Xitoyda temir yo'l bilan sayohat - Rail travel in China

CautionCOVID-19 ma `lumot: Gonkongga olib boriladigan xalqaro poezdlar va poezdlarning aksariyati to'xtatilgan. Mahalliy kasalliklarga javoban poezd xizmatlari to'xtatilishi mumkin.

Siz sayohat qilayotgan hududlarda yuqtirgan holatlar bo'lmasa ham, Xitoyda poezdlarda sayohat qilishda sizdan niqob kiyishingiz shart. Yangilashni unutmang sog'liqni saqlash kodlari boradigan joyingizdagi qoidalarga muvofiq WeChat yoki Alipay kabi mobil dasturlarda.

(Axborot oxirgi marta 2021 yil 1-yanvarda yangilangan)

Poezdlarda sayohat qilish xitoyliklar uchun uzoq masofalarga transportning asosiy usuli bo'lib, mamlakatning aksariyat qismini qamrab oluvchi keng yo'nalish tarmog'i mavjud. Dunyo bo'ylab temir yo'l transportining to'rtdan bir qismi Xitoy.

Xitoyning temir yo'l xaritasi (kengaytirish uchun bosing)

Xitoy dunyodagi eng yirik tarmoqqa ega tezyurar temir yo'llar (Frantsiyaning TGV yoki Yaponiyaning Shinkansen o'q poezdlariga o'xshash), CRH poezdlar va kengayish g'azablangan tezlikda davom etmoqda. Shuningdek, bu erda dunyodagi yagona yuqori tezlikda harakatlanadigan joy mavjud shpal poezdlari bosib o'tgan ulkan masofalar tufayli. Agar sizning marshrutingiz va byudjetingiz imkon bersa, bu aylanib o'tishning eng yaxshi usuli bo'lishi mumkin.

Gonkong 2018 yilda jamoatchilikka ochilgan tezyurar temir yo'l stantsiyasiga ega. Makao temir yo'l aloqasi umuman yo'q, garchi chegaradan Zhuhai tezkor chiziqqa ulangan bo'lsa ham.

Poezdlar va xizmatlarning turlari

Xitoy poezdlari chiptada ko'rsatilgan harflar va raqamlar bilan belgilanadigan xizmatlarning har xil turlariga va №-sonli poezdga bo'linadi.

Tezyurar poyezdlar

Poezd raqamlaridagi harf prefikslari poezd turini bildiradi. Eng tezdan eng sekingacha, tezyurar poezdlar:

Pekin G'arbiy temir yo'l stantsiyasida ikkita G seriyali poezd
  • G seriyali (高速 gāosù) - 300 km / soat uzoq masofali tezyurar ekspreslar - qator yuqori tezlikda, shu jumladan PekinChjenchjouVuxanGuanchjouShenchjen, Zhengzhou–Sian, Pekin–NankinShanxay, Shanxay–Xanchjou, Nankin-Xanchjou–Ningbo. Ushbu poezdlar Hexie Hao (和谐 号) tomonidan 300 km / s (186 milya) tezlikka ega (ko'k kamar bilan oq yoki kumush rang) yoki Fuxing Xao (复兴 号) tomonidan 350 km / soat (217 mph) (oq rang) qizil kamar bilan sariq kamar yoki kumush rang bilan, CR400AF, CR400BF). Uzoq masofali poezdlar asosan yirik shaharlarda kamroq stantsiyalarga xizmat qiladi.
Suzhou temir yo'l stantsiyasida Shanxay-Nankin shaharlararo poezd
  • C (城 际 chéngjì): C seriyali (ch城ng chéngjì) - 200-300 km / soat qisqa masofali tezyurar ekspreslar - Pekin-Vuqing– xizmatlarining muhim namunalarini o'z ichiga oladi.Tyantszin–Tanggu, Shanxay Janubiy-Tszinshanvey, Guanchjou-Shenchjen va Guanchjou-Zhuhai. C seriyali raqamlash, shuningdek, Uxan - Xianning yo'nalishidagi qatnovchi poezdlar uchun ham qo'llaniladi. Odatda maksimal tezligi soatiga 200 km / soatgacha, ba'zi istisnolardan esa 300 km / soatgacha.
Harbindan Pekinga yo'naltirilgan D seriyali poezd
Yuqori tezlikda ishlamaydigan D seriyali poezd.
  • D seriyali (动 车 dòngchē) - 200 km / soat tezyurar tezyurar poezdlar - Ushbu poezdlar Hexie Hao (ko'k kamar bilan oq rang) tomonidan 250 km / soat (155 milya) tezlikka erishishlari mumkin. Uzoq masofali poezdlar ko'proq stantsiyalar va oraliq shaharlarga xizmat qiladi. Ba'zi D seriyali, xususan, tunda poyezdlar, Fuxing Hao (oltin kamar bilan zumrad yashil rang, CR200J) bilan faqat 160 km / soat (100 milya) tezlikka erisha oladi va tezyurar poezd emas. Biroq, uning narxi hali ham 250 km / soatlik D seriyali poezdlarga asoslangan.

Ko'plab yo'nalishlar 350 km / soatgacha tezlikda qurilgan bo'lsa-da, aksariyat poezdlar xavfsizlik va iqtisodiy sabablarga ko'ra soatiga 300 km / soat tezlikda harakatlanadi. 250 km / soat standart bo'yicha qurilgan chiziqlar 200 km / soat tezlikda ishlaydi. 2017 yil sentyabr oyidan boshlab Pekin va Shanxay o'rtasida harakatlanadigan poezdlar soatiga 350 km / soatgacha harakat qilishdi va ko'proq yo'nalishlar asta-sekin o'zlarining dizayn tezligida tiklandi.

Ba'zi bir G poezdlari bor, ularning yo'nalishlariga turli xil standartlarga muvofiq qurilgan liniyalar kiradi. Bunday holda, ular yuqori standartdagi liniyalarda 300 km / soat tezlikda, va quyi standartdagi liniyalarda 250 km / soat yoki 200 km / soat tezlikda harakat qilishadi. Shuningdek, chiptaning narxi tezlikka qarab marshrutning har bir qismida har xil narxlarda belgilanadi. Masalan, G yo'nalishidagi poezdlarning Pekingdan yo'nalishi Taiyuan Pekin formasining birinchi qismini o'z ichiga oladi Shijiazhuang, va Shijiazhuangdan Tayuanga ikkinchi qism. Birinchi qism Pekin-Gonkong tezyurar temir yo'lining bir qismidir va poezd 300 km / soat tezlikda harakatlanadi. Biroq Shijiazhuang-Tayuan tezyurar temir yo'lining ikkinchi qismi atigi 250 km / soat me'yorda qurilgan, shuning uchun poezd past tezlikda harakat qiladi va kilometr narxi birinchi qismdan pastroq. Agar siz ushbu poezdni faqat ikkinchi qismga olib borsangiz (masalan, Shitszyazxuangga etib borish va Taiyuanga tushish), D-poezdda na tezlikda, na narxda farq bo'lmaydi.

An'anaviy poezdlar

Tezroq xizmatlar odatda yuqori narxlarni anglatadi, ammo Z, T va K seriyali poezdlar bir xil narxda narxlanadi. Faqat raqamli poezdlar eng past narxga ega. Ba'zilar faqat poezdlar va juda oz miqdordagi K poezdlari konditsionerlar bilan ta'minlanmagan va ularning narxi sezilarli darajada past.

2014 yilgacha yo'lovchi vagonlarining rangini kuzatish orqali turli xil poezd xizmatlarini aniqlash mumkin edi. Biroq, 2015 yildan boshlab barcha yo'lovchi tashiydigan avtomobillar yashil rangga bo'yalgan va buni amalga oshirish deyarli mumkin emas.

  • Z seriyali (直达 zhídá) - To'g'ridan-to'g'ri tezyurar poezdlar, odatiy tezlik, kamroq to'xtash joylari va maksimal tezligi 160 km / soat (100 milya) atrofida. Ilgari Z-seriyali hali ham oraliq to'xtashni to'xtatmaydi, yangilarida esa ko'proq to'xtash mumkin. Ba'zi poezdlarda faqat yumshoq shpallar mavjud. Ba'zilar, xususan yirik shaharlar o'rtasida harakatlanadigan Z seriyali D-seriyali tezyurar bo'lmagan poezdga ko'tarildi.
  • T seriyali (特快 tèkuài) - faqat yirik shaharlarda qo'ng'iroq qiladigan 140 km / soat shaharlararo poezdlar. Z-poezdlariga o'xshash, garchi ular odatda ko'proq stantsiyalarda to'xtashsa.
  • K seriyali (快速 kuàisù) - 120 km / soat tezroq, arzonroq va ko'proq to'xtash joylari bo'lgan olomon. Eng tez-tez ko'riladigan seriyalar, T poezdiga qaraganda ko'proq stantsiyalarda qo'ng'iroq qiladi va ko'proq shpallar va o'rindiqlarga ega.
  • Umumiy tezyurar poezdlar (普快 pǔkuài) - 120 km / soatlik poezdlar, harflarsiz, to'rtta raqamlar 1-5 dan boshlanadi. Ushbu poezdlar eng arzon va sekin shaharlararo poezdlardir, ammo ko'plari yangilanadi yoki bekor qilinadi. Pekin-Shanxay yo'nalishi bo'yicha xizmat ko'rsatadigan 1461/1462-sonli poezd eng yaxshi misoldir.
  • Umumiy poezdlar (普 客 pǔkè) - harfi belgilanmagan 100 km / soat qisqa masofali poezdlar, to'rtta raqam 5, 6 yoki 7 bilan boshlanadi. Eng sekin poyezdlar deyarli hamma joyda to'xtab turishadi.
  • Qatnov poezdlari (t通勤ngqín) / Xizmat poezdlari (l路y lòyùng) - to'rtta raqam 8 dan boshlanadi yoki beshta raqam 57 dan boshlanadi, sekin harakatlanadigan mahalliy poezdlar, asosan temir yo'l xodimlari foydalanadilar. Odatda yo'lovchilarga chipta sotishmaydi.
  • L seriyali (临时 línshí) - K yoki to'rt xonali qatorga mos mavsumiy poezdlar.
  • Y seriyali (旅游 lǚyóu) - birinchi navbatda turistik guruhlarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan poezdlar.
  • S seriyali (市郊 shìjiāo) - poyezdlar katta shaharlar atrofidagi shahar atrofi tomon yo'naltiriladi.


Tezyurar poyezd darslari

CRH poezdlari odatda beshta sinfdan iborat:

  • Ikkinchi sinf (二等 座 erdengzuo) (3 2 ta joy tartibi). O'rindiqlar biroz tor, ammo oyoqlar uchun joy juda ko'p.
  • Birinchi sinf (一等 座 yidengzuo) (2 2 tartib)
  • Uch VIP sinfes (haydovchi kabinasining orqasida joylashgan 2 1 tartib):
    • "商务 座" (biznes-klass). Yalang'och yotoqda to'liq yotadigan o'rindiqlar.
    • "观光 座" (diqqatga sazovor joylar sinfi).
    • "特等 座" (lyuks sinf).

H 座 (biznes-klass) CRH poezdlarida "一等 座" (birinchi sinf) dan yaxshiroqdir.商务 座 (biznes-klass) va 观光 座 (diqqatga sazovor joylar klassi) narxi bir xil, shu bilan birga 特等 座 odatda "一等 座" (birinchi sinf) ga qaraganda qimmatroq, ammo 商务 座 va 观光 座 dan arzonroq.

Agar sizning sayohatingiz 2 soatdan kam bo'lsa, unda siz ikkinchi sinfda bo'lishingizni farqlay olmaysiz, garchi uzoqroq sayohat birinchi sinfda charchamaydi. Katta odamlar birinchi sinfni afzal ko'rishlari mumkin, chunki o'rindiqlar sezilarli darajada kengroq.

Ikkinchi sinf: 2 3 tartibida biroz qattiqroq, ammo noqulay bo'lmagan o'rindiqlar. O'rindiq qatorlari orasida biroz kamroq joy. Yo'lakda turgan, lekin Xitoyda odatiy poezdlar singari ko'p yoki gavjum bo'lmagan chiptalar egalari bilan uchrashish ehtimoli ko'proq. Elektr rozetkalari mavjud bo'lishi mumkin. Oziq-ovqat aravalari ushbu vagonlarga xizmat ko'rsatishadi, ammo ular tez-tez uchramasligi mumkin. Birinchi va ikkinchi sinf o'rtasidagi farq unchalik katta emas va u chipta narxidagi kichikroq farqda aks etadi.

Odatiy birinchi toifadagi o'rindiqlar

Birinchi sinf: Bular 2 2 tartibidagi qulay o'rindiqlar, asosan oldinga qarab o'tiradigan joylar. Biroq, ba'zi bir o'rindiqlarni stol bo'ylab yuzma-yuz joylashtirish mumkin. Bo'sh joyli o'tirishlar boshqa xizmatlarda mavjud. Bu poezd turlari bo'yicha farq qiladi. Chipta sotib olayotganda o'tiradigan joylarni tanlash mumkin emas. O'rindiq qatorlari katta oyoq xonasi va kattaroq o'rindiq stollari bilan jihozlangan. Bufet mashinasi ham sotib olish uchun tez-tez oziq-ovqat aravachalari tez-tez mashinada tez-tez uchraydi. Elektr rozetkalari odatda ko'pgina xizmatlarda mavjud, ammo barchasi hammasi emas, ular o'tiradigan joy tagida yoki yuk ko'tarish javonining pastki qismida bo'lishi mumkin.

VIP sinf: Ushbu o'rindiqlar turli yo'nalishlarda turli xil nomlar bilan sotiladi, Sightseeing, VIP yoki Business Class eng keng tarqalgan nomlardir. Ular har bir satrda mavjud emas va faqat bir nechta o'rindiqlar mavjud. Ularning aksariyati yolg'on yassi zamonaviy aviakompaniyalarning biznes-klassidagi o'rindiqlariga asoslangan, ammo ba'zilari shunchaki imtiyozli mavqega ega bo'lgan birinchi toifadagi standart o'rindiqlardir, ular odatda haydovchining bo'linmasining orqasida, shisha devor bilan poyezd oldinga qarab yurishga imkon beradi. Biroq yo'lovchilar haydovchini chalg'itmasligi uchun bu stakan tez-tez muzlab qoladi. Odatda, o'tirish joylari 2 1 tartibida tashkil etiladi, ammo har xil poezd turidagi bo'shliqqa qarab, ba'zi xizmatlarda 2 2 ta o'rindiqni topish mumkin. Biznes-klassdagi bo'linmalar atigi bir necha poyezdda joylashgan. Xizmatchi faqat biznes-klassdagi yo'lovchilarning ehtiyojlari uchun ta'minlanadi va ovqat, gazak va alkogolsiz ichimliklar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tariflarga kiritilgan joylarga beriladi. Yo'lovchilardan foydalanish uchun terlik ham mavjud. Har bir o'rindiqda elektr rozetkalari mavjud.

CRH2E uxlab yotgan mashinaning ichki qismi

Shpal sinfi (动 卧 dòngwò): Xitoy tarmog'i bo'ylab bir kechada ishlaydigan bir necha sekin D raqamli tezyurar shpal poezdlari mavjud. Odatda, ushbu xizmatlar yirik aholi punktlari o'rtasida bo'lib, ular orasida 5 dan 8 soatgacha sayohat vaqti bor, ular bir nechta bekatlarga ega. Poezdlar 4 qavatli kabinalarga bo'linib, odatiy xitoylik poezdlarning yumshoq shpal standarti bilan jihozlangan va ko'rpa-to'shaklar bilan ta'minlangan. Ushbu xizmatlarda boshqa o'tiradigan joy yoki ikki qavatli daraja mavjud emas. Kupada bir kishilik bo'lishi mumkin emas va barcha chiptalarni shaxsiy karta yoki pasport bilan sotib olish kerak, bu shaxsiy hayot uchun kupedagi qo'shimcha ko'rpa sotib olish qiyin va foydasiz. Ushbu xizmatlar boshqa tezyurar xizmatlar singari mashhur emasligini isbotladi, biroq bir nechta aksiyalar va mavjud xizmatlarning ko'payib borishi bu borada asta-sekin o'zgarib bormoqda. Har bir yo'nalishda bitta xizmat odatda Pekin va Shanxay, Shanxay va Guanchjou o'rtasida ishlaydi. Oltita tungi xizmat Pekin o'rtasida Guanchjouga har bir yo'nalishda harakat qiladi, ba'zilari Shenchjenda, yana biri Chjuxayda davom etadi. Qo'shimcha xizmatlar ko'pincha boshqa shaharlarga, masalan, Bahor bayrami kabi talab yuqori bo'lgan davrlarda rejalashtirilgan.

An'anaviy poezd darslari

An'anaviy (CRH bo'lmagan) poezdlarda sayohatning beshta klassi mavjud:

T-poezd yumshoq shpal xonasi
Z-poezdida qattiq shpal bo'lmasi
  • Yumshoq shpallar (软卧 ruǎnwò) ko'plab poezdlarda eng qulay transport usuli hisoblanadi va G'arb standartlari bo'yicha hali ham nisbatan arzon. Yumshoq shpal bo'linmalarida ikkitadan ustunga qo'yilgan to'rtta bulochka, maxfiylik uchun mahkamlanadigan eshik mavjud va ular juda keng. Hatto bu sinf mehmonxona xonasi kabi qulay emas.
  • Qattiq shpallar (硬卧 yìngwò), aksincha, koridorning ochilishi yonida har bir ustunda uchta yotoq bor. Eng yuqori pog'ona bosh eshigi uchun ozgina joy qoldiradi. Balandroq sayohatchilar (190 sm / 6'3 "va undan yuqori) buni eng yaxshi qavat deb topishlari mumkin, chunki uxlayotganingizda oyoqlaringiz o'tish joyiga cho'zilib ketadi va ular pog'onalanmaydi. Yuqori pog'ona, shuningdek yashirishi mumkin bo'lgan narsalar uchun ham foydalidir. (masalan, kameralar). Sizning boshingiz bilan o'tirgan o'g'rilarga erishish qiyinroq bo'ladi. "qattiq" shpal "qattiq" emas; ko'rpa-to'shak matrasga ega va umuman ancha qulay. Barcha shpallarda yostiq va ko'rpa bor. .

Har qanday shpal sinfida, o'rta stantsiyadan poezdga chiqish, oxirgi yo'lovchi foydalangan to'shakda tozalash xizmatisiz uxlashingiz kerakligini anglatadi. Bir marta ishlatiladigan adyol qopqog'ini olib kelish yaxshi variant bo'lishi mumkin.

  • Yumshoq o'rindiqlar (软座 ruǎnzuò) mato bilan qoplangan, odatda yotadigan o'rindiqlar va siz kamdan-kam uchratadigan maxsus toifadir. Ular faqat kunduzgi poezdlarda taxminan 4-8 soatlik sayohat vaqtlari oralig'ida joylashgan.
Zamonaviy qattiq o'rindiqli murabbiy ichida
  • Qattiq o'rindiqlar (硬座 yìngzuò), aslida to'ldirilgan, hamma uchun emas, ayniqsa bir kecha davomida, chunki ular kengligi 5 va uchta va ikkita tartibda. Aynan shu sinfda, ammo xalta xalta ko'pchilik sayohat qiladi. Avtomashinalarning asosiy qismida "chekishni taqiqlang" degan yozuvlar bilan, mashinalarning uchida har doim chekuvchilar ko'p bo'lib, tutun cheksiz ravishda salonga siljiydi. Aksariyat poezdlarda, xususan, Xitoyning ichki qismida, vagonlar orasidagi masofa chekish uchun mo'ljallangan joy hisoblanadi, garchi "chekish uchun mo'ljallangan joy" belgilari faqat xitoy tilida bo'lsa, shuning uchun bu haqiqat ko'plab sayohatchilar uchun tushunarsiz bo'lishi mumkin. Bir kecha-kunduz qattiq o'rindiqlarda sayohat qilish deyarli hamma uchun noqulay va siz ko'p uxlashda qiynalishingiz mumkin.
  • Tik turibdi (无 座 wúzuò) qattiq o'rindiqli avtoulovga kirishga ruxsat bering, ammo o'rindiqqa joy ajratmang. Bunday sayohatlarni yanada qulayroq qilish uchun sumkangizda tripodli stulni olib yurishni o'ylab ko'ring. Odatda bu shahar atrofi poezdlarida taqdim etilgan yagona sinfdir. Bo'sh joy bo'lganda siz o'tirishni tanlashingiz mumkin, ammo kerak bo'lganda joyni egasiga qaytarib berishingiz kerak.

Poyezdlarda o'tkazilishi mumkin bo'lgan boshqa ba'zi darslar:

  • Yuqori darajadagi yumshoq shpallar (高级 软卧 / 高 包 gāojí ruǎnwó) CRH bo'lmagan poezdlarda mavjud bo'lgan eng yuqori sinflardir. Bo'limlarda odatda ikkita to'shak (ba'zida faqat bitta), shaxsiy hayot uchun eshik, ba'zan esa shkaf, kreslo mavjud. Ularning bir nechtasida bo'linmalar ichidagi hojatxonalar mavjud. Odatda mehmonxona xonasi kabi qulay. Biroq, aksariyat poezdlarda bunday sinf mavjud emas.
  • Zaxira qilinmagan (不对 号 入座 búduìhàorùzùo) poezdga kirishga ruxsat berish, lekin o'rindiqda saqlanmagan. Bu, odatda, o'rindiq raqamlari ko'rsatilmagan shahar atrofidagi poezdlarda kuzatiladi. O'zingizga yoqadigan o'rindiqni tanlang va xavfsiz va qulay holatda o'tiring yoki turing.

Aksariyat poezdlar konditsioner hisoblanadi. Konditsioner bo'lmagan poezdlar kamdan-kam uchraydi va asosan umumiy poezdlardir.

Chiptalarni bron qilish

Tavsif maydonlari ko'rsatilgan Xitoy poezd chiptasi

Poezd chiptalarini sotish odatda China Rail-ning bron qilish joyi orqali yoki yirik temir yo'l stantsiyalarining kassalarida 20 kun oldin boshlanadi. Ikki kundan keyin chiptalarni xususiy agentliklardan sotib olish mumkin.

Ayniqsa, festivallar atrofida chiptalar juda tez sotiladi, shuning uchun imkon qadar oldindan chiptalarni bron qiling. Ikkinchi qo'l chiptalarni sotib olish noqonuniy hisoblanadi, shuning uchun sizga temir yo'l stantsiyasida "chegirmali" chiptalar taklif etilsa, buni qiling emas ularni sotib oling.

Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni olib keling

Barcha yo'lovchilar guvohnomani taqdim etishi shart chipta sotib olish uchun (masalan, milliy guvohnoma yoki pasport). Xaridorning ismi chipta ustiga bosilgan va har bir shaxs o'z chiptasini olish uchun guvohnomasi bilan ishtirok etishi shart. Agar yo'lovchilardan biri yo'q bo'lsa, ID cheklovidan o'tishning bir usuli bu xitoylikdan chiptani onlayn sotib olishini so'rash. Sizga faqat pasport raqamini kiritishingiz kerak, chiptani olish paytida pasportni taqdim eting.

Xitoy tezyurar poezdiga chipta
Muqobil chipta uslubi odatda Xitoyda uchraydi

Siz chipta sotib olishingiz mumkin:

  1. veb-saytidan.
  2. temir yo'l stantsiyasidagi kassada
  3. avtomatlashtirilgan chipta mashinasidan
  4. chiptaxonada

Qulaylik uchun birinchi variant tavsiya etiladi.

1. Veb-saytdan sotib olish (tavsiya etiladi)

Chiptalarni onlayn ravishda turli veb-saytlarda bron qilish mumkin. Band qilish uchun pasport raqamingiz kerak. Chiptalarni bron qilgandan so'ng, siz yo'llanma oldidan bosilgan chiptani temir yo'l stantsiyasidagi kassada to'plashingiz yoki bosilgan chiptani o'zingizning manzilingizga oldindan etkazib berishingiz kerak. Chiptani oldindan olishning salbiy tomoni shundaki, chiptani bosib chiqargandan so'ng uchish vaqtini o'zgartirish mumkin emas. Shu bilan birga, chiptani jo'nash oldidan yig'ish uchun stantsiyada uzoq vaqt navbat kutib, zerikish uchun chiptalarni oldindan olish tavsiya etiladi. Trip.com kabi xizmatlar chiptani oldindan pochta orqali etkazib berish uchun ¥ 40 qo'shadi.

Agar chiptalarni kassadan sotib olishni rejalashtirsangiz ham, ushbu saytlarni rejalashtirish maqsadida tekshirishga arziydi. Ko'pgina shaharlarda bir nechta CR stantsiyalari mavjud va jadvallarni va bo'sh imkoniyatlarni tekshirish maqsadingizga eng yaxshisini tanlashga yordam beradi.

Rasmiy bron sayti

China Rail veb-sayti poezdlar harakati jadvallari, chiptalar mavjudligi va onlayn bron qilish uchun rasmiy va yagona aniq onlayn manba hisoblanadi.

Sayt orqali chiptalarni bron qilish mumkin; ammo, sizda bo'lishi kerak Xitoy bank hisob raqami ularga to'lash. Ehtimol siz o'zingiz chiptalarni bron qilolmasangiz ham, xitoylik do'stingizdan buni siz uchun qilishni iltimos qilish chiptalarni oldindan olishning eng qulay usullaridan biri hisoblanadi: chiptalar avval agentliklarda sotilishidan oldin onlayn ravishda sotib olinadi, va siz bron qilish paytida har bir yo'lovchining pasportini ko'rsatish kerak (faqat barcha pasport raqamlari tayyor bo'lishi kerak). Keyin chiptalarni istalgan vaqtda, istalgan temir yo'l stantsiyasida yoki chiptaxonada pasportingizni ko'rsatayotganda olish mumkin.

U faqat xitoy tilida mavjud, ammo ba'zi xitoycha harflarni o'qiy olsangiz, ulardan foydalanish qiyin emas. Poyezdlar jadvalini yoki chiptalarning mavjudligini so'rash uchun birinchi sahifada "余 票 查询" tugmachasini bosing (yu piao cha xun, qolgan chipta bo'yicha so'rov). Kelib chiqishi, borishi va sanasini kiriting (interfeys pinyinni qabul qiladi va sizga mos keladigan xitoycha belgilarni tanlang), so'ngra "查询" tugmasini bosing (cha xun, so'rov).

Keyin sizga o'sha kuni sayohat qilgan poezdlarning matritsasi va qolgan chiptalar ko'rsatiladi.

  • 车次: Ushbu ustunda poezd raqami ko'rsatilgan.
  • 出发 站 / 到达 站: poyezdning kelib chiqishi va borishi. Har bir shaharga temir yo'l stantsiyasini ko'rsatadigan qo'shimchalar qo'shilishi mumkin. Bu odatda 北 (bei, shimoliy), 南 (nan, janubiy), 东 (dong, sharq), 西 (xi, g'arbiy) biri, masalan, Pekin G'arbiy temir yo'l stantsiyasi. Ushbu qo'shimchalar, ayniqsa, CRH poezdlarida tez-tez uchraydi, chunki ular tez-tez stantsiyalar oddiy poezdlardan ajralib turadi.
  • 出发 时间 / 到达 时间: uchish va kelish vaqti.
  • 历时: Safar davomiyligi, "XX 小时 YY 分" deb ko'rsatilgan, bu erda XX soat soni va YY daqiqa soni. Uning ostida kunlar soni ko'rsatilgan: kecha 当 (o'sha kuni kelish), 次 bugun 次 (keyingi kunga kelish), 第三 kun 第三 (ikki kundan keyin kelish).
  • Qolgan ustunlar turli sinflarga to'g'ri keladi va qolgan chiptalar miqdorini aks ettiradi. "Chiptalar yo'q" "无" (wu) shaklida ko'rsatiladi, aks holda qolgan chiptalar soni ko'rsatiladi. Uni bosish orqali chiptaning narxi aniqlanadi. Mavjud turli xil poezd turlari va mashg'ulotlarini tushunish uchun yuqoridagi ma'lumotlarni tekshiring. Oldindan qidirishda kunning vaqti ko'rsatilishi mumkin, bu esa chiptalarni sotib olish uchun qaysi vaqtda paydo bo'lishini ko'rsatadi.

Sayt sekin va ishonchsizligi uchun biroz obro'ga ega. Biroq, bu asosan Xitoy Yangi yiliga o'xshash vaqtlar bilan bog'liq bo'lib, chiptalar bir necha soniya ichida sotiladi va deyarli har qanday veb-saytni tiz cho'ktiradigan yuklar paydo bo'ladi.

Uchinchi tomon saytlari

  • MTR tezyurar temir yo'l veb-sayti. Gonkong MTR Gongkong West Kowloon stantsiyasiga / undan tezyurar poezdlarning chiptalarini taqdim etadi. U Visa, MasterCard yoki Union Pay-ni qabul qiladi va ushbu saytdan sotib olingan chiptalar Gonkongning West Kowloon stantsiyasida to'planishi kerak. To'lov olinmaydi.
  • PandaTrips.com. Xitoy poezd chiptalarini ingliz tilida onlayn bron qilish veb-sayti, 3 bosqich, chiptalarni bron qilish oson.
  • Trip.com veb-sayti (ilgari Ctrip). 19 ta tilda onlayn tarzda aviabilet bron qilish.
  • CTrip. Inglizcha versiyasi va inglizcha mobil ilovasi bo'lgan Xitoy sayyohlik sayti jadvalni ko'rish, an'anaviy va tezyurar poezdlarni jo'nashdan oldin 20 kundan 30 daqiqagacha bron qilish imkoniyatini beradi. Ilovada pasport ma'lumotlarini ro'yxatdan o'tkazishingiz kerak. Poezd chiptasini sotib olish uchun vaucher dasturga sotib olingandan keyin 2 soatdan keyin yuboriladi. Buni poezd chiptasini yig'ish uchun pasportingiz bilan stantsiya xodimlariga chipta stolida ko'rsating. Xalqaro kredit / debet kartalarini, shu jumladan American Express-ni qabul qiladi.
  • CTrains.com ingliz foydalanuvchilari uchun birinchi Xitoy poezd chiptalarini onlayn bron qilish veb-sayti. Sayohatchilar Xitoy poezd chiptalarini real vaqtda 24/7 rejimida onlayn ravishda bron qilishlari mumkin. Bundan tashqari, bron uchun to'lov olinmaydi.
  • "Man in 61" veb-sayti Xitoy poezdlarida yaxshi bo'limga ega.
  • Mutlaq Xitoy turlari yoki China Highlights inglizcha vaqt va tariflar to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lish (juda foydali bo'lsa-da, ushbu saytlarning ro'yxatlari 100% to'liq emas)
  • OK sayohat[o'lik havola] ko'proq jadvallarga ega. Ushbu sayt asosan xitoy tilida, ammo romanlashtirilgan joy nomlarini o'z ichiga oladi va siz xitoy tilini bilmasdan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Qidiruv sahifasida taqdim etilgan ro'yxatlardan birini tanlang: chap tomon - jo'nash joyi, o'ng tomon - manzil. Shaharlarning tegishli ro'yxati paydo bo'lishidan oldin ochiladigan oynada siz viloyat yoki mintaqalarni tanlashingiz kerak. Siz xohlagan shaharlarni tanlaysiz, so'ngra qidiruvni amalga oshirish uchun quyidagi tugmani bosing (marked belgisi bilan, "tasdiqlang"). Agar siz joy nomlarini xitoycha belgilar bilan kiritishingiz mumkin bo'lsa, qidirish funktsiyasi hatto ko'p oyoqli sayohatlarni rejalashtirishda yordam beradi.
  • CNVOL Xitoyda sayohat qiladigan barcha poezdlarning keng (to'liq) va tez-tez yangilanadigan ro'yxatiga ega. Safarni boshlash va tugatish uchun siz boradigan joylarning nomlarini kiriting, shunda siz marshrut bo'ylab harakatlanadigan barcha poezdlarning ro'yxatini topasiz (shu qatorda siz tanlagan stantsiyalar yonidan o'tayotgan barcha poezdlarni ham), ularning boshlanishi va oxiri ko'rsatilgan. shaharlar va vaqtlar. O'zingiz yoqtirgan poezd raqamini bosing va narxlarni pastga tushirish tugmachasini bosish orqali mavjud bo'lgan barcha sinf o'rindiqlari yoki bekatlar narxlarini topishingiz mumkin. Bu erda eng muhimi, shahar nomlarini "pinyin" ga to'g'ri keltirishdir, bu belgilar hech qachon bo'sh joy bilan ajralib turmaydi, ya'ni Litsian, Pekin, Shanxay, Shenchjen, Kunming va boshqalar.

2. Temir yo'l stantsiyasining kassalaridan sotib olish

Guanchjou janubiy stantsiyasidagi (tinch) chiptaxona

Har bir bekatda bir yoki bir nechta chiptaxonalar mavjud bo'lib, u erda siz navbatda turishingiz va chiptani sotib olishingiz mumkin. Eng katta bekatlarda joylashgan kassalarga kirishda yukingizni skanerlash uchun xavfsizlik punkti bo'lishi mumkin. Ular juda ko'p odamlar bo'lishlari mumkin, uzun navbatlar va ingliz tilidagi yozuvlar kichik. Biroq, chiptalar oynalari ustidagi katta elektron belgilarda ushbu stantsiyada rejalashtirilgan navbatdagi poezdlar va keyingi bir necha kun davomida har bir sinfda mavjud bo'lgan joylar aks ettiriladi. Ofitser faqat sizning boradigan joyingizni bilishni istaydi va sizga keyingi poezdlar va mavjud o'rindiqlar sinfini taqdim etadi. Eng katta stantsiyalarda chet elliklar uchun maxsus chipta oynasi taqdim etilishi mumkin. Qaysi yo'nalish ekanligini tushuntirish uchun chiptalarni qaytarish, almashtirish yoki shunchaki inglizcha ma'lumotga ega bo'lmagan keksa fuqarolar uchun maxsus yo'nalishlarni ajratish mumkin. Noto'g'ri navbatga qo'shilish va xodimlarning sizga xizmat ko'rsatishni rad etishlari mumkin. Endi temir yo'l stantsiyalari chiptaxonalari butun Xitoy bo'ylab boshqa stantsiyalardan jo'nayotgan va boshqa temir yo'l byurosi hududlarida ishlaydigan chiptalarni bitta chipta uchun 5 ¥ qo'shimcha haq evaziga sotishlari mumkin.

Odatda naqd pul chiptalar uchun to'lanadi, garchi ba'zi hisoblagichlar UnionPay kartalarini qabul qilsa ham. Chet el kredit kartalari faqat yirik shaharlardagi yirik stantsiyalarda foydalidir.

Umuman olganda, agar siz chiptalarni sotib olish uchun peshtaxtaga boradigan bo'lsangiz, sizda poezd raqami, jo'nash sanasi va vaqti, yashash joyi va chiptalar soni, shuningdek kelib chiqishi va boradigan shaharlari yozilgan bo'lsa, barchani ko'p muammolardan xalos qiladi. xitoy tilida yoki hech bo'lmaganda Pinyin tilida. Xodimlar umuman ingliz tilida gaplashmaydilar va temir yo'l stantsiyalarida ular katta sabr qilmaydilar, chunki odatda uzoq navbatlar mavjud.

3. Chiptalarni avtomatlashtirilgan mashinadan sotib olish

Pekin G'arbiy temir yo'l stantsiyasida chiptalarni sotadigan mashinalar

Qisqa navbatlar avtomatlashtirilgan chiptaxonalarda joylashgan. Ma'lumotni namoyish qilish uchun inglizcha imkoniyatga ega bo'lishiga qaramay, u faqat xitoylik shaxsiy guvohnoma egalari chiptalarini sotishi mumkin. Mashinalar olishi mumkin, garchi ko'pchilik qabul qilsa UnionPay kartalari yoki naqd pul. Ular odatda chiptaxona yonida. Ba'zi avtomatlashtirilgan chiptalar mashinalari faqat ma'lum bir yo'nalish yoki tarmoqning mintaqaviy hududi uchun mo'ljallangan, ammo bu odatda aniq etiketlanadi va mashinada ko'rsatiladi. O'zlarining cheklanganliklariga qaramay, ular chiptalar navbatiga qo'shilishdan oldin tezda poezdlar jadvallarini va ingliz tilida chiptalar mavjudligini topish uchun foydalidir.

4. Poezd chiptalari agentligidan yoki ofisdan sotib olish

Ko'pgina shahar va qishloqlarda bir nechta alohida poezd kassalari yoki agentliklari bo'ladi. Ular ko'plab sayyohlik agentliklarida yoki yirik mehmonxonalarda odatdagidek katta do'kon kabi bo'lishi mumkin, lekin ko'pincha oddiy teshik teshiklari bo'lishi mumkin. Odatda ular gavjum emas, odatda umuman chiziqlar yo'q va ko'plab temir yo'l stantsiyalariga qaraganda qulayroq joylashgan. Ammo ushbu agentliklarning til bilimi etishmayotgan bo'ladi. Ko'pincha kichik o'lchamlari va faqat xitoycha yozuvlari tufayli ofisni topish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin, CRH yoki China Railways logotipiga yoki shunchaki deraza yonidagi poezd raqamlari ro'yxatiga e'tibor bering. Ular temir yo'l stantsiyasining kassasi bilan ishlaydi, ammo agentlik to'lovi sifatida har bir chipta uchun 5 ¥ dan qo'shimcha haq oladi. Bu qulaylik uchun kichik narx.

Shaharlarga tarqalgan kichik chiptalar oynalari do'konlariga "售 火车票" (shou huo che piao) yorlig'i qo'yilgan. Sayyohlik agentliklari chiptalar uchun pul va bronlarni oldindan qabul qilib olishadi, lekin bekat ularni bozorga chiqarguncha hech kim sizning chiptangizga kafolat bera olmaydi, shunda sizning agentligingiz borib sizga "kafolat bergan" chiptani sotib oladi. Bu Xitoyning har qanday joyida to'g'ri keladi.

Yo'qotilgan chiptalarni almashtirish

Agar chiptangizni yo'qotib qo'ysangiz, uning o'rnini bosish uchun pasportingiz yoki guvohnomangiz bilan kassaga boring. Yo'qotilgan chiptalar (挂失, guàshī) bilan shug'ullanadigan ixtisoslashtirilgan chiptaxona oynasini toping. Deraza xodimi yo'qolgan chiptangizni bekor qiladi va siz xuddi shu narxga yangi chiptani sotib olasiz. Bortda konduktorga sizning chiptangiz almashtirilganligi to'g'risida xabar bering. Dirijyor elektron yozuvni ochadi, bu sizning boradigan stantsiyangizda pulni qaytarib olishga imkon beradi. Belgilangan stantsiyaga kelganingizdan keyin 24 soat ichida shaxsan pasportingiz yoki shaxsiy guvohnomangiz va chiptani almashtirish bilan kassa oynasini qaytarib berishda (退票 处, tuìpiào chǔ) boring. Pulni qaytarib berish, derazadan naqd 2 funt miqdorida to'lovni olib tashlagan holda to'lanadi.


  • Agar siz to'g'ridan-to'g'ri chiptani sotib ololmasangiz (ayniqsa, poezdlar gavjum bo'lganida), bunga harakat qiling sayohatingizni ikkiga bo'ling 2 yoki undan ko'p bo'laklarga bo'linadi. Poezdlar bilan sayohat qilish - bu Xitoyda qisqa masofalarga sayohat qilishning eng mashhur usuli, va uzoqroq masofalarga chiptalarni sotib olish odatda uzoq masofalarga qaraganda ancha oson. Ammo, ehtimol, poezdning kechikishi sizni poyezdda to'xtatishi va osonlik bilan bog'lanuvchini sog'inishi mumkin. Agar siz keyingi poezdda uzoq masofani bosib o'tsangiz, poezdni sog'inish juda qimmatga tushishi mumkin. Shunday qilib, poyezdlar yo'qolib qolish xavfini ko'rib chiqing va bog'lanish safarini birinchisiga qaraganda qisqa qilishga harakat qiling.
  • Agar siz chiziqning oxirida emas, balki o'rtada joylashgan kichik shaharga boradigan bo'lsangiz, bron tizimi bu stantsiyalardagi chiptalar sonini kamaytiradi va kattaroqlariga ko'proq chipta beradi. Temir yo'l tizimi yo'lovchiga o'rta stantsiyada tushish yoki tushish imkonini beradi. Shunday qilib, siz qila olasiz uzaytirish tezroq sayohat qilish uchun chiptangiz yoki xitoyliklar tez-tez uchadigan yo'lovchilar va temir yo'l transportchilari tomonidan ma'lum bo'lgan "Uzunroq sotib oling va qisqa yuring". Bu biroz ko'proq xarajat qiladi, lekin chiptani olishdan ko'ra yaxshiroqdir.
  • Agar siz guruh bo'lib sayohat qilsangiz (oilangiz, do'stlaringiz va boshqalar bilan), tizim sizni faqat eng yaqin o'rindiqlarda joylashtiradi. Shu tarzda chipta ololmaganda (odatda veb-saytda), bunga harakat qiling guruhni ajratish yolg'iz odamlarga va bu juda oson bo'ladi. Siz poezdda ajralib turishingiz mumkinligi sababli, siz boshqa yo'lovchilar bilan o'rindiqlarni o'zgartirishingiz mumkin. Ularning aksariyati o'rindiqlarni almashtirishga qarshi emas, ammo ba'zilari narxdagi bo'shliqlarni to'lashingizni so'rashlari mumkin (masalan, yuqori qavat va pastki qavat o'rtasidagi bo'shliq). Uning chiptasida ko'rsatilgan narxlarni ko'rib chiqing va qo'shimcha pulni kutishingiz mumkin. Agar kimdir sizga o'rindiqlarni almashtirishga rozi bo'lsa, doimo minnatdor bo'ling va agar ular sizning do'stlaringizni ko'rsatadigan yuklarni ko'chirmoqchi bo'lsa, ularga yordam bering va ehtimol siz "Ha" javobini olasiz. 55 yoshdan oshgan keksa odamga ko'tarilish qiyin bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan yuqori tepalikka o'tishiga yo'l qo'ymaslikka harakat qiling.
  • Agar siz CRH aloqasi bo'lgan shaharga boradigan bo'lsangiz, oddiy poezdlardan ko'ra CRH xizmatiga buyurtma berishga harakat qiling, bu esa narx yanada qimmatroq, ammo biletlarni olish juda oson. Oddiy xizmatlardan ko'ra ko'proq tezyurar shaharlararo xizmatlar mavjud. Ba'zida CRH chiptasi chegirma mavsumida oddiy poyezdga qaraganda arzonroq bo'ladi. Buni amalga oshirayotganda birinchi navbatda CRH xizmat ko'rsatadigan stantsiyani tanlashingiz kerak (masalan, Pekindan Shanxayga bron qilayotganda, faqat yuqori tezlikda xizmat ko'rsatadigan bekatlarni Pekin Janubiy va Shanxay Hongqiao-ga o'zgartiring.

Poezd stantsiyalari

CautionEslatma: Xitoy temir yo'l vokzallari an'anaviy ravishda cho'ntak cho'ntaklari, oddiy rassomlar va boshqa jinoyatchilarga aylanadi. Kattaroq stantsiyalar politsiya tomonidan stansiyaning ichida ham, tashqarisida ham yaxshi nazorat qilinadi, lekin kichikroq stantsiyalarda ayniqsa ehtiyot bo'ling.

Ko'pgina shaharlarda oddiy poezdlar va tezyurar poezdlar uchun turli xil stantsiyalar mavjud. Yuqori tezlikdagi stantsiya nomlari odatda shahar nomi va asosiy yo'nalishdan iborat (masalan.) Héngyángdōng "Hengyang East").

Xitoy temir yo'l stantsiyalari boshqa mamlakatdagi temir yo'l stantsiyasidan ko'ra ko'proq aeroportga o'xshab ishlaydi. Shunday qilib, so'nggi daqiqada poezdda o'tirishga umid qilmang - eshiklar jo'nashidan bir necha daqiqa oldin yopiladi! Xavfsizligingiz uchun, u erda kamida 20 daqiqa oldin yoki katta temir yo'l stantsiyasiga kirsangiz, 30 daqiqada bo'ling.

Vokzalga kirish uchun siz dastlabki chipta va xavfsizlik tekshiruvidan o'tishingiz kerak. Ketish zaliga kirgandan so'ng, to'g'ri minadigan eshikni topish uchun raqamli ko'rsatkich panellarini kuzatib boring (ular hech bo'lmaganda CRH stantsiyalarida ingliz va xitoy tillarida bo'lishi kerak; agar faqat xitoy tili mavjud bo'lsa, siz hali ham poezd xizmatining raqamini topa olasiz bu sizning chiptangizning yuqori qismida bosilgan). Chiqib ketishdan taxminan 10-20 daqiqa oldin samolyotga chiqish e'lon qilingunga qadar sizning darvozangiz yaqinidagi kutish joyida kuting. Shundan so'ng siz chipta tekshiruvidan o'tasiz (pasportingizni ko'rishni xohlashlari uchun tayyorlang) va olomonni platformaga kuzatib borasiz. Chiptalarning ikki turi mavjud: chiptalarni sotish agentliklarida chiqarilgan qizil qog'ozli chiptalar va siz stantsiya kassalaridan olgan ko'k magnit chiptalar. Moviy chiptalar avtomatlashtirilgan chipta eshiklaridan biriga kiradi, qizil chiptalar esa qo'lda tekshiriladi; darvozadan to'g'ri joyda o'tishni unutmang.

Platformada poezd allaqachon kutib turgan bo'lishi mumkin; Aks holda, platforma chetida yozilgan mashinangizning raqamini qidiring va kerakli joyda kutayotganingizga ishonch hosil qiling, chunki ko'pincha poezd bir necha daqiqada to'xtaydi. If there are no such indications, show your ticket to staff and they will show you where to wait. Some newer stations have higher level platforms that are level with the door, but at smaller stations the platforms are very low and you have to ascend several steep steps to board the train, so be prepared if you have a large suitcase. Generally passengers are friendly and will offer to help you with any bulky luggage.

Wuchang Railway Station: exiting from the arrival area. The arriving passengers' tickets are checked at the exit gate

At your destination, you leave the platform through one of the clearly indicated exits, which will not bring you into the waiting area but outside of the station. Your ticket will be checked again and you can keep your ticket.

Finding your train station

While conventional trains typically stop at older train stations, in the urban cores, high-speed train use new routes that bypass cities central areas. Although in some cities (e.g. Shijiazhuang) high-speed trains may use the same station with the conventional trains, it is more common for them to call at a new purpose-built station on the city's outskirts. It is therefore essential for the passenger to pay attention to the exact name of the station where his train is to be boarded. For example, in Xi'an, conventional trains stop at Xi'an Railway Station, while high-speed ones do at Xi'an North (Xi'an bei) Railway Station; yilda Kunming, the conventional trains are at Kunming Railway Station, while the high-speed ones are at Kunming South (Kunming nan). Sometimes a city served by three parallel lines (an older "conventional" one, a long-distance high-speed line, and an "intercity" [commuter] high-speed line) may have three stations used by the three types of service! (e.g. Xianning, Hubei).

Local people may refer railway stations with an unofficial name, which can be totally different from the real station name. For example, Tianjin Station may be called "Tianjin East Station".

Sometimes a train stops at two or more stations within the city (e.g. Nanning and Nanning East (Nanning dong)), in which case you can buy a ticket to or from the station more convenient to your destination.

As China's railway network, and in particularly its high-speed component, develop rapidly, it's not unusual for a new station to open before proper access roads to it have been constructed. Having chosen what appears to be a direct route to the station, you may find it interrupted by a construction site, a fence around a strawberry field, a field of mud, or a complicated (and poorly sign-posted) detour via a residential neighborhood. (Examples, as of 2016-2017: Yuxi; Hekou North; southern approach to Fangchenggang North.) Due to the same rapid development, it is not unusual for a slightly older printed map of a city to show only the older station (service to which may have been reduced or altogether discontinued), and not the recently opened new station.

Local bus and taxi drivers should, presumably, be aware of the most sensible routes available, but out-of-towners are occasionally led astray by their GPS navigators.

When a new station opens, bus and taxi service to it starts immediately (or almost immediately); so getting from the station to the town by public transportation usually is not a problem; but to get to the station from town by bus, you may want to find out in advance which bus routes run there, and where their stops are in town. In large cities with subway systems (Xi'an, Wuhan, Suzhou, Fuzhou...) building a subway line to the new station usually becomes a priority for the local transportation planners; still, it may take a few years for the line to be completed.

Travel tips

Train doors are always managed by railway staff, which means you should emas attempt to open or close them by yourself unless in case of a genuine emergency.

CRH trains are top-notch, even internationally, in terms of equipment and cleanliness. This includes the toilets, which reliably have toilet paper and soap available – a rare thing in China. The toilets on non-high-speed trains also tend to be a little more "usable" than on buses or most public areas because they are simple devices that empty the contents directly onto the track and thus don't smell as bad. Soft sleeper cars usually have European style toilets at one end of the car and Chinese squat toilets at the other. On non-CRH trains if the train will be stopping at a station, the conductor will normally lock the bathrooms prior to arrival so that people will not leave deposits on the ground at the station.

Long distance trains will have a buffet or dining car, which serves not very tasty hot food at around ¥25. The menu will be entirely in Chinese, but if you're willing to take the chance then you can eat very well (try to interpret some of the Chinese characters, or ask for common dishes by name). If you are on a strict budget then wait until the train stops at a station. There are normally vendors on the platform who will sell noodles, snacks, and fruit at better prices. There are no showers provided on all sleeper trains, so consider bringing towels or bathing before boarding a sleeper train.

Every train car normally has a hot boiled water dispenser available so bring tea, soups and instant noodles in order to make your own food. Passengers commonly bring a thermos bottle, or some kind of closeable glass cup, to make tea.

Be careful with your valuables while on the train; property theft on public transportation has risen.

On most higher-level trains (T, K, Z and CRH trains) recorded announcements are made in Chinese, English and occasionally Cantonese (if the train serves Guangdong province or Gonkong), Mongolian (in Inner Mongolia), Tibetan (in Tibet) or Uighur (in Xinjiang). Local trains will have no announcements in English, so knowing when to get off can be harder.

Motion sickness pills are recommended if you are inclined toward that type of ailment. Ear plugs are recommended to facilitate uninterrupted sleep. In sleeper cars, tickets are exchanged for cards on long distance trains. The cabin attendants return the original tickets when the train approaches the destination station thus ensuring everyone gets off where they should even if they can't wake themselves up.

If you have some things to share on the train, you'll have fun. The Chinese families and business people travelling the route are just as bored as the next person and will be happy to attempt conversation or share a movie shown on a laptop. All in all, the opportunity to see the countryside going by is a neat experience.

Smoking is not permitted in the seating or sleeping areas but is allowed in the vestibules at the end of each car. On the new CRH trains, the Guangzhou-Kowloon shuttle train and the Beijing Suburban Railway smoking is completely forbidden. Smoking is banned inside station buildings apart from in designated smoking rooms, although these places are often unpleasant and poorly ventilated.

If you bought your ticket online, make sure to arrive at the right station as many cities have more than two or more stations that are far from each other.

Checked luggage and parcels

Chinese railways allow you to take large suitcases (at least up to the size of the standard airline check-in luggage with you) aboard your train; depending on the class of service, on how full the train is, and on how much luggage other passengers have, it may or may not be easy to find a way to stow you luggage in the railcar without it being in everybody's way. There is normally no way to transport your bags as checked luggage on the same train with you, the way airlines do. However, if you need to transport large or bulky items (e.g. large boxes or a full-size bicycle), or want to send things separately from you, you can have them sent to your destination using China Railway Express (CRE). See the detailed discussion under High-speed rail in China#Checked luggage and parcel service.

High-speed rail

Xitoy has built a high-speed passenger rail network and is continuing to expand it rapidly. The trains are similar to French TGV, German ICE, or Japanese Shinkansen. Over 30,000 km of routes are in service, making China's system the world's largest high-speed network.

These are easily the best way of getting around China where available. The trains are clean, comfortable and modern. Seating is comparable to that in an airplane or even better. Most tickets are for assigned seats; no-seat tickets are sometimes sold in limited numbers but, unlike regular Chinese trains, there is never a mad crush with more people sitting in the aisles than in seats. Also unlike other trains, no smoking is allowed, not even between carriages. Prices are reasonable by Western standards and, on most routes, departures are frequent.

Although China has a well-developed and advanced airport infrastructure, the country suffers from notorious flight delays whereas the high-speed rail network is very punctual. Although the flight from Beijing to Shanghai (for example) is shorter than the train ride, once you take travel time to and from the airport and the likelihood of long delays into account the rail connection is far more appealing.

The fast trains are called CRH, China Railway High-speed. At some train stations there is a separate CRH ticket office or even vending machines; at others, CRH tickets are sold at separate counters in the main ticket office. In either case, look for the “CRH” signs or logo.

The speeds attained vary considerably from line to line. The technology used also varies. Nearly all the rolling stock is now manufactured in China, but much of the technology has come from abroad. The Canadian company Bombardier, Japanese Kawasaki, German Siemens (manufacturer of the ICE) and French Alstom (manufacturer of the TGV) have been involved. Some new lines have adopted individual interior colour schemes and decor to highlight the region they operate in, however most trains follow a standard palette.

Carry-on luggage

Luggage racks can be found at the ends of most cars, otherwise oversized luggage can fit behind the last seat at the carriage end. Train staff are very strict on how luggage is placed on the overhead luggage racks, poking any loose straps away or rearranging any bags they deem to be dangerous. Overall, due to fewer passengers per car and more space given for luggage, luggage arrangements on high-speed trains are much more adequate than in "hard-seat" cars of ordinary trains (where passengers' big suitcase often end up blocking the aisle and inconveniencing everyone).

According to the rules printed on the back of each ticket, a passenger on Chinese trains is allowed to carry up to 20 kg of luggage for free (10 kg on a children's ticket); the sum of length, width, and height of each piece should not exceed 160 cm on ordinary trains or 130 cm on high-speed trains. In practice, no one usually checks the weight of your luggage, so if you can handle its weight, you can take it along. However, reports from Hong Kong's new Hong Kong West Kowloon Station (opened 2018) indicate that size is checked at this station.

Other than the checks reported from Hong Kong, any suitcase that satisfies the standard size restrictions for check-in baggage on international airlines appears in practice to be OK for carry-on on China's high-speed trains. However, if a train is full, finding space for your large bag may sometimes be difficult. A collapsible (folding) bicycle, properly folded and packed into a suitably large bag, will be permitted as well.

Checked luggage and parcel service

Items too large to carry on (including full-size bicycles, or electric scooters) or containing certain items prohibited in carry-on luggage (e.g. knives) can be sent (托运 tuoyun) as checked luggage. This service is operated by China Railway Express Company (CRE) (中铁快运), so this is the name you'll see on the signs.

The CRE web site (in Chinese) has a list of their drop-off and pick-up office locations; look for the服务网点 link on the main page. The form will ask you for your location, in terms of China's three-level administrative division (province, prefecture-level city, county or district) and the street address (if you don't know one, you usually can enter a station name instead, e.g. 上海南站), and it will show you the service locations on the map. Most major stations have a CRE office (which serves as the station's baggage department), usually in a building somewhere near the main station building. There are some exceptions though: for example, even though you can send a parcel from the baggage department at the Wuchang Railway Station in Wuhan, parcels sent to Wuchang Station will most likely have to be collected in a shed in a construction material market some 5 km away from the station.

There is no requirement that the sender travels to the same station where the baggage is sent (or that s/he travels at all); one can use the service to send a parcel to another person. The service seems to be fairly popular with small businesses.

Checked luggage does not travel on the same train with you, and is likely to arrive to its destination a few days later. The service standard is 3 days for distances up to 600 km, and an additional day for each full or partial 600 km beyond that. (For example, the service standard from Guangxi ga Jiangsu, on a route that would involve several transfers, is 6 days). In practice, of course, your parcel may arrive much faster than that, especially if being shipped between two stations that are connected by some slow passenger train that includes a baggage car.

The cost of a shipment is computed as the per-kg rate based on the distance (as per the official railway mileage) multiplied by the weight of the item being shipped. For shipping a bicycle, the cost is computed as for a 25-kg item.

For a distance of around 1000 km (e.g. from Beijing or Fuzhou to Wuhan or Nanjing), the rate is around ¥3 per kg, which amount to ¥70-80 for a 25-kg piece of luggage or a parcel, or for a bicycle (as of 2018). From Fangchenggang on the South China Sea to Yangzhou near Shanghai (over 2000 km) the cost for a 25-kg item was ¥137 as of 2016.

The CRE web site has a cost and travel time estimator tool. Follow the 价格时效 link, and enter the origin and destination location (in terms of province, city, district) and the shipment's weight in kilograms.

Onboard services

Dining cars with full restaurant service are rare on most high-speed services. Typically buffet cars serving light meals and drinks are provided with standing benches and tables. Large and well-maintained western-style toilets are to be found on all services. A centrally located compartment houses the train manager, to help with passenger issues or ticketing.

Electronic signage will display information such as the time, train speed, next stop and indoor/outdoor temperatures in Chinese and English. Most announcements will be bi-lingual in Chinese and English and most staff are bilingual too. Some services feature multiple overhead video display units along a carriage, mostly featuring CRH promotional videos and light entertainment shows.

Unlike hard-seat cars in conventional trains, in which passengers sit facing each other (convenient for card games!), on most high-speed trains, everybody's seat faces forward. (Seats are rotatable and if your train changes its direction en route, all passengers will be asked to rotate their seats!)


The price structure is at a set rate per kilometre according to the class of travel and G, D or C numbering of the train. The price difference for the classes is not enormous, except for Business, VIP, and Sightseeing Class which can be double in price. High-speed sleeper services, where available, have a single class for the entire train, called 动卧, which is different from (and considerably more expensive than) the hard sleeper 硬卧 and soft sleeper 软卧 on a "conventional" train.

Different high-speed trains may take different routes between two stations; e.g., some trains traveling from Nanjing to Hangzhou (and points further south) take the direct Nanjing-Hangzhou line, while others travel via Shanghai. As the fare is based on distance, the (usually faster) trains using the shorter direct route are less expensive than the (slower) trains that travel via Shanghai. Similarly, as of 2018, the 2nd-class HSR fare between Chongqing and Shanghai varies between ¥556 and ¥1078. The lowest fare is on the shortest route along the Yangtze, via Wuhan (Hankou), Hefei, and Nanjing; somewhat more expensive is the southern route, via Guiyang, Changsha, Nanjing, and Hangzhou; the most expensive route is the northern, via Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, and Nanjing.

The price difference between a high-speed and conventional train can be quite substantial. As an example, for the Fuzhou-Shanghai D train (seven hours and well over 1000 km) second class is ¥262 and first class is ¥330. There is a K train for only ¥130 (for a hard seat), but it takes 17 hours on a indirect route and is often very crowded, and a ticket does not always guarantee a seat. Unless your budget is extremely tight or you cannot cope with several hours in a non-smoking train, the fast train is hugely preferable and easily worth the cost difference.

As the ticket price of trains would not vary based on the demand, out of high seasons and in some long journeys such as Beijing to Guangzhou the airfare may be cheaper than a Second Class G train. Check the airfare if you are traveling for more than 1000 km between major cities and are looking for a cheaper or faster option.

Boarding your train

High-speed rail stations are designed in a similar manner to modern airports. In order to enter the departure area you will require your ticket and ID, and have to pass all your bags through an x-ray machine. While knives, fireworks, easily inflammable liquids, etc. are prohibited, there are no restrictions on bringing drinks.

The departure area at Shanghai Hongqiao Station

Your train will be clearly designated with a gate or hall, these are generally easy to find. From a large single hall, there may be quite a few gates, with large crowds waiting for various services other than your own. Sometimes the gate that a particular train is using is not displayed until just prior to departure but more typically as the previous service departs. Gate and hall numbers will bear no similarity to the platform that the train will use. Typically people will be allowed to access the platform 15 minutes before departure. The departure area can be extremely large, so like an airport allow time to get to your platform.

The departure area will have a few restaurants and shops. The larger stations will often feature western fast food chains. Small supermarkets and shops typically sell drinks, instant noodles and other snack foods. Some stations have a counter that provides one free bottle of mineral water to each ticket-holder. Lounge areas often exist for business class and VIP passengers, plus for passengers associated with several bank and mobile phone programs.

First call for your service will be often be made for elderly passengers, families with babies or infants and the disabled first. They will be processed manually by station staff before access is opened to other passengers.

The queue will be quite long at a terminal station (such as Shanghai Hongqiao) and there will be a tendency for plenty of people to push in ahead of you. You are not going to miss your train with no need to panic or rush in most circumstances. Although you can also push through if the timing is getting tight.

At the gates at the newest and more modern stations, put the blue train tickets into the slot of the automatic gate, the barriers will then open, ensure that collect your ticket again from the machine and have your ID ready before descending to the platform. Otherwise, if you have the alternative styled tickets or it is just manually controlled gate, simply hand your ticket over to station staff.

Most modern and refurbished stations have a single gate leading to a single platform. If the gate does not lead directly to the platform, the stations will use a common overpass passageway with stairways or escalators leading to their respective platforms, however train services are clearly signposted for each platform and often blocked when not in use. It is thus very difficult to take the wrong direction, despite this, older stations may have several steps up and down along its route which may be difficult for frail passengers or those with heavy luggage.

On the train some people tend to take any seat they want, although they will move if you show them your reservation for that particular seat. If such person fails to move away, you may want to report to the conductor or even railway police officers. A diagram on the wall depicts which seat is closest to the window or aisle.

During the journey

Second class seats
Example of high-speed railway meal, price normally ranging from ¥15 to ¥75

A buffet cart is available throughout the journey in all classes, which is normally more expensive than regular prices. A free hot water dispenser is provided in every carriage for passengers to use with their tea or instant noodles. A buffet car is open for the duration of the train journey with a selection of drinks, meals and snacks that can vary greatly depending on the service; you are also likely to see vendors walking through the train selling similar food products and drinks. Full restaurant style service is limited to a very few long distance trains. Complimentary bottled water and snacks are provided in First Class on a few services. Business Class passengers benefit from a free breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on the time and generally only for long-haul travellers. Many stations have vendors on the platforms as well. However time can be very limited at some stops to effectively purchase anything.

Passengers are able to order take-aways from local restaurants or fast food chains inside stations via the China Railways official website and their official app. 27 stations, including Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and other major cities, offer this service and it is rolling out to other stations gradually.

Smoking is illegal anywhere on the train. Smoking on trains will trigger an emergency brake of the train and lead to a fine of ¥1000 or more and maybe 5 days in jail. It is also not allowed on the platform, although it seems to be standard practice for people to take a quick smoking break just outside the train doors if the train stops for a few minutes.

In Second Class you can recline your seat a little bit. In First Class you can greatly recline your seat and shut the blinds if you want a nap. In Business Class you can fully lie down when equipped with airline style seating but only recline on some other train types. Sleeper trains have four berth cabins, equipped with bedding with passengers seated on the lower berths.

Arrival at your destination

High-speed train arriving at Beijing West station

Arriving at a destination, exiting passengers are directed to a separate exit from entering passengers on the platform that will lead to a common passageway or hall. Larger stations might have two exits either side of the station so be aware of which one is needed as the distance between either exit can be quite far, often around the entire station complex. Tickets are needed again to leave through any automated exit gates. Crumpled tickets may not work. Most exit barriers are manned for manual inspection of tickets if needed. If you have a light red ticket (not the blue ones), it will need to be checked manually upon exiting the station, as the machines will not be able to read them. There is another ticket office in this area so that you can pay the difference in case you travelled further than the ticket you originally purchased, so do not throw away your ticket!

Larger stations will feature more restaurants or shops in this area, maybe some tourism services. There is often a clean restroom before the exit gates. Probably worth taking advantage of after a long journey and before venturing out into a new Chinese city.

Often the station has a metro station located close by, then queues for the metro ticket machine can get very long after a high-speed train has just arrived. Another common feature for new high-speed stations are for long-distance bus stations to be co-located there, these can take passengers to many regional centres surrounding that city. However, do not expect buses to go to every destination you might expect (Chengdu East Station's bus terminal just serves cities mostly to the East of Chengdu for example), you might still need to travel to the older bus station in that city. Local bus services and taxis will be signposted. Beware of taxi touts and illegal operators harassing passengers as they leave the station. Only use taxis leaving from the designated area and insist on using the taximeter.

For rail travel towards Pekin and other major cities before and during important events (such as military parades, annual congressional meetings, international conferences, etc.), you will be placed under secondary security screening once you have arrived at your station.

Connecting trains

If connecting to another train service at the same station, it is possible sometimes to go directly to the Waiting Hall without having to exit the station and then re-enter through security. Do not follow the crowds getting off the train and follow signs on the platform for Train Connections (Transfer), directly from the platform or in some stations from the Arrivals Hall before the exit barriers. You must show your ticket and ID for the connecting service to station staff. However it is possible for this access to not be manned or opened at many stations, thus exiting and re-entry of the station is required.

Xavfsiz bo'ling

China suffered a devastating accident in 2011 when a CRH train collision killed 40 and injured nearly 200. The accident was blamed on a lack of safety measures and was seen as an example of safety being sacrificed in favor of rapid development. However, speed was not a factor as the crash happened while one train was stationary and the other ran at speeds common for older trains. China has made a massive effort to recover from this, by reducing speeds by 50 km/h and completely restructuring the Chinese Rail Company. Since then there have been no further accidents or fatalities. However, given that speed was not a factor in the crash and speeds are still limited to 300 km/h instead of 350, many observers say the speed reduction had economic rather than safety reasons.

There aren't so many thieves on board the trains. But travellers are suggested to keep their valuables with them and all luggage in sight. You can also lock your larger items to the luggage compartments if you feel unsafe (though few riders do this), but you have to bring a small lock with you unless you are travelling on one of the "Fuxing" branded trains where you can lock your bags or suitcases to the compartments using your tickets.

Even faster — Maglev

Maglev train in Shanxay

Shanxay has a magnetic levitation train from the downtown Pudong area to Shanghai Pudong International Airport. The top speed is around 431 km/h (268 mph) during daytime hours and the 30-km trip takes around 8 minutes and costs ¥50.

International and regional routes

See also: Hong Kong#High speed rail
The direction board of train K3/K4 running from Pekin ga Moskva orqali Ulan-Bator. The train service is one of the earliest international train services of China.

Gonkong is connected to Shenzhen va Guangzhou with services running all the way to Shanghai and Beijing. This is the first 'cross border' high-speed connection in China due to Hong Kong's special status, having started public operation on 23 Sep 2018. Alternatively, one can get to Shenzhen by high-speed train, walk across the border (or connect by Shenzhen Metro) and take the Hong Kong metro (MTR) downtown.

Those riding the high-speed trains will complete both Hong Kong and mainland Chinese immigration checks at Kowloon West Railway Station. On the other hand, if you're riding the conventional trains, you will clear Hong Kong immigration at Hung Hom, and clear mainland Chinese immigration at the mainland Chinese station you end/begin your journey in. Be sure to factor in extra time to complete all these procedures.

For trains to and from Hong Kong, payment can be either in yuan or Hong Kong dollars, with the HK$ price being updated every month to be in sync with yuan pricing.

The following are international trains available:

  • K3 Beijing-Ulaanbaatar-Moscow (Yaroslavsky)
  • K23 Beijing-Ulanbattar
  • K19 Beijing-Moscow (Yaroslavsky)
  • 4652/4653 Hohhot-Ulanbattar
  • K27 Beijing-Pyongyang (Please also refer to North Korea#Get in)
  • T8701 Nanning-Hanoi (Gia Lam)
  • K9797 Urumqi-Astana
  • K9795 Urumqi-Almaty
    • China International Travel Services, 1/F, Beijing International Hotel, 9 Jianguomen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 86-010-65120507. This is China International Travel Services' main office in Beijing. Tickets for train services K3, K19 and K23 can be bought here. Tickets should be ordered a few weeks in advance and may require a reservation fee during the summer holiday.

Besides, the following international trains runs from Chinese border cities to foreign cities. Not only their tickets can be purchased more easily, they are also more cheaper, and are widely used by budget travellers.

  • 95 Dandong-Pyongyang
  • 401 Suifenhe-Pogranichnyy
  • 683 Erlian-Ulanbattar
  • 601 Manzhouli-Chita
  • 653 Manzhouli-Zabaykalsky
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