rowdy drunks who could congregate around cheaper establishments. If a problem occurs, you can reach the police on phone number 158. General emergency number (police, fire dept., ambulance) can be reached by dialing 112.

Always ask for printed receipts in establishments to avoid being overcharged. Especially taxi drivers might try to do that. For reference, the usual fare is around €4 around the town, and you shouldn't be charged more than around €10 getting anywhere in Bratislava. Your best bet is to call a taxi dispatch or use one of the mobile apps (see above). Ask around for a recommendation in your hotel/hostel.

On pedestrian crossings without traffic lights, watch out for aggressive drivers. Some of them might not give you the right of way.




  • The castle Červený kameň[o'lik havola] is located about 30 km north-east of Bratislava; it can be reached by bus from Mlynske Nivy bus terminal.
  • Do like the locals and hike in the Small Carpathians mountain range. Bratislava lies on the southeast slopes of these mountains. Hiking routes are well indicated.
  • Visit the Small Carpathians Wine Region; on the southern slopes of the Small Carpathians there are extensive vineyards and typical wine villages and towns like Rača, Pezinok or Modra. If you are more interested in local wines, follow the Little Carpathians Wine Route.
  • Visit Cachtice castle, associated with the blood-thirsty deeds of countess Bathory. It is a large and picturesque ruin set on a hilltop above the small village of Visnove. Take the train north from Bratislava to Nove Mesto nad Vahom (75 minutes), and then change to a small local train for the short journey west to Visnove (15 minutes).
  • The Mutěnice Wine Region near the Slovak border in the Chex Respublikasi is well worth a weekend visit. It has some of the best wine in the Czech Republic and many great small cellars to visit. You'll need to take a train to Břeclav and then from there to Hodonín.
  • Take the train to Trenčin (one hour and forty minutes), a Slovak town to the north of the capital with a towering hill-top castle and a picturesque old town centre spread out below it.
  • The Carnuntum archaeological park is located 25 km from Bratislava, across the Austrian border. The site offers the chance to see the excavations of an ancient Roman city. It is worth a one-day visit together with a stop in the old walled city of Hainburg, the first major town in Austria after crossing the Slovak border.
  • Lednice-Valtice in the south-eastern corner of the Czech Republic is a UNESCO World Heritage site containing one of Europe's largest Palacial parklands.
  • Senec is a small town 30 km to the west of Bratislava, with the lake resort "Slnečné jazerá" ("Sunny Lakes"). It is a cool place to swim or relax at the beach in the summer months.
  • You can use the bus no. 91 of the public transport company of Bratislava (DPB) going to Čunovo in order to cross between Rajka (Hungary) and Bratislava (Slovakia). In Bratislava, the bus has Nový most as its terminus, and near the Hungarian border you get on/off at the stop Čunovské jazerá (you need to signal to the driver if you plan to get off at this stop). From Čunovské jazerá it's a four-kilometer-long straight walk through a flat terrain to the town of Rajka, two kilometers on each side of the border. You may detour to visit a monument at the Austrian-Hungarian-Slovakian three country border.
  • The public transport company of Bratislava (DPB) runs a cross-border bus line no. 901 between Hainburg an der Donau (Austria) and Bratislava (Slovakia), with a stop also in the Austrian town of Wolfsthal. In Bratislava, the terminus is the stop Nový most. Note that even though the bus stops at Einsteinova street before crossing the border, it is not possible to alight until reaching Wolfsthal.
  • Surrounding major/capital cities Vienna (Austria), Budapest (Hungary), Brno/Praga (Chex Respublikasi) are easily accessible by inter-state buses and trains.
Ushbu shahar sayohati uchun qo'llanma Bratislava a foydalanish mumkin maqola. Unda u erga qanday borish va restoranlar va mehmonxonalar haqida ma'lumot mavjud. Sarguzasht odam ushbu maqoladan foydalanishi mumkin, ammo iltimos, sahifani tahrirlash orqali uni yaxshilang.