Parvozingizni rejalashtirish - Planning your flight

Parvozlarni rejalashtirish murakkab ish bo'lishi mumkin, ammo bu qo'llanma yordam berishi kerak!

Ba'zi odamlar uchun parvoz - bu dunyoni ko'rish va uni Yer yuzida ko'tarilish uslubi bilan amalga oshirish uchun imkoniyatdir, lekin boshqalar uchun yuzlab odamlarga yaqin joyda soatlab o'tirish imkoniyati zavqlantirmaydi. Ushbu transport turiga qanday qarashingizdan qat'iy nazar, bu zamonaviy sayohat hodisasidir. Ba'zi yo'nalishlarda faqat aviatsiya mavjudligi sayohatning barcha muqobil usullarini deyarli yo'q qildi, ayniqsa okean kemalari va shuning uchun ba'zi yo'nalishlarga boshqa yo'l bilan erishish mumkin emas.

Parvozni tanlash

Agar siz parvoz qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bir nechta yo'nalishlar, parvozlar va aviakompaniyalar o'rtasida tanlov qilishingiz mumkin.


Shuningdek qarang: Metropolitan Area aeroportlarining kodlari

Quruqlikdagi o'rtacha aeroportlarni ko'rib chiqing. London kabi shaharlarda katta aeroportlar kabi Xitrou va Getvik yangi Luton va salonlari va aerodromalar bilan to'liq xizmat ko'rsatuvchi (xalqaro) tashuvchilarni taklif eting. Stensted aeroportlar do'konlari va pullik dam olish joylari kamroq bo'lgan va shahar markazidan narida joylashgan qisqa muddatli byudjet tashuvchilariga xizmat qiladi. Ba'zi chipta tizimlari sizga bir nechta aeroportni qamrab olgan kod yordamida qidirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Temir yo'l va avtobus uzatish hatto uzoq masofalarda ham amaliy bo'lishi mumkin; masalan; misol uchun Tokio Narita aeroporti Yaponiyaning katta qismi bilan temir yo'l aloqalariga ega. Yaxshi ulangan aeroport hatto qo'shni davlatlar uchun ham eng yaxshi variant bo'lishi mumkin. Vena xalqaro aeroporti nafaqat sharqiy Avstriyaga, balki Chexiya, Slovakiya va Vengriyadagi yaqin viloyatlarga ham xizmat qilmaydi.

Belgilangan joylar

Umuman olganda, siz sotib olgan chiptangiz sizning belgilangan manzilingizga boradigan reysga yo'naltirilganligini ikki marta tekshirib ko'ring, chunki bir nechta shahar va qishloqlar bir xil nom bilan bo'lishishi mumkin. Masalan, San-Xose AQShdagi shaharni, Meksikadagi shaharni yoki Kosta-Rikaning poytaxtini nazarda tutishi mumkin. Hatto Avstraliyaning Sidney shahriga ketayotgan yo'lovchilar 17 056 km (10,598 milya) uzoqlikda joylashgan Kanadaning Sidney shahriga chiptani adashib sotib olgan holatlar ham bo'lgan. Ni tekshiring Aeroport kodi boradigan joyingiz, shuningdek, jo'nash punkti va transferlar.

To'xtovsiz, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri yoki tranzit

To'g'ridan-to'g'ri va to'xtovsiz

Aviakompaniya dunyosida, a to'g'ridan-to'g'ri parvoz shuni anglatadiki, u bir xil parvoz raqamini ishlatadi, ammo yo'lda to'xtash joyi to'xtashi mumkin - demak, siz samolyotni o'zingizning yuk yukingiz bilan tushirishingiz va AQSh kabi mamlakatlarda hatto immigratsiya orqali o'tishingiz kerak. A ni qidiring to'xtovsiz bir parvozda A nuqtadan B nuqtaga o'tishni xohlasangiz parvoz.

Agar uchish yoki boradigan aeroport trafik markazi bo'lsa va yo'nalishlar bir-biridan dunyoning narigi tomonida bo'lmasa, to'xtovsiz parvozni topish imkoniyati mavjud. Shu bilan bir qatorda tranzit yo'nalishi, bu erda siz ikki yoki undan ortiq reyslar o'rtasida bog'lanasiz.

To'xtovsiz parvoz odatda eng tezkor va eng qulay yo'nalish hisoblanadi. Ammo ular arzonroq bo'lishi mumkin yoki sizning jadvalingizga yaxshiroq mos kelishi mumkin, masalan, to'xtovsiz parvozlar kam bo'lsa. Tranzit marshrutlar sizning manzilingizga qarab biron bir joyda to'xtashingizni anglatadi. "Ulanish" yoki "tranzit" reyslari ushbu samolyotni tark etishni va aeroport eshigiga boshqasiga borishni talab qiladi, bu sizning belgilangan yuklaringizni talab qilmaydi.

Ehtimol, maksimal darajada parvoz iqtisodiyotiga yo'naltirilgan, parvoz aloqalari vaqti-vaqti bilan o'z ichiga oladi turli xil aviakompaniyalar, hatto turli xil aeroportlar, masalan, Kaliforniya shtatidagi San-Fransiskoga (SFO), Oklenddan keyingi sayohat bilan. Bunday takliflarga ehtiyotkorlik bilan qarang:

  • Agar o'sha aeroportda boshqa aviakompaniya bo'lsa (agar ular kodlashmasa), sizning yukingizni talab qilish uchun boshqa aviakompaniyada qayta tekshirish uchun olib boring va xavfsizlikni qayta ko'rib chiqing.
  • Agar siz boshqa aeroportga borishingiz kerak bo'lsa, tunab qolish haqida o'ylab ko'ring; bunday transferlar bilan bog'liq muammolar o'tkazib yuborilgan parvozni anglatishi mumkin ... yangi chiptani sotib olishni talab qiladi ... agar parvozda joy bo'lsa.
  • Ushbu asoratlarning birortasini bajara olmaslik umid qilingan iqtisodiyotni yo'qotishini anglatishi mumkin.
  • Yo'nalishingizni rejalashtirishda, agar siz har bir parvoz uchun alohida chiptalarni sotib olsangiz, buni qiling emas birinchi reysingizning rejalashtirilgan kelishi va ulanish reysingizning jo'nab ketishi o'rtasida parvozlarni juda oz vaqt bilan birlashtiring. Bu, ayniqsa, katta va gavjum aeroportlar o'rtasidagi qit'alararo parvozlar uchun juda muhimdir, bu erda parvozlarni kechiktiradigan va birlashtiruvchi aeroportda aylanishingizga xalaqit beradigan ko'plab omillar mavjud. "Oddiy" kechikishlarga yo'l qo'yish uchun kamida 2-3 soat byudjet qiling. Agar hamma narsa rejalashtirilganidek bo'lsa, siz bir-ikki soat atrofida o'tirasiz, agar siz juda kam vaqt ajratsangiz va aloqangizni o'tkazib yuborsangiz, qiyinchilik va xarajatlarni kutishingiz mumkin, va siz uzoqroq o'tirasiz.

Chiqish va kelish vaqti

Agar sizning parvozingiz sana moslashuvchan bo'lsa, na uchish va na manzil hech qaerda bo'lmasa, siz tez-tez kunlik parvozlar orasidan birini tanlashingiz mumkin. Gavjum marshrutda kuniga ko'plab reyslar mavjud.

Parvozlarni bron qilayotganda, parvozlarni rejalashtirishga kelsak, yangi kun tungi soat 12 da boshlanishini unutmang. Masalan, agar sizning reysingiz 1 aprel kuni soat 00: 10da uchishi kerak bo'lsa, siz 31 mart kuni soat 22: 10gacha aeroportda bo'lib, ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz kerak bo'ladi. Ko'plab sayohatchilar ushbu chalkashliklar sababli parvozlarni qoldirib, tekshiruvga kelishgan. 1 aprel kuni soat 22:10 da.

Biznes yoki dam olish kunlari sayohatchida bir nechta tanlov bo'lishi mumkin bo'lsa-da, bemor sayohatchiga odatda arzonroq parvoz topiladi. Qoida tariqasida, dushanba kuni ertalab, juma kuni kechqurun va yirik bayramlar va tadbirlarda ortiqcha buyurtma mavjud; bu vaqtlar nafaqat qimmatroq, balki samolyotda ham, aeroportda ham, aeroport transferida ham yoqimli emas.

Uchish va kelish vaqti aeroportda transport vositalarining mavjudligiga va xizmat ko'rsatishga ta'sir qiladi. Agar siz yarim tunda jo'nab ketsangiz yoki etib kelsangiz, har qanday aeroportda bir necha soatlab to'xtab qolishingiz mumkin, ozgina do'kon va restoranlar mavjud bo'lsa, ochiq.

Agar siz samolyotda yaxshi uxlasangiz yoki siz biznes-klassni sotib olsangiz, bir kechada parvoz vaqtni, shuningdek mehmonxonada tunash xarajatlarini tejaydi. Ehtiyot bo'ling vaqt zonalari va vaqt mintaqasi o'zgarishi xastaligi, Garchi.


Shuningdek qarang: Byudjetga parvoz qilish # Legacy aviakompaniyalari, Byudjetga uchish # Byudjet aviakompaniyalari

Aviakompaniyalar narxlari, sifati va obro'si jihatidan farq qilsalar ham, ularni taxminan ushbu toifalarga bo'lish mumkin:

  • A meros tashuvchi, shuningdek, a deb nomlangan yirik aviakompaniya yoki to'liq xizmat ko'rsatuvchi operator, bu iqtisodiy narxlar va xizmat ko'rsatish darajasi o'rtacha darajadan ham yuqori bo'lgan aviakompaniyadir (garchi arzon narxlarda topish mumkin bo'lsa ham). Yo'lovchilar biznes-klassdagi o'rindiqlar uchun qo'shimcha haq to'lashlari mumkin, ba'zi samolyotlar esa birinchi toifaga ega. Ushbu aviakompaniyalarning ko'pchiligida parvoz hashamat bo'lgan davrdan meros qolgan.
    • A bayroq tashuvchisi yoki milliy aviakompaniya milliy hukumatga tegishli bo'lgan yoki ilgari mavjud bo'lgan meros tashuvchisi. Ba'zilari juda keksa (KLM va Avianca 1919 yildan beri parvoz qilmoqda), ammo bugungi kunda raqobatbardosh bo'lib qolish uchun kurashmoqdalar. Bayroq tashuvchi odatda o'zlarining aeroportida hukmronlik qiladi, bu erda ular o'zlari butun terminalga ega bo'lishlari mumkin. Ayrim mintaqalarda, xususan, Fors ko'rfazida bayroq tashuvchilar milliy hukumatga tegishli va ular bilan chambarchas muvofiqdir va ko'plab ochiq va yashirin subsidiyalardan bahramand bo'lishlari mumkin. Fors ko'rfazi tashuvchilari, o'zlarini hashamatli brendlar sifatida sotishga kirishdilar.
  • A byudjet aviakompaniyasi, arzon narxlardagi operator, boshlang'ich aviakompaniyasi yoki bemalol tashuvchi minimal quruqlik va parvoz xizmatini taklif qiladi. Rezervasyon va ro'yxatdan o'tish xizmati uchun qo'shimcha to'lovlar (Internet orqali buyurtma qilingan va oldindan to'lanadigan holatlar bundan mustasno), sug'urta, yuk, joy tanlash, ovqatlanish va hatto suv uchun chiptaning o'zi ham ko'proq xarajat qilishi mumkin. Ushbu aviatashuvchilar odatda aviakompaniya alyansining bir qismi emas va tez-tez kam band bo'lgan aeroportlarda nominal manzildan uzoqda qo'ng'iroq qilishadi. Odatda, byudjetli aviakompaniyalar faqatgina nuqta-to-chiptalarni sotadilar, o'tkazib yuborilgan aloqalar uchun hech qanday javobgarlik bo'lmaydi. Agar siz tunda kechga etib borishingizni rejalashtirsangiz, avans tranziti kun davomida yopiq holda qoplanishi mumkin. Parvoz yo'lovchilar bilan to'lganida, bagajning bir qismi yo'lovchilar bilan uchib ketmasligi va keyinroq boshqa reysga etib borishi mumkin.
  • A mintaqaviy aviakompaniya odatda kichikroq samolyotlar bilan kamroq sayohat qilingan yo'nalishlarda ishlaydi. Ulardan ba'zilari eski tashuvchiga tegishli yoki ular bilan bog'liq. Bunday marshrutlarda narxlar bir xil masofani bosib o'tadigan yirik markazlar o'rtasidagi narxlardan yuqori bo'lishini kuting.
  • A charter aviakompaniyasi kabi mijozga samolyotlar beradi, masalan sayohat AGENTLIGI. Ular hukmronlik qilganda kurort parvozlar bozori, reyslar sayyohlik agentligi orqali reklama qilinadi, shuning uchun aviakompaniya brendlari jamoatchilik orasida unchalik taniqli emas.
  • Umumiy aviatsiya rejasiz fuqarolik aviatsiyasining barcha turlarini, masalan, biznes samolyotlari va samolyotlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Ular shoshilinch ravishda VIP uchun yoki alohida joylarga etib borish uchun foydalidir.

Aviakompaniyaning nomi aldamchi bo'lishi mumkin: Norvegiya bu Norvegiyaning bayroq tashuvchisi emas, balki mustaqil byudjetli aviakompaniya (munosib bo'lsa ham) va Gonkong havo yo'llari Gonkongning bayroq tashuvchisi emas (bu sharaf Cathay Pacific-ga tegishli). China Airlines Tayvanda joylashgan.

Iqtisodiyot sinfida eski va byudjetli aviakompaniyalar o'rtasidagi chegara tobora ko'payib bormoqda, xususan AQSh va ozroq darajada Evropa ichidagi parvozlarda, eskirgan aviatashuvchi samolyotda ekonom-klassda uchish odatda bir xil darajadagi ta'minotni ta'minlaydi. byudjet tashuvchisi sifatida xizmat, va siz to'liq xizmat tajribasini olish uchun birinchi yoki biznes-klassga uchishingiz kerak.

An aviakompaniya alyansi xalqaro aloqalarni ta'minlaydigan aviakompaniyalar tarmog'idir. Ittifoqlar tez-tez foydalanadilar kodeksaring, bu erda bir aviakompaniya orqali buyurtma qilingan reyslar boshqasi tomonidan amalga oshiriladi, bunda samolyot bir-biridan farq qiladi.

Bir nechta aviakompaniyalarning sifat ko'rsatkichlari mavjud (masalan Skytrax) bu sizga aviakompaniyalarning xizmat ko'rsatish darajasi, o'z vaqtida va qulayligi bilan taqqoslanishini tushunishga yordam beradi. Bunday reytinglar bitta ko'rsatkichdir, ammo ba'zi reytinglar havo sayohati insayderlari tomonidan tanqidga uchragan, masalan, Cranky Flyer yoki foydalanuvchi sharhlari / reytinglari umumiy yulduz reytingiga rozi emas.

Xavfsizlik va xavfsizlikka kelsak, Evropa Ittifoqi a aviakompaniyalar ro'yxati u o'zining havo hududidan aniq ravishda taqiqlaydi va ushbu taqiqlarning ba'zilari, ehtimol, siyosat bilan bog'liq bo'lsa-da, ular qaysi aviakompaniyalar G'arbning xavfsizlik standartlariga mos kelmasligi mumkinligini yaxshi ko'rsatib berishadi.

Samolyot modellari

Narrowbody A320 va keng B777

Agar siz marshrutga etib borgan bo'lsangiz, odatda turli xil samolyot modellari orasida juda ko'p tanlov mavjud emas, chunki samolyot hajmi asosan bosib o'tgan masofaga va transport hajmiga bog'liq. Qisqa va tinchroq marshrutlardan foydalanishga moyil tor tanasi bitta yo'lakli va 6 o'ringa qadar bo'lgan samolyotlar; uzoqroq va zichroq marshrutlardan foydalanish uchun chodir keng tanasi ikkita yo'lak va 7 dan 10 gacha o'rindiqli samolyotlar. Biroq nisbatan qisqa, ammo zichligi yuqori bo'lgan ba'zi yo'nalishlarda (masalan, AQShdagi trans-kontinental parvozlar, ikkita aviakompaniya / alyans uyalari orasidagi parvozlar va Sharqiy va Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyoning yirik shaharlari orasidagi ko'plab parvozlar kabi) kichikroq va kattaroq samolyotlarni topish mumkin. Kattaroq samolyot qulayroq bo'lib, kengroq o'rindiqlar (hatto biznes-klassdagi tekis va undan yuqori), parvoz paytida ko'ngil ochish va hatto ovqatlanishga imkon beradi. Odatda kattaroq samolyotni uchirish bir xil aviakompaniyadagi kichik samolyotdan qimmatroq emas, ammo bu har doim ham eng arzon variant emas.

Bugungi kunda aviakompaniyalar o'zlarining modellarini kamdan-kam hollarda muhokama qilishadi, agar u zamonaviy bo'lsa, masalan, Airbus A350 yoki Boeing 787. Yangi samolyotlar umuman biroz qulayroq va tinchroq bo'lishiga qaramay, yo'lovchilar kam, ammo ixlosmandlar bu farqni payqashadi. asosiy havo laynerlari o'rtasida.

Katta tijorat samolyotlar bozorida faqat ikkita asosiy ishtirokchi bor: Evropada A3xx liniyasi bilan joylashgan (A320, A330, A350 va A380) va 7x7 qatori (737, 747, 777) bilan AQShda joylashgan Boeing. , 787). "Qisqa xop" va "ko'lmaklar" da siz ATR, Bombardier va Embraer kabi boshqa ishlab chiqaruvchilarni topasiz. 2010 yillarning oxirida Embraer Boeing tomonidan qabul qilindi va Bombardier aviatsiya loyihalarining aksariyatini Airbus va Mitsubishi kompaniyalariga sotdi. Hali ham ushbu ishlab chiqaruvchilarning nomlari bilan samolyotlar va McDonnell-Duglas kabi ishlamay qolgan kompaniyalar uchib ketayotganini uchratish mumkin. Bush samolyotlari va boshqa umumiy aviatsiya transport vositalari hali ham Cessna va Gulfstream eng taniqli bo'lgan ko'plab kompaniyalar tomonidan ishlab chiqarilmoqda.


Shuningdek qarang: Byudjetga uchish

Shubhasiz, birinchi va biznes-klassga minish qimmatga tushadi, ammo hattoki bitta yo'nalishdagi iqtisodiy chiptalar ham 5 omil bilan farq qilishi mumkin. Siz o'zaro kelishmovchiliklarga duch kelishingiz mumkin, shu jumladan

  • Qayta rejalashtirish yoki pulni qaytarish uchun imkoniyatlar
  • Yuk nafaqalar yoki bagaj uchun katta to'lovlar
  • O'tirish kabinet sinfida
  • Bortda ovqatlanish, ichimliklar va xizmat
  • Imkoniyatlar yoki yuklarni oxirgi manzilga tekshirish
  • Uchish masofasi yoki punktni hisoblash

Hatto eski transport operatorlari, hatto siz sotib olgan bo'lsangiz ham, boshqa qulayliklar va xizmatlar uchun haq olishlari mumkin to'liq narx iqtisodiy chipta. Ushbu xizmatlar yoki qulayliklarni on-layn rejimida oldindan bron qilish arzonroq bo'lishi mumkin. Onlayn targ'ibot yoki savdo nuqtasi Evropa Ittifoqida yoki AQShda joylashgan bo'lmasa, reklama narxiga soliqlar va boshqa qo'shimcha to'lovlar kiritilishi mumkin emas. Ushbu narxlar yuk, ovqatlanish va boshqa narsalar uchun qo'shimcha to'lovlar bilan ta'minlanishi mumkin. Umuman olganda, o'rindiqlarni bron qilish, ovqatlanish, yuklar, ustuvor samolyotga chiqish va boshqalar kabi "qo'shimchalar" chipta bilan birga bron qilinganida arzonroq, keyinroq yoki darvoza oldida bron qilinganida qimmatroq.

Arzon chiptalarni topish

Aviakompaniyalar har bir parvoz uchun daromadni maksimal darajaga ko'tarish uchun to'liq samolyotlarni uchishga harakat qilishadi; keyin talab va taklif, hosilni boshqarish va raqobat egallaydi. Natijada parvoz sanasiga, bron qilish va to'lash vaqtiga va chiptalar sinfiga qarab, aviachiptalar katta o'zgarishi mumkin.

  • Erta bron qiling. Savdo va arzon tariflar tezda to'ldirilib borar ekan, vaqt o'tishi bilan chiptalar qimmatlashmoqda. Shuningdek, chipta (lar) uchun pul to'lamaguningizcha, sizga maxsus bitim bo'yicha da'vo yo'q. Juda arzon kunlar oxirgi daqiqa takliflar to'liq tugamagan, ammo ular asosan foydalanilmaydigan kontingentlarning cho'kib ketgan sarmoyalari evaziga biroz pul ishlashni xohlaydigan sotuvchilar orqali amalga oshiriladi va ular faqat turar joy yoki parvozning o'zi bilan bog'liq bo'lmagan boshqa narsalar bilan ta'minlanganda bunga loyiq bo'lishi mumkin. Agar siz boradigan joyingizga etarlicha moslashuvchan bo'lsangiz yoki umuman uchmasangiz yoki kutganingizdan ko'proq pul to'lash bilan yashasangiz, so'nggi daqiqada ba'zida sizga arzon narxlar tushishi mumkin.
  • Bayramlar talab katta bo'lgan vaqt. Dekabr oxiridan yanvar oyi boshigacha va iyul-avgust oylarini dunyo miqyosidagi katta o'zgarishlar tashkil etadi. Oltin haftalar kabi mahalliy bayramlardan ehtiyot bo'ling Xitoy va Yaponiya yoki Lotin Amerikasida Pasxa haftaligi (semana santa). Haqiqiy bayram kunlarida, masalan, Rojdestvo kunida parvozlar, shuningdek, sayohatning eng yuqori oqimiga qarshi parvozlar, masalan, Haj paytida Saudiya Arabistonidan chiqib ketadigan parvozlar kabi, ko'pincha chegirmaga ega.
  • Tranzit reyslar ko'pincha to'g'ridan-to'g'ri marshrutga qaraganda arzonroq bo'lishi mumkin, ayniqsa, agar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri marshrut mashhur bo'lsa.
  • Dushanba kuni ertalab va juma kuni kechqurun ishbilarmon sayohatchilar tomonidan talab katta, va yakshanba kuni kechqurun reyslar qaytib kelgan sayohatchilar tomonidan talab qilinadi.
  • Byudjetli aviakompaniyalar arzon chiptalarni taklif qilishi mumkin. Biroq, qo'shimcha to'lovlar yakuniy narxni oshirishi mumkin.
  • Aeroportni o'tkazish narxini, vaqtini va muammosini hisobga oling - temir yo'l havo ittifoqlari byudjet aviakompaniyalari sizni o'z aeroportiga etib borish uchun boondocksga bir soatlik avtobusda borishga majbur qilishlari mumkin bo'lgan holda, ko'plab aeroportlarni qo'shimcha yoki arzon narxlarda ochishi mumkin.
  • Belgilangan joy haqida salbiy yangiliklar, shubhasiz, u erdagi sayohat narxiga ta'sir qiladi. Urush zonasiga uchish ahmoqlik bo'lsa-da, inson huquqlari holati yomonlashgan joyga uchib ketishni xohlaysizmi yoki yo'qligini o'zingiz hal qilishingiz mumkin, ammo so'nggi paytlarda juda yomon matbuotni olgan joylar uchun savdolashuvlar bo'lishi mumkin - asossiz bo'lsa ham.

Lar bor uchinchi tomon onlayn xizmatlari aviachiptalarni taqqoslaydigan. Ko'pgina aviakompaniyalar o'z veb-saytlarida eng arzon aviachiptalarni kafolatlaydilar va mustaqil veb-saytlar o'z xizmatlari uchun haq olishlari mumkin.

  • Arzon narxlardagi / parvozsiz parvozni topish uchun taqqoslash vositalaridan birini tekshirish yaxshi bo'lishi mumkin, masalan.
  • Xalqaro sayohatlar uchun siz agentdan boshlang'ich punktga buyurtma berib, eng yaxshi narxlarni olishingiz mumkin. Xarajatlarni, parvoz chastotalarini, marshrutlarni, ulanish vaqtlarini va marshrutning umumiy vaqtlarini tushunish uchun Momondo va Vayama kabi sayohat qidiruv saytlarini sinab ko'ring. Agar siz talaba bo'lsangiz yoki 26 yoshdan kichik yoki 65 yoshdan oshgan bo'lsangiz, ba'zi sayohat saytlari va agentlari sizga arzon narxlarni taklif qilish uchun moslashtirilgan.

Turli xil parvozlarni qidirish saytlaridan foydalanish har xil natijalarga olib kelishi mumkin, masalan, ba'zi saytlar ular orqali bron qilish uchun haq olishadi. Har doim aviakompaniya veb-saytining o'zini sinab ko'ring. Ba'zi hollarda parvozlarni qidirish veb-saytlari arzonroq bo'lishi mumkin, ammo tobora ko'payib borayotgan aviakompaniyalar o'z veb-saytlarida o'zlarining chiptalari uchun eng arzon narxni taklif qilishni xohlashadi.

Tez-tez uchadigan varaqlar

Shuningdek qarang: Tez-tez uchadigan dasturlar

Ko'pgina aviakompaniyalar a tez-tez uchib yuruvchi sodiqlik dasturi, homiylarni mukofotlash asosida segmentlar, ochkolar, milya yoki parvoz xarajatlari. Biznes va birinchi toifadagi yo'lovchilar har bir sayohat uchun bonus milni olishlari mumkin.

Tez-tez uchadigan dasturga qo'shilishni o'ylab ko'ring - ayniqsa, siz juda ko'p uchsangiz. Narxi sizning ma'lumotlaringiz reklama qilingan va reklama uchun ishlatilgan. Broshyuralar aeroportda, aviakompaniya salonida yoki aviakompaniya kassalarida tarqatiladi. Tez-tez uchadigan dasturlarda pul to'lamaydilar, ammo Cathay Pacific kompaniyasining Marko Polo klubi kabi ba'zi birlari maxsus ro'yxatdan o'tish hisoblagichlari va birinchi o'ringa chiqish kabi bir nechta imtiyozlar evaziga to'laydilar.

Tez-tez uchadigan mukofotlar quyidagilarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin:

  • Bepul parvozlar va yangilanishlar. Siz hali ham soliq va qo'shimcha to'lovlarni to'lashingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin. Aviakompaniyalar ko'pincha "mukofotlar" orqali olinadigan o'rindiqlar yoki yangilanishlar sonini cheklashadi ... ayniqsa band bo'lgan yo'nalishlardagi parvozlarda.
  • Bepul sovg'alarni (iste'mol tovarlari va mehmonxonalarda qolish kabi) boshqa parvoz qilmaydigan sheriklarga sotib olish.
  • Ko'p ball bilan siz elita a'zosiva birinchi / biznes-klass peshtaxtasida ro'yxatdan o'tish, erta chiqish, kutish ro'yxatlaridagi ustuvorlik, bepul yangilanishlar va kirish huquqi kabi imtiyozlarni olish. aeroport zallari. Loungelar ba'zi kredit kartalari egalari uchun ham mavjud.

Hamma tariflar ham milni ishlashga haqli emas. Parvozni amalga oshirganingizdan so'ng, siz parvozni amalga oshirganingizdan so'ng, 12 oy ichida parvozlar uchun millar talab qilishingiz mumkin, ammo siz samolyotga chiqish stublarini saqlashingiz kerak. Rezervasyondan oldin tez-tez uchadigan raqamingiz yordamida tizimga kirish osonroq.

Travelgrove's - bu har bir parvoz uchun olinishi mumkin bo'lgan milya meta qidiruv tizimidir. MileBlaster bilan hamkorlikda kredit karta bonuslari, mehmonxonalar bonuslari, maxsus takliflar kabi qo'shimcha narsalar ham mavjud. Natijalarni ushbu reysni bron qilish orqali olinadigan bepul parvozning foizlari bo'yicha buyurtma qilish mumkin.

Aviakompaniya alyanslari aviakompaniyalar o'rtasida kilometrlarni uzatishga imkon berishi mumkin.

Ballarni talab qilishingiz mumkin boshqa manbalar; ayniqsa kredit kartalar. Mehmonxonalarda qolish, mashinalarni ijaraga olish va hattoki mobil telefon uchun to'lovlar ham sizning fikrlaringizni to'plashi mumkin.

Rezervasyon va chiptalar

AQSh vizasini olish juda qiyin

Fonetik alifbo - bu foydali

O'zgarishlarni kiritish uchun aviakompaniya yoki sayyohlik agentligiga qo'ng'iroq qilganda, chiptani topishning eng tezkor usuli - bu rezervasyon agentiga o'zingizga o'zingizni berishingizni aytish Yo'lovchi nomini yozib olish (PNR) va uni bilan yozing NATO fonetik alifbosi (Alfa, Bravo, Charli, D.elta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hmehmonxona, Menndia, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, Noktyabr, Ochandiq, Popa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Ubir xil, Victor, Vkeykey, X-ray, Yanki, Zulu). Bu sizning familiyangizni yozishga urinishdan ko'ra ancha osonroq va siz proga o'xshab ketishingiz uchun bir zumda hurmatga sazovor bo'lasiz.

Maktabda yoki telefonda eski maktab yo'lida reyslarni bron qilish ikki bosqichli jarayondir.

Avval siz a bron qilish. Aviakompaniya amalga oshiradi tutmoq ma'lum bir sanagacha, odatda bir hafta yoki undan ko'proq vaqt davomida siz uchun joy. Agar siz amal qilish muddati tugagunga qadar to'lamasangiz, bron bekor qilinadi. Rezervasyonlarni erkin o'zgartirish va bekor qilish mumkin, bu yo'nalish noaniq bo'lsa foydali bo'ladi. Siz oltita belgidan iborat alfanumerik kodni olasiz yo'lovchi nomi ma'lumotnomasi yoki PNR siz chipta sotib olish uchun keltirgan narsangiz.

  • Zaxiralangan o'rindiq sifatida ro'yxatga olinadi tasdiqlangan Sizning buyurtmangizda va muddat tugamaguncha olib qo'yilmaydi. Biroq, siz chiptani sotib olmaguningizcha hali ham ucha olmaysiz. Har bir yo'nalish bo'yicha bitta chipta uchun bitta o'rindiqni tasdiqlashingiz mumkin.
  • Agar parvoz to'liq zahiraga olingan bo'lsa, lekin siz bunga erishmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bunga erishishingiz mumkin kutish ro'yxati bron qilish. Agar kutish ro'yxati "tozalasa" (kimdir bekor qiladi va siz ularning o'rnini egallaysiz), kutish ro'yxatidagi bron tasdiqlanadi va sizning boshqa reyslarda oldindan tasdiqlangan joylaringiz bekor qilinadi. Siz odatda bir nechta reyslarni kutish ro'yxatiga kiritishingiz mumkin, ammo chindan ham arzon o'zgarmas chiptalar kutish ro'yxatiga umuman yo'l qo'ymasligi mumkin.

Rezervasyonni haqiqiy chiptaga aylantirish, berish chipta, tez-tez uchib yurish punktlari / millar bilan to'lov yoki sotib olishni talab qiladi. Chipta turiga qarab - quyidagi cheklovlarning ba'zilari yoki barchasi sizning chiptangizga nisbatan qo'llanilishi mumkin:

  • o'zgarmas/kitobga yaroqsiz: siz parvoz vaqti va sanasini o'zgartira olmaysiz (katta to'lov uchun to'lov to'lamasdan). Qaytadan buyurtma qilinadigan reyslarda, rezervatsiya to'lovi bo'ladimi yoki yo'qmi, baribir siz tariflar farqini to'lashingiz kerak.
  • tuzatib bo'lmaydigan: agar sizning aviakompaniyangizda muammolar yuzaga kelsa, siz boshqa aviakompaniyani parvoz qila olmaysiz (agar sizning reysingiz bekor qilingan bo'lsa, bu odatda mahalliy qonunchilik tomonidan bekor qilinadi)
  • qaytarilmaydigan pul: agar siz uchmasangiz, pulingizni qaytarib ololmaysiz (Shimoliy Amerikada narxlar boshqa chipta uchun haq evaziga kredit sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin; boshqa ko'plab joylarda barcha tariflar bekor qilinadi)
  • yo'naltirilmaydigan: siz boshqa marshrutga o'ta olmaysiz, hatto manzil bir xil bo'lsa ham
  • uzatilmaydi: siz boshqalarga chipta bera olmaysiz yoki sotolmaysiz
  • mil hisoblanmaydi: siz ushbu chiptada tez-tez uchib ketishingiz mumkin emas
  • o'qib bo'lmaydigan: tez-tez uchadigan millar yordamida yuqori darajadagi sinfga o'tishingiz mumkin emas

Chipta klassi qancha yuqori bo'lsa, ushbu cheklovlar shunchalik kam qo'llaniladi. Odatda, arzon narxlardagi iqtisodiy chiptada yuqoridagi barcha cheklovlar mavjud, birinchi yoki biznes-klass chiptalari kamroq, ammo qaytarib berilmaydigan va qayta tiklanmaydigan tariflar nisbatan keng tarqalgan.

Onlayn buyurtma, yoki tashuvchining veb-sayti yoki Travelocity va Expedia kabi uchinchi tomon konsolidatori orqali odatda bron qilish imkoniyati yo'q. Odatda, bronlashtirish va chiptalar birdaniga amalga oshiriladi, shuning uchun bronlash xizmati oldindan to'lovni, debet / kredit karta, PayPal yoki shunga o'xshash xizmat, hisob-faktura yoki tez-tez uchib yuradigan millardan sotib olishni talab qiladi. Ba'zi byudjetli aviakompaniyalar chiptalarni telefon orqali yoki shaxsan bron qilish orqali amalga oshirilgan xizmat uchun xizmat haqini undirishadi va ba'zi arzon narxlar faqat onlayn tarzda taqdim etiladi. Ba'zi bir avtoulovlar, xususan Evropada, VISA yoki MasterCard markali debet kartalariga taalluqli bo'lmagan kredit kartalari va / yoki PayPal bronlari uchun ozgina haq olinishi mumkin.

Agar siz hali ham bortga chiqmoqchi bo'lgan reysni kutish ro'yxatiga kiritilgan bo'lsangiz yoki siz bron qilingan vaqtdan ertami-kechmi parvoz qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, uchib ketishga harakat qilishingiz mumkin kuting. Bu shunchaki aeroportdagi ro'yxatdan o'tishda ko'rsatilib, keyingi reysga qo'yilishini so'rashni anglatadi. Agar bo'sh joy bo'lsa, sizni o'sha erda tekshirasiz. Ammo, agar parvoz to'la ko'rinishga ega bo'lsa, siz parvoz tugaguncha kutishingiz kerak bo'ladi yopiq (odatda parvozdan 30-60 daqiqa oldin) va aviakompaniya qancha joy qolganligini hisoblab chiqishi mumkin. Agar siz kutish rejimida uchsangiz, chiptalarni tejashga va aksincha, chiptangiz juda cheklangan bo'lsa, kutish rejimiga umid qilmang.

Agar siz yopilish vaqtigacha ro'yxatdan o'tmasangiz, siz e'lon qilinadi taqiq. Endi sizning o'rningiz kutish holatida bo'lgan odamga berilishi mumkin. Natija sizning chiptalaringizning cheklovlari va shartlariga bog'liq bo'lib, ular sizning yo'lovchining to'liq yo'qolishi yoki ba'zi bir egiluvchan chiptalarga keyingi reysga bron qilishingiz mumkin. Xuddi shu kun yoki bir kunga yangi chiptani sotib olish juda qimmatga tushishi mumkin, masalan, transatlantik parvoz uchun 3000 dollargacha, shuning uchun parvozni o'tkazib yubormang.

Rezervasyon sizga joy berishni kafolatlasa-da, narxlar narxiga kafolat bermaydi. Shunday qilib, bron qilish vaqtida narx chiptani sotib olish vaqtidagi narxdan farq qilishi mumkin. Keltirilgan tarif faqat zudlik bilan bron qilishga tayyor bo'lgandagina kafolatlanadi. Garchi onlayn buyurtma qilingan reyslarning ko'pi darhol to'lanishi kerak bo'lsa-da, bir nechta aviakompaniyalar onlayn tarzda amalga oshirilgan rezervasyonni va bir haftagacha tarifni umumiy narxning yuqori miqdorida bo'lgan ozgina haq evaziga taklif qilishlari mumkin.

Parvozlar cheklovlari keskin bo'lishi mumkin - ba'zi kompaniyalar kutish rejimidagi o'zgarishlarni ham taqiqlashadi - shuning uchun har qanday o'zgartirish uchun pul to'lashingiz kerak bo'ladi (ba'zan juda qimmat); ba'zilari pulni qaytarib berishga yo'l qo'ymaydi. Shartlaringizni diqqat bilan tekshiring.

Ismingizni yozish

Ko'pgina aviakompaniyalar chiptadagi nomni yo'lovchining pasporti yoki guvohnomasidagi ism bilan bir xil bo'lishini talab qiladi, ba'zida esa unchalik katta xatolarsiz. Aviakompaniyalar tez-tez nomini o'zgartirish uchun juda ko'p haq olishadi. Bu, ayniqsa, AQSh aeroportlaridan uchadigan parvozlar uchun qat'iyan amalga oshiriladi, bu erda TSA barcha samolyotga chiqish pasportlari va shaxsning shaxsini tasdiqlovchi hujjatlarni tekshirib, ismlarning yozilishi to'liq mos kelishini tekshiradi.

  • Faqat ism va familiyani kiritish kerak, otasining ismini emas.
  • Agar ism har kuni ishlatilmasa, unda birinchi va kundalik ishlatiladigan ism va familiyani qo'shish kerak, masalan Xyu Lori Jeyms Xyu Laurini yozishi kerak, chunki pasportda uning to'liq ismi Jeyms Xyu Kalum Lori. Agar biron bir shubha tug'ilsa, pasportda yozilgan ismga rioya qiling (otasining ismi bundan mustasno).
  • Agar sizda er-xotin familiyangiz bo'lsa, ikkalasi ham kiritilishi kerak (bo'sh joy bilan defis o'rniga)
  • Diakritik belgilarga ega bo'lgan xatlar (masalan, É yoki Ä) pasportdagi mashinada o'qilishi mumkin bo'lgan zonadagi kabi yozilishi kerak, bu odatda barcha belgilarni olib tashlashni anglatadi, ammo masalan, shuni anglatishi mumkin. Ä AE deb yozilgan. Tire o'rnini bo'sh joy bilan almashtirish va apostroflarni olib tashlash kerak. Agar viza yoki ESTA ishlatilsa, barchasi bir xil tarzda yozilishi kerak.
  • Taxalluslardan har kuni foydalansangiz ham foydalanmaslik kerak. Masalan, Bill Klinton Uilyam Jefferson Klintonni yozishi kerak, chunki bu pasportda yozilgan.
  • Agar siz ismingizni o'zgartirganda parvozni rejalashtirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, masalan to'y, siz foydalanadigan ism hali ham pasportingiz yoki guvohnomangizdagi ismga mos kelishi kerak. Agar pasport sayohat oldidan almashtirilmasa, eski nomidan foydalaning. Bir nechta asal oylari shu tarzda yo'q qilingan.
  • Ota-onalar jinsi va ismiga ishonch hosil qilmasa yoki iloji bo'lsa, ism o'zgarishi narxini to'lashga tayyor bo'lmasa, chaqaloqlarni tug'ilishidan oldin yozib qo'ymaslik kerak (buni tekshirish kerak).
  • Siz aviakompaniyaning (yoki sayohatlar konsolidatorining) veb-saytida foydalanish uchun hisob qaydnomasini yaratish yoki aviatashuvchilarning tez-tez uchib ketadigan dasturiga yozilish orqali har safar bron qilganingizda o'z ismingizni kiritish bilan bog'liq muammolardan xalos bo'lishingiz mumkin. Ro'yxatdan o'tayotganda, albatta, siz keltirgan ismingiz pasportda ko'rsatilgan ismga mos kelishiga ishonch hosil qilishingiz kerak. Shu bilan birga, siz boshqa tegishli ma'lumotlarni ham taqdim etishingiz mumkin, shu bilan rezervasyon paytida vaqtingizni tejashingiz mumkin.

Sizning chiptangiz

Aksariyat aviakompaniyalar foydalanadilar elektron chiptalar (elektron chiptalar); har bir buyurtma detalining elektron yozuvlari. Ilgari yo'lovchilar parvoz kuponlaridan iborat qog'oz chiptasini olishgan. Ko'pgina hollarda, an yo'nalish bo'yicha kvitansiya parvoz tafsilotlari tayyorlangan va elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan yoki ma'lumot olish uchun bosilgan. Unda noyob oltita belgi mavjud Yo'lovchi nomini yozib olish (PNR), bu sizning rezervasyoningizni aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi.

Yo'nalishdagi kvitansiyada chipta raqami, bagaj uchun to'lov, yo'l haqi va qo'shimcha to'lovlarni hisoblash, to'lov tartibi va boshqalar ko'rsatilgan. Shuningdek, transport shartlari, shu jumladan, siz bron qilingan reyslar bilan biron bir narsa yuz bersa, sizning huquqlaringiz.

Nazariy jihatdan, elektron chipta ro'yxatdan o'tishda faqat haqiqiy identifikatorni ko'rsatishga imkon beradi. Xavfsizlik nuqtai nazaridan ba'zi aeroportlar aeroportga kirishdan oldin va / yoki ro'yxatdan o'tishda bron qilinganligingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjat sifatida sayohat kvitansiyasini bosib chiqarishni talab qiladi. Bundan tashqari, immigratsiya idoralari ko'pincha oldinga yoki orqaga sayohat qilish uchun hujjatlarni talab qilishadi. Har doim marshrut kvitansiyasini o'zingiz bilan olib keling.

Kredit kartalaridagi firibgarliklar xavfi tufayli, Internet orqali kredit karta orqali parvozni bron qilganda, ba'zi operatorlar sizni talab qiladilar kredit kartani ko'rsating chiptalarni aeroportda yoki ularning chiptaxonalarida sotib olish uchun foydalanilgan. Agar kredit karta egasi sayohatchining qismi bo'lmasa, ular kredit karta egasining vakolatli imzosini emas, balki kredit kartasini ko'rishlari kerak. Bunday qilmaslik chiptani bir xil (yoki undan yuqori) tarif bilan qayta rasmiylashtirishga olib kelishi mumkin va ko'p hafta yoki hatto bir necha oydan so'ng (agar qaytarib berilsa, qaytarib berish uchun to'lovlar olinishi mumkin) asl chiptani qaytarib beradi.

Sizga qog'oz chiptasi beriladigan kamdan-kam holatlarda siz kerak parvozingizni hisobga olayotganda taqdim eting. Chiptangizga e'tibor bering; siz u holda ro'yxatdan o'tolmaysiz. Agar siz chiptani yo'qotib qo'ysangiz, ko'plab hujjatlar va / yoki muammolarga duch kelishingizni kuting: sizdan parvoz uchun boshqa chipta sotib olish va keyinroq pulni qaytarib olish uchun ariza berishingiz yoki qayta chiptani to'lashingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin. Ayrim yurisdiktsiyalar politsiya hisobotini topshirishingizni talab qilishi haqida gapirmasa ham bo'ladi. Shuning uchun qog'oz chiptangizni yo'qotish yoki unutishdan qo'rqsangiz, iloji boricha elektron chiptani so'rang. Yo'nalishdagi kvitansiyani yo'qotib qo'yganingizda yoki noto'g'ri joylashtirganingizda, siz har doim elektron pochtangizdan boshqa nusxasini har doim erkin va osongina chop etishingiz yoki tashuvchidan / sayohat agentligidan sizga yana elektron pochta orqali xabar yuborishini so'rashingiz mumkin.

Sayohat rejalaringizni yangi chiptani chop etish va etkazib berishga ehtiyoj sezmasdan o'zgartirish mumkin. Agar sizning aviakompaniya onlayn yoki o'z-o'ziga xizmat ko'rsatadigan kioskka ro'yxatdan o'tishni taklif qilsa, siz ulardan foydalanib, yo'lovchilarning yo'lovchisini bosib, aeroportda vaqtni tejashingiz mumkin.

Kamchiliklari shundaki, sizning parvozingiz tafsilotlari ma'lum bir aviakompaniyaning kompyuterlarida, shuning uchun boshqa aviakompaniyalar ularga kira olmaydi. Bu 99% muammo emas, lekin parvozni bekor qilish boshqa aviakompaniya bilan parvozga o'tishni talab qilsa, katta bosh og'rig'i bo'lishi mumkin. Agar shunday bo'ladigan bo'lsa, zaxira sifatida asl aviakompaniyadan "tasdiqlangan" qog'oz chiptani oling oldin boshqa aviakompaniyaning peshtaxtasiga o'ting. Xuddi shu tarzda, bir nechta aviakompaniyalar ishtirokidagi murakkab yo'nalishlar uchun (masalan dunyo reyslari atrofida), siz qog'ozli chiptani tanlashingiz kerak, ayniqsa, aviachiptalar bo'yicha aviachiptalar bo'yicha kelishuvlar hali bu qadar keng tarqalgan emas.

Eski aviakompaniyalar tomonidan taqdim etilgan barcha yo'nalishlarga elektron chiptalar qo'shilmaydi. Ammo elektron chipta olish huquqiga ega bo'lgan yo'nalishlar uchun, agar siz qog'ozli chipta sotib olishni tanlasangiz, aviakompaniyangiz qo'shimcha haq olishi mumkin. Odatda aviakompaniyalar aksariyat sayohatlar uchun qog'oz chiptalarni bermaydilar.


Armaniston pasporti

Sizga kerak aviakompaniya samolyotiga chiqish samolyotingizga chiqish uchun ... odatda shunchaki havoga chiqish uchun. Siz uni taqdim etish orqali olasiz qog'oz chiptasi (agar sizda bitta bo'lsa) va a fotosuratni identifikatsiya qilish (ehtimol, kichkintoylar uchun kamroq). Agar siz samolyotga chiqish kartasini ilgari bosib chiqargan bo'lsangiz, identifikatsiya qilish aviakompaniya xodimlariga pasportni tasdiqlash va sizning qo'l yukingizni tekshirish imkoniyatini beradi.

Agar siz boshqa mamlakatga sayohat qilsangiz, sizga pasport qaytish sanasidan kamida olti oy o'tgach, amal qilish muddati bilan. Belgilangan joyga va ulanish mamlakatlariga qarab, sizga bir yoki bir nechtasi kerak bo'lishi mumkin vizalar. Odatda ular sayohatni boshlashdan oldin olinishi kerak. Agar zarur va to'g'ri vizangiz bo'lmasa, ro'yxatdan o'tish xodimlari sizni bortga kirish huquqidan mahrum qilishi mumkin.

Agentingiz yoki aviakompaniyangiz bilan oldindan tekshiring. Barcha kerakli hujjatlarsiz sayohatingiz xavf ostida bo'lishi mumkin. The kredit kartasi chipta sotib olish uchun foydalanilganligi, samolyotga chiqish chiptasini tasdiqlash uchun ham talab qilinishi mumkin, shuning uchun ham olib keling.

Aviakompaniya chiptalari, samolyotga chiqish pasportlari, pasportlar yoki boshqa shaxsni tasdiqlovchi hujjatlarni ko'rib chiquvchi har qanday organ ismlarni sinchiklab tekshiradi. Ular ko'pincha ushbu asosiy hujjatlarni talab qilishadi to'liq ismingizni aks ettiring. Kim sizning sayohatingizni aniq bron qilsa, rezervasyonlar va chiptalarga har bir to'liq ismni kiritganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.

Bor barcha dorilar sizga tegishli bo'lgan hujjatlar, e.g., labeled bottles, copy of the doctor's prescription...for some countries, even more. After any international flight route is set, consult official sources that describe limitations on carrying medications and medical devices set by the country of your destination and all en route stops. In some countries, the consequences for carrying illegal items without permission can be substantial, even severe, e.g., in the Middle East, Singapore, Japan. Some Wikivoyage country and airport articles may help with this.

If you bought travel insurance, bring something a copy of the insurer's description of the coverage, the policy number, and how to contact the insurer wherever you are. Share that information with someone at home who would help you use the coverage, or benefit from it.


Shuningdek qarang: Samolyot bilan kelish

Flying from point A to point B often involves a transit yoki a ulanish in point C, where you have to disembark, find your connecting flight's gate, and re-board, and maybe pass a border checkpoint at the airport. If both flights are on the same ticket, the airlines are responsible for broken connections and will try to get you on the next flight if you miss your flight. This may also be the case if you fly the same airline or alliance, and you have allowed the required connection time between flights.

In 2016, some airlines/alliances were considering an extra baggage fee on connecting flights. To collect the fee, some may require you to exit the secure area of the terminal at the connecting airport, claim your checked baggage, re-check it on your continuing flight, and again go through security check to reach the gate for your next flight. This requires considerable time. Check with the airline regarding any such fee and need for extra time for flights you find interesting. Answers may be cause for you to look for other arrangements.

If you book separate flights on separate tickets (especially on different airlines), making the connection is solely your responsibility. If you are flying on an airline or fare type that doesn't permit last minute changes, you may lose your fare when one airline's delay makes you late for the next one. Paying a little more for a flexible fare on the final connection may not only avoid this risk, but can also let you catch an earlier flight if you make the connection ahead of schedule.

Airlines may consider a connection as tight as 35 minutes to be valid; which might be reasonable if you don't have to clear customs or security checkpoints, and the arrival and departure gates are within the same building. However, you can get unpleasant surprises at unfamiliar airports; gates could be at opposite ends of the terminal, or even in separate terminals. In that case you should have at least 90 minutes from landing to take-off. Add time for border checkpoints; preferably an hour for each. You can use slack time to eat at the airport, where the food is likely better than what you may (or may not!) get in the air. For that matter, if you at your final destination need to get on a scheduled ground transport (especially one with infrequent departures), you should reserve enough time to get through immigration, customs and baggage delivery if applicable, an extra half hour or so for plane delays, plus possible time for standing in line at a busy ticket counter.

On-line travel searchers/arrangers show statistics on how often a given flight arrives on time. Generally, the last flight of the day into a given destination will be delayed more often than earlier flights, as the airlines use that flight to "sweep" travelers whose inbound connecting flights run late. While the statistics alone won't tell you whether sizning particular flight is likely to be delayed, but it's still useful data.

With separately-booked flights, you are responsible for claiming checked baggage, taking it to the next check-in counter, and checking it for the next flight leg.

Border checkpoints

Shuningdek qarang: Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari bo'ylab sayohat qilishdan saqlanish, Chegaradan o'tish, Visas

With international connecting flights, check to see if the country where you will be making a connection requires a transit visa to go through their airport. Some countries require all passengers to pass through customs and immigration even if they are just transferring between international flights, e.g., the United States, Canada. You may find it easier if you can avoid passing through these destinations, particularly the United States which has the same requirements for a transit visa as for a tourist visa. Others, such as Hong Kong and Australia, require certain nationalities to obtain a visa even if they plan to remain in the sterile area. You are responsible for procuring all the necessary visas before you fly; request them as early as possible.


Shuningdek qarang: Samolyotda o'tirish
Standard economy seating

Comfort is mainly determined by cabin class.

  • First Class is at the front of the largest aircraft, with top-level comfort and service.
  • Biznes-klass is near the front. Seating is comfortable, and meals and drinks are usually included.
  • Premium Economy might have more leg-room than Economy Class; usually at exit rows.
  • Economy Class (standard economy yoki coach) makes up the bulk of aircraft seating.

Most airlines assign you a seat at booking. In some cases, you can change it. If you check in at the counter with no seat yet assigned, you can ask if a seat is still available. Budget airlines usually have a surcharge for assigned seating.

  • Window seats give a view, and better sleeping comfort, but are further from the aisle, and have less floor space. The wall can be cold.
  • Aisle seats may have more leg space, and make it easier to get up. Sleeping comfort is worse, though.
  • Middle seats have the disadvantages of both aisle and window seats.
  • Large aircraft have 2-3 outer seats near the windows, with 3-4 (or even 5) between the aisles.
  • Some seats in each row may have entertainment electronics installed underneath. These intrude on foot room for those seated behind.
Exit row seats will allow you to extend your legs

There are also some special seat rows:

  • Exit row seats have more legroom and easier access to the aisles; some airlines brand them "Economy Plus". There are some drawbacks: armrests are fixed, and you may need to store baggage overhead. Passengers must be able to help operate the exit in case of an emergency evacuation, so passengers with disabilities, pregnant women and children will not be seated in these rows. Tall passengers might be assigned these seats, but there is no guarantee. Ask at check-in and state the reason you want/need one.
  • Upfront seats are the first few rows of an airline's economy class section. Passengers seated here may have the advantage of disembarking first, which is useful for international flights and passengers with tight connections.
  • Bulkhead seats have no seat in front of them. You may have to store your baggage overhead. They are often reserved for families with small children. You might snag one on check-in or even at the gate, but count on sitting next to a baby. They have the tray table in the armrest. Some bulkhead seats have a bulkhead behind, meaning that the seat cannot be reclined.
  • Window seats near the end of the plane may have more elbow room. However, "window seats" in the back row may in fact have no window. In most jet aircraft, seats in the back get more noise. They increase the chance to survive a crash. Rear-end rows often have no middle seats, and more room to spread out.
  • Seats in the o'rta of the aircraft vibrate less from turbulence, decreasing risk for air sickness. The view from window seats in the middle is obstructed by the wings.
  • Seats just before the exit row and at the end of a section may not recline.
  • Seats near toilets may be affected by odors, and have people queuing outside.
  • Seats near the galleys may be exposed to noise, smells, and lights.
  • A row of unoccupied seats might be used as a makeshift bed. Watch for such rows as the last passengers are taking seats. The flight attendants are also aware of these rows, and may use them to relocate people.
  • Aircrafts that normally have three seats in a bloc may have a few rows that have two seats. These are found near exit rows and the rear of the aircraft as well as the upper deck of some carriers' A380 aircraft.

Websites with seating details are SeatExpert, SeatGuruva Seatmaestro.

Sitting in extra legroom seats, upfront seats, and two-seat blocs largely used to be free but carriers have realised that not all economy class seats are created equal, and charge more for the privilege of sitting in such areas. These can be paid using credit cards or frequent flyer points. Expect to be charged on the spot if these premium seats have not been reserved/allocated and you wish to sit on them. However, members of an carrier's frequent flyer programme who belong to the upper tiers or who have a premium credit card (e.g. gold and platinum) associated with that airline may be able to book these seats for no extra cost or a reduced rate.

Amending trip details and special requests

Sometimes trip plans fall through for whatever reason or you may have additional requests (e.g. seating or meal preferences). If you purchased your ticket from a travel agency or a consolidator website, contact them or visit their website first before getting in touch with the carrier directly. This is especially the case if you purchased your ticket as part of a package (which includes accommodation and other tours). If you purchased your ticket directly from the carrier, you should contact them directly or go to their website to manage your booking. Legacy carriers support special requests on their web sites.

Once you have confirmed your flights, be sure to let the carrier or your travel agent know if you have any special requests. Typical examples include:

  • special meals (vegetarian, kosher, medical restrictions, allergies, etc.)
  • special seats (exit row seats for tall people, bulkhead seats for baby bassinets)
  • airport assistance (wheelchair or unaccompanied minor)

You can check to see what meals to expect on

Airlines not providing meals in the price of your ticket can be viewed Bu yerga.

With some airlines, you need to remind the crew about your special meals order before the meals are served, to save them from browsing the passenger list and finding you in the cabin (or even finding your special order after serving you regular meals). Travel agencies have a tendency to lose track of the many requests they get, so if it's haqiqatan ham serious it's wise to contact the airline directly and make sure the message has gotten through, and to mention it at check-in.

Special meal requests

Special meals are a variation from the standard food offered by the airline. They generally match a variety of dietary or religions requirements, such as kosher, halol, Hindu, vegetarian, diabetic, Low salt etc. Children's meals are often also available as special meals.

Special meals are offered by some airlines, often they can be ordered as part of the online booking process, or subsequently by managing the booking online. Special meals always need to be ordered at least 24, and sometimes up to 72 hours in advance, and the chances of getting one at check-in or when on the plane are slim (although it can never hurt to ask, as occasionally there are special meals on the plane from people who failed to board).

Special meals are usually served before other meals, this can be especially useful for children's meals. They can be of higher quality, but can also be lacking in some aspects, for example a vegetarian meal could be a vegan meal such as plain vegetables and rice (rather than that spinach and ricotta pasta they may have been hoping for). Kosher meals (which were among the first special meals to be widely available) have a notoriously shoddy reputation in the US, but again, what you'll get will vary widely by airline and on some carriers you'll automatically get a meal that conforms to certain dietary standards. Israeli flag carrier El Al for one has never served a non-kosher in flight meal in all its existence. Similarly, the carriers of most Muslim-majority countries, including the big three Middle Eastern airlines Amirliklar, Qatar Airways va Etihad Airways only serve halal meals on their flights.

Unaccompanied minors

Shuningdek qarang: Bolalar bilan sayohat qilish

Unaccompanied minors are children, typically 12 or younger, for whom the airline assumes some duty to care for them. They will disembark last, and will only be handed over to the person identified on a check-in form. If the assigned person does not meet the child from the flight, the airline reserves the right to return the child to the origin immediately at the guardian's cost.

Some airlines (mainly budget airlines) will not accept unaccompanied minors, and might require that children 12 or under must be accompanied by a guardian 18-years or over. Online booking and child discounts might be unavailable for these children. Generally a child must be over 5 to be accepted as an unaccompanied minor. Sometimes the minimum age for a connecting flight is 8 years or over.

Help with complexities

If all the above planning, flight trade-offs and ticket purchasing seems complex (especially for international travel), look for assistance.

  • You may have do'stlar with practical experience. Ask them what they've done to plan, choose airlines, make such arrangements, and prepare for your kind of trip. Objectively balance their experiences with your on-line and other research.
  • Consider using a travel agent. Siz mumkin pay a premium, but it will often be worth avoiding the considerable work and hassle of finding and booking the best, practicable tickets by yourself. And the agent may fully or partly pay for his/her services by finding special savings at sites you cannot access, e.g., he/she has access to air travel brokers and consolidators not usable by the public, at times offering better deals. He/she can also arrange special requests (special diets, baby bassinets, wheelchair assistance, etc.) directly with the airline. If you wish, they can advise you on accommodations, airport transfers and guided tours that may save you money (perhaps as a package) compared to arranging each need separately. As above, the fee (if any) you pay for such services is real but often "built into" better airline fares and flight selections.


Shuningdek qarang: Parvoz yuklari

There are two basic types of flight baggage. Checked baggage, check-in baggage yoki hold baggage is handed to airline staff at check-in, loaded into the hold of the aircraft, and picked up on arrival. Cabin baggage, hand baggage yoki carry-on baggage is carried by passengers in the cabin.

Baggage limits

Baggage allowance is stated on your ticket. Weight and size limits differ between airlines and ticket classes; full-service airlines, higher ticket classes and longer flights tend to be more allowing. The airline's website can tell about fees for additional baggage. Cabin baggage is included with the ticket, except for some budget airlines.

Usually, one piece of check-in baggage is included in business class ticket, or at an intercontinental flight. Each additional bag has a fee, usually less when paid in advance. Weight limit for international flights and domestic US flights is usually 23 kg (50 lb) per piece, not to exceed 60 inches (152,4 cm) total for length, width and thickness. Within Europe, it is often 20 kg (44 lb), with total size varying by airline. Checked items may be limited by total weight of all checked pieces, rather than each piece.

Bilan codeshare flights, baggage allowance may differ from the airline indicated by the flight code, and frequent flyers' increased allowance might not apply.

Cabin baggage

Modern cabin baggage: one "personal item" and one cabin suitcase per person

On most aircraft (except the smallest), each passenger can bring one piece of baggage within 55×40×20 centimeters (9×14×22 inches; exact dimensions vary between airlines). A cabin suitcase is designed with these dimensions. Though weight is rarely checked, nominal weight limit is sometimes as low as 7 kg. Most airlines also allow a small bag, such as a purse, handbag, or laptop computer bag, and an umbrella but some low-cost carriers may count these against the one hand luggage allowance passengers are entitled to. Passengers can also carry their own outdoor clothing.

Never put high-value or irreplaceable items in your checked baggage. Most travel insurance and airlines will not cover such items when placed in checked baggage. Checked bags do get misplaced/misrouted, or emergencies may happen during flight, and you may need immediate access to something.

Liquids and dangerous objects

IATA guidelines apply the 3-1-1 limits to barchasi international flights. They impose 100 ml (3.4 oz) limits on liquids, gels and pastes in cabin baggage, including aerosols, toothpaste, deodorant, drinks and water. Containers must fit in a single clear bag/pouch smaller than 20cm x 20cm or 1 quart. Each container inside must meet the 100ml/3.4oz limit. Exceptions are possible, e.g., for medication or baby care items.

Duty-free items purchased airside mumkin be allowed on board. In the worst case, en-route terminal changes may force you to re-check through security. Even if sealed in a tamper-proof sack, containers of liquids originally bought "airside" elsewhere may not be allowed through "re-check".

Place medications and liquids where they can be easily seen at security check. Ensure that medications are kept in original containers and clearly labeled. Place other liquids in your checked baggage. You may need to demonstrate the harmlessness of any liquid you carry on request by security officials. Expect to discard liquids and gels that don't meet regulations. Bottled water might be bought airside, or refilled in an empty bottle from a bathroom tap.

Sharp or weapon-like objects are prohibited, including pointed scissors, knives, metallic tools, baseball bats, martial arts weapons, as well as "convincing looking" toy weapons. Pack sharp items in your checked bags in ways that don't create risk for baggage inspectors.

The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have strict rules regarding bringing in food. All food must be declared to customs and inspected, even if the items are permitted, and failure to do so is punishable by fines and a possible jail sentence.


  • Headphones with electronic plug adapters. For long flights, some carriers provide them, often for a fee.
  • The airline's web site should list permitted electronic devices; on board, look in the in-flight magazine to find the "rules". Perhaps even better than all this, treat yourself to a good book... hardcopy or electronic.
  • A light jacket, vest, wrap or small blanket.
  • On longer flights, a neck pillow or other kind of pillow, something to pad the small of the back
  • Slippers
  • Nicotine gum for smokers
  • Earplugs or noise-canceling headphones
  • Sanitizing wipes
  • Newspaper. Can be used to insulate against the cabin wall.
  • Health kit for minor "incidents", e.g., cuts/scratches, stomach upset, slight infections.

Baggage with electronic devices is more likely to be inspected; so pack them to be easily seen. In most countries, laptops and tablet computers are scanned separately; you have to remove it from any cabin baggage holding other items. Make sure its batteries are charged at least enough to "boot" it up for a simple demonstration.

Airport security may confiscate carry-on items they feel are "suspicious", often without recourse. At that point, you would not be able to put those items in your checked baggage, because by then it would already be waiting to be loaded aboard your aircraft.

Carry-on only travel

If you need less baggage, consider taking carry-on only. You don't have to wait to claim baggage, and you might save a baggage fee. Check your ticket for baggage restrictions. However, you can only bring items that pass through airport security. Consider to buy clothes, toiletries and other equipment at the destination. Due to the proliferation of low-cost airlines where the baggage fee sometimes exceeds the ticket price, there are various videos or guides online showing how to fit a week's vacation into a "jacket" and cabin sized backpack. Keep in mind that you may attract more scrutiny trying to pull something like that and checking non pre-booked luggage in at the airport usually costs more than booking it with your flight.

A few airlines actually charge for anything beyond the "personal item" of your hand luggage. If you fly with such an airline paying for checked bags is usually better value anyway.

Alternative baggage delivery

If you want to travel with carry-on only but also have check-in baggage, you can use luggage delivery service. Alternatively, you can use a wardrobe management company like The Traveler's Closet[ilgari o'lik havola].

Ko'rib chiqing shipping baggage as cargo, also known as unaccompanied baggage. Many airports have companies that will arrange this for you, and aggregators like xsbaggage can find one for you. Fees can be quite high, and your bags will be shipped separately ...necessarily a few and perhaps several days earlier. Instead of claiming them at your destination airport, you'll have to arrange collection or delivery somewhere else. For international locations, you may need to do customs declarations/claims for them.

Baggage to be checked

Shuningdek qarang: O'rama bo'yicha hisob-kitob hujjati; Yuk-mol hujjati

Checked baggage allows more weight and volume than your hand baggage, and allows restricted items such as knives and liquids. It is however more exposed to theft, weather, and forceful baggage handling.

Pressurized containers, explosives, hazardous materials and weapons (or items that qarash like weapons) are prohibited, both in cabin and check-in baggage. For the USA, see the TSA's guide to Transporting Special Items. Note also "Carry-on Contents" below.

Consider customizing the outside of your checked baggage with tape, colored belts, etc., so you can find it easily at baggage claim...and no one else can claim it "erroneously".

If you take as much as you are allowed, purchases on your trip may make your bag(s) overweight on your return trip, requiring extra fees. One alternative might be to donate or discard enough used clothing before returning home to offset your purchases. If you plan a lot of shopping, consider packing a collapsible bag for your return trip. Outbound it should induce little weight and so no fee in you check bag(s); homeward bound it can prevent a piece from becoming overweight. To ensure no weight overage, you might use a bathroom weight scale at home. Later, an accurate handheld scale can be useful; lacking that, ask about a scale at the hotel having just packed for your return.

Most airports have baggage carts for rent, but you often need local currency, usually coins. In some countries, you cannot take these carts through security checkpoints. Some airports offer free carts, more often in areas for arriving flights. Most airports and hotels have porters, usually working for tips. Elsewhere, you'll likely be entirely on your own.

Boshqa tashvishlar

On small aircraft, you might need to check in standard-dimension hand baggage. Most airlines don't charge for such checking, but it increases risk of theft. With airlines that charge extra fees for all checked bags, baggage costs can become punitive. If in doubt, check in advance with your agent or airline for each leg on your itinerary.

Some low cost carriers (e.g. Ryanair) have no free checked baggage allowance and charge per kilo. Large items such as sport equipment might induce more fees, special baggage check-in, and extra time to be claimed on arrival.

Overweight baggage

For checked baggage, every kilo (or centimeter) over the limit may be charged some fixed fee or a percentage of the airfare. This can get expensive, especially on budget airlines.

  • Once you place your bag on the scales at check-in, some airlines will not allow you to take out contents; even if they do, it is an embarrassing hassle.
  • If you were close to the allowed weights outbound, make sure you wear the same (weights of) clothes back home.

If you know your bags will be definitely overweight, consult your airline. They may offer baggage upgrades before arrival at the airport for less than excess-baggage fees at the airline counter. Pre-booking excess baggage online can come with discounts.

Most airlines have an absolute maximum weight limit for a single checked item, often 32 kg; this is for the health and safety of the baggage handlers loading the aircraft.

As an alternative to excess baggage, consider sending your excess items by post or courier.


Bor documentation that all medications belong to you. Take no more meds than you need on your trip. Keep all in their original containers (over-the-counter and Rx) so that baggage inspectors (especially customs) will have an indicator of what's inside. Make sure that no substance is illegal in any country you will visit or transit. For some countries, you need government permission to carry the meds within its borders.

  • Some countries (e.g., Japan) may have unexpected restrictions on basic medications, even at-home over-the-counter items, e.g., anti-histamines. They will be confiscated if discovered.
  • The consequences for unauthorized medications can be severe, e.g., immediate confiscation, fine, arrest, possible prison.

How to pack

Pack as much as possible of check-in baggage contents in resealable plastic bags. They help security inspections and repacking, and protect against rain or being soiled. If you choose to seal them (e.g., if zip-lock bags), "burp" them of excess air; otherwise, at altitude the bags may burst. They are equally useful returning, e.g., to keep soiled items separate from other content.

Checked baggage is often tossed about in transit. Fragile items should be carefully packed, or preferably carried in hand baggage. Applying a FRAGILE sticker to checked baggage is rarely sufficient to change the way baggage handlers care for bags. Place heavy items toward the bottom of bags. Do not mix heavy and fragile items in the same bag. Any content likely to trigger a manual inspection should be placed where it will be quickly seen as the bag is opened.

For containers of substantial liquids, choose rugged screw-capped bottles with tops not designed to pop open, even if you must buy them separately and manually fill them at home. Otherwise, use new/unopened bottles of product still sealed. Consider taping any pop-open cap tightly to the rest of the container as well as the opening. Put each bottle in a separate, burped and sealed plastic bag to protect other baggage contents. Even better, if your destination(s) have such products for sale, you can save weight, space and bother by buying them there.

Glass containers and other fragile items must be packed well. Put them individually in plastic bags and seal with a knot or their zip-lock. Wrap them in clothes or towels and place them in the middle of your bag between other soft items. The overall bag needs to be tightly packed.

Never put unprocessed film in checked baggage. X-rays destroy unprocessed film. Magnetic tape may be affected by repeated exposure to strong x-rays.

Preventing and recovering lost baggage

Place identification on both the outside and inside of your bag. Rugged, well-attached baggage tags are crucial...with at least name, address, phone. Prefere those that have a flap to cover your identity.

  • Copies of your trip itinerary inside and in an outside pocket can be equally useful, including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, flight number(s) and your itinerary. Airlines or others must have this to locate you or forward your baggage if your tag or the airline tag comes off or baggage gets mis-routed.
  • If packing a box, put your name, address and phone numbers in big block letters and numbers on at least 2 opposite sides, plus an itinerary sheet inside. Do not use a return address unless you are shipping something as air freight. Checked baggage should have only ONE address.

If an airline "loses" bags, it often loses one rather than all, except for major delays and flight cancellations. Distribute clothes and other equipment for everyone in the group between bags, so everyone has something to use until the "lost" bag is found. Delayed baggage coming in on a later flight is far more common than truly "lost" baggage (over 24 hrs.) Take a photo of all your checked baggage for identification; this is useful to cross language barriers. Lost or delayed baggage is more common if you depart from a larger airport than a smaller one. This includes transfers en route; the size of your arrival airport is less important. Non-stop flights decrease the risk of baggage hassles.

  • As a last resort, airlines can search a worldwide database of the contents of bags that have been misdirected... based on passenger declarations of contents at lost-baggage offices. They do not catalog each item inside a bag, so declare one unique, easily-seen item in your bag to help the airline find it. All the more reason to place copies of your itinerary inside and outside your checked bags.

Two ways to reinforce baggage, are:

  • Tightly applying brightly-colored baggage straps. Ensure any strap-ends are well-secured/tucked-in so they won't be snagged in handling. The colors will help you find your checked bags.
  • In major departure airports, you may find a baggage-wrapping xizmat. For a fee, they will wrap a piece of baggage in multiple layers of plastic sheeting. (Such wrap is not permitted if your baggage will go through U.S. and some other countries' security screening; they must be able to quickly inspect contents manually.) Wrapping occurs before you present the baggage at the airline counter to be checked. Make sure the weight of the wrap doesn't make the item overweight. Also make sure your name tag is clearly visible...preferably outside the wrap.

Securing your bags

Plastic wrapping and locks are common, but not highly effective security measures

A few steps can help deter damage and theft, but can be compromised because items must be ready for security inspections.

Airports do electronic and/or manual inspection of bags. At a manual inspection, the bag is opened. If locked by other than approved locks for that country (e.g., by TSA for the U.S.), inspectors must cut or break them (and perhaps the zipper-pulls they're applied to) to get inside. If you check hard-shelled suitcases with "built-in" locks, consult the airline or your travel agen for usability.

After manual inspection, bags are re-packed and re-secured by inspectors, with your lock, your baggage strap and/or a plastic tie joining the zipper-pulls. If plastic ties have been applied, you might need a cutting tool. Put it in an outside pocket of the suitcase. Inspectors usually leave a note inside an inspected bag.

You may be directed to check one or more bags (that you expect to carry-on) at the ticket counter, aircraft gate or as you step board. Reasons can include:

  • You have over-packed one or more of them, or have too many. This can involve a major fee.
  • Part of your journey is on a small plane with limited cabin space.
  • If one of the last to board, the cabin might run out of space. They announce that those not yet seated must allow large carry-on baggage to be taken to the hold; items will receive special tags. Carry-ons are much more likely to contain valuables, and so are often targeted by thieves. You should lock them after passing the personal security check. If practicable, snugly apply a baggage strap. You'll usually claim "checked carry-ons" at the baggage claim. For smaller aircraft, you may have gate- or ramp-checked your carry-on, and it may well be returned to you as you depart the aircraft.

Some travelers take extra precautions with checked bags...some expensive:

  • To locate their bags at baggage claim, they fasten flashers/beepers to the outside that they can trigger by a device they carry.
  • Others may place GPS tracking devices inside their baggage that indicate its location...helpful if lost or misrouted.

Special luggage

It is usually possible to bring special oversize luggage, in top of your main check-in bag. This can be sports equipment (golf, skis, bicycle etc), musical instrument etc. They should be prebooked, and you should ask before booking your main ticket if they are allowed. Some flights don't allow such luggage. If you travel with expensive sports equipment (SCUBA gear, parachute, etc.), chances are you might be allowed to take them into the aircraft cabin. Chances are higher if your destination is used to that kind of equipment. Taking SCUBA gear to Egypt and a parachute to Dubai should be hassle free, but the other way around, taking it on board might be declined.

There is an extra fee, which can be $400 for a long-distance return ticket. Wheel-chairs and baby-strollers are normally allowed without extra cost, but should also be prebooked.


Shuningdek qarang: Kiyim

The days of wearing one's "Sunday Best" on a plane are now mostly gone and even business travelers or celebrities will nowadays dress for comforts more than looks. That said, there's no need to be disheveled or forego a shower. Even if you sleep at the airport, there's usually an option to clean yourself. Outside baggage allowance, passengers can wear as much clothes as they prefer, including heavy outdoor clothes... within reasonable limits. Cabin temperature may vary in-flight, especially when flying overnight. Dress in adjustable layers.

  • Use a soft jacket for warmth.
  • Blankets and pillows are usually offered on long flights, and/or in business class. Other passengers can consider to bring them.
  • Warm socks/slipper-socks can be useful. Wear your shoes when walking to the toilet, as their floors may be wet, even filthy. Cabin walls and cabin air near exit doors can get cold. If you have a window seat, you'll likely need something to insulate against the wall...even a few sheets of newspaper can help remarkably. If near an exit door, you may need all the clothing layers you can access, especially if you can't get a blanket.

It has been said that passengers who fly in a business suit receive better service. While wearing a suit instead of packing it can save baggage space, you risk soiling it.

Airplane interiors can be filthy, especially on budget airlines. Consider wearing something in-flight that you can doff soon after disembarking to wash/clean it later. Agar traveling for business, put at least one business outfit in your hand baggage.

When leaving a cold region for a warm one, you can leave winter wear at home if air transit is short. Consider leaving winter garments with friends if they take you to the airport and pick you up on return.

For travel to a cold region from warm, use layers and carry at least a lined jacket; it may be some time before you get the clothes from your checked baggage.

Xavfsiz bo'ling

Shuningdek qarang: Asabiy varaqalar uchun maslahat, Flight and health

While the risk for lethal accidents is very low on commercial airlines, delays and cancellations are frequent.

  • Check government sources and reliable news sources for travel warnings. If they show potential for trouble (strikes, political unrest, natural disasters, etc), check with your agent, airline or airport (e.g., website) about your travel. Whether or not you are a U.S. citizen, you may be interested in the U.S. State Department's travel warnings and those by other relevant governments. Those warnings can affect departures from U.S. or other airports to areas having a warning, va departures from such locales to your country.
  • Consider the safety record of the airline, the aircraft it uses, and airport reputations if flying into smaller airfields or developing countries. Also look for flight segments you've been offered under a code-sharing arrangement, where you book on a reputable airline but actually fly on a different one for any part of your trip. You may then be flying an airline or aircraft with a poorer or unknown safety record, or that has baggage capacity less than you may need for your trip. Note that airlines from developing countries (such as Air Zimbabwe) can have outstanding safety records, so don't make assumptions. The Yevropa Ittifoqi bans a bunch of airlines from its airspace. The list is a matter of public record, but the reasons are sometimes arguably political. That said, you may want to follow the EU's lead in not using an airline even if the reason is "political".

Agar sizda bo'lsa health issues, consult your doctor and ensure the airline knows about any condition that might be problematic for flying well before the start of the trip – even before you pay for tickets. Airlines can often help you if you have physical limitations or some medical condition.

Fifty countries worldwide, including China, South Africa, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand require that insecticides (usually residual types) be used on planes. If the airline (e.g., Hawaiian Airlines) does not use residual insecticide, the plane may be sprayed in-flight. If you are sensitive to such chemicals, ask in-advance what is used.


Main article: Sayohat sug'urtasi

Travel insurance cost depends on trip cost and duration, age of travelers, level of coverage requested for certain problems, and destination country.

Airline insurance purchased with the ticket will often focus only on the airline's responsibilities, while a quality, overall travel policy will cover most/all risks of your end-to-end trip. You may obtain better rates for a general policy by buying a it through or from an association you belong to, e.g., AAA, AA, AARP. Very-frequent travelers should consider long-term (annual) policies; coverage can be equivalent while costing much less per trip.

Flight insurance (for death or major dismemberment while flying to a single destination) has also become a very poor investment. The probability is extremely low that you or your relatives will receive har qanday benefit...because flying has become so safe.

Pre-flight checks

Reconfirming your flight

In general, it is no longer necessary to call the airline to reconfirm flights, as reservation systems are fairly reliable. Check the reservation online, and call the airline only if there are problems.

The main exceptions are when you are flying way off the beaten track on an airline that doesn't (or looks like it doesn't!) do computerized reservations, especially when there won't be another flight for a week. Off the beaten track in Indoneziya, for example, it's wise to reconfirm not just once but twice — although you may still get bumped off if a VIP and his harem show up at the last minute.

Checking your reservation

Double-check that your itinerary is still correct. Not only can you check that everything is order, but also you can see whether any waitlists have cleared, flight times have changed, your special requests are recorded, etc. Most legacy carriers offer checking through a website, smartphone app, and telephone. Check in good time, as in case of flight cancellation or overbooking, you might be able to catch an earlier flight. If your carrier changes the itinerary. they or your agent will try to contact you, but they may not reach you in time. There are a number of online services for reservation checking; however, you'll have to figure out which reservation system was used to do the booking. This is usually printed at the top of your itinerary, but if all else fails you can always ask the agent.

  • Abacus/Sabre
  • Amadeus
  • Apollo/Galileo
  • Garchi Worldspan also offers such information, it is now accessible only to those with a valid Worldspan server installation, and ready to use ID and GDS for sign-on.

Budget airline flights often will not show up in these systems.

In cases of severe weather (e.g. blizzard, fog) or recent airport closures, get in touch with your airline before you leave home to see whether your flight is delayed or cancelled. If your flight is cancelled, and you have been put on the waitlist for a future flight, don't come to the airport, until the airline informed you that you can fly on the flight for which you are waitlisted. Check occasionally to learn of any progress.

Online check-in

Shuningdek qarang: At_the_airport#Check-in

Most carriers now offer online check-in of some form where passengers can at least initiate the check-in process on an internet-enabled device (e.g. personal computer, smartphone, tablet) before arriving at the airport. The online check-in window opens anytime from 24 hours (especially for flights involving the US) to 30 days (for low cost carriers based in Europe) before departure. Nowadays, online check-in may be the only way to initiate the check-in process for some low-cost carriers (e.g. Ryanair). To begin online check-in, passengers have to log on to their carrier's website or open their carrier's mobile app (which can be downloaded from their device's app store). They will need the booking reference or their username and password for the airline's website (if they booked the flight while logged on using their account) and follow instructions from there. For international flights, passengers may also need to supply details found in their passports. They can select their preferred seats, add extra bags, provide their frequent flyer number for mileage accrual, and purchase other extras (depending on the carrier). At the end of the process, passengers may be given the option to print their boarding card or download it to their phones.

Ba'zi reyslar uchun aviakompaniya muntazam ravishda onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tishni taklif qilsa ham, onlayn ravishda ro'yxatdan o'tish mumkin emas yoki cheklovlar mavjud bo'lishi mumkin. Bu, ayniqsa yo'lovchi, xodimlar qo'shimcha hujjatlarni (masalan, viza) ko'rishi va qo'shimcha xavfsizlik tekshiruvlarini o'tkazishi kerak bo'lgan marshrutda uchayotgan bo'lsa. Hatto onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tish imkoniyati mavjud bo'lsa ham va yo'lovchilarning tushadigan sumkalari bo'lmasa ham, tashuvchi yana tekshiruvlar o'tkazish uchun aeroportdagi belgilangan stolga o'tishni talab qilishi mumkin.

Agar yo'lovchi on-layn tarzda ro'yxatdan o'ta olmasa yoki biron bir sababga ko'ra bort kartasini bosib chiqara olmasa yoki yuklab olmasa, aeroportdagi ro'yxatdan o'tish kioskalari xuddi shu tarzda ishlaydi va samolyotga chiqish kartasini chiqaradi. Onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tish tugagandan so'ng, sumkalari bo'lgan yo'lovchilar jarayonni davom ettirish uchun ularni aeroportdagi belgilangan aviakompaniyaga tushirishlari mumkin.

Belgilanishning o'ziga xos mexanikasi har bir tashuvchiga qarab farq qiladi; uydan chiqishdan oldin tashuvchining veb-saytini tekshiring.

Masofaviy ro'yxatdan o'tishning boshqa usullari

Ba'zi bir tashuvchilar, shuningdek, aeroport binosi tashqarisidagi stantsiyalarda ro'yxatdan o'tishni taklif qilishadi. Taklif etilgan imkoniyatlar a-da joylashgan narsalarga o'xshashdir an'anaviy ro'yxatdan o'tish aeroportdagi stantsiya, lekin ko'pincha qo'shimcha to'lov bilan kelishi mumkin yoki faqat aeroportga (masalan, aeroport poezdi) ma'lum yo'llar orqali sayohat qilgan yo'lovchilar foydalanishi mumkin. Borgan sari kamdan-kam holatlarda, ba'zi tashuvchilar SMS yoki telefon orqali ro'yxatdan o'tishni ham taklif qilishlari mumkin, bu orqali yo'lovchi aeroportga etib borgach, belgilangan stolga etib boradi.

Shuningdek qarang

Bu sayohat mavzusi haqida Parvozingizni rejalashtirish bor qo'llanma holat. Unda butun mavzuni qamrab olgan yaxshi, batafsil ma'lumotlar mavjud. Iltimos, o'z hissangizni qo'shing va buni amalga oshirishda bizga yordam bering Yulduz !