Germaniyada temir yo'l bilan sayohat - Rail travel in Germany

Moselle daryosi bo'ylab uzumzorlar orasidagi tabiiy temir yo'l yo'li Traben-Trarbax.

GermaniyaTemir yo'l tizimi tezkor, ishonchli va ko'plab qiziqish nuqtalarini qamrab oladi. "So'nggi daqiqada" sotib olingan chiptalar qimmatga tushishi mumkin, ammo ular biroz rejalashtirish bilan ajablanarli darajada arzon bo'lishi mumkin. Ko'tarilishiga qaramay shaharlararo avtobuslar, poezdlar aylanib o'tishda hali ham mashinalardan ikkinchi o'rinda turadi. Poezd safari Gamburg shimoldan to Myunxen janubda odatda olti soatdan kam vaqt ketadi. Xuddi shu avtoulov bilan sayohat taxminan sakkiz soat davom etadi, avtobus o'n soat yoki undan ko'proq vaqtni oladi va bu ikkala raqam ham tirbandlikni hisobga olmaydi. Bundan tashqari, aksariyat poezdlar har soatda yoki har ikki soatda jo'nab ketishadi, avtobuslarda qatnov jadvali ancha past.

Deutsche Bahnning so'zlariga ko'ra, poezdlarda sayohat atrof-muhit uchun juda qulaydir. 2014 yilda JB uzoq masofaga qatnaydigan poezdda bir yo'lovchi-kilometrlik sayohat deyarli 13 baravar kam CO chiqindi2 xuddi shu masofani mashinada bosib o'tganidan ko'ra. Mahalliy va mintaqaviy poezdlar ko'proq chiqindi chiqaradi, chunki ular kam tiklanadigan energiya va ko'proq dizel yoqilg'isidan foydalanadilar. JB shuningdek, o'z poezdlari uchun foydalanadigan elektr energiyasida qayta tiklanadigan energiya ulushini muttasil oshirishga qaratilgan. Darhaqiqat, barcha BahnCards-dagi yashil chiziq BahnCard egalariga sotiladigan barcha chiptalar 100% qayta tiklanadigan elektr energiyasi bilan harakatlanadigan poezdlarni ifodalaydi.


Hauptbahnhof Bremen.

Uzoq masofali poezdlar safari davlatga tegishli Deutsche Bahn tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Biroq, yakunda monopoliya buzildi Flixtrain (Flixbusni boshqaradigan o'sha kompaniya) bozorga Germaniyaning Berlin va Shtuttgart, Berlin va Axen, Gamburg va Axen kabi ba'zi yirik shaharlariga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhim yo'nalishlar bo'yicha kirgan, arzonroq narxlar bilan kabinalari biroz eskirgan bo'lsa ham. Ayni paytda yana bir xususiy operator Aleks Chexiya Respublikasining Bavariya va Praga shaharlari o'rtasida liniyalarni boshqaradi.

Qo'shni davlatlarning operatorlari, shuningdek, Germaniyaning bir yoki ikkita shaharlaridan o'z davlatlariga "Deutsche Bahn" dan yoki o'zlaridan olinadigan harakatlanuvchi tarkibdan foydalanib yo'nalishlarni amalga oshiradilar. Ushbu yo'nalishlarning aksariyati ichki sayohat uchun ham ishlatilishi mumkin va ularni Deutsche Bahn veb-saytida bron qilish mumkin.

Deutsche Bahn

Deutsche Bahn Germaniyaning uzoq masofali poezdlarining katta qismini boshqaradi, shuningdek boshqa kompaniyalar tomonidan boshqariladigan mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlarga chiptalarni sotadi. JB veb-sayti (ko'plab joylar uchun mahalliylashtirilgan versiyalari mavjud va hech bo'lmaganda qisman mavjud) Ingliz tili va yarim o'nlab boshqa tillar) Evropada poezd aloqalarini topish uchun ajoyib manba hisoblanadi, garchi ba'zi meros temir yo'llari va temir yo'lning yaxlit avtobus xizmatlari ro'yxatga olinmagan. JB veb-sayti Germaniyadan kelib chiqqan va / yoki tugaydigan ko'plab sayohatlar uchun chiptalarni sotadi, ammo emas faqat Germaniya orqali o'tadigan sayohat uchun (masalan, Parijdan Varshavaga sayohat qilish uchun siz Parijdan Berlinga va Berlindan Varshavaga chipta sotib olishingiz kerak) va ba'zi bir xalqaro narxlarni ko'rsatmaydi yoki sotmaydi. shuningdek, bir nechta mahalliy poezd aloqalari. JB veb-sayti nemis bo'lmagan temir yo'llar uchun chiptalarni sotib olish imkoniyatini yaratish bo'yicha ish olib bormoqda, ammo bu hali ham zarba bo'lishi mumkin va Germaniyadan tashqarida bo'lgan ichki chiptalar uchun tegishli milliy temir yo'l odatda sizning eng yaxshi garovingizdir.

Jadvallar va tariflar

Jadvallar va standart tariflar (Flexpreis) odatda bir yil davomida amal qiladi. Har bir dekabrda yangi jadvallar kuchga kiradi, odatda oktyabr oyining o'rtalarida nashr etiladi. JB odatda jadvalni o'zgartirish bilan asosan uzoq masofaga qatnaydigan poezdlar uchun narxlarni oshiradi. Verkehrsverbünde odatda o'z jadvalini bir vaqtning o'zida o'zgartiradi, lekin har doim ham o'sha kuni emas. Mahalliy chiptalarning amal qilish muddati uchun o'tish davri bo'lishi mumkin.

Ko'pgina yo'nalishlarda chiptalarni 180 kungacha bron qilish mumkin, ammo jadval o'zgarganidan keyin chiptalar yangi jadval e'lon qilingandan keyingina sotila boshlanadi. Agar siz uzoq masofali poezdlarga arzon chiptalarni olishni istasangiz, imkon qadar erta maxsus chiptalarni (masalan, tejash narxlari) sotib oling. Uzoq masofali poezdlar uchun ushbu cheklangan chiptalar narxi jo'nash sanasi yaqinlashib boradi va ular sotilib ketishi mumkin. Biroq, nemislarning aksariyati xalqaro chiptalardan tashqari, bir haftadan ko'proq vaqt oldin bron qilmaydi.

Har qanday poezd uchun standart chiptalar narxi va mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlar uchun maxsus chiptalar odatda yil davomida bir xil bo'lib turadi (va ular cheksizdir), shuning uchun ularni sayohatdan oldin sotib olish mumkin.

Integratsiyalashgan jamoat transporti tizimlari (Verkehrsverbund)

Germaniyada o'rnatilgan jamoat transporti tizimlariga (Verkehrsverbünde) umumiy nuqtai. Sariq joylar (mit SPNV) mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlardan, kulrang maydonlardan foydalanishni o'z ichiga oladi (ohne SPNV) qilmang.

Kattaroq shahar joylarda mahalliy transport kompaniyalari tez-tez birlashtirilgan jamoat transporti tizimini tashkil qiladi Verkehrsverbund (VB) (yoki Verkehrsverbünde ko'plik shaklida). Har bir Verkehrsverbundda barcha jamoat transporti vositalaridan (metro, shahar avtobuslari, S-Bahn, engil temir yo'l va hattoki mintaqaviy poyezdlar ham bo'lishi mumkin) umumiy chipta va tariflar tizimi bilan foydalanish mumkin. Verkehrsverbund umumiy va muvofiqlashtirilgan jadvalni ham taklif qiladi. Bunga misollar kiradi VBB atrofida Berlin va Brandenburg (maydoni bo'yicha eng katta), RMV atrofida Frankfurt, MVV atrofida Myunxen, yoki Bodo darhol yonidagi Germaniyadagi maydon uchun Konstans ko'li.

Ushbu shahar transport tarmoqlari ko'pincha JB tarmog'i bilan birlashtirilgan (va har doim ham emas) va Verkehrsverbund chiptalari mahalliy poezdlarda amal qiladi. Bu tendentsiya yanada kattaroq edi Verkehrsverbünde temir yo'lning yaxshi integratsiyalashuvi va mahalliy transport jadvallari ko'pincha poezdlar jadvalini hisobga olgan holda tuziladi. S-Bahn odatda a ning "yuragi" dir Verkehrsverbund va S-Bahn kengayishi o'tmishda ko'pincha bir vaqtga to'g'ri keladi Verkehrsverbund kengayish.

Uzoq masofali poezdlar (ular tarkibiga, masalan, Flixtrain va barcha "oq" JB poezdlari kiradi) kiradi emas Verkehrsverbundning bir qismi, ya'ni yo'lovchi bunday xizmatlardan faqat Verkehrsverbund chiptasi bilan metro hududidagi ikki nuqta o'rtasida harakatlanish uchun foydalana olmaydi.

DB Navigator dasturi Verkersverbund chiptalarining ko'pini VISA / Mastercard debet yoki kredit karta yordamida sotib olishga imkon beradi, agar siz mahalliy shahar transportidan foydalanmoqchi bo'lgan kunlarda uzoq masofali poezd safariga chiqmasangiz ham.


Germaniya 40 ming km dan ortiq temir yo'llarga ega (uni oltinchi eng uzun temir yo'l tarmog'i va dunyodagi eng zich tarmoqlardan biri) va shu bilan nihoyatda yaxshi bog'langan bo'lib, aksariyat qishloq joylardan yirik metropollarga ulanish imkoniyatini yaratmoqda. 100 000 dan ortiq aholisi bo'lgan biron bir nemis shaharchasida temir yo'l xizmati yo'q va 20 000 dan ortiq aholisi bo'lgan shaharlarning ko'pchiligida doimiy temir yo'l xizmati mavjud.

Deutsche Bahn - mamlakatning asosiy temir yo'l operatori - g'ayrioddiy holatda. 1994 yildan beri u an tashkil etilgan Aktiengesellschaft (aksiyadorlik jamiyati), odatda foyda keltirishi kutilmoqda. Biroq, davlat barcha aktsiyalarga egalik qiladi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, JB bir vaqtning o'zida ikki tomonga tortiladi: u xususiy foyda keltiruvchi kompaniya kabi harakat qilishi va shuningdek davlat muassasasi singari harakat qilishi kerak. Binobarin, bosh direktor - va hech bo'lmaganda boshqaruv kengashining ba'zi a'zolari - bu siyosiy lavozimga tayinlangan va odatda lavozimga kelganidan ko'p o'tmay Germaniyada ism-sharif. Bosh direktor ko'pincha ommaviy axborot vositalarida va norasmiy sifatida tilga olinadi Bahnchef ("temir yo'l boshlig'i"). Shunday qilib, hozirgi bosh ijrochi direktor Richard Lutsni tez-tez chaqirishadi Bahnchef Lutz.

Nazariy jihatdan barcha operatorlar (shu jumladan, JB) uzoq masofali poezdlarni istalgan marshrutda xohlagan narxlari bo'yicha har qanday narxda yurishlari mumkin bo'lsa-da, ular davlat DB Netz (o'zi JBning sho'ba korxonasi) ga kirish to'lovlarini to'lashlari sharti bilan - vaziyat mahalliy poezdlar ancha murakkab. Federal hukumat mahalliy temir yo'l xizmatiga sarflashi kerak bo'lgan davlatlarga ma'lum miqdorda pul beradi. Ba'zi shtatlar ushbu pulni mahalliy aholiga topshiradilar Verkehrsverbünde boshqalarida esa davlat darajasida bitta katta qozon bor. Shtat yoki davlat tomonidan berilgan vakolat berilgan Verkehrsverbund jadvallarni belgilaydi va poezdlarga talablarni belgilaydi (masalan, har soatda bitta poezd ma'lum miqdordagi birinchi va ikkinchi darajali o'rindiqlar, Wi-fi va darajaga chiqish) va so'raydi. butun Evropadan kelgan takliflar uchun. Odatda JB taklif qiluvchilar qatoriga kiradi, lekin ko'pincha boshqa operatorlar pastroq subsidiyani so'rashadi va shu bilan shartnomani olishadi. Yangi shartnoma uchun savdo odatda eski shartnoma tugashidan oldin boshlanadi. Shartnoma shartlari ancha uzoq davom etadi: ayrim yo'nalishlarda JB hanuzgacha ochiq savdoga qo'yilmagan yoki JB yagona ishtirokchi bo'lgan shartnomalar asosida ishlaydi. Bu mahalliy poezdlarda Wi-fi juda kam uchraydigan asosiy sabablardan biri: operatorlar dastlabki shartnomada ko'zda tutilmagan narsalarni taqdim etishga majbur emaslar. Shartnomalar ko'pincha aniqroq bo'ladi va ba'zi kuzatuvchilar bu temir yo'l operatori yagona narsa deb hazillashadilar aslida rang sxemasi va ishchilarning ish haqi - bu tabiiy ravishda JBning kasbiy kasaba uyushmalari ish haqini kamaytiradigan, avvalgi davlat xizmatchilari shartnomalari ta'sirida bo'lgan JBning xususiy raqobati da'volariga olib keladi.

Poezd turlari

Shaharlararo poezdlar

Berlin Hauptbahnhofda joylashgan InterCity Express (ICE, 2-avlod).
ICE liniyalari: 2018 yilga kelib chastota va tezlik chegaralari

Deyarli barcha uzoq masofali poezdlarni Deutsche Bahn boshqaradi. Barcha yirik shaharlar DB ning ICE (InterCity Express) va muntazam IC (InterCity) poezdlari bilan bog'langan.

  • InterCity Express (ICE) poezdlari. Tezyurar poezdlar soatiga 320 km (200 milya) gacha tezlikka qodir. Treklar va signallarning holati o'zgartirilmagan merosxo'r yo'llarda faqat 160 km / soat (99 milya) tezlikni, "Ausbaustrecke" (Berlin Gamburg temir yo'li) deb nomlangan maxsus elektron uskunalari bo'lgan marshrutlarda 200 km / soat (120 milya) tezlikni ta'minlaydi. Ausbaustrecke "Neubaustrecke" deb nomlangan tezyurar yo'llarda 230 km / soat (140 milya) yoki 250 km / soat (160 milya) dan 300 km / soatgacha (190 milya) qurilgan. Maksimal tezligi 320 km / soat (200 milya) Frankfurtdan Parijgacha (Frantsiya) sayohat paytida erishiladi. Yo'lga qaraganda ancha tezroq bo'lishiga qaramay, ular 1 soatlik sayohat bilan qimmatga tushishi mumkin (Frankfurt ga Kyoln, 180 km atrofida) bir tomonga 67 evrogacha narx ("Flexpreis", ya'ni chegirmalarsiz yurish narxi). Biroq siz chiptani oldindan bron qilsangiz va sayohat soati va sanasi bo'yicha biroz egiluvchan bo'lsangiz, siz katta chegirmaga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin. Barcha mahalliy ICE elektr. ICE ning bir necha xil turlari mavjud, ammo ularning barchasi bir-biriga juda o'xshash va ixlosmandlar uchun eng yuqori tezligi va yoshi bilan ajralib turadi. E'tiborli farqlardan biri bu ICE 4 bo'lib, u 2017 yil dekabrida muntazam xizmatga kiritilgan va velosiped olib yuradigan yagona ICE hisoblanadi. ICE 4-ga buyurtma JB tarixidagi eng katta buyurtmalardan biri bo'lib, barcha buyurtma qilingan poezdlar xizmatga kirguniga qadar 2020-yillarning o'rtalariga to'g'ri keladi.
  • ICE Sprinter. Oddiy ICE bilan bir xil poezdlar, lekin ular yirik shaharlar o'rtasida to'xtovsiz harakatlanadi yoki faqat bitta oraliq to'xtash joyiga ega. Ularning sayohat vaqtlari aviakompaniyalarning eshiklarini eshiklariga tenglashtirish yoki urish uchun to'rt soatdan pastroq. Endi ICE Sprinter xizmatlaridan foydalanish uchun qo'shimcha to'lov olinmaydi, ammo erta qushlarning arzon chiptalari ular uchun arzonroq bo'lishi mumkin. Masalan, Berlin va Myunxen o'rtasida ICE Sprinter sayohati atigi 4 soat davom etadi.
  • InterCity (IC) poezdlari. ICE-ning yuqori texnologiyasiga ega bo'lmasalar ham, juda qulay. ICE poezdlari faqatgina ishlab chiqarilgan yo'llarda yoki yangilangan mavjud treklarda IC poezdlariga qaraganda tezroq. Qadimgi IClar 1970-yillardan beri bo'lgan bir darajali aktsiyalarni lokomotivlar bilan olib yurishadi, ammo ularning aksariyati 1990-yillarda yoki undan keyin qurilgan yoki yangilangan. Qadimgi IClar 200 km / soatgacha tezlikka ega. 2016 yilda JB yangi ikki darajali shaharlararo aktsiyalarini taqdim etdi "Shaharlararo 2". Ular 160 km / soat tezlikka ega va juda zamonaviy va elektr rozetkalari, yonboshlab o'tiradigan joylar va o'tirgan joyingizdagi atıştırmalıklar va ichimliklar xizmati bilan qulay, ammo yuk uchun joy juda cheklangan, shuning uchun ulardan saqlaning sizda olib yuradigan ko'p narsalaringiz bor - ammo agar hamma narsa bajarilmasa, odatda o'rindiqlar ostida joy bo'ladi. Ba'zi marshrutlarda dizel lokomotivlari IC poezdlarini olib ketishadi, ammo bu juda kam uchraydi, chunki ko'proq yo'nalishlar elektrlashtiriladi va ko'plab marshrutlar harakatlanuvchi quvvatni o'chirishni qiyinlashtiradigan bir nechta bloklar tomonidan boshqariladi.
  • EuroCity (EC) poezdlari. Evropaning katta shaharlarini ulang va IC poezdlari bilan deyarli bir xil. Ko'pgina EC poezdlari qo'shni temir yo'l operatorlari tomonidan ta'minlanadi (masalan, Chexiya temir yo'llari boshqaradigan Praga-Gamburg yo'nalishi). Bu bron va narxlarga hech qanday ta'sir ko'rsatmasa-da, poezdlarning ichki qismi Germaniyaning taqqoslanadigan poezdlaridan farq qilishi mumkin. Bundan tashqari, EC poezdlari, ayniqsa, juda uzoq masofalarga sayohat qiladiganlar, faqat mahalliy xizmatlarga qaraganda kechikishga moyil.
  • EuroCity Express poezdlari. 2017 yil dekabrida taqdim etilgan, ular faqat Frankfurt-Milan koridoriga va Shveytsariyada to'xtash joylari bilan Myunxen-Tsyurix koridoriga xizmat qiling. Boshqa barcha poezd toifalaridan farqli o'laroq, majburiy (lekin bepul) bron mavjud va chiptalar "Flexpreis" chiptalari uchun ham ma'lum bir poezdga bog'langan (ammo Flexpreis chiptalari mavjud bo'lganda boshqa poezdga bepul bron qilinishi mumkin). Poyezdlar - ETR 610 oilasining Shveytsariya tomonga burilib ketadigan poyezdlari, maksimal tezligi 250 km / soat (160 milya). EC, IC va ICE dan farqli o'laroq, "EuroCity Express" toifasidan boshqa temir yo'llar hali foydalanmayapti - hatto Shveytsariya va Italiya ham emas, shuning uchun bu poezdlar Shveytsariya va Italiya qatnov jadvallarida odatiy EC sifatida namoyish etiladi.
Ha, siz bor displeyni to'g'ri o'qish: soatiga 299 km.

Asosiy yo'nalishlarda ICE yoki IC poezdlari kun davomida soatiga bir marotaba qatnaydilar, hattoki sayyohlar orasida mashhur bo'lgan ba'zi kichik shaharlar Tubingen yoki Heringsdorf kunlik yoki haftalik xizmatlarga ega bo'lish.

Biroq, ba'zi bir yo'nalishlarning yuqori tezligi haqida yuqoridagi ogohlantirishlarni hisobga olgan holda, ICE chiptasiga chiqishdan oldin ICE mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlarga qaraganda ancha tezroq yoki yo'qligini tekshirishni xohlashingiz mumkin. Shunga qaramay, erta qush chiptalari ko'pincha kutilgan talabga muvofiq narxlanadi va tezroq sayohat ko'plab o'zgarishlarga yoki bir xil so'nggi nuqtalar orasidagi sekinroq chiziqlarga qaraganda qimmatroq.

Deutsche Bahn-dan boshqa kompaniyalar tomonidan boshqariladigan uzoq masofali poezdlar ham mavjud (qarang) quyida), odatda ikkilamchi marshrutlar bo'ylab harakatlanish uchun arzonroq narxlar. Ular odatda etarlicha qulay (garchi ICE kabi qulay bo'lmasa ham) va ba'zida ancha arzon, ammo ularning to'xtash tartibi taqqoslanadigan JB poezdlariga qaraganda ancha tez-tez yoki kamdan kam bo'lishi mumkin. Liberalizatsiya qilinishidan oldin shaharlararo avtobus bozori shaharlararo poezd yo'nalishlarida raqobat kuchayib borar edi. Ammo avtobuslar odatda JB bilan raqobatlashadigan poezd xizmatlaridan ko'ra arzonroq bo'lganligi sababli, bir nechta kompaniyalar bozordan chiqib ketishdi, unga kirish rejalarini bekor qilishdi yoki xizmatlarini ancha pasaytirdilar. Flixbus hozirda shaharlararo avtobuslar bozorining to'qson foiz shimolidan quduqni boshqarayotgani bilan, ular uzoq masofali poezdlar sohasida JBning asosiy raqobati hisoblanadi.

O'rindiqlarni bron qilish

O'rindiqlarni bron qilish majburiy emas, lekin tavsiya etiladi, ayniqsa, agar siz juma, yakshanba yoki ta'til kunlari sayohat qilsangiz, poezdlar to'la bo'lish ehtimoli ko'proq. Bu degani Interrail yoki Eurail pass siz ichki ICE poezdlaridan (shu jumladan xalqaro ICE poezdlaridan emas, balki Sprinter ICE poezdlaridan) qo'shimcha to'lovisiz foydalanishingiz mumkin.

O'rindiqlarni bron qilish narxi 2-sinfda 4 evro turadi va 1-sinf chiptalari narxiga qo'shiladi. O'rindiqlarni bron qilish poyezd jo'nab ketgan paytdan boshlab 15 daqiqa davomida amal qiladi. Shu vaqtdan keyin boshqa yo'lovchilar sizning o'rningizni egallamagan bo'lsangiz, qonuniy ravishda o'tirishi mumkin.

Agar sizda o'rindiqqa zahirangiz bo'lmasa yoki sotib olishni xohlasangiz, umuman ajratilmagan yoki faqat poezddan tushganingizdan keyin sayohatning bir qismi uchun ajratilgan joyni qidiring. O'rindiqlarni bron qilish joylari elektron displey bilan yoki o'rindiqda yoki oynadagi kichik qog'oz belgisida belgilanadi.

Agar sizning zahiradagi poezdingiz bekor qilinsa yoki kechiktirilsa, siz DB Service peshtaxtasida joyingizni bron qilishni boshqa poezdga almashtirishingiz yoki pulni qaytarib berishingiz mumkin. Yo'lovchilar huquqlari Talab.


U yerda bepul Wi-Fi deyarli barcha ICElarda, lekin IClarda emas. U mobil signal orqali taqdim etilganligi sababli, tarmoqli kengligi ba'zida etishmasligi mumkin. Wi-Fi-ga kirish uchun "ICE on Wi-Fi" -ni tanlang va dastur sizni keyingi bosqichlarda bajarishi kerak. Ikkinchi sinfda har bir qurilma uchun 200 MB foydalanishdan keyin tezlik pasayishi mumkin. Ba'zi xalqaro poezdlarda Germaniyadan ketayotganda Wi-Fi tarmog'i ishlamay qolishi mumkin.

Bundan tashqari ko'ngilochar portal taxminan 50 seriya va filmlar bilan bepul. Taxminan 1000 tomoshalar va filmlarning to'liq spektri faqatgina mavjud maxdome mijozlari. Ko'ngilochar portalga bortdagi serverlar orqali kirish imkoniyati mavjud emasligi, unga tarmoqli kengligi etishmasligi yoki boshqa mumkin bo'lgan Wi-Fi muammolari ta'sir qilmaydi. Shunga o'xshab, ICE Portal bepul audiokitoblar va yangiliklarni (asosan nemis tilida), shuningdek sayohat va keyingi manzil haqida ba'zi ma'lumotlarni taqdim etadi; xaritada poezd qayerda va qancha tez yurishini ham ko'rishingiz mumkin.

Har bir poezdda Bistro yoki restoran mavjud, u erda yo'lovchilar ichimliklar yoki gazaklarga buyurtma berishlari va tik turgan stolda yoki o'tirishlari mumkin. Ba'zan siz o'z joyingizda qolishni xohlasangiz, ushbu ichimliklarni aravalarda olib kelishadi. To'lov naqd yoki kredit kartada amalga oshirilishi mumkin, ammo ba'zida terminal sekin yoki hatto ishlamay qolishi mumkin, chunki terminal butunlay uyali telefon qabul qilishiga bog'liq. Narxlar temir yo'l stantsiyasidan bir oz qimmatroq.

Poezdlardagi barcha e'lonlar va yozuvlar, shu jumladan stantsiya yaqinlashishi va u erdan ulanishlar nemis va ingliz tillarida amalga oshiriladi. Dirijyor hech bo'lmaganda ingliz tilida gaplashishi mumkin, agar siz ulanishni qoldirib yuborsangiz yoki yordam talab qilsangiz so'rasangiz bo'ladi.

Har bir poezdda tanlangan vagonlar shovqinga va hatto uyali telefon qo'ng'iroqlariga yo'l qo'ymaydigan sokin kabinalardir; bron qilish narxi oddiy avtoulovdagi o'rindiqlar bilan bir xil. 6 kishilik kabinalar ham mavjud, ammo ularni shaxsiy buyurtma qilish mumkin emas, ya'ni 6 kishilik kabinada 2 kishi.

Birinchi sinf

Germaniyadagi poezdlarning aksariyati, ba'zi mahalliy poezdlardan tashqari, birinchi va ikkinchi darajali bo'limlardan iborat. Uzoq masofaga qatnaydigan poezdlarda birinchi toifadagi yo'lovchilar ko'proq joy olishadi (to'rtta o'rindiq emas, uchta joy, ko'proq oyoq joylari, ko'proq yonboshlab o'tiradigan joylar) va - ICE poezdlarida - siz konduktordan restoran vagonidan ichimliklar va oziq-ovqat olib kelishini so'rashingiz mumkin. Ichimliklar yoki oziq-ovqat emas tarifga kiritilgan, ammo o'rindiqlarni bron qilish. Odatda ikkinchi darajali yo'lovchilarga birinchi sinf bo'limlarida o'tirishga ruxsat berilmaydi. Birinchi va ikkinchi toifadagi narxlar farqi juda katta farq qiladi va birinchi va ikkinchi sinf uchun alohida BahnCard kartalari mavjud, lekin ba'zida siz ikkinchi darajali chiptadan bir necha evroga birinchi sinf chiptasini olishingiz mumkin. Birinchi sinf birinchi sinf bo'limlari tashqarisida 1 raqami va (Evropa standartiga muvofiq) sariq rangli chiziq bilan belgilangan. Birinchi toifadagi yo'lovchilar, shuningdek, Germaniyaning yirik temir yo'l stantsiyalaridagi taniqli zallarda va Germaniyadan tashqaridagi sherik temir yo'l kompaniyalarining xalqaro marshrutlarida dam olish xizmatlaridan bahramand bo'lishlari mumkin.

Uyqudagi poezdlar

JB uni tugatdi shpal poezdi 2016 yilda xizmatlar, ularni cheklangan miqdordagi tunda ishlaydigan ICE va ba'zi avtobuslar bilan almashtirish.

Germaniyada shpal poezdlarining asosiy operatori ÖBB, Avstriya davlat temir yo'li. Ular chaqiradigan narsalar uchun chiptalar Nightjet poezdlar eng arzon o'rindiqlar va erta bron qilish uchun 29 evrodan boshlanadi. Tabiiyki, shpallar yoki oxirgi daqiqalarni bron qilish qimmatroq. Har bir uyqudagi chiptaga nonushta kiradi va JB veb-sayti orqali bron qilish mumkin. Siz o'z xonangizdan to'shak va dush bilan oltita o'rindiqdagi bitta o'rindiqgacha buyurtma berishingiz mumkin. ÖBB o'z parkini modernizatsiya qilmoqda (ularning ba'zilari JB tungi poezd ishidan chiqib ketganda JBdan sotib olgan) va qo'shimcha yo'nalishlarni yuritish niyati borligini e'lon qildi, ammo qonunni tasdiqlashda qiyinchiliklar va ÖBB barcha poezdlarni ta'mirlash va ularga xizmat ko'rsatishni rejalashtirmoqda Avstriyada mumkin bo'lgan kengayish doirasini cheklash.

ÖBB tomonidan boshqariladi

ÖBB va boshqa milliy temir yo'llar[ilgari o'lik havola]

Boshqa tungi poezdlar

Avtomobil poezdlari

BahnTuristikExpress - turoperatorlar va xususiy guruhlarga poezdlarni ijaraga berishga ixtisoslashgan kompaniya ishlaydi poezd xizmati (BTE AutoReiseZug) dan Lörrach Germaniyaning janubi-g'arbiy qismida Bazel, Shveytsariyava frantsuzlar Elzas ga Gamburg-Altona yil davomida. ÖBB Nightjet ham ishlaydi avtomobil poezdlari (Autoreisezug) dan Vena va Insbruk ga Gamburg Altona va Dyusseldorf. JB 2016 yilda o'z vagon poezdlarini boshqarishni to'xtatdi (Sylt poezdidan tashqari, bu atigi 50 daqiqalik yo'l), 2016 yilda.

Va dan Silt

Silt Shuttle

Doimiy avtoulov poezdlari Sylt orolini materik bilan bog'laydi, DB tomonidan boshqariladi (brend ostida) Silt Shuttle) va xususiy kompaniya Autozug Sylt, Amerikaning filiali Temir yo'llarni rivojlantirish kompaniyasi (RDC) (materikka boshqa yagona bog'lanish - bu Daniyadan kelgan parom.) Ularning narxi umuman o'xshashdir, garchi bozorga yangi qatnashgan-Autozug Sylt JB-ni kesib o'tmoqchi bo'lsa. Germaniyadagi aksariyat mintaqaviy bo'lmagan poezdlardan farqli o'laroq, chiptalarni oldindan sotib olish uchun chegirma yo'q, lekin birdan o'n yoki o'n ikkita chipta sotib olgan bo'lsangiz, chegirmalar mavjud va Sylt aholisi uchun yana bir chegirma mavjud. Ikki kompaniya Sylt va bir xil terminallardan foydalanadi 1 Nibull.

Mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlar

S-Bahn-Logo.svg S-Bahn stantsiyasi Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof tief

Germaniyadagi mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlar nemischa so'z bilan qulay tarzda nomlanadi Nahverkehr. Ushbu poezdlar bir nechta ta'mga ega:

  • InterRegio-Express (IRE). Faqatgina bir nechta stantsiyalarda qo'ng'iroq qiladigan mintaqaviy poezdning eng tezkor turi. Ular odatda "normal" RElardan uzoqroq masofani bosib o'tishadi.
  • Regional-Express (RE). Ba'zi bekatlarni o'tkazib yuboradigan yarim ekspressli poezdlar. Ko'pgina yo'nalishlarda bu mavjud bo'lgan eng yuqori poezd toifasi.
  • Viloyat-Bahn (RB). Hamma joyda to'xtaydi, faqat S-Bahn to'xtash joylarini o'tkazib yuborishi mumkin.
  • S-Bahn. Shunga qaramay, uzoq masofalarni bosib o'tishi mumkin bo'lgan shahar yoki metropoliten uchun shahar tarmog'i. Ba'zi bir S-Bahn poezdlari Germaniyada muntazam ravishda hojatxonani taklif qilmaydigan yagona poezdlardir, ammo bu qisman aniq mintaqaga va yo'nalishga bog'liq va kamdan-kam uchraydi.

Aksariyat mintaqaviy va mahalliy poezdlar soatiga bir marta yoki har ikki soatda bir marta soat 05:00 yoki 06:00 dan taxminan 23:00 gacha yoki undan keyin qatnaydilar. S-Bahn liniyalarida tez-tez 30 daqiqadan kam yo'llar bor, ular bir necha qatorlar bir-biri bilan to'qnashgan magistral yo'nalishlarda 15 daqiqagacha, hatto etti yarim daqiqagacha tushishi mumkin. S-Bahn yirik metropolitenidagi yirik shaharlar o'rtasida va mintaqaviy poezdlar o'z yo'nalishida bir-birining ustiga chiqib ketishi mumkin va shahar markazidan shahar markaziga borishni xohlaganingizda ko'proq transport imkoniyatlari mavjud.

Mintaqaviy poezdlarda Wi-fi hali ham qoida o'rniga istisno hisoblanadi. 2020 yilga kelib poyezdlarning atigi 10 foizigina WiFi tarmog'iga ega bo'ladi. Hisob-kitoblarga ko'ra, mintaqaviy poezdlar uchun amaldagi ko'pgina shartnomalarda WiFi talab qilinmagan va yo'nalish bo'ylab uyali telefon ustunlari etarli emas.

Mintaqaviy poezdlarda birinchi sinf - agar umuman mavjud bo'lsa - odatda ikkinchi sinfga juda o'xshash, ammo mavjud bo'lganidek odatda joy ajratilmaydi har ikkala sinfda ham band bo'lgan marshrutlarda birinchi sinfga joy olish ehtimoli ko'proq. Ba'zi operatorlar, birinchi sinf uchun belgilanishni (masalan) yaxshiroq o'rindiqlar yoki o'tiradigan joylar balandligi bilan ta'minlash yoki yuqori qavatni birinchi darajali stokda ikki darajali stokda saqlash orqali oqlashga harakat qilmoqdalar.

Deutsche Bahn-dan tashqari ko'plab kompaniyalar mintaqaviy poezdlarni boshqaradilar. Bu odatda. Bilan tuzilgan shartnoma orqali amalga oshiriladi Bundeslend ularga ma'lum miqdordagi poezdlarning belgilangan soatlarda harakatlanishini to'laydigan va odatda ushbu shartnomalarda DB-chiptalar (masalan.) Landerderlar va Quer durchs Land chiptasi) qabul qilinadi. Kabi ba'zi mintaqalarda Shlezvig-Golshteyn stantsiyada har bir kompaniya uchun bitta, ikkita yoki uch yoki undan ortiq chiptalarni sotadigan avtomatlar bo'lishi mumkin. Agar shubha tug'ilsa, platformadagi odamlardan yoki JB xodimlaridan yaxshiroq so'rang. Juda kam istisnolardan tashqari siz JB bo'lmagan poezdlarda amaldagi chiptalarni oddiy JB savdo avtomatlari bilan sotib olishingiz mumkin, ammo aksincha emas.

Germaniyadagi temir yo'l xaritasi - qalin "magistral" ingichka "filial chizig'i" degan ma'noni anglatadi

Mahalliy poezdlarda ajratilgan o'rindiqlar

Umuman olganda siz qila olmaydi mahalliy poezdlarda joy ajratib oling. Biroq, birinchi sinf qo'shimcha to'lovlari ko'p jihatdan amalda "o'rindiqlarni bron qilish" vazifasini bajaradi, chunki birinchi sinf deyarli hech qachon to'lib ketmaydi, hech qanday o'rindiq mavjud emas (va shubhasiz birinchi sinf chiptasi sizga ikkinchi sinfda ham yurish huquqini beradi). Shu bilan birga, ba'zi bir shahar tashqarisidagi yo'nalishlarda odamlar oylik yoki yillik chiptalarni sotib olishlari uchun ko'proq qiziqish sifatida ajratilgan o'rindiqlar bilan tajriba o'tkazildi. Keyin raqamlar bilan belgilangan o'rindiqlar bo'lishi mumkin va nemis tilida (ba'zan ingliz tilida ham) bu joyni band qilgan odamga berish kerakligi haqida tushuntirish. Amalda, bu odatda faqat ertalab va kechqurun shovqin paytida yuzaga keladi. Bir nechta mintaqaviy poezdlarda siz joyni bron qilishni ham sotib olishingiz mumkin (faqat chipta mashinasida - onlayn yoki peshtaxtada emas) 1 evro evaziga, lekin cheklanganligi sababli, ular boshqa joyda mavjud bo'lgan poezdlar uchun ham sotilishi mumkin.

Boshqa poezd operatorlari

Germaniya temir yo'l bozori yillar davomida erkinlashtirilgan bo'lsa ham, JBdan tashqari poezd operatorlari nisbatan kam, ularning hammasi juda kichik. Ularni ishlatish ham qiyin bo'lishi mumkin - ular markaziy poezd rejalashtiruvchisida ko'rinmaydi va Eurail yo'llanmalari ularga amal qilmaydi. Ular JBga qaraganda ancha arzon bo'lishi mumkin, ayniqsa qisqa vaqt ichida. JB o'zlarining IC / ICE poezdlarini ataylab ba'zi yo'nalishlarda raqobatlashuvchi xizmatlarning jo'nab ketish vaqtlari atrofida to'planib turgandek tuyuladi, shuning uchun agar musobaqaning jo'nash vaqti siz bilan mos bo'lsa, sizga odatdagidan ko'ra ko'proq tanlov kerak bo'ladi.

Mana ba'zi bir misollar:

  • Aleks. Aleks poezdlari (boshqa aloqalar qatorida) dan ulanishni taklif qiladi Myunxen, Nürnberg yoki Regensburg ga Praga 23 evrodan bir tomonga yoki 43 evrodan qaytish chiptasidan (Prag Spezial). Chiptalarni poezdda sotib olish mumkin. Ularning deyarli barcha poezdlarida gazak va ichimliklarni juda qulay narxlarda sotib olishingiz mumkin. Oxir oqibat Italiya milliy temir yo'lining bir qismi (Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane) Germaniyaning bir qator filiallari orqali.
  • Flixbus / Flixtrain, yaqin monopolist Germaniyadagi shaharlararo avtobuslar Gamburg-Köln va Berlin-Shtutgart yo'nalishlarida ikkita mustaqil operatorni qabul qilib oldi. Keyinchalik ular Berlin-Köln xizmatini qo'shdilar. Rezervasyon paytida siz haqiqatan ham poezdni bron qilganingizga ishonch hosil qiling, chunki Flixbus shu yo'nalishlarda avtobus chiptalarini sotadi. Ular 2019 yil dekabrgacha Axen va Leypsigga Berlin-Köln xizmatini kengaytirishni o'z tarmoqlarini kengaytirishni rejalashtirmoqdalar.
    FlixTrain tashish

Ulardan tashqari, bir nechta bug 'yoki dizel mavjud meros temir yo'llari, ko'pincha tor o'lchovli yo'llardan foydalaniladi. Ular odatda JB chiptalari yoki Verkehrsverbund chiptalari bilan birlashtirilmaydi va har bir km uchun magistral operatorlarga qaraganda ancha qimmat bo'lishi mumkin. Ular yoz mavsumi va dam olish kunlaridan faqat transportning ahamiyati katta bo'lgan kundalik operatsiyalargacha ishlaydi.


JB, shuningdek, bir nechta ish yuritadi IC avtobus marshrutlar. Ular JB chiptalari va tariflari tizimiga to'liq qo'shilgan va bron qilish tizimi tomonidan InterCity poyezdi kabi majburiy ravishda bepul joylarni bron qilish sharti bilan ko'rib chiqilgan. IC avtobuslari asosan temir yo'l infratuzilmasi tezkor xizmat ko'rsatish uchun etarlicha yuqori tezlikka imkon bermaydigan yo'nalishlarda xizmat qiladi va odatda parallel poezd xizmatlariga qaraganda kamroq to'xtash joylariga ega.

Mahalliy avtobuslar odatda har qanday berilganning chipta tizimiga qo'shiladi Verkehrsverbund va BahnCard chegirmasi bilan ko'plab uzoq masofali chiptalar uchun qo'shimcha xarajatlarsiz taqdim etiladigan DB City Chipta avtobuslarda, tramvaylarda, engil temir yo'lda va metroda kelib chiqish / ketish shahri ichida oxirgi manzilingizga / tegishli ravishda sayohat qilishni o'z ichiga oladi.

Flixbus, birinchi navbatda, avtobus kompaniyasi o'z ikkita temir yo'l yo'nalishi uchun chiptalarni sotadi, shuningdek o'z avtobuslarini poezdlar bilan birlashtirgan chiptalar orqali sotadi. Biroq ular mahalliy poezdlar bilan birlashtirilgan chiptalarni sotishmaydi.

Aviakompaniyalar bilan hamkorlik

Shuningdek qarang: Temir yo'l havo ittifoqlari

Lufthansa JB bilan u yoki bu shaklda 1980 yildan beri hamkorlik qilib keladi. Bir muncha vaqt ular hatto o'zlarining poezdlarida ham yurishdi, Lufthansa jigariga to'la. Bugun, Havo parvozi temir yo'l stantsiyasida ro'yxatdan o'tish bilan ba'zi bir ICE'larni parvozlar sektori kabi bron qilish imkoniyatini beradi (hatto bir necha milya ham ishlashingiz mumkin). (Ammo siz hali ham yukingizni aeroportga tushirishingiz kerak.) Deyarli barcha nemis aeroportlari bir-biriga bog'langan[o'lik havola] magistral temir yo'l tarmog'iga, mahalliy tramvayga yoki metro tarmog'iga. Hatto bir nechta aeroportlarda poezdlar to'xtab turibdi, ammo reyslar yo'q. Odatda aeroportga JB orqali chiptani sotib olishingiz mumkin. Germaniya aeroportlariga uchadigan yoki u erdan uchadigan ko'plab aviakompaniyalar taklif qiladi temir yo'l va uchish chiptalari[o'lik havola]. Odatda parvoz bilan birga ularni bron qilish kerak. Bunday chiptalar, odatda aviakompaniya va chipta turiga qarab, taqqoslanadigan ichki reysdan arzonroq yoki hatto umuman bepul. Rail & fly sizga Germaniyaning istalgan stantsiyasidan (va hattoki qo'shni mamlakatlarning ayrimlaridan) aeroportga (yana, hattoki ba'zi nemis bo'lmagan aeroportlar ham dasturning bir qismidir) jo'nab ketishdan bir kun oldin har qanday o'zgarishlarni amalga oshirishda, va aeroportdan istalgan stantsiyaga qaytib boradigan har qanday poezdda borish. Rail & Fly - bu Germaniyadan jo'nab ketadigan ta'til kunlari uchun standart xususiyat, ammo agar siz faqat reysni bron qilsangiz, nominal ravishda temir yo'l va parvozlarni taklif qiladigan bir nechta aviakompaniyalar uni bron qilishni biroz qiyinlashtirishi mumkin.


Chiptalarni qanday sotib olish mumkin

Chiptalarni sotib olishning bir necha yo'li mavjud. Agar siz yaroqsiz chiptasiz ushlanib qolsangiz, kamida a to'lashingiz kerak 60 evro jarima narxi.

Internetda / Mobil ilovada

Onlayn chiptalarni chop etish

Uzoq vaqt davomida siz onlayn chiptangizni chop etishingiz yoki DB Navigator dasturi orqali ko'rsatishingiz kerak edi. Shu bilan birga, JB shartlari (6.3.2 va 6.3.3) sizga PDF-hujjatni (shtrix-kod bilan) mobil qurilmada ko'rsatishga imkon beradi. Hali ham bosib chiqarishingiz kerak bo'lgan chiptalar bo'lishi mumkin (velosiped bron qilish kabi) yoki ba'zi bir ma'lumotga ega bo'lmagan chipta inspektori yoki avtobus haydovchisi PDF hujjatni qabul qilishdan bosh tortishi mumkin. Agar siz xavfsiz tomonda bo'lishni istasangiz, unda chiptani bosib chiqarishingiz yoki ilova orqali ko'rsatishingiz kerak.

Siz chipta sotib olishingiz mumkin JB veb-sayti yoki orqali JB Navigator ilovasi. Sayohat rejalashtiruvchisi avtomatik ravishda mumkin bo'lgan eng arzon narxlarni, shu jumladan har qanday erta bron qilish uchun chegirmalarni namoyish etadi. Biroq, "tez ulanishlarni afzal ko'rsating" degan belgini olib tashlamasangiz va / yoki "faqat mintaqaviy poyezdlar" uchun belgini qo'shmasangiz, mintaqaviy poezdlar uchun ba'zi takliflar paydo bo'lmasligi mumkin.

Siz chiptani chop etishingiz yoki ilova orqali taqdim etishingiz kerak. PDF-hujjat sifatida chiptani mobil qurilmada ko'rsatish qabul qilinishi mumkin (infobox-ga qarang).

When making the booking you have to specify your name (as well as those in your travelling party) and the ticket is only valid for you and those in your travelling party. Upon ticket inspection you may have to show some form of identification (passport or EU ID card, but driver's licenses are not accepted) for both types of tickets.

On the DB website, you can book tickets without an account, however for the app, you need to create one. If you use an account on the DB website, your tickets will automatically be available in the app. Otherwise, you can always input the ticket's confirmation number and your last name to retrieve your reservation in the app.

You can also buy tickets online and have them mailed anywhere in the world for €3.90. You don't need to show ID when travelling with such tickets, but if they are lost in the mail DB will not replace them.

Beware of travel agent sites that appear when searching for the DB website. They pay heavily to appear at the top of search results, and may overcharge significantly. Be sure to use the official site linked above.

In addition to long distance tickets, you may also use the DB Navigator app to purchase most kinds of tickets for most local transport associations even if you do not have a long distance train journey. This is handy if you do not prefer to use cash (which may be the only way to pay for some tickets) or do not have a German address (which may be required if you want to use the apps specific to each transport associations).

At a vending machine

New DB touchscreen ticket machine
Very old ticket machine with keypad (on the left) and older touchscreen DB ticket machines (on the right)

At a station, find a ticket machine with a touchscreen, choose your language, and then navigate through the menus. Like the online journey planner, it will automatically suggest the fastest routes. The machines sell all DB train tickets including some international tickets, special tickets (both for long-distance and regional and local trains) and tickets for local transport. Touchscreen machines accept credit cards, older ones do not.

Ticket machines for local Verkehrsverbund are yellow, white or grey. They can be used to buy tickets for local transport, including DB trains. On secondary routes, vending machines inside trains are becoming more common, usually leaving smaller stations without vending machines.

Many local machines and old DB machines require you to enter a four-digit code for your destination, found on a panel of densely packed print nearby. Press the flag button to switch to English, punch in the code for your destination station on the keypad, then hit the appropriate button in the left ("adult") row below to pick your ticket. The first button is always one-way single (Einzelfahrausweis). A price will be displayed: insert your money (quickly, since the timeout is quite fast), and the machine will spit out your tickets and change. Vending machines give max. €9.90 change in coins and will not accept larger notes. For new blue DB machines, select the local tariff union in the top menu, and the rest is easy.

If a station is not equipped with a vending machine or if all the machines are out of order, you have to buy your ticket from a manned ticket counter. If this isn't available either or it is closed, you are allowed to buy your ticket on the train. If there is no vending machine on the train, you have to approach the staff right away and ask them what to do. You should then be able to buy a ticket without paying a surcharge. However, it is usually much less hassle to just buy a ticket via the app.

At a manned ticket counter

Go to the Reisezentrum at any major train station. You might have to take a number and wait until it is called. It is becoming less common to buy tickets at the counter, but if your itinerary is unusual or you can't make heads or tails of the machines, talking to an actual human being can be a godsend. DB charges €2 extra for some special tickets (for regional and local trains) if bought at the ticket counter.

On the train

On long-distance trains, you can buy a ticket from the conductor, but it costs €19 extra. All "main conductors" (the Zugchef in German) speak English, as do most other conductors (though the quality of the English they speak is debatable).

On regional and local trains, tickets are usually emas sold so you need to buy them at the station. Signs on platforms or on trains saying Einstieg nur mit gültigem Fahrausweis mean that you have to have a ticket before you board. Drivers on buses and trams usually do sell tickets, though they might not have (or know about) all ticket types. Some regional trains qil sell tickets on board either through machines or via conductors. This is usually also shown on the door upon entry. Of course you should buy a ticket as soon as you board in those cases.

Standard tickets

Standard tickets (Flexpreis; flexible fare) have the fewest restrictions, but can be quite expensive. The maximum price for a standard ticket (single rail journey within Germany) is €142 in 2nd class and €237 in first class. They are valid for 1 day (trips of up to 100 km) and for 2 days (trips more than 200 km) to travel between a specified departure and destination train station and are emas tied to a specific train. Sometimes the word "via" followed by either some cryptic code or a city name will appear on your ticket. That means the ticket is only valid for the specific route booked and not for a different route to the same destination.

Unlike in other countries, standard tickets do not get sold out for a specific train. If you don't have a seat reservation (which costs extra for 2nd class), then you might have to stand or sit on the floor if the train is very busy. When booking long-distance tickets on the DB website, the search results for a train journey will indicate how full/busy the train is likely going to be.

BahnCard discounts

BahnCard 25, entitling the holder to a 25% discount

BahnCard holders get discounts on all standard DB tickets. A BahnCard can be of great use if you plan to travel by train a lot or a long-term stay in Germany. BahnCards are typically valid for one year from the date of purchase and is renewed automatically unless cancelled in writing at least six weeks before the end of validity. They can be bought at train stations for immediate discounts. If you do that you'll get a temporary (paper) card and you will need to supply a European postal address to get the proper plastic card. Alternatively, one can purchase a 'digital' BahnCard on the DB Navigator app; upon completion, a barcode which contains important information about your subscription will be generated and you can retrieve it whenever you open the app. Ticket inspectors on trains will normally insist that you present not only your ticket, but also the BahnCard used to claim any discount and some form of official ID with a photo. You may present your 'digital' BahnCard in lieu of the physical one during inspection.

The BahnCard discount doesn't necessarily apply to all regional transport day tickets, but some do offer their own discounts for BahnCard holders. BahnCard holders can also get discounts on international trains, as long as the journey originates or terminates somewhere in Germany.

There are three variations of BahnCard. The normal BahnCards are offered for passengers ages 27 and above:

  • BahnCard 25. Costs €55,70 (concessions €36,90) for 2nd class (€112/€72,90 for 1st class) and grants you a 25% discount on all standard tickets for a year. Spouses/partners and kids of BahnCard 25 holders can get additional cards for €5 each. The BahnCard 25 discount can be combined with any Sparpreis discounts. (In effect granting you a further 25% discount on an already discounted fare.)
  • BahnCard 50. Costs €229 (concessions €114) for 2nd class (€463/€226 for 1st class) and grants you a 50% discount on all standard tickets as well as a 25% discount on Sparpreis tickets for a year.
  • BahnCard 100. Costs €3952 for 2nd class (€6685 for 1st class). Unlimited travel for a year on all trains and in many cities even all public transportation. Night trains cost extra. You'll need to bring a photo to buy a BahnCard 100. Holders of 2nd class BahnCard 100 still have to pay for seat reservations; holders of first class ones do not, just like with normal tickets.

There are also variations of the BahnCard 25 and BahnCard 50:

  • Probe BahnCard 25 / Probe BahnCard 50. ("Probe" is the German word for test/trial/sample.) More suitable if you're not ready to commit, don't need a card for a whole year, or will be in Germany only for a short time (but will spend a lot of time commuting by train), these cards are valid for three months and entitle holders to the same discounts as the regular BahnCards listed above. A Probe BahnCard 25 costs €17,90 (2nd class) or €35,90 (1st class), and a Probe BahnCard 50 costs €71,90 (2nd class) or €143 (1st class). Probe BahnCards become regular ones unless cancelled at least six weeks before the end of their validity.
  • My BahnCard 25 / My BahnCard 50. These cards can be bought by anyone under the age of 27 and entitle the holder to the same discounts listed above. My BahnCard 25 costs €34,90 (2nd class) or €72,90 (1st class), and My BahnCard 50 costs €61,90 (2nd class) or €226 (1st class). As with other cards these get renewed automatically unless cancelled at least six weeks before the end of their validity.
  • Jugend BahnCard 25. Open to anyone aged 6 to 18, costs €9 and entitles the holder to a 25% discount, so it often pays off on the first trip. It's valid in 1st and 2nd class. Remember that under 14s travel for free with their parents or grandparents. Unlike other BahnCards, they are valid for up to five years, or until their 19th birthday, whichever comes first.

Special tickets (long-distance trains)

Standard fares are relatively expensive, but special promotions and prices exist. Your best course of action is to check the DB offers page, to ask at a train station, or call them for current details. If you search for a connection with the journey planner, it automatically offers you the most favourable discount for the journey in addition to the standard fare.

Saver fares

Saver fares (Sparpreis) are low-cost one-way tickets for journeys that include long-distance trains (ICE or IC/EC). Regional trains can be added to complete the journey. These tickets are limited, and the actual price varies according to demand. You should purchase them as far in advance as possible (up to 180 days before the departure date), though they can be available minutes before departure for some routes and times. You can use the saver fare finder to find the cheapest saver fare variant.

The following saver fares are offered:

  • Sparpreis (Saver fare). Prices start at €21.50 (second class) and €32.30 (first class). BahnCard customers get a 25% discount on top of those prices. The ticket includes a City-Ticket for trips longer than 100km. The ticket can be refunded up to one day before its validity at a cost of €10. The refund is given as a DB voucher. DB offers "insurance" on Sparpreis offers that covers cancellation and rebooking in case of major injury or illness, but it is not really worth it compared to other travel insurance. First class customers are entitled to use the DB Lounge.
  • Super Sparpreis (Super saver fare). Prices start at €17.90 (second class) or €26.90 (first class). BahnCard customers get a 25% discount on top of those prices. The ticket cannot be refunded (unlike "normal" Sparpreis tickets) and they do not include a City-Ticket. First class customers are emas entitled to use the DB Lounge in the stations.
  • Sparpreis Europa va Super Sparpreis Europa (Saver fare Europe va Super saver fare Europe). A Sparpreis variant for international connections. In Germany this is available for all trains, but abroad there may be restrictions on which trains can be used – if you cannot get a quote for a certain connection online, this may be the case. There are often some specific routes or start points near the border which can net you even cheaper fares.
  • Sparpreis Gruppe (Group saver fare). For groups of six or more people. Prices start at €9.90 (second class) or €27.90 (first class) per person, and include seat reservations. These tickets can be booked up to 12 months in advance at the ticket counter, or up to 6 months in advance online. For short journeys, the regional train day tickets can be cheaper.

Unlike standard tickets, any Sparpreis ticket is valid only on the train booked so you cannot use them on an earlier or later train. That restriction only applies to the long-distance trains of your journey. You can use different regional trains if your ticket includes both regional and long distance trains. If your train is delayed and you miss the follow-up train connection that restriction is lifted, however it is advisable to get a train conductor or some staff at the train station to confirm this on your ticket. If your expected arrival at the final destination is longer than 20 min, you are no longer bound by the restriction.

Other options

Deutsche Bahn also offers — usually without too much advance notice — some special offers on a semi-regular basis. Usually they are fixed-price tickets that can be used for pretty much any train (sometimes certain days of the week or hours of departure, e.g. Friday evening are excluded). Those tickets are often sold at supermarkets, other types of store or online. While they may be more expensive than the cheapest early bird tickets in some cases, they usually offer the benefit of being flexible until you board the train and fill them out.

L’TUR offers last-minute tickets for €25 (or €35 for an international trip) 1–7 days before departure.

If you need a network ticket for long-distance trains, get a European rail pass or a German Rail Pass.

Special tickets (regional and local trains)

On many shorter connections, local trains are not much slower than long-distance trains (IC, EC, ICE). Most of the special tickets for regional and local trains are automatically offered in addition to the standard fare if you use the DB journey planner and select the Only local transport variant.

Almost all special offers for regional travel are available at all times and can be bought in advance or minutes before departure.

There are discounted tickets for trips with specific maximum lengths within a certain region (e.g. 150 km or less within Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia) either one way or round trip. There are also fixed prices for certain connections, e.g. Berlin-Hamburg in an InterRegio-Express.

Day tickets

Day tickets are valid for one day in all DB regional and local trains (S, RB, SE, RE and IRE), some private local trains and often include public transport (subway light rail and bus) in cities and allow for unlimited travel. They are often cheaper than single or return tickets. All day tickets can be purchased online and at ticket machines at railway stations. You cannot buy them from the conductor.

All of these tickets are group tickets, but can be used by a single traveller as well. There are few general rules to keep in mind:

  • The price of the ticket usually depends upon the number of travellers with a relatively high base price and a small supplement for every other member of the group up to five.
  • The ticket must bear the name of (at least) one member of the group. That person may be asked for ID. Sometimes all members of the group will have to be mentioned on the ticket.
  • Most Ländertickets are only valid for second class (although in some states they are also offered for first class for a higher price). The difference between first and second class on regional trains is small to non-existent, and some trains don't even have first class. On the other hand first class may be empty on an otherwise crowded train.

The most common day tickets are:

  • Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket (QdL). Valid for one day on all regional trains in Germany from 09:00 until 03:00 the following day. The ticket costs €44 for one person and €8 for every additional person (there is a maximum of five people in total).
  • Länder-Ticket. This ticket is valid within one federal state (Bundesland) or a collective of them (usually, a few short links across the border are included). Specific Länder-Tickets cover more than one state: a Länder-Ticket bought in either Saxony, Saksoniya-Anhalt yoki Thüringen are valid in all of those three states together, the same holds for Rhineland-Palatinate va Saarland, while a Länder ticket bought in Schleswig-Holstein is also valid in Hamburg va Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but not the other way round. The Länder-Ticket is valid between 09:00 till 03:00 the next day on working days, or between 00:00 till 03:00 the next day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Tickets are priced differently, but expect to cash out at least €20 for one person. A few states still have flat-rate tickets that cost the same for one or groups of up to five people.
  • Cross border day tickets. In some areas a ticket is available for travel within the state or a part of it plus an adjacent region across an international border. Their conditions are often similar to the Ländertickets.

Verkehrsverbund tickets

Each Verkehrsverbund has a single integrated tariff system. Any travel within a single Verkehrsverbund is "local" and usually quite cheap. However any travel o'rtasida different Verkehrsverbünde requires either a special fare (within North Rhine-Westphalia) or the full DB fare and will usually be considerably more expensive. The DB website often does not quote a price for trips entirely within one Verkehrsverbund. If you know the name of the relevant Verkehrsverbund, just go to its website and buy the ticket there. Ticket machines at train stations are usually equipped to sell tickets within a Verkehrsverbund and general DB tickets. Failing that, there are usually machines specifically for Verkehrsverbund tickets. Verkehrsverbund tickets cost the same no matter when you book.

Ticket validity varies from one Verkehrsverbund to another: usually, there is either a zone system (the further you travel, the more you pay), a time system (the longer you travel, the more you pay), or most commonly a combination of these two. Unlimited transfers between trains, buses, etc. are usually allowed as long as your ticket remains valid. Discounts may be given for return trips or groups, and one-day tickets (Tageskarte) are usually cheaper and much less hassle than single tickets, although zone limits apply to them as well. At local ticket offices ('Reisezentrum') you can often pick up brochures explaining all the details, usually with helpful maps, and occasionally even in English.

You will usually have to validate a Verkehrsverbund ticket by time stamping it at machines on platforms. If there is a stamping machine on the platform, chances are tickets need to be stamped prior to boarding. Unstamped tickets are not valid tickets. If you are caught without a valid ticket you will be fined €60 (even if you are a foreigner or first time offender). Fare inspectors won't take "I didn't have any time to buy a ticket" as an excuse.

DB trains often cross between VBs with at best a cryptic "three letter acronym (that being the Verkehrsverbund) only till X" (in German) on the display at the platform and sometimes no warning at all, and your "local" ticket stops being valid the instant you cross the invisible line. On some trains there is an announcement upon leaving a Verkehrsverbund, but don't count on it.

Ticket add-ons

All Sparpreis va Flexpreis tickets for long-distance trains covering a distance of more than 100km include a City-Ticket. That means your train ticket doubles as a ticket for local transport. It can though only be used to get to the station from which your train departs and from the station at your destination. (Travel within the city zone only.) City-tickets are valid in 126 cities in Germany. If your ticket mentions City, this option is included.

If your ticket is not eligible for the automatic free City-Ticket add-on you can add a similar option called City mobil at an extra charge. This only includes public transport at your destination in one of the about 100 participating cities. Price varies by city, and single or day tickets are available. This usually doesn't present a monetary saving, but you are spared the hassle of finding a ticket vending machine or small coins for the bus driver.

German Rail Pass

Interrail Pass
Shuningdek qarang: European rail passes

A German Rail Pass allows unlimited travel throughout Germany in all trains on 3–10 days within a month. There is an interesting "twin" discount for two people travelling together. The pass is available only for residents outside Europe, Turkey and Russia; you can purchase it on the DB website or from travel agencies outside Germany.

Eurail offers a pass for 3–10 days of travel (which do not have to be consecutive) throughout Germany.

Youth and child discounts

Children younger than 6 travel for free and don't need a ticket (but you might want to reserve seats in a Familienabteil; family compartment), children aged 6 to 14 (inclusive) can travel for free when travelling with their own parent or grandparent if that person pays a Flexpreis or Special price ticket. The number of children has to be specified when purchasing the ticket. There is also a discount for people aged below fifteen travelling in the company of someone who is not their parent or grandparent, but it is usually only 50%. Some special offers are explicitly limited to students or "young people" with a cutoff point usually in the mid twenties.


Berlin Hauptbahnhof, the capital's main train station
DB Lounge in Munich

Train stations run the gamut from barely a shelter by the trackside to multilevel temples of transit with ample shopping (usually at least partially open on Sundays and public holidays) that are often architecturally stunning as well. In German there is a distinction between "Bahnhof" (Bhf.) and "Haltepunkt" (Hp.) with the former usually being major stations and the latter basically just a point along regular tracks where a train stops. As a rule of thumb you won't find many amenities at Haltepunkte.

Almost all major German cities have a main train station called Hauptbahnhof (Hbf). These are often in the centre of town and have accommodations, restaurants, and attractions nearby. Some larger German cities, such as Berlin and Hamburg, have more than one main line station. In some cities (most notably Kassel) long-distance trains like ICEs might stop at another station than local trains. If the city has public transit such as S-Bahn, U-Bahn, tram, or even buses, Hauptbahnhof will often be the main hub or an important secondary hub for local transit service. From major train stations you can usually hail a cab or rent a bike from a station.

Track layouts usually follow a logical pattern starting at track (Gleis) 1 with adjacent numbers corresponding to physically adjacent tracks. However, there are exceptions to this, especially at larger stations. Individual numbers may be skipped. For example in Ulm there are tracks 1-6, 25, 27 and 28, and Dortmund has tracks 2-8, 10-11, 16, 18, 20-21, 23, 26 and 31. In some cases S-Bahn tracks have high numbers and are "on the wrong side" of track 1. (e.g. Tracks 20 and 21 for S-Bahn then track 1, 2, 3 and so on). One track number will usually only be assigned once per station, even if there are multiple levels. In a complex (or unfamiliar) station allow some time for connections, especially if it says "tief" on your ticket, which can indicate an underground level on stations such as the main stations in Frankfurt or Berlin. Small towns usually have a single platform station and normally only regional and local trains stop there.

Not all train stations have toilets, especially the smaller ones including Haltepunkte. If toilets exist you usually have to pay a fee, so use the free toilets on trains while you can.

If you need to use elevators, plan additional time for that since they are often quite slow, busy, or broken (and you have to search a different one).

Bigger train stations usually have lockers where you can store your luggage. However, only coins are accepted (change machines are provided at the entrance). Prices depend on the size of your luggage and location, and most are flat-rate within the operating day. Most of the lockers are locked with a key. As with other locker stations elsewhere, make sure you have everything you will need for the duration of when you plan to part with your bag; your session will end once you unlock the door and you will need to pay again for a new rental session to lock the door.

While most train stations were built on what was then cheap land outside the historic old town, subsequent development has meant that train stations are usually very close to at least one major centre of business, retail and city life and often The centre. "Sugar beet stations" as found along French high speed rail lines are very rare and even suburban stations surrounded by park & ride lots will usually have some bus service to get you to where you want to go.

Most train stations were built in the 19th century and some show very visible signs of their age. Rural stations can seem rather overbuilt for their current function and as such may sometimes be a bit sad, but there is just no likelihood of the need for gigantic coal ware houses and water tanks or for hundreds of railway workers ever coming back.

At 15 major stations across Germany, first class passengers and members of Deutsche Bahn's bahn.bonus loyalty programme who have reached comfort level (similar to frequent flyer programmes) can access DB lounges. They have comfortable seating, WiFi, free drinks, newspapers and work spaces. You're not allowed to take the newspapers with you. Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg va Munich main stations have lounges with special areas reserved for first class passengers only, where passengers are also served light snacks.

Passenger rights

Despite being fast, modern and highly profitable, German railways are known among Germans for delays on main lines. Long-distance trains usually do not wait for one another in case of delays, whereas most local trains normally wait for up to 5 minutes. You should not rely on connecting times of less than 15 minutes. However, if you think you might miss your connection because the train you are on is delayed, talk to a conductor on board. They may be able to arrange for the connecting train to wait a little, or give you information on other connections you can take to reach your destination.

If you miss your connection due to a delayed train, you may use another, under certain circumstances even better (e.g. ICE instead of IC) train. However, you have to speak to a member of staff before you do this.

EU Passenger Rights entitle you to a refund of 25% of the single ticket price if your train arrives at your destination an hour late, or 50% if arriving two or more hours late. However, for special day tickets for regional and local trains (for example Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket, Länder-Ticket), you only get a refund of €1.50 for delays of an hour or more. Refunds are only given if the refund value is more than €4, but you can claim a refund for multiple tickets at the same time. You can choose whether you want the refund in cash or as a voucher. It is best to get the delay confirmed by a conductor, so do so while still on the train, as they can also advise you on connections. To receive a refund you need to fill out a form (available in German and English here) and send the form and the ticket (mobile tickets need to be printed out) by mail or give it to the staff at any Reisezentrum. Your claim must be filled within one year after the delayed connection. There is no need to get the delay confirmed by the conductor, though confirmed delays may be paid out instantly at the Reisezentrum as opposed to approximately 1-2 weeks processing time otherwise.

If you miss the last train of the day due to a delay or a cancelled train and cannot continue your trip to your destination as a result, DB will either arrange an alternative way to complete the journey (like a taxi), or will arrange free overnight accommodation. However, the first step is always to contact DB (for example by speaking to the conductor on the delayed train, or personnel at the train station). Only if you cannot contact DB can you arrange for alternative transport or accommodation yourself. In such cases, a maximum of €80 is refunded. In some cases, you can also get transportation back to your initial point of departure, if the delay makes your journey otherwise pointless.

Passenger rights are laid out by European legislation and even apply in many cases of "acts of god" (e.g. bad weather, or suicides). If there is a dispute, SÖP can arbitrate between you and the railway company to find a mutually satisfactory solution (usually a reimbursement).

Accessible travel

DB has an overview of information on accessible travel(nemis tilida). Information about accessible travel is available daily from 06:00-22:00 on 0180 6512512 (in country only). Calls cost €0.20 per call from a German landline, and a maximum of €1 per call from a mobile phone. You can book assistance with boarding or changing trains up to 20:00 on the day before your trip by calling the same phone number.

DB's journey planner lists which platforms are wheelchair accessible. (In the detailed view: click on show details, then station information.) Information for individual train stations is on this webpage (in German). Newer train station platforms often provide level access to trains. However, some trains (especially older ones) still have stairs.

DB is required to make an effort to make newly-built stations and newly-purchased rolling stock accessible. Existing stations are modernised and upgraded with elevators and the like whenever possible. Unfortunately, there is an exemption for small stations that don't have elevators. Local or state government sometimes pays for such modernisation. One big issue keeping full accessibility and level boarding from happening are the different platform heights. Unlike most of Europe, two platform heights have historically been common in Germany and both are still used, even with new platforms.


Average-sized bicycle compartment on a regional train. Wheelchairs and strollers have priority.

DB's journey planner has an option (in "advanced") to toggle on "search for connections which can carry bikes".

On IC and EC trains bikes cost €9 extra for a day (€6 if you have a BahnCard) and you must reserve a space in advance. On international routes the cost is €10 for one journey. Long-distance trains have a special section with bike holders. Follow the bike symbols near the carriage door. Bikes are not allowed on the majority of high-speed trains (ICE, Thalys, TGV). The new fourth generation ICE, introduced in December 2017, has some bike spaces.

On regional and local trains you do not need a reservation and you can usually put your bike in the open area near doors. In some Verkehrsverbünde, if you have a valid ticket for yourself you can bring your bike for free at off-peak hours. For short journeys outside the Verkehrsverbund you have to buy a bike supplement ticket for €5, valid on all regional and local trains for one day. If there is no space for bicycles on the train, staff might refuse to let you on, even if you have a valid ticket. At peak times, you might have to wait for the next train. Remove any bags attached to your bicycle to reduce the space it takes up (to allow other travellers to bring their bicycle aboard too). Secure your bike so that it does not fall over, or stay close to it and hold on it. If there are folding seats at the designated bike space and people are sitting there, politely ask them to make space, which is what they are supposed to do.

DB also has a luggage service which can send your bags to any address in Germany, including islands, cruise ships and major airports. Bags can also be delivered to Austria, Switzerland and Italy. Allow at least two working days for delivery. The service also transports bikes on most routes, which may be less hassle than taking it on the train. The service itself is provided by Hermes, a German parcel delivery company.

Xavfsiz bo'ling

An emergency brake (Notbremse).

Train travel in Germany is very safe for train passengers. Most fatalities and serious injuries involving trains in Germany are the results of accidents at level crossings or people being on the tracks. In 2015, only around 2% of fatalities relating to train accidents were actually train passengers. There are however some security concerns:

Sifatida luggage isn't checked in you should always have a watchful eye on it as luggage theft va pickpocketing occur on trains from time to time. If you notice that your bag isn't where you put it, notify a conductor as they may be able to find it if it has just been put elsewhere by someone storing his/her own luggage.

The window on a German ICE. Note the red dot at the top left of the picture

There are usually emergency brakes in every car of the train and they are clearly marked in (at least) German and English as such. While pulling them without justification incurs a heavy fine (often more than €1000 for first time offenders), you are not charged if you can plausibly explain why you thought the train was in danger. Most conductors have the same right as you to pull the emergency brake and there is thus nothing gained (but maybe valuable time lost) if you ask a conductor before pulling the brake.

If for some reason the door doesn't open there is usually some mechanism to open it manually. If you can, ask a conductor before doing so, or let him/her do it for you, as sometimes these systems have to be disabled manually before the train can drive on, thus causing delays when done incorrectly.

In the unlikely event of an accident the doors may be impassable or not within reach. You can create other escape routes by breaking the windows. This is usually done by hitting the small red dot on top of the window with the red hammer. You can then safely remove the broken window. Make sure that the drop is not too deep before you exit the train.

Shuningdek qarang

Intercity buses in Germany — frequently a competitor worth checking out

Bu sayohat mavzusi haqida Rail travel in Germany bor qo'llanma holat. Unda butun mavzuni qamrab olgan yaxshi, batafsil ma'lumotlar mavjud. Iltimos, o'z hissangizni qo'shing va buni amalga oshirishda bizga yordam bering Yulduz !